9 Using Convexity

9.1 Using Convexity

There are two major ways in which we use convexity in majorization.

First, we can use the definition of convex functions directly. Thus we rely on the inequality f(ni=1wixi)ni=1wif(xi), where the wi are non-negative weights adding up to one. This inequality separates the variables, in the sense that it allows us to substitute a sum of univariate functions for a multivariate one.

Second, we can use the results on the derivatives of convex functions. If f is convex, then f(x)f(y)+z(xy), with zf(y), the subgradient of f at y. Thus convex functions have a linear minorizer. In the same way concave functions have a linear majorizer.

9.2 Jensen’s Inequality

Jensen’s inequality is often formulated in probabilistic terms, using expected values. It is a direct reformulation of the definition of a concave function.

Theorem: Suppose g is a concave function on SRn, and suppose π is a weight function such that Sπ(x)dx=1, and μΔ=Sxπ(x)dx is finite. Then Sπ(x)g(x)dxg(μ), with equality if and only if g is linear a.e.

Proof: If g is concave, then g(x)g(μ)+(xμ)η(μ), where η(μ) is an arbitrary element of the subgradient of g at μ. Multiplying both sides by π(x), and integrating gives the required result. QED

9.2.1 Tomography

Suppose the function f we must minimize is defined by f(x)=h(ni=1wixi), where h is a convex function of a single variable, and w is a vector of positive numbers.

If y is another vector of n positive numbers we can write f(x)=h(ni=1(wiyiwy)(wyyixi)), and if g is defined as g(x,y)=ni=1(wiyiwy)h(wyyixi) then, by the defintion of convexity, f(x)g(x,y). Also, clearly, f(x)=g(x,x) and thus we have a majorization on (R+)n.

Alternatively, for any positive vector π with elements adding up to one, f(x)=h(ni=1πi(wiπi(xiyi)wy)), and the majorization is g defined by g(x,y)=ni=1πih(wiπi(xiyi)wy).

9.2.2 Logs of Sums and Integrals

Suppose we want to minimize f(x)=logZp(x,z)dz where p:XZR+.

It is convenient to define p(zx)Δ=p(x,z)Zp(x,z)dz,q(x,y)Δ=Zp(zy)logp(x,z)dz,

and g(x,y)=f(y)+q(y,y)q(x,y).

Theorem: For all x,yX we have f(x)g(x,y) with equality if and only if p(x,z)=p(y,z) a.e. Consequently g majorizes f on X.

Proof: By Jensen’s inequality


Thus f(x)+f(y)q(x,y)q(y,y) But this exactly the statement of the theorem. QED

Maximizing the right-hand-side by block relaxation is the EM algorithm (Dempster, Laird, and Rubin (1977)). Usually, of course, the EM algorithm is presented in probabilistic terms using the concept of likelihood and expectation. This has considerable heuristic value, but it detracts somewhat from seeing the essential engine of the algorithm, which is the majorization.

9.3 The EM Algorithm

The E-step of the EM algorithm, in our terminology, is the construction of a new majorization function. We prefer a nonstochastic description of EM, because maximizing integrals is obviously a more general problem.