15 Background

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Analysis

15.2.1 SemiContinuities

The lower limit or limit inferior of a sequence {xi} is defined as lim inf Alternatively, the limit inferior is the smallest cluster point or subsequential limit \liminf_{i\rightarrow\infty}x_i=\min\{y\mid x_{i_\nu}\rightarrow y\}. In the same way \limsup_{i\rightarrow\infty}x_i=\lim_{i\rightarrow\infty}\left[\sup_{k\geq i} x_k\right]=\inf_{i\geq 0}\left[\sup_{k\geq i} x_k\right]. We always have \inf_i x_i\leq\liminf_{i\rightarrow\infty} x_i\leq\limsup_{i\rightarrow\infty} x_i\leq\sup_i x_i. Also if \liminf_{i\rightarrow\infty} x_i=\limsup_{i\rightarrow\infty} x_i then \lim_{i\rightarrow\infty}x_i=\liminf_{i\rightarrow\infty} x_i=\limsup_{i\rightarrow\infty} x_i.

The lower limit or limit inferior of a function at a point \overline{x} is defined as \liminf_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)=\sup_{\delta>0}\left[\inf_{x\in\mathcal{B}(\overline{x},\delta)}f(x)\right], where \mathcal{B}(\overline{x},\delta)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\{x\mid\|x-\overline{x}\|\leq\delta\}. Alternatively \lim_{i\rightarrow\infty} x_i=\liminf_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)=\min\{y\mid x_i\rightarrow \overline{x}\text { and }f(x_i)\rightarrow y\}. In the same way \limsup_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)=\inf_{\delta>0}\left[\sup_{x\in\mathcal{B}(\overline{x},\delta)}f(x)\right],

A function is lower semi-continuous at \overline{x} if \liminf_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)\geq f(\overline{x}) Since we always have \liminf_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)\leq f(\overline{x}) we can also define lower semicontinuity as \liminf_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)=f(\overline{x}).

A function is upper semi-continuous at \overline{x} if \limsup_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)= f(\overline{x}). We have \liminf_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)\leq\limsup_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x). A function is continuous at \overline{x} if and only if it is both lower semicontinuous and upper semicontinous, i.e. if f(\overline{x})=\lim_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}} f(x)=\liminf_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}}f(x)=\limsup_{x\rightarrow \overline{x}} f(x).

15.2.2 Directional Derivatives

The notation and terminology are by no means standard. We generally follow Demyanov (2010).

The lower Dini directional derivative of f at x in the direction z is \delta^-f(x,z)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\liminf_{\alpha\downarrow 0}\frac{f(x+\alpha z)-f(x)}{\alpha}=\sup_{\delta>0}\inf_{0<\alpha<\delta}\frac{f(x+\alpha z)-f(x)}{\alpha}. and the corresponding upper Dini directional derivative is \delta^+f(x,z)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\limsup_{\alpha\downarrow 0}\frac{f(x+\alpha z)-f(x)}{\alpha}=\inf_{\delta>0}\sup_{0<\alpha<\delta}\frac{f(x+\alpha z)-f(x)}{\alpha}, If \delta f(x,z)=\lim_{\alpha\downarrow 0}\frac{f(x+\alpha z)-f(x)}{\alpha} exists, i.e. if \delta^+f(x,z)=\delta^-f(x,z), then it we simply write \delta f(x,z) for the Dini directional derivative of f at x in the direction z.Penot (2013) calls this the radial derivative and Schirotzek (2007) calls it the directional Gateaux derivative. If \delta f(x,z) exists f is Dini directionally differentiable at x in the direction z, and if \delta f(x,z) exists at x for all z we say that f is Dini directionally differentiable at x. Delfour (2012) calls f semidifferentiable at x.

In a similar way we can define the Hadamard lower and upper directional derivatives. They are d^-f(x,z)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\liminf_{\substack{\alpha\downarrow 0\\u\rightarrow z}}\frac{f(x+\alpha u)-f(x)}{\alpha}= \sup_{\delta>0}\inf_{\substack{u\in\mathcal{B}(z,\delta)\\\alpha\in(0,\delta)}}\frac{f(x+\alpha u)-f(x)}{\alpha}, and d^+f(x,z)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\limsup_{\substack{\alpha\downarrow 0\\u\rightarrow z}}\frac{f(x+\alpha u)-f(x)}{\alpha}= \inf_{\delta>0}\sup_{\substack{u\in\mathcal{B}(z,\delta)\\\alpha\in(0,\delta)}}\frac{f(x+\alpha u)-f(x)}{\alpha}, The Hadamard directional derivative df(x,z) exists if both d^+f(x,z) and d^-f(x,z) exist and are equal. In that case f is Hadamard directionally differentiable at x in the direction z, and if df(x,z) exists at x for all z we say that f is Hadamard directionally differentiable at x.

Generally we have d^-f(x,z)\leq\delta^-f(x,z)\leq\delta^+f(x,z)\leq d^+f(x,z)

The classical directional derivative of f at x in the direction g is \Delta f(x,z)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\lim_{\alpha\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(x+\alpha z)-f(x)}{\alpha}. Note that for the absolute value function at zero we have \delta f(0,1)=df(0,1)=1, while \Delta f(0,1)=\lim_{\alpha\rightarrow 0}\mathbf{sign}(\alpha) does not exist. The classical directional derivative is not particularly useful in the context of optimization problems.

15.2.3 Differentiability and Derivatives

The function f is Gateaux differentiable at x if and only if the Dini directional derivative \delta f(x,z) exists for all z and is linear in z. Thus \delta f(x,z)=G(x)z

The function f is Hadamard differentiable at x if the Hadamard directional derivative df(x,z) exists for all z and is linear in z.

Function f is locally Lipschitz at z if there is a ball \mathcal{B}(z,\delta) and a \gamma>0 such that \|f(x)-f(y)|\leq\gamma\|x-y\| for all x,y\in\mathcal{B}(z,\delta).

If f is locally Lipschitz and Gateaux differentiable then it is Hadamard differentiable.

If the Gateaux derivative of f is continuous then f is Frechet differentiable.

Define Frechet differentiable

The function f is Hadamard differentiable if and only if it is Frechet differentiable.

Gradient, Jacobian

15.2.4 Taylor’s Theorem

Suppose f:\mathcal{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{R} is p+1 times continuously differentiable in the open set \mathcal{X}\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n. Define, for all 0\leq s\leq p, h_s(x,y)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\frac{1}{s!}\langle\mathcal{D}^sf(y),(x-y)^{s}\rangle, as the inner product of the s-dimensional array of partial derivatives \mathcal{D}^sf(y) and the s-dimensional outer power of x-y. Both arrays are super-symmetric, and have dimension n^s. By convention h_0(x,y)=f(y).

Also define the Taylor Polynomials g_p(x,y)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\sum_{s=0}^ph_s(x,y) and the remainder r_p(x,y)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}f(x)-g_p(x,y). Assume \mathcal{X} contains the line segment with endpoints x and y. Then Lagrange’s form of the remainder says there is a 0\leq\lambda\leq 1 such that r_p(x,y)=\frac{1}{(p+1)!}\langle\mathcal{D}^{p+1}f(x+\lambda(y-x)),(x-y)^{p+1}\rangle, and the integral form of the remainder says r_p(x,y)=\frac{1}{p!}\int_0^1(1-\lambda)^p\langle\mathcal{D}^{p+1}f(x+\lambda(y-x)),(x-y)^p\rangle d\lambda.

15.2.5 Implicit Functions

The classical implicit function theorem is discussed in all analysis books. I am particularly fond of Spivak (1965). The history of the theorem, and many of its variations, is discussed in Krantz and Parks (2003) and a comprenhensive modern treatment, using the tools of convex and variational analysis, is in Dontchev and Rockafellar (2014).

Suppose f:\mathbb{R}^n\otimes\mathbb{R}^m\mapsto\mathbb{R}^m is continuously differentiable in an open set containing (x,y) where f(x,y)=0. Define the m\times m matrix A(x,y)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\mathcal{D}_2f(x,y) and suppose that A(x,y) is non-singular. Then there is an open set \mathcal{X} containing x and an open set \mathcal{Y} containing y such that for every x\in\mathcal{X} there is a unique y(x)\in\mathcal{Y} with f(x,y(x))=0.

The function y:\mathbb{R}^n\mapsto\mathbb{R}^m is differentiable. If we differentiate f(x,y(x))=0 we find \mathcal{D}_1f(x,y(x))+\mathcal{D}_2(x,f(x))\mathcal{D}y(x), and thus \mathcal{D}y(x)=-[\mathcal{D}_2f(x,y(x))]^{-1}\mathcal{D}_1f(x,y(x)).

As an example consider the eigenvalue problem \begin{align*} A(x)y&=\lambda y,\\ y'y&=1 \end{align*} where A is a function of a real parameter x. Then \begin{bmatrix} A(x)-\lambda I&-x\\ x'&0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{D}y(x)\\ \mathcal{D}\lambda(x) \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} -\mathcal{D}A(x)x\\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, which works out to \begin{align*} \mathcal{D}\lambda(x)&=y(x)'\mathcal{D}A(x)y(x),\\ \mathcal{D}y(x)&=-(A(x)-\lambda(x)I)^+\mathcal{D}A(x)y(x). \end{align*}

15.2.6 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Minimum

Directional derivatives can be used to provide simple necessary or sufficient conditions for a minimum (Floudas (2009), propositions 8 and 9).

Result: If x is a local minimizer of f then \delta^-f(x,z)\geq 0 and d^-f(x,z)\geq 0 for all directions z. If d^-f(x,z)>0 for all z\not= 0 then f has a strict local minimum at x.

The special case of a quadratic deserves some separate study, because the quadratic model is so prevalent in optimization. So let us look at f(x)=c+b'x+\frac12 x'Ax, with A symmetric. Use the eigen-decomposition A=K\Lambda K' to change variables to \tilde x\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}K'x, also using \tilde b\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}K'b. Then f(\tilde x)=c+\tilde b'\tilde x+\frac12\tilde x'\Lambda\tilde x, which we can write as \begin{align*} f(\tilde x)=\ &c-\frac12\sum_{i\in I_+\cup I_-}\frac{\tilde b_i^2}{\lambda_i}\\ &+\frac12\sum_{i\in I_+}|\lambda_i|(\tilde x_i+\frac{\tilde b_i}{\lambda_i})^2+\\ &-\frac12\sum_{i\in I_-}|\lambda_i|(\tilde x_i+\frac{\tilde b_i}{\lambda_i})^2+\\ &+\sum_{i\in I_0}\tilde b_i\tilde x_i. \end{align*} Here \begin{align*} I_+&\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\{i\mid\lambda_i>0\},\\ I_-&\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\{i\mid\lambda_i<0\},\\ I_0&\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\{i\mid\lambda_i=0\}. \end{align*}
  • If I_- is non-empty we have \inf_x f(x)=-\infty.
  • If I_- is empty, then f attains its minimum if and only if \tilde b_i=0 for all i\in I_0. Otherwise again \inf_x f(x)=-\infty.

If the minimum is attained, then \min_x f(x) = c-\frac12 b'A^+b, with A^+ the Moore-Penrose inverse. And the minimum is attained if and only if A is positive semi-definite and (I-A^+A)b=0.

15.3 Point-to-set Maps

15.3.1 Continuities

15.3.2 Marginal Functions and Solution Maps

Suppose f:\mathbb{R}^n\otimes\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R} and g(x)=\min_y f(x,y). Suppose the minimum is attained at a unique y(x), where \mathcal{D}_2f(x,y(x))=0. Then obviously g(x)=f(x,y(x)). Differentiating g gives \mathcal{D}g(x)=\mathcal{D}_1f(x,y(x))+\mathcal{D}_2f(x,y(x))\mathcal{D}y(x)=\mathcal{D}_1f(x,y(x)).\tag{1}

To differentiate the solution map we need second derivatives of f. Differentiating the implicit definition \mathcal{D}_2f(x,y(x))=0 gives \mathcal{D}_{21}f(x,y(x))+\mathcal{D}_{22}f(x,y(x))\mathcal{D}y(x)=0, or \mathcal{D}y(x)=-[\mathcal{D}_{22}f(x,y(x))]^{-1}\mathcal{D}_{21}f(x,y(x)).\tag{2} Now combine both (1) and (2) to obtain \mathcal{D}^2g(x)=\mathcal{D}_{11}f(x,y(x))-\mathcal{D}_{12}f(x,y(x))[\mathcal{D}_{22}f(x,y(x))]^{-1}\mathcal{D}_{21}f(x,y(x)).\tag{3} We see that if \mathcal{D}^2f(x,y(x))\gtrsim 0 then 0\lesssim\mathcal{D}^2g(x)\lesssim\mathcal{D}_{11}f(x,y(x)).
Now consider minimization problem with constraints. Suppose h_1,\cdots,h_p are twice continuously differentiable functions on \mathbb{R}^m, and suppose \mathcal{Y}=\{y\in\mathbb{R}^m\mid h_1(y)=\cdots=h_p(y)=0\}. Define g(x)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\min_{y\in\mathcal{Y}}f(x,y), and y(x)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\mathop{\mathbf{argmin}}\limits_{y\in\mathcal{Y}} f(x,y), where again we assume the minimizer is unique and satisfies \begin{align*} \mathcal{D}_2f(x,y(x))-\sum_{s=1}^p\lambda_s(x)\mathcal{D}h_s(y(x))&=0,\\ h_s(y(x))&=0. \end{align*} Differentiate again, and define \begin{align*} A(x)&\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\mathcal{D}_{22}f(x,y(x)),\\ H_s(x)&\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\mathcal{D}^2h_s(y(x)),\\ E(x)&\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}-\mathcal{D}_{21}f(x,y(x)),\\ B(x)&\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\mathcal{D}H(y(x)), \end{align*} and C(x)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}A(x)-\sum_{s=1}^p\lambda_sH_s(x). Then \begin{bmatrix} C(x)&-B(x)\\ B'(x)&0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}\mathcal{D}y(x)\\\mathcal{D}\lambda(x)\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix}E(x)\\0\end{bmatrix}, which leads to \begin{align*} \mathcal{D}y(x)&=\left\{I-B(x)\left[B'(x)C^{-1}(x)B(x)\right]^{-1}B'(x)\right\}C^{-1}(x)E(x),\\ \mathcal{D}\lambda(x)&=\left[B'(x)C^{-1}(x)B(x)\right]^{-1}B'(x)C^{-1}(x)E(x). \end{align*}

There is an alternative way of arriving at basically the same result. Suppose the manifold G(x)=0 is parametrized locally as x=F(w). Then y(z)=\mathbf{Arg}\mathop{\mathbf{min}}\limits_{w} f(F(w),z), and G(F(w))=0, i.e. \mathcal{D}G(F(w))\mathcal{D}F(w)=0. Let h(w,z)=f(F(w),z). Then \mathcal{D}y(z)=-[\mathcal{D}_{11}f(F(w(z)),z)]^{-1}\mathcal{D}_{12}h(F(w(z)),z). \mathcal{D}_{11}f(F(w(z)),z)=\mathcal{D}_1f\mathcal{D}^2F_i+(\mathcal{D}F)'\mathcal{D}_{11}\mathcal{D}F

15.3.3 Solution Maps

15.4 Basic Inequalities

15.4.1 Jensen’s Inequality

15.4.2 The AM-GM Inequality

The Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality is simple, but quite useful for majorization. For completeness, we give the statement and proof here.

Theorem: If x\geq 0 and y\geq 0 then \sqrt{xy}\leq\frac{1}{2}(x+y), with equality if and only if x=y.

Proof: Expand (\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y})^2\geq 0, and collect terms. QED

Corollary: \mid xy\mid\leq\frac{1}{2}(x^2+y^2)

Proof: Just a simple rewrite of the theorem. QED

15.4.3 Polar Norms and the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

Theorem: Suppose x,y\in\mathbb{R}^n. Then (x'y)^2\leq x'x.y'y, with equality if and only if x and y are proportional.

Proof: The result is trivially true if either x or y is zero. Thus we suppose both are non-zero. We have h(\lambda)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}(x-\lambda y)'(x-\lambda y)\geq 0 for all \lambda. Thus \min_\lambda h(\lambda)=x'x-\frac{(x'y)^2}{y'y}\geq 0, which is the required result. QED

15.4.4 Young’s Inequality

The AM-GM inequality is a very special cases of Young’s inequality. We derive it in a general form, using the coupling functions introduced by Moreau. Suppose f is a real-valued function on \mathcal{X} and g is a real-valued function on \mathcal{X}\times\mathcal{Y}, called the coupling function. Here \mathcal{X} and \mathcal{Y} are arbitrary. Define the g-conjugate of f by f^\circ_g(y)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\sup_{x\in\mathcal{X}}\ \{g(x,y)-f(x)\} Then g(x,y)-f(x)\leq f^\circ_g(y) and thus g(x,y)\leq f(x)+f^\circ_g(y), which is the generalized Young’s inequality. We can also write this in the form that directly suggests minorization f(x)\geq f^\circ_g(y)+g(x,y).

The classical coupling function is g(x,y)=xy with both x and y in the positive reals. If we take f(x)=\frac{1}{p}x^p, with p>1, then f^\circ_g(y)=\sup_{x}\ \{xy-\frac{1}{p}x^p\}. The \sup is attained for x=y^{\frac{1}{p-1}}, from which we find f^\circ_g(y)=\frac{1}{q}y^q, with q\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\frac{p}{p-1}.

Thus if p,q>1 such that \frac{1}{p}+\frac{1}{q}=1. Then for all x,y>0 we have xy\leq\frac{x^p}{p}+\frac{y^q}{q}, with equality if and only if y=x^{p-1}.

15.5 Fixed Point Problems and Methods

As we have emphasized before, the algorithms discussed in this books are all special cases of block relation methods. But block relation methods are often appropriately analyzed as fixed point methods, which define an even wider class of iterative methods. Thus we will not discuss actual fixed point algorithms that are not block relation methods, but we will use general results on fixed point methods to analyze block relaxation methods.

A (stationary, one-step) fixed point method on \mathcal{X}\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n is defined as a map A:\mathcal{X}\rightarrow\mathcal{X}. Depending on the context we refer to A as the update map or algorithmic map. Iterative sequences are generated by starting with x^{(0)}\in\mathcal{X} and then setting x^{(k)}=A(x^{(k-1)})=A^k(x^{(0)}). for k=1,2,\cdots. Such a sequence is also called the Picard sequence generated by the map.

If the sequence x^{(k)} converges to, say, x_\infty, and if A is continuous, then x_\infty=A(x_\infty), and thus x_\infty is a fixed point of A on \mathcal{X}. The set of all x\in\mathcal{X} such that x=A(x) is called the fixed point set of A on \mathcal{X}, and is written as \mathcal{F}_\mathcal{X}.

The literature on fixed point methods is truly gigantic. There are textbooks, conferences, and dedicated journals. A nice and compact treatment, mostly on existence theorems for fixed points, is Smart (1974). An excellent modern overview, concentrating on metrical fixed point theory and iterative computation, is Berinde (2007).

The first key result in fixed point theory is the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem, which says that for compact convex \mathcal{X} and continuous A there is at least one x\in\mathcal{F}_\mathcal{X}(A). The second is the Banach Fixed Point Theorem, which says that if \mathcal{X} is a non-empty complete metric space and A is a contraction, i.e. d(A(x),A(y))<\kappa\ d(x,y) for some 0\leq\kappa<1, then the Picard sequence x^{(k)} converges from any starting point x^{(0)} to the unique fixed point of A in \mathcal{X}.

Much of the fixed point literature is concerned with relaxing the contraction assumption and choosing more general spaces on which the various mappings are defined. I shall discuss some of the generalizations that we will use later in this book.

First, we can generalize to point-to-set maps A:\mathcal{X}\rightarrow 2^\mathcal{X}, where 2^\mathcal{X} is the power set of \mathcal{X}, i.e. the set of all subsets. Point-to-set maps are also called correspondences or multivalued maps. The Picard sequence is now defined by x^{(k)}\in A(x^{(k-1)}) and we have a fixed point x\in\mathcal{F}_\mathcal{X}(A) if and only if x\in A(x). The generalization of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem is the Kakutani Fixed Point Theorem. It assumes that \mathcal{X} is non-empty, compact and convex and that A(x) is non-empty and convex for each x\in\mathcal{X}. In addition, the map A must be closed or upper semi-continuous on \mathcal{X}, i.e. whenever x_n\rightarrow x_\infty and y_n\in A(x_n) and y_n\rightarrow y_\infty we have y_\infty\in A(x_\infty). Under these conditions Kakutani’s Theorem asserts the existence of a fixed point.

Our discussion of the global convergence of block relaxation algorithms, in a later chapter, will be framed using fixed points of point-to-set maps, assuming the closedness of maps.

In another generalization of iterative algorithms we get rid of the one-step and the stationary assumptions. The iterative sequence is x^{(k)}\in A_k(x^{(0)},x^{(1)},\cdots,x^{(k-1)}). Thus the iterations have perfect memory, and the update map can change in each iteration. In an \ell-step method, memory is less than perfect, because the update is a function of only the previous \ell elements in the sequence. Formally, for k\geq\ell, x^{(k)}\in A_k(x^{(k-l)},\cdots,x^{(k-1)}), with some special provisions for k<\ell.

Any \ell-step method on \mathcal{X} can be rewritten as a one-step method on \underbrace{\mathcal{X}\otimes\mathcal{X}\otimes\cdots\otimes\mathcal{X}}_{\ell\ \text{times}}. This makes it possible to limit our discussion to one-step methods. In fact, we will mostly discuss block-relaxation methods which are stationary one-step fixed point methods.

For non-stationary methods it is somewhat more complicated to define fixed points. In that case it is natural to define a set \mathcal{S}\subseteq\mathcal{X} of desirable points or targets, which for stationary algorithms will generally, but not necessarily, coincide with the fixed points of A. The questions we will then have to answer are if and under what conditions our algorithms converge to desirable points, and if they converge how fast the convergence will take place.

15.5.1 Subsequential Limits

15.6 Convex Functions

15.7 Composition

15.7.1 Differentiable Convex Functions

If a function f attains its minimum on a convex set \mathcal{X} at x, and f is differentiable at x, then (x-y)'\mathcal{D}f(x)\geq 0 for all y\in\mathcal{X}.

If f attains its minimum on [a,b] at a, and f is differentiable at a, then f'(a)\geq 0. Or, more precisely, if f is differentiable from the right at a and f'_R(a)\geq 0.

Suppose \mathcal{X}=\{x\mid x'x\leq 1\} is the unit ball and a differentiable f attains its a minimum at x with x'x=1. Then (x-y)'\mathcal{D}f(x)\geq 0 for all y\in\mathcal{X}. This is true if and only if \begin{align*} \min_{y\in\mathcal{X}}(x-y)'\mathcal{D}f(x)&= x'\mathcal{D}f(x)-\max_{y\in\mathcal{X}}y'\mathcal{D}F(x)=\\&=x'\mathcal{D}f(x)-\|\mathcal{D}f(x)\|=0. \end{align*}

By Cauchy-Schwartz this means that \mathcal{D}f(x)=\lambda x, with \lambda= x'\mathcal{D}f(x)=\|\mathcal{D}f(x)\|.

As an aside, if a differentiable function f attains its minimum on the unit sphere \{x\mid x'x=1\} at x then f(x/\|x\||) attains is minimum over \mathbb{R}^n at x. Setting the derivative equal to zero shows that we must have \mathcal{D}f(x)(I-xx')=0, which again translates to \mathcal{D}f(x)=\lambda x, with \lambda= x'\mathcal{D}f(x)=\|\mathcal{D}f(x)\|.

15.8 Zangwill Theory

15.8.1 Algorithms as Point-to-set Maps

The theory studies iterative algorithms with the following properties. An algorithm works in a space \Omega. It consists of a triple (\mathcal{A},\psi,\mathcal{P}), with \mathcal{A} a mapping of \Omega into the set of nonempty subsets of \Omega, with \psi a real-valued function on \Omega, and with \mathcal{P} a subset of \Omega. We call \mathcal{A} the algorithmic map or the update, \psi the evaluation function and \mathcal{P} the desirable points.

The algorithm works as follows.

  1. start at an arbitrary \omega^{(0)}\in\Omega,
  2. if \omega^{(k)}\in\mathcal{P}, then we stop,
  3. otherwise we construct the successor by the rule \omega^{(k+1)}\in\mathcal{A}(\omega^k).

We study properties of the sequences \omega^{(k)} generated by the algorithm, in particular their convergence.

15.8.2 Convergence of Function Values

For this method we have our first (rather trivial) convergence theorem.

Theorem: If * \Omega is compact, * \psi is jointly continuous on \Omega,


  • The sequence \{\psi^{(k)}\} converges to, say, \psi^\infty,
  • the sequence \{\omega^{(k)}\} has at least one convergent subsequence,
  • if \omega^\infty is an accumulation point of \{\omega^{(k)}\}, then \psi(\omega^\infty)=\psi^\infty.

Proof: Compactness and continuity imply that \psi is bounded below on \Omega, and the minima in each of the substeps exist. This means that \{\psi^{(k)}\} is nonincreasing and bounded below, and thus convergent. Existence of convergent subsequences is guaranteed by Bolzano-Weierstrass, and if we have a subsequence \{\omega^{(k)}\}_{k\in\mathcal{K}} converging to \omega^\infty then by continuity \{\psi(\omega^{(k)})\}_{k\in\mathcal{K}} converges to \psi(\omega^\infty). But all subsequences of a convergent sequence converge to the same point, and thus \psi(\omega^\infty)=\psi^\infty. QED

Remark: The assumptions in the theorem can be relaxed. Continuity is not necessary. Think of the function \psi(x)=\sum_{s=1}^p\text{sign}(x_s), which clearly is minimized in a single cycle. Typically, however, statistical problems exhibit continuity, so it may not be worthwhile to actually relax the assumption.

Compactness is more interesting. If we define the level sets \Omega_0\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\{\omega\in\Omega\mid\psi(\omega)\leq\psi^{(0)}\}, then obviously it is sufficient to assume that \Omega_0 is compact. The same thing is true for the even weaker assumption that the iterates \omega^{(k)} are in a compact set.

We do not assume the sets \Omega_s are connected, i.e. they could be discrete. For instance, we could minimize \|X\beta-y-\delta\|^2 over \beta and \delta, under the constraint that the elements of \delta take only two different unspecified values. This is not difficult to do with block-relaxation, but generally problems with discrete characteristics present us with special problems and complications. Thus, in most instances, we have connected sets in mind. For discrete components, the usual topology of \mathbb{R}^s may not be the most natural one to study convergence.

In several problems in statistics the sets \Omega_s can be infinite-dimensional. This is true, for instance, in much of semi-parametric and non-parametric statistics. We mostly ignore the complications arising from infinite dimensionality (again, of a topological nature), because in actual computations we work with finite-dimensional approximations anyway.

Theorem is very general, but the conclusions are quite weak. We have convergence of the function values, but about the sequence \{\omega^{(k)}\} we only know that it has one or more accumulation points, and that all accumulation points have the same function value. We have not established other desirable properties of these accumulation points.

In order to prove global convergence (i.e. convergence from any initial point) we use the general theory developed initially by Zangwill (1969) (and later by Polak (1969), Meyer (1976), Meyer (1975), and others). The best introduction and overview is perhaps the volume edited by Huard ((Ed) (1979)).

15.8.3 Convergence of Solutions

Theorem: [Zangwill]

  • If \mathcal{A} is uniformly compact on \Omega, i.e. there is a compact \Omega_0\subseteq\Omega such that \mathcal{A}(\omega)\subseteq\Omega_0 for all \omega\in\Omega,
  • If \mathcal{A} is upper-semicontinuous or closed on \Omega-\mathcal{P}, i.e. if \xi_i\in\mathcal{A}(\omega_i) and \xi_i\rightarrow\xi and \omega_i\rightarrow\omega then \xi\in\mathcal{A}(\omega),
  • If \mathcal{A} is strictly monotonic on \Omega-\mathcal{P}, i.e. \xi\in\mathcal{A}(\omega) implies \psi(\xi) < \psi(\omega) if \omega is not a desirable point. then all accumulation points of the sequence \{\omega^{(k)}\} generated by the algorithm are desirable points.

Proof: Compactness implies that \{\omega^{(k)}\} has a convergent subsequence. Suppose its index-set is \mathcal{K}=\{k_1,k_2,\cdots\} and that it converges to \omega_\mathcal{K}. Since \{\psi(\omega^{(k)})\} converges to, say \psi_\infty, we see that also \{\psi(\omega^{(k_1)}),\psi(\omega^{(k_2)}),\cdots\} \rightarrow\psi_\infty. Now consider \{\omega^{(k_1+1)},\omega^{(k_2+1)},\cdots\}, which must again have a convergent subsequence. Suppose its index-set is \mathcal{L}=\{\ell_1+1,\ell_2+1,\cdots\} and that it converges to \omega_\mathcal{L}. Then \psi(\omega_\mathcal{K})=\psi_(\omega_\mathcal{L})=\psi_\infty.

Assume \omega_\mathcal{K} is not a fixed point. Now \{\omega^{(\ell_1)},\omega^{(\ell_2)},\cdots\} \rightarrow \omega_\mathcal{K} and \{\omega^{(\ell_1+1)},\omega^{(\ell_2+1)},\cdots\} \rightarrow\omega_\mathcal{L}, with \omega^{(\ell_j+1)}\in\mathcal{A}(\omega^{(\ell_j+1)}. Thus, by usc, \omega_\mathcal{L}\in\mathcal{A}(\omega_\mathcal{K}). If \omega_\mathcal{K} is not a fixed point, then strict monotonicity gives gives \psi(\omega_\mathcal{L}) < \psi(\omega_\mathcal{K}), which contradicts our earlier \psi(\omega_\mathcal{K})=\psi_(\omega_\mathcal{L}). QED

The concept of closedness of a map can be illustrated with the following picture, showing a map which is not closed at at least one point.

The map is not closed

Figure 15.1: The map is not closed

We have already seen another example: Powell’s coordinate descent example shows that the algorithm map is not closed at six of the edges of the cube \{\pm 1,\pm 1,\pm 1\}.

It is easy to see that desirable points are generalized fixed points, in the sense that \omega\in\mathcal{P} is equivalent to that \omega\in\mathcal{A}(\omega). According to Zangwill’s theorem each accumulation point is a generalized fixed point. This, however, does not prove convergence, because there can be many accumulation points. If we redefine fixed points as points such that \mathcal{A}(\omega)=\{\omega\}, then we can strengthen the theorem [Meyer, 1976].

Theorem: [Meyer] Suppose the conditions of Zangwill’s theorem are satisfied for the stronger definition of a fixed point, i.e. \xi\in\mathcal{A}(\omega) implies \psi(\xi) < \psi(\omega) if \omega is not a fixed point, then in addition to what we had before \{\omega^{(k)}\} is asymptotically regular, i.e. \|\omega^{(k)}-\omega^{(k+1)}\|\rightarrow 0.

Proof: Use the notation in the proof of Zangwill’s theorem. Suppose \|\omega^{(\ell_i+1)}-\omega^{(\ell_i)}\| > \delta > 0. Then \|\omega_\mathcal{L}-\omega_\mathcal{K}\|\geq\delta. But \omega_\mathcal{K} is a fixed point (in the strong sense) and thus \omega_\mathcal{L}\in\mathcal{A}(\omega_\mathcal{K})=\{\omega_\mathcal{K}\}, a contradiction. QED

Theorem: [Ostrowski] If the bounded sequence \Omega=\{\omega^{(k)}\} satisfies \|\omega^{(k)}-\omega^{(k+1)}\|\rightarrow 0, then the derived set \Omega' is either a point or a continuum.

Proof: We follow Ostrowski [1966, pages 203–204]. A continuum is a closed set, which is not the union of two or more disjoint closed sets. Of course the derived set is closed. Suppose it is the union of the disjoint closed sets C_1 and C_2, which are a distance of at least p apart. We can choose k_0 such that \|\omega^{(k)}-\omega^{(k+1)}\|\leq\frac{p}{3} for all k\geq k_0. QED

Only if the derived set is a single point, we have actual convergence. Thus Meyer’s theorem still does not prove actual convergence, but it is close enough for all practical purposes. Observe boundedness is essential in Theorem , otherwise the derived set may be empty, think of the series \sum\frac{1}{k}.

15.9 Rates of Convergence

The basic result we use is due to Perron and Ostrowski (1966).

Theorem: * If the iterative algorithm x^{(k+1)}=\mathcal{A}(x^{(k)}), converges to x_\infty, * and \mathcal{A} is differentiable at x_\infty, * and 0<\rho=\|\mathcal{D}\mathcal{A}(\omega_\infty)\|<1,

then the algorithm is linearly convergent with rate \rho.



The norm in the theorem is the spectral norm, i.e. the modulus of the maximum eigenvalue. Let us call the derivative of A the iteration matrix and write it as \mathcal{M}. In general block relaxation methods have linear convergence, and the linear convergence can be quite slow. In cases where the accumulation points are a continuum we have sublinear rates. The same things can be true if the local minimum is not strict, or if we are converging to a saddle point.

Generalization to non-differentiable maps.

Points of attraction and repulsion.

Superlinear etc

15.9.1 Over- and Under-Relaxation

15.9.2 Acceleration of Convergence of Fixed Point Methods

15.10 Matrix Algebra

15.10.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Symmetric Matrices

In this section we give a fairly complete introduction to eigenvalue problems and generalized eigenvalue problems. We use a constructive variational approach, basically using the Rayleigh quotient and deflation. This works best for positive semi-definite matrices, but after dealing with those we discuss several generalizations.

Suppose A is a positive semi-definite matrix of order n. Consider the problem of maximizing the quadratic form f(x)=x'Ax on the sphere x'x=1. At the maximum, which is always attained, we have Ax=\lambda x, with \lambda a Lagrange multiplier, as well as x'x=1. It follows that \lambda=f(x). Note that the maximum is not necessarily attained at a unique value. Also the maximum is zero if and only if A is zero.

Any pair (x,\lambda) such that Ax=\lambda x and x'x=1 is called an eigen-pair of A. The members of pair are the eigenvector x and the corresponding eigenvalue \lambda.

Result 1: Suppose (x_1,\lambda_1) and (x_2,\lambda_2) are two eigen-pairs, with \lambda_1\not=\lambda_2. Then premultiplying both sides of Ax_2=\lambda_2x_2 by x_1' gives \lambda_1x_1'x_2=\lambda_2x_1'x_2, and thus x_1'x_2=0. This shows that A cannot have more than n distinct eigenvalues. If there were p>n distinct eigenvalues, then the n\times p matrix X, which has the corresponding eigenvectors as columns, would have column-rank p and row-rank n, which is impossible. In words: one cannot have more than n orthonormal vectors in n-dimensional space. Suppose the distinct values are \tilde\lambda_1>\cdots>\tilde\lambda_s, with s=1,\cdots,p. Thus each of the eigenvalues \lambda_i is equal to one of the \tilde\lambda_s.

Result 2: If (x_1,\lambda) and (x_2,\lambda) are two eigen-pairs with the same eigenvalue \lambda then any linear combination \alpha x_1+\beta x_2, suitably normalized, is also an eigenvector with eigenvalue \lambda. Thus the eigenvectors corresponding with an eigenvalue \lambda form a linear subspace of \mathbb{R}^n, with dimension, say, 1\leq n_s\leq n. This subspace can be given an orthonormal basis in an n\times n_s matrix X_s. The number n_s is the multiplicity of \tilde\lambda_s, and by implication of the eigenvalue \lambda_i equal to \tilde\lambda_s.

Of course these results are only useful if eigen-pairs exist. We have shown that at least one eigen-pair exists, the one corresponding to the maximum of f on the sphere. We now give a procedure to compute additonal eigen-pairs.

Consider the following algorithm for generating a sequence A^{(k)} of matrices. We start with k=1 and A^{(1)}=A. 1. Test: If A^{(k)}=0 stop. 2. Maximize: Computes the maximum of x'A^{(k)}x over x'x=1. Suppose this is attained at an eigen-pair (x^{(k)},\lambda^{(k)}). If the maximizer is not unique, select an arbitrary one. 3. Orthogonalize: Replace x^{(k)} by x^{(k)}-\sum_{\ell=1}^{k-1}((x^{(\ell)})'x^{(k)})x^{(\ell)}. 4. Deflate: Set A^{(k+1)}=A^{(k)}-\lambda^{(k)}x^{(k)}(x^{(k)})', 5. Update: Go back to step 1 with k replaced by k+1.

If k=1 then in step (2) we compute the largest eigenvalue of A and a corresponding eigenvector. In that case there is no step (3). Step (4) constructs A^{(2)} by deflation, which basically removes the contribution of the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector. If x is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue \lambda<\lambda^{(1)}, then A^{(2)}x=Ax-\lambda^{(1)}x^{(1)}(x^{(1)})'x=Ax=\lambda x by result (1) above. Also, of course, A^{(2)}x^{(1)}=0, so x^{(1)} is an eigenvector of A^{(2)} with eigenvalue 0. If x\not= x^{(1)} is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue \lambda=\lambda^{(1)}, then by result (2) we can choose x such that x'x^{(1)}=0, and thus A^{(2)}x=Ax-\lambda x^{(1)}(x^{(1)})'x=\lambda(I-x^{(1)}(x^{(1)})')x=\lambda x. We see that A^{(2)} has the same eigenvectors as A, with the same multiplicities, except for \lambda^{(1)}, which now has its old multiplicity -1, and zero, which now has its old multiplicity +1. Now if x^{(2)} is the eigenvector corresponding with \lambda^{(2)}, the largest eigenvalue of A^{(2)}, then by result (1) x^{(2)} is automatically orthogonal to x^{(1)}, which is an eigenvalue of A^{(2)} with eigenvalue zero. Thus step (3) is not ever necessary, although it will lead to more precise numerical computation.

Following the steps of the algorithm we see thatit defines p orthonormal matrices X_s, which moreover satisfy X_s'X_t=0 for s\not= t, and with \sum_{s=1}^p n_s=\mathbf{rank}(A). Also A=\sum_{s=1}^p \tilde\lambda_sP_s,\tag{1a} where P_s is the projector X_sX_s'. This is the eigen decomposition or the spectral decomposition of a positive semi-definite A.

Our algorithm stops when A^{(k)}=0, which is the same as \sum_{s=1}^p n_s=\mathbf{rank}(A). If \mathbf{rank}(A)<n then the minimum eigenvalue is zero, and has multiplicity n-\mathbf{rank}(A). P_s=I-P_1-\cdots-P_{s-1}=X_sX_s' is the orthogonal projector of the null-space of A, with \mathbf{rank}(Q)=\mathbf{tr}(Q)=n-\mathbf{rank}(A). Using the square orthonormal X=\begin{bmatrix}X_1&\cdots&X_s\end{bmatrix} we can write the eigen decomposition in the form A=X\Lambda X',\tag{1b} where the last n-\mathbf{rank}(A) diagonal elements of \Lambda are zero. Equation (1b) can also be written as X'AX=\Lambda,\tag{1c} which says that the eigenvectors diagonalize A and that A is orthonormally similar to the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues,

We have shown that the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector exist, but we have not indicated , at least in this section, how to compute them. Conceptually the power method is the most obvious way. It is a tangential minorization method, using the inquality x'Ax\geq y'Ay+2y'A(x-y), which means that the iteration function is x^{(k+1)}=\frac{Ax^{(k)}}{\|Ax^{(k)}\|}. See the Rayleigh Quotient section for further details.

We now discuss a first easy generalization. If A is real and symmetric but not necessarily positive semi-definite then we can apply our previous results to the matrix A+kI, with k\geq\min_i\lambda_i. Or we can apply it to A^2=X\Lambda^2X'. Or we can modify the algorithm if we run into an A^{(k)}\not= 0 with maximum eigenvalue equal to zero. If this happens we switch to finding the smallest eigenvalues, which will be negative. No matter how we modify the constructive procedure, we will still find an eigen decomposition of the same form (1a) and (1b) as in the positive semi-definite case.

The second generalization, also easy, are generalized eigenvalues of a pair of real symmetric matrices (A,B). We now maximize f(x)=x'Ax over x satisfying x'Bx=1. In data analysis, and the optimization problems associated with it, we almost invariably assume that B is positive definite. In fact we might as well make the weaker assumption that B is positive semi-definite, and Ax=0 for all x such that Bx=0. Suppose B=\begin{bmatrix}K&K_\perp\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}\Lambda^2&0\\0&0\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}K'\\K_\perp'\end{bmatrix} is an eigen decomposition of B. Change variables by writing X as x=K\Lambda^{-1}u+K_\perp v. Then x'Bx=u'u and x'Ax=u'\Lambda^{-1}K'AK\Lambda^{-1}u. We can find the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the ordinary eigen decomposition of \Lambda^{-1}K'AK\Lambda^{-1}. This defines the u^{(s)} in x^{(s)}=K\Lambda^{-1}u^{(s)}+K_\perp v, and the choice of v is completely arbitrary.

Now suppose L is the square orthonormal matrix of eigenvectors diagonalizing \Lambda^{-1}K'AK\Lambda^{-1}, with \Gamma the corresponding eigenvalues, and S\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}K\Lambda^{-1}L. Then S'AS=\Gamma and S'BS=I. Thus S diagonalizes both A and B. For the more general case, in which we do not assume that Ax=0 for all x with Bx=0, we refer to De Leeuw (1982).

15.10.2 Singular Values and Singular Vectors

Suppose A_{12} is an n_1\times n_2 matrix, A_{11} is an n_1\times n_1 symmetric matrix, and A_{22} is an n_2\times n_2 symmetric matrix. Define f(x_1,x_2)=\frac{x_1'A_{12}x_2}{\sqrt{x_1'A_{11}x_1}\sqrt{x_2'A_{22}x_2}}. Consider the problem of finding the maximum, the minimum, and other stationary values of f.

In order to make the problem well-defined and interesting we suppose that the symmetric partitioned matrix A\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}=\begin{bmatrix}A_{11}&A_{12}\\A_{21}&A_{22}\end{bmatrix} is positive semi-definite. This has some desirable consequences.

Proposition: Suppose the symmetric partitioned matrix A\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}=\begin{bmatrix}A_{11}&A_{12}\\A_{21}&A_{22}\end{bmatrix} is positive semi-definite. Then * both A_{11} and A_{22} are positive semi-definite, * for all x_1 with A_{11}x_1=0 we have A_{21}x_1=0, * for all x_2 with A_{22}x_2=0 we have A_{12}x_2=0.

Proof: The first assertion is trivial. To prove the last two, consider the convex quadratic form q(x_2)=x_1'A_{11}x_1+2x_1'A_{12}x_2+x_2'A_{22}x_2 as a function of x_2 for fixed x_1. It is bounded below by zero, and thus attains its minimum. At this minimum, which is attained at some \hat x_2, the derivative vanishes and we have A_{22}\hat x_2=-A_{21}x_1 and thus q(\hat x_2)=x_1'A_{11}x_1-\hat x_2'A_{22}\hat x_2. If A_{11}x_1=0 then q(\hat x_2)\leq 0. But q(\hat x_2)\geq 0 because the quadratic form is positive semi-definite. Thus if A_{11}x_1=0 we must have q(\hat x_2)=0, which is true if and only if A_{22}\hat x_2=-A_{21}x_1=0. QED

Now suppose A_{11}=\begin{bmatrix}K_1&\overline{K}_1\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}\Lambda_1^2&0\\0&0\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}K_1'\\\overline{K}_1'\end{bmatrix}, and A_{22}=\begin{bmatrix}K_2&\overline{K}_2\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}\Lambda_2^2&0\\0&0\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}K_2'\\\overline{K}_2'\end{bmatrix} are the eigen-decompositions of A_{11} and A_{22}. The r_1\times r_1 matrix \Lambda_1^2 and the r_2\times r_2 matrix \Lambda_2^2 have positive diagonal elements, and r_1 and r_2 are the ranks of A_{11} and A_{22}.

Define new variables \begin{align*} x_1&=K_1\Lambda_1^{-1}u_1+\overline{K}_1v_1,\tag{1a}\\ x_2&=K_2\Lambda_2^{-1}u_2+\overline{K}_2v_2.\tag{1b} \end{align*}

Then f(x_1,x_2)=\frac{u_1'\Lambda_1^{-1}K_1'A_{12}K_2\Lambda_2^{-1}u_2}{\sqrt{u_1'u_1}\sqrt{u_2'u_2}}, which does not depend on v_1 and v_2 at all. Thus we can just consider f as a function of u_1 and u_2, study its stationary values, and then translate back to x_1 and x_2 using (1a) and (1b), choosing v_1 and v_2 completely arbitrary.

Define H\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\Lambda_1^{-1}K_1'A_{12}K_2\Lambda_2^{-1}. The stationary equations we have to solve are \begin{align*} Hu_2&=\rho u_1,\\ H'u_1&=\rho u_2, \end{align*} where \rho is a Lagrange multiplier, and we identify u_1 and u_2 by u_1'u_1=u_2'u_2=1. It follows that \begin{align*} HH'u_1&=\rho^2 u_1,\\ H'Hu_2&=\rho^2 u_2, \end{align*}

and also \rho=f(u_1,u_2).

15.10.3 Canonical Correlation

Suppose A_1 is an n\times m_1 matrix and A_2 is an n\times m_2 matrix. The cosine of the angle between two linear combinations A_1x_1 and A_2x_2 is f(x_1,x_2)=\frac{x_1'A_1'A_2x_2}{\sqrt{x_1'A_1'A_1x_1}\sqrt{x_2'A_2'A_2x_2}}. Consider the problem of finding the maximum, the minimum, and possible other stationary values of f.

are two matrices of dimensions, respectiSpecifically there exists a non-singular K of order n_1 and a non-singular L of order n_2 such that \begin{align*} K'A_1'A_1^{\ }K&=I_1,\\ L'A_2'A_2^{\ }L&=I_2,\\ K'A_1'A_2^{\ }L&=D. \end{align*}

Here I_1 and I_2 are diagonal, with the n_1 and n_2 leading diagonal elements equal to one and all other elements zero. D is a matrix with the non-zero canonical correlations in non-increasing order along the diagonal and zeroes everywhere else.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_angles http://meyer.math.ncsu.edu/Meyer/PS_Files/AnglesBetweenCompSubspaces.pdf

15.10.4 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Asymmetric Matrices

If A is a square but asymmetric real matrix the eigenvector-eigenvalue situation becomes quite different from the symmetric case. We gave a variational treatment of the symmetric case, using the connection between eigenvalue problems and quadratic forms (or ellipses and other conic sections, if you have a geometric mind).That connection, howver, is lost in the asymmetric case, and there is no obvious variational problem associated with eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Let us first define eigenvalues and eigenvectors in the asymmetric case. As before, an eigen-pair (x,\lambda) is a solution to the equation Ax=\lambda x with x\not= 0. This can also be written as (A-\lambda I)x=0, which shows that the eigenvalues are the solutions of the equation \pi_A(\lambda)=\mathbf{det}(A-\lambda I)=0. Now the function \pi_A is the characteristic polynomial of A. It is a polynomial of degree n, and by the fundamental theorem of algebra there are n real and complex roots, counting multiplicities. Thus A has n eigenvalues, as before, although some of them can be complex

A first indication that something may be wrong, or least fundamentally different, is the matrix A=\begin{bmatrix}0&1\\0&0\end{bmatrix}. The characteristic equation \pi_A(\lambda)=\lambda^2=0 has the root \lambda=0, with multiplicity 2. Thus an eigenvector should satisfy \begin{bmatrix}0&1\\0&0\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x_1\\x_2\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}0\\0\end{bmatrix}, which merely says x_2=0. Thus A does not have two linearly independent, let alone orthogonal, eigenvectors.

A second problem is illustrated by the anti-symmetric matrix A=\begin{bmatrix}0&1\\-1&0\end{bmatrix} for which the characteristic polynomial is \pi_A(\lambda)=\lambda^2+1. The characteristic equations has the two complex roots +\sqrt{-1} and -\sqrt{-1}. The corresponding eigenvectors are the columns of \begin{bmatrix}1&1\\\sqrt{-1}&-\sqrt{-1}\end{bmatrix}. Thus both eigenvalues and eigenvectors may be complex. In fact if we take complex conjugates on both sides of Ax=\lambda x, and remember that A is real, we see that \overline{Ax}=A\overline x=\overline{\lambda}\overline{x}. Thus (x,\lambda) is an eigen-pair if and only if (\overline{x},\overline{\lambda}) is. If A is real and of odd order it always has at least one real eigenvalue. If an eigenvalue \lambda is real and of multiplicity m, then there are m corresponding real and linearly independent eigenvectors. They are simply a basis for the null space of A-\lambda I.

A third problem, which by definition did not come up in the symmetric case, is that we now have an eigen problem for both A and its transpose A'. Since for all \lambda we have \mathbf{det}(A-\lambda I)=\mathbf{det}(A'-\lambda I) it follows that A and A' have the same eigenvalues. We say that (x,\lambda) is a right eigen-pair of A if Ax=\lambda x, and (y,\lambda) is a left eigen-pair of A if y'A=\lambda y', which is of course the same as A'y=\lambda y.

A matrix A is diagonalizable if there exists a non-singular X such that X^{-1}AX=\Lambda, with \Lambda diagonal. Instead of the spectral decomposition of symmetric matrices we have the decomposition A=X\Lambda X^{-1} or X^{-1}AX=\Lambda. A matrix that is not diagonalizable is called defective.

Result: A matrix A is diagonalizable if and only if it has n linearly independent right eigenvectors if and only if it has n linearly independent left eigenvectors. We show this for right eigenvectors. Collect them in the columns of a matrix X. Thus AX=X\Lambda, with X non-singular. This implies X^{-1}A=\Lambda X^{-1}, and thus the rows of Y=X^{-1} are n linearly independent left eigenvalues. Also X^{-1}AX=\Lambda. Conversely if X^{-1}AX=\Lambda then AX=X\Lambda and A'X^{-1}=X^{-1}\Lambda, so we have linearly independent left and right eigenvectors.

Result: If the n eigenvalues \lambda_j of A are all diferent then the eigenvectors x_j are linearly independent. We show this by contradiction. Select a maximally linearly independent subset from the x_j. Suppose there are p<m, so the eigenvectors are linearly dependent. Without loss of generality the maximally linearly independent subset can be taken as the first p. Then for all j>p there exist \alpha_{js} such that x_j=\sum_{s=1}^p\alpha_{js} x_s.\tag{1} Premultiply (1) with \lambda_j to get \lambda_jx_j=\sum_{s=1}^p\alpha_{js} \lambda_jx_s.\tag{2} Premultiply (1) by A to get \lambda_jx_j=\sum_{s=1}^p\alpha_{js} \lambda_sx_s.\tag{3} Subtract (2) from (3) to get \sum_{s=1}^p\alpha_{js}(\lambda_s-\lambda_j)x_s = 0, which implies that \alpha_{js}(\lambda_s-\lambda_j)=0, because the x_s are linearly independent. Since the eigenvalues are unequal, this implies a_{js}=0 and thus x_j=0 for all j>p, contradicting that the x_j are eigenvectors. Thus p=m and the x_j are linearly independent.

Note 030615 Add small amount on defective matrices. Add stuff on characteristic and minimal polynomials. Take about using the SVD instead.

15.10.5 Modified Eigenvalue Problems

Suppose we know an eigen decomposition B=K\Phi K' of a real symmetric matrix B of order n, and we want to find an eigen decomposition of the rank-one modification A=B+\gamma cc', where \gamma\not= 0. The problem was first discussed systematically by Golub (1973). Also see Bunch, Nielsen, and Sorensen (1978) for a more detailed treatment and implmentation.

Eigen-pairs of A must satisfy (B+\gamma cc')x=\lambda x. Change variables to y=K'x and define d\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}K'c. For the time being suppose all elements of d are non-zero and all elements of \Phi are different, with \phi_1>\cdots>\phi_n.

We must solve (\Phi+\gamma dd')y=\lambda y, which we can also write as (\Phi-\lambda I)y=-\gamma (d'y)d.

Suppose (y,\lambda) is a solution with d'y=0. Then (\Phi-\lambda I)y=0 and because all \phi_k are different y must be a vector with a single element, say y_k, not equal to zero. But then d'y=y_kd_k, which is non-zero. Thus d'y is non-zero at a solution, and because eigenvectors are determined up to a scalar factor we may as well require e'y=1.

Now solve \begin{align*} (\Phi-\lambda I)y&=-\gamma d,\\ d'y&=1. \end{align*}

At a solution we must have \lambda\not=\phi_i, because otherwise d_i would be zero. Thus y_i=-\gamma \frac{d_i}{\phi_i-\lambda}, and we can find \lambda by solving 1+\gamma\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{d_i^2}{\phi_i-\lambda}=0. If we define f(\lambda)=\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{d_i^2}{\phi_i-\lambda}, then we must solve f(\lambda)=-\frac{1}{\gamma}. Let’s first look at a particular f.

Figure 1: Linear Secular Equation

We have f'(\lambda)>0 for all \lambda, and \lim_{\lambda\rightarrow-\infty}f(\lambda)=\lim_{\lambda\rightarrow+\infty}f(\lambda)=0. There are vertical asymptotes at all \phi_i, and between \phi_i and \phi_{i+1} the function increases from -\infty to +\infty. For \lambda<\phi_n the function increases from 0 to +\infty and for \lambda>\phi_1 it increases from -\infty to 0. Thus the equation f(\lambda)=-1/\gamma has one solution in each of the n-1 open intervals between the \phi_i. If \gamma<0 it has an additional solution smaller than \phi_n and if \gamma>0 it has a solution larger than \phi_1. If \gamma<0 then \lambda_n<\phi_n<\lambda_{n-1}<\cdots<\phi_2<\lambda_1<\phi_1, and if \gamma>0 then \phi_n<\lambda_n<\phi_{n-1}\cdots<\phi_2<\lambda_2<\phi_1<\lambda_1. Finding the actual eigenvalues in their intervals can be done with any root-finding method. Of course some will be better than other for solving this particular problem. See Melman Melman (1995), Melman (1997), and Melman (1998) for suggestions and comparisons.

We still have to deal with the assumptions that the elements of d are non-zero and that all \phi_i are different. Suppose p elements of d_i are zero, without loss of generality it can be the last p. Partition \Phi and d accordingly. Then we need to solve the modified eigen-problem for \begin{bmatrix} \Phi_1+\gamma d_1d_1'&0\\ 0&\Phi_2 \end{bmatrix}. But this is a direct sum of smaller matrices and the eigenvalues problems for \Phi_2 and \Phi_1+\gamma d_1d_1' can be solved separately.

If not all \phi_i are different we can partitioning the matrix into blocks corresponding with the, say, p different eigenvalues. \begin{bmatrix} \phi_1I+\gamma d_1d_1'&\gamma d_1d_2'&\cdots&\gamma d_1d_p'\\ \gamma d_2d_1'&\phi_2I+\gamma d_2d_2'&\cdots&\gamma d_2d_p'\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ \gamma d_pd_1'&\gamma d_pd_2'&\cdots&\phi_pI+d_pd_p' \end{bmatrix}. Now use the p matrices L_s which are square orthonormal of order n_s, and have their first column equal to d_s/\|d_s\|. Form the direct sum of the L_s and compute L_s'(\Phi+\gamma dd')L_s. This gives \begin{bmatrix} \phi_1I+\gamma\|d_1\|^2 e_1e_1'&\gamma\|d_1\|\|d_2\|e_1e_2'&\cdots&\gamma\|d_1\|\|d_p\|e_1e_p'\\ \gamma\|d_2\|\|d_1\|e_2e_1'&\phi_2I+\gamma\|d_2\|^2e_2e_2'&\cdots&\gamma\|d_2\|\|d_p\|e_2e_p'\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ \gamma \|d_p\|\|d_1\|e_pe_1'&\gamma \|d_p\|\|d_2\|e_pe_2'&\cdots&\phi_pI+\gamma\|d_p\|^2e_pe_p' \end{bmatrix} with the e_s unit vectors, i.e. vectors that are zero except for element s that is one.

A row and column permutation makes the matrix a direct sum of the p diagonal matrices \phi_s I of order n_s-1 and the p\times p matrix \begin{bmatrix} \phi_1+\gamma\|d_1\|^2 &\gamma\|d_1\|\|d_2\|&\cdots&\gamma\|d_1\|\|d_p\|\\ \gamma\|d_2\|\|d_1\|e_2e_1'&\phi_2+\gamma\|d_2\|^2&\cdots&\gamma\|d_2\|\|d_p\|\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ \gamma \|d_p\|\|d_1\|e_pe_1'&\gamma \|d_p\|\|d_2\|&\cdots&\phi_p+\gamma\|d_p\|^2 \end{bmatrix} This last matrix satisfies our assumptions of different diagonal elements and nonzero off-diagonal elements, and consequently can be analyzed by using our previous results.

A very similar analysis is possible for modfied singular value decomposition, for which we refer to Bunch and Nielsen (1978)).

15.10.6 Quadratic on a Sphere

Another problem naturally leading to a different secular equation is finding stationary values of a quadratic function f defined by f(x)=\frac12 x'Ax-b'x + c on the unit sphere \{x\mid x'x=1\}. This was first studied by Forsythe and Golub (1965). Their treatment was subsequently simplified and extended by Spjøtvoll (1972) and Gander (1981). The problem has recently received some attention because of the development of trust region methods for optimization, and, indeed, because of Nesterov majorization.

The stationary equations are \begin{align*} (A-\lambda I)x&=b,\\ x'x&=1. \end{align*} Suppose A=K\Phi K' with the \phi_1\geq\cdots\geq\phi_n , change variables to y=K'x, and define d\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}K'b. Then we must solve \begin{align*} (\Phi-\lambda I)y&=d,\\ y'y&=1. \end{align*} Assume for now that the elements of d are non-zero. Then \lambda cannot be equal to one of the \phi_i. Thus y_i=\frac{d_i}{\phi_i-\lambda} and we must have h(\lambda)=1, where h(\lambda)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{d_i^2}{(\phi_i-\lambda)^2}. Again, let’s look at an example of a particular h. The plots in Figure 1 show both f ad h. We see that h(\lambda)=1 has 12 solutions, so the remaining question is which one corresponds with the minimum of f.

Figure 1: Quadratic Secular Equation

Again h has vertical asympotes at the \phi_i. Beween two asymptotes h decreases from +\infty to a minimum, and then increases again to +\infty. Note that h'(\lambda)=2\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{d_i^2}{(\phi_i-\lambda)^3}, and h''(\lambda)=6\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{d_i^2}{(\phi_i-\lambda)^4}, and thus h is convex in each of the intervals between asymptotes. Also h is convex and increasing from zero to +\infty on (-\infty,\phi_n) and convex and decreasing from +\infty to zero on (\phi_1,+\infty).

15.10.7 Generalized Inverses

15.10.8 Partitioned Matrices

15.11 Matrix Differential Calculus

15.11.1 Matrix Derivatives

A matrix, of course, is just an element of a finite dimensional linear vector space. We write X\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}, and we use the inner product \langle X,Y\rangle=\mathbf{tr} X'Y, and corresponding norm \|X\|=\sqrt{\mathbf{tr}\ X'X}. Thus derivatives of real-valued function of matrices, or derivatives of matrix-valued functions of matrices, are covered by the usual definitions and formulas. Nevertheless there is a surprisingly huge literature on differential calculus for real-valued functions of matrices, and matrix-valued functions of matrices.

One of the reason for the proliferation of publications is that a matrix-valued function of matrices can be thought of a function of for matrix space \mathbb{R}^{n\times m} to matrix-space \mathbb{R}^{p\times q}, but also as a function of vector space \mathbb{R}^{nm} to vector space \mathbb{R}^{pq}. There are obvious isomorphisms between the two representations, but they naturally lead to different notations. We will consistently choose the matrix-space formulation, and consequently minimize the role of the \mathbf{vec}() operator and the special constructs such as the commutation and duplication matrix.

The other choice

Nevertheless having a compendium of the standard real-valued and matrix-valued functions available is of some interest. The main reference is the book by Magnus and Neudecker (1999). We will avoid using differentials and the \mathbf{vec}() operator.

Suppose F is a matrix valued function of a single variable x. In other words F:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{n\times m} is a matrix of functions, as in F(x)= \begin{bmatrix} f_{11}(x)&f_{12}(x)&\cdots&f_{1m}(x)\\ f_{21}(x)&f_{22}(x)&\cdots&f_{2m}(x)\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ f_{n1}(x)&f_{n2}(x)&\cdots&f_{nm}(x) \end{bmatrix}. Now the derivatives of any order of F, if they exist, are also matrix valued functions \mathcal{D}^sF(x)= \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{D}^sf_{11}(x)&\mathcal{D}^sf_{12}(x)&\cdots&\mathcal{D}^sf_{1m}(x)\\ \mathcal{D}^sf_{21}(x)&\mathcal{D}^sf_{22}(x)&\cdots&\mathcal{D}^sf_{2m}(x)\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ \mathcal{D}^sf_{n1}(x)&\mathcal{D}^sf_{n2}(x)&\cdots&\mathcal{D}^sf_{nm}(x) \end{bmatrix}. If F is a function of a vector x\in\mathbb{R}^p then partial derivatives are defined similarly, as in \mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}F(x)= \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{11}(x)&\mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{12}(x)&\cdots&\mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{1m}(x)\\ \mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{21}(x)&\mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{22}(x)&\cdots&\mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{2m}(x)\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ \mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{n1}(x)&\mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{n2}(x)&\cdots&\mathcal{D}_{i_1\cdots i_s}f_{nm}(x) \end{bmatrix}, with 1\leq i_s\leq p. The notation becomes slightly more complicated if F is a function of a p\times q matrix X, i.e. an element of \mathbb{R}^{p\times q}. It then makes sense to write the partials as \mathcal{D}_{(i_1,j_1)\cdots(i_s,j_s)}F(X) where 1\leq i_s\leq p and 1\leq j_s\leq q.

15.11.2 Derivatives of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

This appendix summarizes some of the results in De Leeuw (2007a), De Leeuw (2008), and De Leeuw and Sorenson (2012). We refer to those reports for more extensive calculations and applications.

Suppose A and B are two real symmetric matrices depending smoothly on a real parameter \theta. The notation below suppresses the dependence on \theta of the various quantities we talk about, but it is important to remember that all eigenvalues and eigenvectors we talk about are functions of \theta.

The generalized eigenvalue \lambda_s and the corresponding generalized eigenvector x_s are defined implicitly by Ax_s=\lambda_sBx_s. Moreover the eigenvector is identified by x_s'Bx_s^{\ }=1. We suppose that in a neighborhood of \theta the eigenvalue \lambda_s is unique and B is positive definite. A precise discussion of the required assumptions is, for example, in Wilkinson (1965) or Kato (1976).

Differentiating Ax_s=\lambda_sBx_s gives the equation (A-\lambda_sB)(\mathcal{D}x_s)=-((\mathcal{D}A)-\lambda_s(\mathcal{D}B))x_s+(\mathcal{D}\lambda_s)Bx_s, \tag{1} while x_s'Bx_s=1 gives x_s'B(\mathcal{D}x_s)=-\frac12 x_s'(\mathcal{D}B)x_s. \tag{2} Premultiplying \mathbf{(1)} by x_s' gives \mathcal{D}\lambda_s=x_s'((\mathcal{D}A)-\lambda_s(\mathcal{D}B))x_s Now suppose AX=BX\Lambda with X'BX=I. Then from \mathbf{(1)}, for t\not= s, premultiplying by x_t' gives (\lambda_t-\lambda_s)x_t'B(Dx_s)=-x_t'((\mathcal{D}A)-\lambda_s(\mathcal{D}B))x_s. If we define g by g_t\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\begin{cases}\frac{1}{\lambda_t-\lambda_s}x_t'((\mathcal{D}A)-\lambda_s(\mathcal{D}B))x_s&\text{ for }t\not= s,\\ \frac12 x_t'(\mathcal{D}B)x_t&\text{ for }t=s, \end{cases} then X'B(\mathcal{D}x_s)=-g and thus \mathcal{D}x_s=-Xg.
A first important special case is the ordinary eigenvalue problem, in which B=I, which obviously does not depend on \theta, and consequently has \mathcal{D}B=0. Then \mathcal{D}\lambda_s=x_s'(\mathcal{D}A)x_s, while g_t\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\begin{cases}\frac{1}{\lambda_t-\lambda_s}x_t'(\mathcal{D}A)x_s&\text{ for }t\not= s,\\ 0&\text{ for }t=s. \end{cases} If we use the Moore_Penrose inverse the derivatives of the eigenvector can be written as \mathcal{D}x_s=-(A-\lambda_s I)^+(\mathcal{D}A)x_s. Written in a different way this expression is \mathcal{D}x_s=\sum_{t\not =s}\frac{u_{st}}{\lambda_s-\lambda_t}x_t, with U\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}X'(\mathcal{D}A)X, so that \mathcal{D}\lambda_s=u_{ss}.

In the next important special case is the singular value problem The singular values and vectors of an n\times m rectangular Z, with n\geq m, solve the equations Zy_s=\lambda_s x_s and Z'x_s=\lambda_s y_s. It follows that Z'Zy_s=\lambda_s^2y_s, i.e. the right singular vectors are the eigenvectors and the singular values are the square roots of the eigenvalues of A=Z'Z.

Now we can apply our previous results on eigenvalues and eigenvectors. If A=Z'Z then \mathcal{D}A=Z'(\mathcal{D}Z)+(\mathcal{D}Z)'Z. We have, at an isolated singular value \lambda_s, \mathcal{D}\lambda_s^2=y_s'(Z'(\mathcal{D}Z)+(\mathcal{D}Z)'Z)y_s=2\lambda_s x_s'(\mathcal{D}Z)y_s, and thus \mathcal{D}\lambda_s=x_s'(\mathcal{D}Z)y_s. For the singular vectors our previous results on eigenvectors give \mathcal{D}y_s=-(Z'Z-\lambda_s^2 I)^+(Z'(\mathcal{D}Z)+(\mathcal{D}Z)'Z)y_s, and in the same way \mathcal{D}x_s=-(ZZ'-\lambda_s^2 I)^+(Z(\mathcal{D}Z)'+(\mathcal{D}Z)Z')x_s.

Now let Z=X\Lambda Y', with X and Y square orthonormal, and with \Lambda and n\times m diagonal matrix (with \mathcal{rank}(Z) positive diagonal entries in non-increasing order along the diagonal).

Also define U\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}X'(DZ)Y. Then \mathcal{D}\lambda_s=u_{ss}, and \mathcal{D}y_s =\sum_{t\not= s}\frac{\lambda_su_{st}+\lambda_t u_{ts}}{\lambda_s^2-\lambda_t^2} y_t, and \mathcal{D}x_s =\sum_{t\not= s}\frac{\lambda_t u_{st}+\lambda_su_{ts}}{\lambda_s^2-\lambda_t^2} x_t. Note that if Z is symmetric we have X=Y and U is symmetric, so we recover our previous result for eigenvectors. Also note that if the parameter \theta is actually element (i,j) of Z, i.e. if we are computing partial derivatives, then u_{st}=x_{is}y_{jt}.

The results on eigen and singular value decomposition can be applied in many different ways. mostly by simply using the product rule for derivatives, For a square symmetric A or order n, for example, we have f(A)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\sum_{s=1}^n f(\lambda_s)x_sx_s'. and thus \mathcal{D}f(A)=\sum_{s=1}^nDf(\lambda_s)(\mathcal{D}\lambda_s)x_sx_s'+f(\lambda_s)(x_s(\mathcal{D}x_s)'+(\mathcal{D}x_s)x_s'). The generalized inverse of a rectangular Z is Z^+\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\sum_{s=1}^r \frac{1}{\lambda_s}y_sx_s', where r=\mathbf{rank}(Z). Summation is over the positive singular values, and for differentiability we must assume that the rank of Z is constant in a neighborhood of \theta.

The Procrustus transformation of a rectangular Z, which is the projection of Z on the Stiefel manifold of orthonormal matrices, is \mathbf{proc}(Z)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}Z(Z'Z)^{-\frac12}=\sum_{s=1}^m x_sy_s', where we assume for differentiability that Z is of full column rank.

The projection of Z on the set of all matrices of rank less than or equal to r, which is of key importance in PCA and MDS, is \Pi_r(Z)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\sum_{s=1}^r\lambda_s x_sy_s'=Z\sum_{s=1}^ry_sy_s', where summation is over the r largest singular values.

15.12 Graphics and Code

15.12.1 Multidimensional Scaling

Many of the examples in the book are taken from the area of multidimensional scaling (MDS). In this appendix we describe the basic MDS notation and terminology. Our approach to MDS is based on Kruskal [1964ab], using terminology and notation of De Leeuw [1977] and De Leeuw and Heiser [1982]. For a more recent and more extensive discussion of MDS see Borg and Groenen [2005].

The data in an MDS problem consist of information about the dissimilarities between pairs of n objects. Dissimilarities are like distances, in the sense that they give some information about physical or psychological closeness, but they need not satisfy any of the distance axioms. In metric MDS the dissimilarity between objects i and j is a given number \delta_{ij}, usually positive and symmetric, with possibly some of the dissimilarities missing. In non-metric MDS we only have a partial order on some or all of the n^2 dissimilarities. We want to represent the n objects as n points in a metric space in such a way that the distances between the points approximate the dissimilarities between the objects.

An MDS loss function is typically of the form \sigma(X,\Delta)=\|\Delta-D(X)\| for some norm, or pseudo-norm, on the space of n\times n matrices. Here X are the n points in the metric space, with D(X) the symmetric, non-negative, and hollow matrix of distances. The MDS problem is to minimize loss over all mappings X and all feasible \Delta. In the metric MDS problems \Delta is fixed at the observed data, in non-metric MDS any monotone transformation of \Delta is feasible.

The definition of MDS we have given leaves room for all kinds of metric spaces and all kinds of norms to measure loss. In almost all applications both in this book and elsewhere, we are interested in Euclidean MDS, where the metric space is \mathbb{R}^p, and in loss functions that use the (weighted) sum of squares of residuals r_{ij}(X,\Delta). Thus the loss function has the general form \sigma(X,\Delta)= \sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}^{\ }r_{ij}^2(X,\Delta), where X is an n\times p matrix called the configuration.

The most popular choices for the residuals are \begin{align*} R_1(X,\Delta)&=\Delta-D(X),\\ R_2(X,\Delta)&=\Delta^2-D^2(X),\\ R_0(X,\Delta)&=\log\Delta-\log D(X),\\ R_S(X,\Delta)&=-\frac12 J_n(\Delta^2-D^2(X))J_n. \end{align*}

Here \Delta^2 and \log\Delta are elementwise transformations of the dissimilarities, with corresponding transformations D^2 and \log D of the distances. In R_S we use the centering operator J_n=I-\frac{1}{n}ee'. For Euclidean distances, and centered X, R_S(X,\Delta)=\Gamma(\Delta)-XX', with \Gamma(\Delta)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}-\frac12 J_n\Delta^2J_n. Metric Euclidean MDS, using R_S with unit weights, means finding the best rank p approximation to \Gamma(\Delta), which can be done finding the p dominant eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors. This is also known as Classical MDS [Torgerson, 1958].

The loss function \sigma_1 that uses R_1 is called stress [Kruskal, 1964ab], the function \sigma_2 that uses R_2 is sstress [Takane et al, 1977], and loss \sigma_S that uses R_S is strain [De Leeuw and Heiser, 1982]. R_0 has been nameless so far, but it has been proposed by Ramsay [1977]. Because of its limiting properties (see below), we will call it strull.

Both R_1 ant R_2 are obviously special cases of R_r(X,\Delta)=\Delta^r-D^r(X), for which the corresponding loss function \sigma_r is called r-stress. Because \lim_{r\rightarrow 0}\frac{R_r(X,\Delta)}{r}= \log\Delta-\log D(X) we see that \sigma_0 is a limiting case of \frac{1}{r^2}\sigma_r.

There is some matrix notation that is useful in dealing with Euclidean MDS. Suppose e_i and e_j are unit vectors, with all elements equal to zero, except one element which is equal to one. Then d_{ij}^2(X)=(e_i-e_j)'XX'(e_i-e_j)=\mathbf{tr}\ X'A_{ij}X=\mathbf{tr}\ A_{ij}C(X), where A_{ij}\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}(e_i-e_j)(e_i-e_j)' and C(X)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}XX'. If we define A^{*p}_{ij}\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\underbrace{A_{ij}\oplus\cdots\oplus A_{ij}}_{p\text{ times}}, and \overline{x}=\mathbf{vec}(X) then d_{ij}^2(X)=\overline{x}'A^{*p}_{ij}\overline{x}, which allows us to work with vectors in \mathbb{R}^{np} instead of matrices in \mathbb{R}^{n\times p}.

15.12.2 Cobweb Plots

Suppose we have a one-dimensional Picard sequence which starts at x^{(0)}, and then is defined by x^{(k+1)}=f(x^{(k)}).

The cobweb plot draws the line y=x and the function y=f(x). A fixed point is a point where the line and the function intersect. We visualize the iteration by starting at (x^{(0)},f(x^{(0)}))=(x^{(0)},x^{(1)}), then draw a horizontal line to (f(x^{(0)}),f(x^{(0)}))=(x^{(1)},x^{(1)}), then draw a vertical line to (x^{(1)},f(x^{(1)}))=(x^{(1)},x^{(2)}), and so on. For a convergent sequence we will see zig-zagging parallel to the axes in smaller and smaller steps to a point where the function and the line intersect.

An illustration will make this clear. The Newton iteration for the square root of a is x^{(k+1)}=\frac12\left(x^{(k)}+\frac{a}{x^{(k)}}\right). The iterations for a=.5 starting with x^{(0)}=.1 are in the cobweb plot in figure 15.2.

Cobweb plot for Newton Square Root Iteration

Figure 15.2: Cobweb plot for Newton Square Root Iteration

In the code section there is R code for a general cobweb plotter with a variable number of parameters.