27 Poisson Distributions
Example 27.1
- In what ways is this like the Binomial situation? (What is a trial? What is “success”?)
- In what ways is this NOT like the Binomial situation?
- The Binomial model has several restrictive assumptions that might not be satisfied in practice
- Poisson models are often used to model the distribution of random variables that count the number of “relatively rare” events that occur over a certain interval of time/in a certain location
27.1 Poisson distributions
- A discrete random variable
has a Poisson distribution with parameter if its probability mass function satisfies - If
has a Poisson( ) distribution then
Example 27.2
- Compute
. (Hint: what pairs yield ). Compare to .
- Compute
. (Hint: what pairs yield ). Compare to .
- Compute
. (Hint: what pairs yield ). Compare to .
- Are
and the same variable? Do and have the same distribution?
- Poisson aggregation. If
and are independent, has a Poisson( ) distribution, and has a Poisson}( ) distribution, then has a Poisson( ) distribution.- If component counts are independent and each has a Poisson distribution, then the total count also has a Poisson distribution.
- Poisson disaggregation (a.k.a., splitting, a.k.a., thinning). If
and are independent, has a Poisson( ) distribution, and has a Poisson( ) distribution, then the conditional distribution of given is Binomial( , ).- The total count of occurrences
can be disaggregated into counts for occurrences of “type ” or occurrences of “type ”. Given occurrences in total, each of the occurrences is classified as type with probability proportional to the mean number of occurrences of type X, , and occurrences are classified independently of each other.
- The total count of occurrences
27.2 Poisson approximation
Example 27.3
Suppose that each page in the book contains exactly 2000 characters and that the probability that any single character is a typo is 0.00015, independently of all other characters. Let
- Poisson approximation to Binomial. Consider
Bernoulli trials with probability of success on each trial equal to . Suppose that while and , where . Then for
- That is, if
is large and is small then a Binomial( , ) distribution is approximately a Poisson( ) distribution.
Example 27.4 Recall the matching problem with a general
- The exact distribution of
when , via enumerating outcomes in the sample space for any value of , via linearity of expected value
Now we’ll consider the distribution of
- Use simulation to approximate the distribution of
for different values of . How does the approximate distribution of change with ?
- Does
have a Binomial distribution? Consider: What is a trial? What is success? Is the number of trials fixed? Is the probability of success the same on each trial? Are the trials independent?
- If
has an approximate Poisson distribution, what would the parameter have to be? Compare this Poisson distribution with the simulation results; does it seem like a reasonable approximation?
- For a general
, approximate for .
- For a general value of
, approximate the probability that there is at least one match. How does this depend on ?
- Poisson models often provide good approximations for “count data” when the restrictive assumptions of Binomial models are not satisfied.
- The following table summarizes the four distributions we have seen that are used to model counting random variables.
- Note that Poisson distributions require the weakest assumptions.
Distribution | Number of trials | Number of successes | Independent trials? | Probability of success |
Binomial | Fixed and known ( |
Random ( |
Yes | Fixed and known ( same for each trial |
Negative Binomial | Random ( |
Fixed and known ( |
Yes | Fixed and known ( same for each trial |
Hypergeometric | Fixed and known ( |
Random ( |
No | Fixed and known ( same for each trial |
Poisson | “Large” (could be random, could be unknown) |
Random ( |
“Not too dependent” | “Comparably small for all trials” (could vary between trials, could be unknown) |
Example 27.5
Recall the birthday problem: in a group of
- How many trials are there?
- Do the trials have the same probability of success? If so, what is it?
- Are any two trials independent? To answer this questions, suppose that three people in the group are Ki-taek, Chung-sook, and Ki-jung and consider any two of the trials that involve these three people.
- Are any three trials independent? Consider the three trials that involve Ki-taek, Chung-sook, and Ki-jung.
- Let
be the number of pairs that share a birthday. Does have a Binomial distribution?
- In what way are the trials “not too dependent”?
- If
has an approximate Poisson distribution, what would the parameter have to be? Compare this Poisson distribution with the simulation results; does it seem like a reasonable approximation?
- Approximate the probability that at least two people share the same birthday. Compare to the theoretical values.
- Using the approximation from the previous part, how large does
need to be for the approximate probability to be at least 0.5?
Poisson paradigm. Let
is “large”, are “comparably small”, and- the events
are “not too dependent”,
Example 27.6
Use Poisson approximation to approximate that probability that at least three people in a group of