10 Tangential Majorization

10.1 Using the Tangent

10.1.1 Majorizing and Minorizing the Logarithm

The logarithm is concave. Consequently, for all positive x and y, we have the linear majorizer logxlogy+1y(xy)=logy+xy1. We can apply the same concavity to get a minorizer log1xlog1y+y(1x1y), which is logxlogyyx+1. These majorizers and minorizers of the logarithm are illustrated in Figure 1 for y=1 and y=5.
Figure 1: Majorization and Minorization of Logarithm

More generally, we have logxlogy+1p{(xy)p1} for all p>0 and logxlogy+1p{(xy)p1} for all p<0. See Figure 2, where y=5 and p={2,1,1,2}.
Figure 2: Majorization and Minorization of Logarithm

10.1.2 Aspects of Correlation Matrices

Suppose x_j,,x_m are random variables, and Kj are convex cones of Borel-measurable real-valued functions of x_j with finite variance. The elements of Kj are called transformations of the variable x_j.

For instance, Kj can be the cone of monotone transformations, or the subspace of splines with given knots, or the subspace of quantifications of a categorical variable

A transformation κK is standardized if E(κ(x_))=0 and E(κ2(x_))=1. Standardized transformations define a sphere Sj.

Now suppose f is a concave and differentiable function defined on the space of all correlation matrices R between m random variables. Suppose we want to minimize g(κ1,,κm)Δ=f(R(κ1(x_1),,κm(x_m))) over all transformations κjKjSj.

Because f is concave f(R)f(S)+ tr f(S)(RS). Collect the partials in the matrix G. A majorization algorithm can minimize mi=1mj=1gij(S)E(κiκj), over all standardized transformations, which we do with block relaxation using m blocks. In each block we must maximize a linear function on a cone, under a quadratic constraint, which is usually not hard to do.

This algorithm generalizes ACE, CA, and many other forms of MVA with OS. It was proposed first by De Leeuw [1988a], with additional theretical results in De Leeuw [1988b]. The function f can be based on multiple correlations, eigenvalues, determinants, and so on.

10.1.3 Partially Observed Linear Systems

De Leeuw (2004) discusses the problem of finding an approximate solution to the homogeneous linear system AB=0 when there are cone and orthonormality restrictions on the columns of A and when some elements of B are restricted to known values, most commonly to zero. Think of the columns of A as variables or sets of variables, and think of B as regression coefficients or weights.

The loss function used by De Leeuw (2004) is f(R)Δ=min with R\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}A'A and with \mathcal{B} coding the constraints on B. Note that the computation of the optimal B in \text{(1)} is a least squares problem, and even with linear inequality constraints on B it is still a straightforward quadratic programming problem.

The function f in \text{(1)} is the pointwise minimum of linear functions in R, and thus it is a concave function of R. This means we are in the “aspects of correlation matrices” framework discussed in the previous section.

In particular we define B(R)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}i\{\hat B\mid\mathbf{tr}\ \hat B'R\hat B=\min_{B\in\mathcal{B}}\mathbf{tr}\ B'RB\}, then the subgradient of f at R is \partial f(R)=\mathbf{conv}(BB'\mid B\in B(R)). The subgradient inequality now says that for all correlation matrices R and S we have f(R)\leq \mathbf{tr}\ \nabla R for all \nabla\in\partial f(S).

The constraints on A discussed in De Leeuw (2004) make it possible to fit a wide variety of multivariate analysis techniques. Columns of A, or variables, are partitioned into blocks. Some blocks contain only a single variable, such variables are called single. Some blocks are constrained to be orthoblocks, which means that the variabes in the block are required to be orthonormal. Single variables may be cone-constrained, which means the corresponding column of A is constrained to be in a cone in \mathbb{R}^n. And orthoblocks may be subspace-constrained, which means all columns must be in the same subspace.

We mention some illustrative special cases here. Common factor analysis of a data matrix Y means finding an approximate solution to the system \begin{bmatrix} Y&\mid&U&\mid&E \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \ \ I\\ -\Gamma\\ -\Delta \end{bmatrix} = 0 with U'U=I, E'E=I, U'E=0, and \Delta diagonal. The common factor scores are in U, the unique factor scores in E, the factor loadings in \Gamma and the uniquenesses in \Delta. This example can be generalized to cover structural equation models

Homeogeneity analysis Gifi (1990) is the linear system \begin{bmatrix} X&\mid&Q_1&\mid&\cdots&\mid&Q_m \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} I&I&I&\cdots&I\\ -\Gamma_1&0&0&\cdots&0\\ 0&-\Gamma_2&0&\cdots&0\\ 0&0&-\Gamma_3&\cdots&0\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ 0&0&0&\cdots&-\Gamma_m \end{bmatrix}=0 where X is and orthoblock of object scores, while the Q_j are orthoblocks in the subspaces defined by the indicator matrices (or B-spline bases) of variable j. For single variables Q_j only has a single column, which can be cone-constrained. For multiple correspondence analysis X and all Q_j have the same number of columns. For nonlinear principal component analysis all variables are single and the \Gamma_j are 1\times p.

In both examples the majorization algorithm is actually an alternating least squares algorithm. In the factor analysis example the loss functon is \sigma(Y,U,\Gamma,E,\Delta)=\|Y-U\Gamma-E\Delta\|^2, and in homogeneity analysis it is \sigma(X,Q_1\cdots,Q_m,\Gamma_1,\cdots,\Gamma_j)=\sum_{j=1}^m\|X-Q_j\Gamma_j\|^2.

10.1.4 Gpower

** Rewrite for minimizing a concave function 02/21/15 **

Consider the problem of maximizing a convex function f on a compact set \mathbf{X}. The function is not necessarily differentiable, the constraint set is not necessarily convex. Define f^\star\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\max_{x\in\mathcal{X}} f(x). For all x,y and z\in\partial f(y) we have the subgradient inequality f(x)\geq f(y)+z'(x-y). Thus the majorization algorithm is x^{(k+1)}\in\mathbf{Arg}\mathop{\mathbf{max}}\limits_{x\in\mathcal{X}} z'x, where z is any element of \partial f(x^{(k)}).

Define \delta(y)\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\max_{x\in\mathcal{X}} z'(x-y) where z\in\partial f(y). Then \delta(y)\geq 0 and \delta(y) vanishes only when z is in the normal cone to \mathbf{conv}(\mathcal{X}) at y. f(x^{(k+1)})\geq f(x^{(k)})+\delta(x^{(k)}). It follows that f(x^{(k+1)})-f(x^{(0)})=\sum_{i=0}^k(f(x^{(i+1)})-f(x^{(i)}))\geq\sum_{i=0}^k\delta(x^{(i)}), and S_k\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\sum_{i=0}^k\delta(x^{(i)})\leq f^\star-f(x^{(0)}).\tag{1} Thus the partial sums S_k define an increasing sequence, which is bounded above and consequently converges. This implies its terms converge to zero. i.e. \lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\delta(x^{(k)})=0. If \delta_k\mathop{=}\limits^{\Delta}\min_{0\leq i\leq k}\delta(x^{(i)}), then, from \text{(1)}, \delta_k\leq\frac{f^*-f(x^{(0)})}{k+1}.

10.2 Broadening the Scope

10.2.1 Differences of Convex Functions

For d.c. functions (differences of convex functions) such as \phi=\alpha-\beta we can write \phi(\omega)\leq\alpha(\omega)-\beta(\xi)-\eta'(\omega-\xi), with \eta\in\partial\beta(\xi). This gives a convex majorizer. Interesting, because basically all twice differentiable functions are d.c.

** Add: convexification 02/21/15 **

Suppose f(x)=\frac14 x^4-\frac12 x^2. If we look for a majorization then our first thought is to majorize the first term, because the second is already nicely quadratic. But in this case we proceed the other way around.

In fact, let’s consider the more general case f(x)=\frac14 x^4-h(x), where h is convex and differentiable. Note f is indeed the difference of two convex functions. We see that f'(x)=x^3-h'(x) and f''(x)=3x^2-h''(x).

Using tangential majorization for h gives g(x,y)=\frac14 x^4-h(y)-h'(y)(x-y). Clearly g is convex in x for every y, and since \mathcal{D}_1g(x,y)=x^3-h'(y) we have x^{(k+1)}=\sqrt[3]{h'(x^{(k)})}. The iteration radius at a fixed point turns out to be \kappa(x)=\frac{h''(x)}{f''(x)+h''(x)}=\frac13\frac{h''(x)}{x^2}.

For h(x)=\frac12 x^2 we have h'(x)=x. Convergence is to \pm 1, and thus, using l’Hôpital’s rule, \kappa(1)=\lim_{x\rightarrow 1}\frac{\sqrt[3]{x}-1}{x-1}=\frac13. For h(x)=|x| we have h'(x)=\pm 1 if x\not= 0, and thus x^{(k+1)}=\pm 1. The algorithm finishes in a single step, with the correct solution.

10.2.2 Convexifiable Functions

10.2.3 Piecewise Linear Majorization