5 Alternating Least Squares
5.1 Introduction
An Alternating Least Squares or ALS algorithm is defined as a block relaxation algorithm applied to a least squares loss function. Least squares loss functions are somewhat loosely defined. We will discuss what we have in mind, before giving some of the history of ALS methods.
We start with have a functions f of the form f(x)=m∑j=1m∑ℓ=1wjℓgj(x)gℓ(x), where W is an m×m fixed positive semi-definite matrix of weights, and we minimize f over x∈X.
One obvious property of least squares loss functions is that they are bounded below by zero, which means that a decreasing sequence of loss function values f(k)=f(x(k)), generated for example by an iterative algorithm, necessarily converges.
Alternating least squares methods by definition use block relaxation, so we introduce a block structure. As usual the block structure is designed to make the minimization subproblems relatively easy to solve. A first step towards simplicity is to f(x1,⋯,xp)=m∑j=1m∑ℓ=1wjℓgj(x1,⋯,xp)gℓ(x1,⋯,xp), which must be minimized over xs∈Xs, where X=X1⊗⋯⊗Xp. To make the problem interesting for block optimization we have separated the constraints on x into separate constraints on the n blocks xi.
In many ALS examples there is additional structure. A familar special case has the form f(x1,x2)=m∑j=1m∑ℓ=1wjℓ(gj(x1)−hj(x2))(gℓ(x1)−hℓ(x2)) Of course x1 and x2 can be further partitioned into blocks if that is convenient. Even more structure is introduced into the ALS problem when the functions gj and hj are polynomials or multilinear functions.
As explained in section 2.1 the term Alternating Least Squares was first used in De Leeuw (1968). There certainly were ALS methods before 1968. Examples are the missing data methods in factorial analysis of variance pioneered by Yayes (1933), the iterative principal factor analysis method of Thomson (1934), or the MINRES method for factor analysis by Harman and Jones (1966). The systematic use of ALS techniques in psychometrics and multivariate analysis started after the pioneering work of Kruskal (1964a), Kruskal (1964b), Kruskal (1965) in nonmetric multidimensional scaling. De Leeuw, Young, and Takane started the ALSOS system of techniques and programs around 1973 (see Young, De Leeuw, and Takane (1980)), and De Leeuw, with many others, at Leiden University started the Gifi system around 1975 (see Gifi (1990)).
5.2 Close Relatives
5.2.1 ALSOS
ALSOS algorithms are ALS algorithms in which one or more of the blocks defines transformations of variables. f(x,z)=m∑j=1m∑ℓ=1wjℓgj(x1,⋯,xp,z)gℓ(x1,⋯,xp,z).
Suppose we have n observations on two sets of variables xi and yi. We want to fit a model of the form Fθ(Φ(xi))≈Gξ(Ψ(yi)) where the unknowns are the structural parameters θ and ξ and the transformations Φ and Ψ. In ALS we measure loss-of-fit by σ(θ,ξ,Φ,Ψ)=n∑i=1[Fθ(Φ(xi))−Gξ(Ψ(yi))]2. This loss function is minimized by starting with initial estimates for the transformations, minimizing over the structural parameters, keeping the transformations fixed at their current values, and then minimizing over the transformations, with structural values kept fixed at their new values. These two minimizations are alternated, which produces a nonincreasing sequence of loss function values, bounded below by zero, and thus convergent. This is a version of the trivial convergence theorem.
The first ALS example is due to Kruskal (1965). We have a factorial ANOVA, with, say, two factors, and we minimize σ(ϕ,μ,α,β)=n∑i=1m∑j=1[ϕ(yij)−(μ+αi+βj)]2. Kruskal required ϕ to be monotonic. Minimizing loss for fixed ϕ is just doing an analysis of variance, minimizing loss over ϕ for fixed μ,α,β is doing a monotone regression. Obviously also some normalization requirement is needed to exclude trivial zero solutions.
This general idea was extended by De Leeuw, Young, and Takane around 1975 to σ(ϕ;ψ1,⋯,ψm)=n∑i=1[ϕ(yi)−p∑s=1ψj(xij)]2. This ALSOS work, in the period 1975-1980, is summarized in Young, De Leeuw, and Takane (1980). Subsequent work, culminating in the book by Gifi (1990) generalized this to ALSOS versions of principal component analysis, path analysis, canonical analysis, discriminant analysis, MANOVA, and so on. The classes of transformations over which loss was minimized were usually step-functions, splines, monotone functions, or low-degree polynomials. To illustrate the use of more sets in ALS, consider σ(ψ1,⋯,ψm;α,β)=n∑i=1m∑j=1(ψj(xij)−p∑s=1αisβjs)2. This is principal component analysis (or partial singular value decomposition) with optimal scaling. We can now cycle over three sets, the transformations, the component scores αis and the component loadings βjs. In the case of monotone transformations this alternates monotone regression with two linear least squares problems.
5.2.2 ACE
The ACE methods, developed by Breiman and Friedman (1985), minimize over all smooth functions.
A problem with ACE is that smoothers, at least most smoothers, often do not minimize a loss function, or the same loss function as is used for the remaining parameters.
In any case, ACE is less general than ALS, because not all least squares problems can be interpreted as computing conditional expectations.
Another obviously related area in statistics is the Generalized Additive Models discussed extensively by Hastie and Tibshirani (1990).
5.2.3 NIPALS and PLS
5.3 Rate of Convergence
The least squares loss function, in the most general form we consider here, is f(x)=12m∑j=1m∑ℓ=1wjℓgj(x)gℓ(x), with W a fixed symmetric positive semi-definite matrix of weights.
Thus Df(x)=m∑j=1m∑ℓ=1wjℓgj(x)Dgℓ(x), and D2f(x)=m∑j=1m∑ℓ=1wjℓ{gj(x)D2gℓ(x)+Dgj(x)(Dgℓx)′}.
Note: Older piece follows (fix) 03/12/15
It is easy to apply the general results from the previous sections to ALS. The results show that it is important that the solutions to the subproblems are unique. The least squares loss function has some special structure in its second derivatives which we can often exploit in a detailed analysis. If σ(ω,ξ)=n∑i=1(fi(ω)−gi(ξ))2, then D2σ=[S100S2]+[G′G−G′H−H′GH′H], with G and H the Jacobians of f and g, and with S1 and S2 weighted sums of the Hessians of the fi and gi, with weights equal to the least squares residuals at the solution. If S1 and S2 are small, because the residuals are small, or because the fi and gi are linear or almost linear, we see that the rate of ALS will be the canonical correlation between G and H.
5.4 Examples
5.4.1 Homogeneity Analysis
5.4.2 Fixed Rank Approximation
5.4.3 Multilinear Fitting
5.4.4 MCR-ALS
5.4.5 Scaling and Splitting
Early on in the development of ALS algorithms some interesting complications where discovered. Let us consider canonical correlation analysis with optimal scaling. There we want to minimize σ(X,Y,A,B)=tr (XA−YB)′(XA−YB), where the X and the Y are optimally scaled or transformed variables. This problem is analyzed in detail in Van der Burg and De Leeuw (1983). This seems like a perfectly straightforward ALS problem. It can be formulated as a problem with the two blocks (X,Y) and (A,B), or as a problem with the four blocks X,Y,A,B. But no matter how one formulates it, a normalization must be chosen to prevent trivial solutions. In the spirit of canonical analysis it makes sense to require A′X′XA=I or B′Y′YB=I. Both sets of conditions basically lead to the same solution, but in the intermediate iterations the normalization condition creates a problem, because it involves elements from two different blocks. Also, although A′X′XA=I is a simple constraint on A for given X, it is not such a simple constraint on X for given $A.
The solution to this dilemma, basically due to Takane, is to constrain either (X,A) or (Y,B), always update the unconstrained block, and switch normalizations after each update. Global convergence (at least of loss function values) is guaranteed by the following analysis.
Theorem 1: min
Proof: \min_A\sigma(X,Y,A,B)=\text{ tr }B'Y'YB-B'Y'X(X'X)^{-1}X'YB, and minimizing the right-hand side over B'Y'YB=\mathcal{I} clearly proves the first part of the Theorem. The second part goes the same. QED