30  Joint Normal Distributions


Example 30.1

Suppose that SAT Math (M) and Reading (R) scores of CalPoly students have a Bivariate Normal distribution. Math scores have mean 640 and SD 80, Reading scores have mean 610 and SD 70, and the correlation between scores is 0.7.

  1. Find the probability that a student has a Math score above 700.

  2. Find the probability that a student has a total score above 1500.

  3. Compute and interpret E(M|R=700).

  4. Find the probability that a student has a higher Math than Reading score if the student scores 700 on Reading.

  5. Describe how you could use a Normal(0, 1) spinner to simulate an (X,Y) pair.

  6. Find the probability that a student has a higher Math than Reading score.

Example 30.2

Let X and I be independent, X has a Normal(0,1) distribution, and I takes values 1 or 1 with probability 1/2 each. Let Y=IX.

  1. How could you use spinners to simulate an (X,Y) pair?

  2. Identify the distribution of Y.

  3. Sketch a scatterplot of simulated (X,Y) values.

  4. Are X and Y independent? (Careful, it is not enough to say “no, because Y is a function of X”. You can check that Y and I are independent even though Y is a function of I.)

  5. Find Cov(X,Y) and Corr(X,Y).

  6. Is the distribution of X+Y Normal? (Hint: find P(X+Y=0).)

  7. Does the pair (X,Y) have a Bivariate Normal distribution?