The epiDisplay command tabpct() also provides both row and column percentages for 2x2 tables. Note that the outcome variable has been put first, with the exposure variable second.
#--- 2x2 table with OR and percentages
bab9 %$% tabpct(ht, lbw, graph = F)
## Original table
## lbw
## ht low normal Total
## no 53 499 552
## yes 27 62 89
## Total 80 561 641
## Row percent
## lbw
## ht low normal Total
## no 53 499 552
## (9.6) (90.4) (100)
## yes 27 62 89
## (30.3) (69.7) (100)
## Column percent
## lbw
## ht low % normal %
## no 53 (66.2) 499 (88.9)
## yes 27 (33.8) 62 (11.1)
## Total 80 (100) 561 (100)
Exercise 10.2: What proportion of babies born to women who were hypertensive were of low birthweight? How does this compare with the proportion of low birthweight babies born to women who were not hypertensive?