19 Joint Distributions
- The joint distribution of random variables
and (defined on the same probability space) is a probability distribution on pairs. In this context, the distribution of one of the variables alone is called a marginal distribution.
19.1 Joint probability mass functions
Example 19.1 Flip a fair coin four times and record the results in order, e.g. HHTT means two heads followed by two tails. We’re interested in the proportion of the flips which immediately follow a H that result in H. We cannot measure this proportion if no flips follow a H, i.e. the outcome is either TTTT or TTTH; in these cases, we would discard the outcome and try again.
Let: -
- Make a table of all possible outcomes and the corresponding values of
- Make a two-way table representing the joint probability mass function of
and .
- Construct a spinner for simulating
- Make a table specifying the pmf of
- The joint probability mass function (pmf) of two discrete random variables
defined on a probability space with probability measure is the function defined by
- Remember to specify the possible
pairs when defining a joint pmf.
Example 19.2
- Compute and interpret the probability that the home teams hits 2 home runs and the away team hits 1 home run.
- Construct a two-way table representation of the joint pmf.
- Compute and interpret the probability that each team hits at most 4 home runs.
- Compute and interpret the probability that both teams combine to hit a total of 3 home runs.
- Compute and interpret the probability that the home team and the away team hit the same number of home runs.
- Recall that we can obtain marginal distributions from a joint distribution.
- Marginal pmfs are determined by the joint pmf via the law of total probability.
- If we imagine a plot with blocks whose heights represent the joint probabilities, the marginal probability of a particular value of one variable can be obtained by “stacking” all the blocks corresponding to that value.
Example 19.3
Continuing Example 19.2. Let
- Compute and interpret the probability that the home team hits 2 home runs.
- Find the marginal pmf of
, and identify the marginal distribution by name.
- Compute and interpret the probability that the away team hits 1 home run.
- Find the marginal pmf of
, and identify the marginal by name.
- Use the joint pmf to compute the probability that the home team hits 2 home runs and the away team hits 1 home run. How does it relate to the marginal probabilities from the previous parts? What does this imply about the events
and ?
- How does the joint pmf relate to the marginal probabilities from the previous parts? What do you think this implies about
and ?
- In light of the previous part, how you could use spinners to simulate and
Example 19.4
(Blitzstein’s chicken and egg story.) Suppose
- Identify the possible
- Identify the conditional distribution of
given .
- Compute and interpret
. Hint: compute and use the multiplication rule.
- Compute and interpret
- Identify the conditional distribution of
given for a generic .
- Find an expression for the joint pmf
. Be sure to specify the possible values.
- Are
and independent?
- Make a table of the joint pmf.
19.2 Joint probability density fuctions
- The joint distribution of two continuous random variables can be specified by a joint pdf, a surface specifying the density of
pairs. - The probability that the
pair of random variables lies is some region is the volume under the joint pdf surface over the region.
Example 19.5 Suppose that
has a Normal(0, 1) distribution has a Uniform(-2, 2) distribution and are generated independently .
Sketch a plot representing the joint pdf of
- The joint probability density function (pdf) of two continuous random variables
defined on a probability space with probability measure is the function which satisfies, for any region
- A joint pdf is a surface with height
at . - The probability that the
pair of random variables lies in the region is the volume under the pdf surface over the region - The height of the density surface at a particular
pair is related to the probability that takes a value “close to” :
Example 19.6
Spin the Uniform(1, 4) spinner twice, and let
- Identify the possible values of
, the possible values of , and the possible pairs. (Hint: think about the possible values of the spins and how and are defined.)
- If
and are the results of the two spins, explain why .
- Explain intuitively why the joint density is constant over the region of possible
pairs. (Hint: compare to the discrete four-sided die case. There the probability of pairs was 2/16 for most possible pairs, because there were two pairs of rolls associated with each pair, e.g., rolls of (3, 2) or (2, 3) yield (5, 4) for . The exception was the pairs with probability 1/16 which correspond to rolling doubles, e.g. roll of (2, 2) yield (4, 2) for . Explain why we don’t need to worry about treating doubles as a separate case with the Uniform(1, 4) spinner.)
- Sketch a plot of the joint pdf.
- Find the joint pdf of
- Use geometry to find
- Marginal pdfs can be obtained from the joint pdf by the law of total probability.
- The marginal distribution of
is a distribution on values only. For example, the pdf of is a function of only (and not ). (Similarly the pdf of is a function of only and not .)
Example 19.7
Continuing Example 19.6. Spin the Uniform(1, 4) spinner twice, and let
- Sketch a plot of the marginal distribution of
. Be sure to specify the possible values.
- Suggest an expression for the marginal pdf of
- Use calculus to derive
, the marginal pdf of evaluated at .
- Use calculus to derive
, the marginal pdf of .
- Find
- Sketch a plot of the marginal distribution of
. Be sure to specify the possible values. (Hint: think “collapsing/stacking” the joint distribution; compare with the dice rolling example.)
- Suggest an expression for the marginal pdf of
- Use calculus to derive
, the marginal pdf of evaluated at .
- Use calculus to derive
, the marginal pdf of evaluated at .
- Use calculus to derive
, the marginal pdf of . Hint: consider and separately.
- Find
- Find
Example 19.8
- Is the joint pdf a function of both
and ? How?
- Why is
equal to 0 if ?
- Sketch a plot of the joint pdf. What does its shape say about the distribution of
and in this context?
- Set up the integral to find
Example 19.9
Continuing Example 19.8. Let
- Sketch a plot of the marginal pdf of
. Be sure to specify possible values.
- Find the marginal pdf of
at .
- Find the marginal pdf of
. Be sure to specify possible values. Identify the marginal distribution of be name.
- Compute and interpret
- Sketch the marginal pdf of
. Be sure to specify possible values.
- Find the marginal pdf of
at .
- Find the marginal pdf of
. Be sure to specify possible values of .
- Compute and interpret find
- Is
equal to the product of and ? Why?
- The joint distribution is a distribution on
pairs. A mathematical expression of a joint distribution is a function of both values of and values of . Pay special attention to the possible values; the possible values of one variable might be restricted by the value of the other. - The marginal distribution of
is a distribution on values only, regardless of the value of . A mathematical expression of a marginal distribution will have only values of the single variable in it; for example, an expression for the marginal distribution of will only have in it (no , not even in the possible values).