4 Chapter 4: Supervised Learning

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4.1 Introduction

  • Sometimes, you know the ‘labels’ of the subjects, or objects under study.
    • These may be biological features, as in the penguins and crabs data
    • These may be clinical outcomes, such as lived or died.
  • In a classification problem, we want to be able to make good predictions of the subject labels using the available feature set.
    • This is distinctly different from cluster label assignment, say in model-based clustering
      • Here, we don’t know the labels, and just want to make an assignment that separates homogeneous groups.
    • We can borrow some of the notions of similarity that we developed in cluster analysis to exploit similarity to classify observations.

4.1.1 Training vs. Test data

  • Typical classification problems involve a training set of data, in which a model is fit that attempts to capture enough of the structure in the features of the process so that new observations from a test (or withheld) data set may be classified.
    • For some of our discussion, we will not have a test set; the data as a whole will be used to build the model, and the predictions for each observation form the ‘test’ much as in regression modeling.
    • However, just as in regression, this is likely to be overfitting to a specific dataset, if there are new samples or simply new observations expected, or if predictive (rather than descriptive) modeling is the goal
      • The goal of description is non-trivial, and sometimes leads to insights in and of itself.
      • Procedures to prevent overfitting will be discussed subsequently.

4.2 K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) Classification

  • Imagine a dataset in which you have the labels of ALL observations except for one. What would be a good guess as to the label of the remaining observation?
    • Answer: the label of the nearest neighbor, which would be the observation with the minimum distance to the new point.
    • As we discussed in the case of clustering, there are many choices for distance, but we often use the Euclidean distance, with properly rescaled variables (often called features in this context).

4.2.1 K-NN Illustration with penguins data

  • Visualized in 2-D.
    • Observation 68 is surrounded by a blue triangle to indicate that we (pretend we) don’t know its label, and then we take wider and wider radius circles until we ‘hit’ the nearest neighbor.
      • The circle would be a hyper-sphere in 3-D space
      • Note: it looks like we might assign the ‘blue’ observation to the red group, but that point is actually ‘black’.
#possible points: 60  68  76 

  • We repeat this idea on the whole dataset, looking for the nearest neighbor and assigning the ‘new’ observation its group.
      1. The newly assigned label is the outer circle.
newLabel <- class::knn.cv(penguins[,3:5],cl=penguins$species,k=1)

4.2.2 Confusion matrix

  • We assess the ‘success’ of this approach to classification with a confusion matrix
    • This is a crosstab of truth to assigned labels
      • Note: we include all species, even though some are easy to classify, for completeness
##            newLabel
##             Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo
##   Adelie       140         5      1
##   Chinstrap      5        63      0
##   Gentoo         0         1    118
  • - We assigned twelve observations incorrectly.

4.2.3 Exercise 1

Question link

4.2.4 K-NN with K>1

  • One can take the nearest neighbor idea a bit further, with K>1
    • We look at 5, or 7 nearest neighbors and take the majority vote for the label
      • The use of odd K tends to remove ‘ties’.
    • There are principled ways to choose K (e.g., cross-validation), which we discuss in subsequent handouts.
newLabel5 <- knn.cv(penguins[,3:5],cl=penguins$species,k=5)
newLabel7 <- knn.cv(penguins[,3:5],cl=penguins$species,k=7)
plot(penguins[,c(3,4)],col=penguins$species,pch=16,cex=.8,main='knn; k=5')
plot(penguins[,c(3,4)],col=penguins$species,pch=16,cex=.8,main='knn; k=7')

4.2.5 Confusion matrices

##            newLabel5
##             Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo
##   Adelie       142         3      1
##   Chinstrap      5        63      0
##   Gentoo         0         1    118
##            newLabel7
##             Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo
##   Adelie       141         3      2
##   Chinstrap      7        60      1
##   Gentoo         0         1    118
  • Note that the overall success rate for 7 NN was worse than for 5 NN!
    • We merely did a better job with one species at the expense of another
  • What might we have done differently in terms of the feature metric (knowing that nearest neighbor is defined by Euclidean distance)?
    • Perhaps standardize to prevent one feature from dominating?
      • You can try it: classification could be worse!
    • Would replacing features with a full set of PCs from a PCA have changed anything?
      • No, because (a full) PCA preserves distances.

4.3 Projection-based methods

  • Many classification methods produce a lower-dimensional projection of the information contained in the feature set and use these new components to guide the assignment of observations to groups.
    • Logistic regression example: we try to predict sex from the five features given in the crabs data.
      • One logistic regression model is: logit(Pr(sex=Male))=b0+b1FL+b2RW+b3CL+b4CW+b5BD
      • We can use the inverse logit function ey^1+ey^ to convert any predictions y^, which will be in logit ‘units’ to probabilities.

4.3.1 Example

  • After fitting this model, we get the following prediction equation, for the logit: y^=24.66.2FL20.0RW+9.7CL0.6CW+2.9BD
    • ey^1+ey^ will yield predicted probabilities in the range 0 to 1 as we require.
  • These values for the 200 crabs are mostly near 0 or 1
    • In other words, they classify with a fair amount of certainty
    • But in the cases in which they are closer to 0.5, we have a good chance of misclassification.
    • Below is a plot that reveals correct and incorrect classification.
      • It is a ‘superimposed’ set of the classification probabilities.
crabs <- read.dta("./Datasets/crabs.dta")
inv.logit <- function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
logit.fit1 = glm(I(sex=="Male")~FL+RW+CL+CW+BD,data=crabs,family='binomial')
probMale <- inv.logit(predict(logit.fit1))
df <- data.frame(sex=crabs$sex,prob=probMale)
gg <- ggplot(df, aes(x=prob, color=sex)) + geom_histogram(fill="white", alpha=0.5, position="identity") + labs(x="Prob(Male)",y='Frequency')
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

4.3.2 Exercise 2

Question link

  • If we used a more complex functional form for the logistic model, we might predict even more accurately.
  • Notice that this is a one-dimensional projection from five-dimensional feature set (FL, RW, CL, CW, BD) to a single value in the range (0,1).

4.4 Multinomial Logistic Regression example

  • We try to predict species (Adelie, Chinstrap, Gentoo), from the three features given in the penguins data.
    • The multinomial logistic regression model (2 formulas) is:


    • We chose ‘Adelie’ as the reference group because it was listed first in alphabetical order.
  • There can be challenges with the model fits
    • Logit models don’t handle perfect or near perfect prediction very well.
    • When one group is completely separated from the other, regression coefficients tend toward ± and standard errors are unreliable.
  • One workaround in data of this type is to remove the Adelie from the analysis and do binary logistic regression.
    • You get about the same results, but it is more stable.
  • Another approach involves Bayesian methods, which keep the estimates away from perfect prediction (see glmBayes, chapter 1).
  • Nevertheless, we visualize the predictions from the multinomial logit models:

4.4.1 MNlogit example

multinom.fit <- nnet::multinom(species~bill_length_mm+bill_depth_mm+ flipper_length_mm,data=penguins)
## # weights:  15 (8 variable)
## initial  value 365.837892 
## iter  10 value 13.577492
## iter  20 value 8.807802
## iter  30 value 7.830394
## iter  40 value 7.645109
## iter  50 value 7.639216
## final  value 7.637947 
## converged
preds <- predict(multinom.fit,type='probs')
df <- reshape2::melt(data.frame(preds,TrueSpecies=penguins$species))
## Using TrueSpecies as id variables
gg<-ggplot(df, aes(x=value, color=TrueSpecies)) + geom_histogram(fill="white", alpha=0.5, position="dodge") + labs(x='Prob(facet species)',y='Frequency') + facet_grid(variable~"Facet")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

  • Note how the Pr(Facet) is near 1 for nearly all blue points in the Gentoo facet.
    • Similarly for the other facet rows, which are predictions for the probability of the species labeled on that row.
  • There are only a few points (red or green) for which there is some ambiguity.

4.5 Discriminant function as a projection

  • Above, we conceptualized logistic regression as a projection onto the probability space 0-1.
  • When we are only discriminating between two groups, the closer the projection is to 1, the more likely the observation belongs to the non-reference (‘event’) group.
  • We can write down a formal approach to projecting so as to maximize discriminatory power
    • Let Z=a1X1+a2X2++apXp assuming p predictor or feature variables.
    • We want coefficients a1,a2,,ap such that the distributions of Z for each group are ‘maximally’ separated.
  • One of the most direct ways to do this is to come up with a projection Z, then run an ANOVA on Z using the known groupings.
    • Then try different projections until you find coefficients that maximize the F-statistic in the ANOVA.

4.5.1 Example: penguins data

  • Using only two features, bill length and bill depth, we will try three different projections
    • These Z1, Z2, Z3 are to be ‘tested’:


  • Which of these three is best?
    • Here are densities resulting from the projections:
z1 = 0.4*penguins$bill_length_mm - 1.0*penguins$bill_depth_mm 
z2 = 0.3*penguins$bill_length_mm - 0.9*penguins$bill_depth_mm 
z3 = 0.352*penguins$bill_length_mm  - 0.904*penguins$bill_depth_mm 
plot(density(c(z1,z2,z3)),type='n',ylim=c(0,.5),xlab='Z1',main='Density of Projection')
by(penguins,penguins$species,function(x,a1,a2) lines(density(a1*x$bill_length_mm+a2*x$bill_depth_mm),col=x$species),a1=0.4,a2=-1.0)

## penguins$species: Adelie
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## penguins$species: Chinstrap
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## penguins$species: Gentoo
plot(density(c(z1,z2,z3)),type='n',ylim=c(0,.5),xlab='Z2',main='Density of Projection')
by(penguins,penguins$species,function(x,a1,a2) lines(density(a1*x$bill_length_mm+a2*x$bill_depth_mm),col=x$species),a1=0.3,a2=-0.9)

## penguins$species: Adelie
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## penguins$species: Chinstrap
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## penguins$species: Gentoo
plot(density(c(z1,z2,z3)),type='n',ylim=c(0,.5),xlab='Z3',main='Density of Projection')
by(penguins,penguins$species,function(x,a1,a2) lines(density(a1*x$bill_length_mm+a2*x$bill_depth_mm),col=x$species),a1=0.352,a2=-0.904)

## penguins$species: Adelie
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## penguins$species: Chinstrap
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## penguins$species: Gentoo

4.5.2 Exercise 3

Question link

  • It’s hard to see much difference in the above plots, but clearly the last two indicate better separation.

4.6 Comparison via ANOVA

##  Response z1 :
##                   Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## penguins$species   2 3114.37 1557.19  1236.3 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals        330  415.64    1.26                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##  Response z2 :
##                   Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## penguins$species   2 2093.48 1046.74  1214.7 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals        330  284.37    0.86                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##  Response z3 :
##                   Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## penguins$species   2 2472.73  1236.4  1236.9 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals        330  329.85     1.0                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  • Suggests that Z3 is (barely) the best of these 3}.

4.6.1 Notes

  • The point in choosing the coefficients that maximize the F-value is that this maximizes the ratio of between groups to within groups variation.
    • This is maximal separation as compared to the homogeneity within groups
    • Recall one definition of C(g)=(Σ msb)/(Σ msw).
      • In the projection approach described above, we are trying to find a linear combination of our features that maximizes msb/msw.
      • The summation is removed, because we have projected down to a single value through the transformation.

4.6.2 Geometric View: The two-group case

  • Z is the ‘projection’ - a line containing the linear combination of features that maximally separates the two groups.
  • Line L is defined by the two points of intersection of the two ellipses and represents a boundary between the two groups
    • This is the ‘cutoff’ point to the left of which we would predict membership in one group, and to the right the other.

4.6.3 Exercise 4

Question link

4.7 Discriminant analysis (details)

  • Recall the definition of B and W:

B=m=1gnm(x¯mx¯)(x¯mx¯) W=m=1gl=1nm(xmlx¯m)(xmlx¯m) and let a=(a1,a2,,ap),

  • B and W are p×p matrices, and as such they can be pre- and post-multiplied by a vector of length, 1×p and p×1, respectively.
  • It turns out that finding the vector a that maximizes the discriminant criterion λ=aBaaWa (under some assumptions) provides us with the optimal weights to project our feature set into one dimension (Z=a1X1+a2X2++apXp) with maximal separation.
    • Side note: the linear combination defining Z can be written Z=aX, where X=(X1,X2,,Xp).
      • This is a new coordinate space, analogous to PCA-space.

4.7.1 Notes

  • There are slightly different definitions of the discriminant criterion, involving sample vs. population divisors for the degrees of freedom (i.e., n vs. n-1).
    • We will ignore this detail.
  • With only two groups, there can be only one linear composite (projection) and one discriminate criterion.
  • With more than two groups, however, there will be more than one linear composite and, hence, more than one ratio λ.
    • In particular, the number of linear composites and associated ratios, λ, equals the number of predictor variables p, or the number of groups minus one (m1), whichever is smaller.
  • To identify a set of projections, they are generated sequentially, so that the second one is constrained to be uncorrelated with the first, and so forth.
    • Just as in a principal components analysis.
  • With m=3 and p=5, for example, there will be two distinct linear composites and therefore two corresponding ratios, λ1 and λ2.
    • The amount each linear composite will separate the groups is given in decreasing order by its respective λ (i.e., λ1>λ2).
      • So the first linear composite (or dimension) creates the greatest separation among the groups and the next linear composite (or dimension) creates the next greatest separation.

4.7.2 Discriminant function as classifier

  • As suggested by the geometric representation above, projection to a line allows us to choose a cut point (a value on the line), location above or below which determines group membership.
  • This can be extended to more than two groups using the following procedure (we will assume three groups for the discussion):
  1. Form the projections: Z1=a11X1+a21X2++ap1Xp and Z2=a12X1+a22X2++ap2Xp
    • These are determined by maximizing λ=aBaaWa sequentially, under the constraint that Z1 and Z2 are uncorrelated.
  2. Compute the means of these projections, Z1, Z2 within each known group, let us label the mean pair for the gth group (Z¯1g,Z¯2g).
    • These are centroids of the groups in the projection space.
  3. For any observation, (X1,X2,,Xp) compute Z1 and Z2 and then compute the squared Euclidean distance between Z1 and Z2 from each of the group means contained in (Z¯1g,Z¯2g); that is, dg=(Z1Z¯1g)2+(Z2Z¯2g)2.
    • With m groups, there will be m distances, (d1,d2,,dm).
  4. Assign the observation to the group to which it is closest.

4.7.3 Example I: penguins data – discriminate between Chinstrap and Gentoo

  • Use R’s lda function in the MASS library.
  • We subset, removing the Adelie species using the subset option (subset works when the data are a dataframe, but it can be finicky).
  • We show the basic result, along with a classification table.
  • Properly managed, the classification table will not suffer from label switching - why?
penguins.lda <-MASS::lda(species ~bill_length_mm+bill_depth_mm+flipper_length_mm, data=penguins,na.action="na.omit", CV=FALSE,subset=species!="Adelie") 
## Call:
## lda(species ~ bill_length_mm + bill_depth_mm + flipper_length_mm, 
##     data = penguins, CV = FALSE, subset = species != "Adelie", 
##     na.action = "na.omit")
## Prior probabilities of groups:
## Chinstrap    Gentoo 
## 0.3636364 0.6363636 
## Group means:
##           bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm
## Chinstrap       48.83382      18.42059          195.8235
## Gentoo          47.56807      14.99664          217.2353
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##                           LD1
## bill_length_mm     0.02052193
## bill_depth_mm     -1.18982389
## flipper_length_mm  0.17401721
##                            penguins$species[penguins$species != "Adelie"]
## predict(penguins.lda)$class Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo
##                   Adelie         0         0      0
##                   Chinstrap      0        68      0
##                   Gentoo         0         0    119

4.7.4 Exercise 5

Question link

4.7.5 Notes

  • So Z=0.02BL1.19BD+0.17FL (it’s called LD1 by the function lda).
    • R computes these scores for you (and shifts the mean to 0 by subtracting a constant, in this case 18.11 - derived independently).
  • Next are the densities of the scores, colored by group.
    • NOTE: they are WELL-SEPARATED!
subdat <- subset(penguins,species!="Adelie")
penguins.scores <- predict(penguins.lda)$x
dns.s <- density(penguins.scores[subdat$species=="Chinstrap"])
dns.c <- density(penguins.scores[subdat$species=="Gentoo"])
lines(dns.s$x,dns.s$y/2,col=2) #rescaling to sum to one, once combined
lines(dns.c$x,dns.c$y/2,col=3) #rescaling to sum to one, once combined

4.7.6 Assumptions

  • These methods do require some assumptions (listed below), and some are testable.
    1. The observations are independent of each other.
    2. The observations on the continuous predictor (feature) variables follow a multivariate normal distribution in each group.
      • There are several tests and diagnostics for (univariate) normality, e.g., Shapiro-Wilks
    3. The population covariance matrices for the p continuous variables in each group are equal.
  • More About Assumption (3):
    • In the two-group case with one continuous measure, assumption (3) is analogous to the t-test’s homogeneity of variance assumption.
      • With more than one continuous variable, not only are there variances to consider, but also covariances between all pairs of the p variables.
      • A test for the equality of two or more covariance matrices that is based on the familiar F statistic is due to Box (1949), and is referred to as Box’s M test.
      • It tends to be a bit overly sensitive (rejects too often).
    • Failure to meet assumption (3) is common (and there are some alternative approaches in this case), but one implication is that ‘model selection’ techniques will be less reliable.
    • This matters because if we are building a discriminating tool step-wise (add one projection after the other, if justified), we will rely on tests of significance that require assumption (3).
    • For this discussion, we do not pursue step-wise approaches.
  • We might first ask, ‘Is there evidence of separate groups?’ (otherwise, why proceed with an LDA?)
    • Wilks’ Lambda is one test of significance for the equality of group centroids.
    • Wilks’ lambda, Λ, is a general statistic for testing the significance of K group centroids (represented by multivariate μ) differences. The hypotheses are:


  • The statistic is defined as the ratio of two determinants (W, B, T defined as before):


  • The smaller Λ, the greater the between-group variability relative to the within-group variability, and the greater the separation between groups.
    • When K=2 or 3, or p=1 or 2, a function of Λ is distributed exactly as F.
    • In all other cases, the distribution of Λ under H0 must be approximated.

4.8 Example: penguins data - all three species

penguins.lda3 <-MASS::lda(species ~bill_length_mm+bill_depth_mm+flipper_length_mm, data=penguins,na.action="na.omit", CV=FALSE) 
## Call:
## lda(species ~ bill_length_mm + bill_depth_mm + flipper_length_mm, 
##     data = penguins, CV = FALSE, na.action = "na.omit")
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##    Adelie Chinstrap    Gentoo 
## 0.4384384 0.2042042 0.3573574 
## Group means:
##           bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm
## Adelie          38.82397      18.34726          190.1027
## Chinstrap       48.83382      18.42059          195.8235
## Gentoo          47.56807      14.99664          217.2353
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##                          LD1         LD2
## bill_length_mm     0.1700022 -0.37676677
## bill_depth_mm     -0.9373808 -0.04268019
## flipper_length_mm  0.1191061  0.10195863
## Proportion of trace:
##    LD1    LD2 
## 0.8915 0.1085

4.8.1 Exercise 6

Question link

4.8.2 Notes

  • This yields two projections, named LD1 and LD2, above.
    • We called them Z1 and Z2 in our derivation.
  • The ‘proportion of trace’ given represents the extent to which each projection explains the differences between groups.
    • Analogous to eigenvalues in PCA.
  • Most (99%) of the discrimination occurs in the first function.
    • The LD1 coefficients suggest that the contrast between bill depth and the remaining two is of importance (look at signs).
    • If we wish to compute the λ=aBaaWa associated with each projection, we need the B and W matrices. - These are a by-product of running a MANOVA on the predictor set over the given groups.
      - Since we need to do this to compute Wilk’s Lambda (a different Lambda), we do this now.
manova.fit <- manova(as.matrix(penguins[,3:5])~penguins$species)
##                   Df    Wilks approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)    
## penguins$species   2 0.029328    529.1      6    656 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals        330                                              
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#lambdas associated with each LD projection:
B.xprod <- t(penguins.lda3$scaling)%*%B%*%penguins.lda3$scaling
W.xprod <- t(penguins.lda3$scaling)%*%W%*%penguins.lda3$scaling
lambdas <- diag(B.xprod/W.xprod)
##       LD1       LD2 
## 12.512768  1.523362
    • Wilks’ Lambda, λ, is highly significant
      • The λs associated with each projection are 12.5 and 1.5S.

4.8.3 Examine LD1xLD2 space

  • We can show the densities of the scores (projections) for each species in 1 and 2 dimensions.
    • We use some manual and some built-in approaches to plotting decision boundaries
  • First, we show the LD1 projection, then LD2 and lastly the LD1xLD2 coordinate plane.

4.8.4 LD1

#the Z1 & Z2 projections are computed and saved with this command.
penguins.LDs <- predict(penguins.lda3)$x
#show 1-D discrimination (LD1):

4.8.5 Exercise 7

Question link

4.8.6 LD2

#show 1-D discrimination (LD2):

4.8.7 LD1 x LD2

  • Note: LD1 clearly sets Gentoo apart; LD2 may have some discrimination between Chinstrap and the other two, but the 2-D discrimination (next) is more revealing and separating.

4.9 Territorial map

  • A territorial map is used to delineate which portions of the 2-D discriminant function space ‘belongs’ to which group.
    • Really, it’s a map of which values are predicted to be in which group.
    • The group centroids are given as reference.
    • The default functions to produce these maps do so for the ORIGINAL feature set
      • What would happen if you tried to use those features DIRECTLY and used a line as boundary between pairs of groups?
    • With some custom R coding, we can also produce this map for the LD1 and LD2 space, so we give these after the default map.
klaR::partimat(species ~bill_length_mm+bill_depth_mm+flipper_length_mm, data=penguins,method="lda",gs=c("a","c","g")[penguins$species])

4.9.1 Territorial map in LD-space

newpenguins <- data.frame(cbind(penguins,predict(penguins.lda3)$x))
klaR::partimat(species ~LD2+LD1, data=newpenguins,method="lda",gs=c("a","c","g")[penguins$species]) 

4.9.2 Exercise 8

Question link

4.9.3 Test of assumption

  • For completeness, returning to an assumption of a DFA, we examine the homogeneity of covariance across the groups using Box’s M test.
##  Box's M-test for Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices
## data:  penguins[, 3:5]
## Chi-Sq (approx.) = 58.149, df = 12, p-value = 4.899e-08
    • The p-value suggests ‘reject’ the homogeneity assumption.
      • This matters much more when out of sample prediction is a goal.
      • We ignore it here.

4.9.4 Confusion matrix

  • The summary table below tells us how many observations we classified correctly:
##                             penguins$species
## predict(penguins.lda3)$class Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo
##                    Adelie       145         5      0
##                    Chinstrap      1        63      0
##                    Gentoo         0         0    119
  • - Notice that three observations that are misclassified using LDA.
      - You can see them in the prior plot.
  • Note: we could use a ‘leave one out’ approach to classification as well.
    • We will explore this idea further in the next set of notes.

4.11 Appendix

4.11.1 Comparison of model accuracy

  • In this section, we will use both unsupervised and supervised learning models to predict outcome values and compare them all together. Here, we will use built-in penguins dataset in R.
# import penguin dataset
# selecting complete cases only
penguins<- penguins[complete.cases(penguins),] %>%
  mutate(island = as.numeric(island),
         sex = as.numeric(sex))
## # A tibble: 6 × 8
##   species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_leng…¹ body_…²   sex  year
##   <fct>    <dbl>          <dbl>         <dbl>          <int>   <int> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Adelie       3           39.1          18.7            181    3750     2  2007
## 2 Adelie       3           39.5          17.4            186    3800     1  2007
## 3 Adelie       3           40.3          18              195    3250     1  2007
## 4 Adelie       3           36.7          19.3            193    3450     1  2007
## 5 Adelie       3           39.3          20.6            190    3650     2  2007
## 6 Adelie       3           38.9          17.8            181    3625     1  2007
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​flipper_length_mm, ²​body_mass_g
  • Next, lets set up the models that we are going to use.

# 1. Unsupervised learning method
  # K-means clustering 
kmean_pred <-kmeans(penguins[,-1], centers = 3)$cluster

  # Hierarchical clustering method
hclust_model <- cutree(hclust(dist(penguins[,-1],method="manhattan"),method="ward.D2"), k = 3)

# 2. Supervised learning 
  # K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method
knn_model <- knn(penguins[,-1],penguins[,-1],cl=penguins$species,k=3)

  # Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) method
lda_model <-MASS::lda(species ~ island + bill_length_mm + bill_depth_mm + flipper_length_mm + body_mass_g+sex+year, data=penguins, CV=FALSE) 
  • For unsupervised learning methods, visualization of clusters can be helpful. We usefviz_cluster function from factoextra library to do it.
# kmean clustering
kmean_viz <- fviz_cluster(kmeans(penguins[,-1], centers = 3), penguins[, -1],
   palette = "Set2", ggtheme = theme_minimal(), main = "Kmeans clustering")

# hierarchical clustering
hclust_viz <- fviz_cluster(list(data = penguins[, -1], palette = "Set2",
                  cluster = hclust_model), ggtheme = theme_minimal(), main = "Hierarchical clustering")

two_figures <- ggarrange(kmean_viz, hclust_viz,ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

  • In addition to the setting, having a helper function is useful. Here, we create a helper function to compute the accuracy of the model.
check_perf <- function(model,type){
  if (type=="unsuper"){
  acc <- confusionMatrix(data=model, 
  } else{
  acc <- confusionMatrix(data=model, 
  auc <- auc( multiclass.roc( as.numeric(model), 
                     as.numeric(penguins$species)) )[1]
  list(round(acc,4),round(auc,4) )
  • Finally, we will gather all information and visualize all predictions by different machine learning models.
data.frame(method = c("kmean","hclust","knn","lda"),
           accuracy = c(check_perf( factor(kmean_pred),"unsuper")[[1]],
                        check_perf( factor(hclust_model),"unsuper")[[1]],
                        check_perf( factor(knn_model),"super")[[1]],
                        check_perf( factor(predict(lda_model)$class),"super")[[1]]),
           auc = c(check_perf( factor(kmean_pred),"unsuper")[[2]],
                        check_perf( factor(hclust_model),"unsuper")[[2]],
                        check_perf( factor(knn_model),"super")[[2]],
                        check_perf( factor(predict(lda_model)$class),"super")[[2]])
           ) %>%  melt(id=c("method")) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=method, y=value, color=variable)) +
  geom_line(aes(group=variable)) + geom_point(size=2) + theme_classic() +
  geom_text_repel(aes(label=round(value,2)), position="dodge") +
  labs(title="Comparison of prediction - accuracy and AUC score")

  • Plot above shows that the supervised learning methods (both knn and lda) performed better than the unsupervised learning methods. (hierarchical clustering and k means clustering methods)

    • In this case, we can try different parameters to improve the performance. Here, we will change distance measures and linkages for hierarchical clustering methods.
# using different distance measures and linkages
distances <- c("euclidean","manhattan","minkowski")
linkage <-c("ward.D2","complete","average","centroid")
data_unsuper <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
for (distance in distances){
  for (link in linkage){
    hclust_model <- cutree(hclust(dist(penguins[,-1],method=distance),method=link), k=3)
    method = paste(distance,"-",link)
    acc = check_perf(factor(hclust_model),"unsuper")[[1]]
    auc = check_perf( factor(hclust_model),"unsuper")[[2]]
    data_unsuper = rbind(data_unsuper, cbind(method,acc,auc))

# visualization
data_unsuper %>% 
  mutate(acc = as.numeric(acc), auc = as.numeric(auc)) %>%
  melt(id=c("method")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=method, y=value, color=variable)) +
  geom_line(aes(group=variable)) + geom_point(size=2) + theme_classic() +
  geom_text_repel(aes(label=round(value,2)), nudge_y=0.03, size=3, ) +
  labs(title="Comparison of prediction - accuracy and AUC score") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=0.3, size=6))