Some Problem-Solving Strategies

Drawing plots - 1 variable

  • Determine the type of plot
    • 1 variable: sketch a pdf plot, height represents density
    • 2 variables: sketch a joint pdf/scatter plot, shading represents density
  • Determine possible values of RVs and label the variable axis
  • Consider a few possible values and sketch a few points
  • Think about where density will be higher/lower and sketch the plot
  • Know specific shapes corresponding to named distributions (e.g., Exponetial)
  • Know the difference between discrete and continuous RVs.
  • If continuous, it often helps to consider a discrete analog first. But make sure you don’t stop at just the discrete analog.

Drawing plots - 2 variables

  • Determine possible values of RVs and label the variable axes
  • Even if values of one RV conditionally depend on the other, identify overall possible values of each RV
  • If values of one RV conditionally depend on the other, draw the “boundaries” of possible pairs
  • Consider a few possible values and sketch a few points
  • Think about where density will be higher/lower and shade the plot
  • If set up provides conditional distribution of one variable given the other (say Y given X), sketch the plot in two stages
    • First, plot the X values according to marginal of X (to determine the X “stacks”)
    • Then, for each x stack distribute the Y values along each vertical slice according to the conditional distribution of Y given X=x
    • When doing the previous step, consider a few specific numerical values for x (x=1, etc)
  • For conditional or marginal plots, start by sketching a good joint pdf
  • For conditional of X given Y=y: slice the joint pdf by fixing y values
    • Identify the possible values of X along the Y=y slice
    • Conditional distribution of X given Y=y is a distribution on x values only. If y shows up, it’s treated like a constant. So this becomes a 1 variable situation
  • For marginal of Y: for each y collapse/stack the joint pdf over the X values.
    • Remember: marginal distribution of Y is a distribution on y values only. Even if the values of Y conditionally depend on X, the marginal distribution of Y should only include the overall possible values of Y, and no xs.
    • What values of y correspond to longer intervals of possible x values? Stacking over a longer interval (i.e., more stacks) will yield higher density at y
    • For what values of y is the density along the slice higher? Stacking higher stacks will yield higher density at y

Expected values

  • Find “expected number of” try indicators; often an np formula works
  • Linearity of expected value E(X)+E(Y) always works regardless of it X and Y are related
  • Use LTE E(Y)=E(E(Y|X)), especially if the set up tells how you Y depends on X
  • If it seems like there are different cases, consider each case separately and use LTE
  • If a problem involves the expected number of stages or rounds or iterations, try conditioning on the first stage/round/iteration and set up an equation to solve for the expected value
  • Know expected values and variance/SD formulas for all the named distributions
  • E(X2)=Var(X)+(E(X2))
  • Know what the answer should look like.
    • E(Y) is a number.
    • E(Y|X=2) is a number.
    • E(Y|X) is a random variable, and a function of X.
  • LOTUS for expected values of functions: E(g(X))=g(x)fX(x)dx. (Be sure to replace bounds with possible values of X and don’t mess with the pdf fX(x).)
  • If you can’t think of anything else, try the definition of expected value: you’ll need to list possible values and find the pmf/pdf.
    • But this should generally not be your first strategy, unless the pmf/pdf is provided


  • If a problem involves E(XY) think Cov(X,Y) and vice verse
  • Use LTE and TOWIK to find E(XY)=E(XE(Y|X)) especially if the set up tells how you Y depends on X
  • If X and Y are independent then the covariance is 0 (but the converse is not true)


  • If a problem involves two variables/events, use two-way tables of counts
  • For a joint pdf, fix one of the variables to find conditional distributions.
    • Fix a value of x to find the conditional distribution of Y given X=x.
    • Plug in specific numbers for x first, then find the general pattern
  • If a problem seems to involve multiple cases, consider each case separately and use the law of total probability
  • See also the LTE strategies in the expected value section

General strategies

  • Always identify possible values of RVs
  • Know what it means for an RV to have a particular named distribution. Know the formulas, but also know what would simulated data look like?
  • Draw pictures, even if the problem doesn’t ask you to. You can often find probabilities via geometry
  • Identify if a problem involves discrete or continuous RVs, and know the difference, e.g., pmf and sums for discrete, pdf and integrals for continuous
    • If continuous, it often helps to consider a discrete analog first. But make sure you don’t stop at just the discrete analog.
  • If you can’t think of anything else, try listing possible outcomes. Considering a few possible outcomes often helps make the problem more concrete
    • But trying to list all possible outcomes should not be your first strategy
  • Look for independence. If the problem says “independent” take advantage. Given a joint pdf/pmf, see if it factors - but don’t forget the possibel values.
  • Look for named distributions. If you can recognize the “meat” of distributions like Exponential, Poisson, etc, you can use the shortcut formulas for probabilities, EV, variance