Chapter 12 Ordinal Logistic Regression

12.1 Introduction to Ordinal Logistic Regression

Ordinal Logistic Regression is used when there are three or more categories with a natural ordering to the levels, but the ranking of the levels do not necessarily mean the intervals between them are equal.

Examples of ordinal responses could be:

  • The effectiveness rating of a college course on a scale of 1-5

  • Levels of flavors for hot wings

  • Medical condition (e.g., good, stable, serious, critical)

  • Diseases can be graded on scales from least severe to most severe

  • Survey respondents choose answers on scales from strongly agree to strongly disagree

  • Students are graded on scales from A to F

12.2 Cumulative Probability

  • When response categories are ordered, the logits can utilize the ordering. You can modify the binary logistic regression model to incorporate the ordinal nature of a dependent variable by defining the probabilities differently.

  • Instead of considering the probability of an individual event, you consider the probabilities of that event and all events that are ordered before it.

  • A cumulative probability for \(Y\) is the probability that \(Y\) falls at or below a particular point. For outcome category \(j\), the cumulative probability is: \[P(Y \leq j)=\pi_{1}+\ldots+\pi_{j}, \mathrm{j}=1, \ldots, \mathrm{J}\] where \(𝜋_𝑗\) is the probability to chose category \(j\)

12.4 Prepare the Data

Data Information (Agresti (1996), Table 6.9, p. 186)

  • Data set (impairment.sav) comes from a study of mental health for a random sample of adult residents of Alachua County, Florida. Mental impairment is ordinal, with categories (1 = well, 2 = mild symptom formation, 3 = moderate symptom formation, 4 = impaired).

  • The study related Y = mental impairment to two explanatory variables. The life events is a composite measure of the number and severity of important life events such as birth of child, new job, divorce, or death in family that occurred to the subject within the past three years. In this sample it has a mean of 4.3 and standard deviation of 2.7. Socioeconomic status (SES) is measured here as binary (0 = low & 1 = high).

impairment <- read_sav("impairment.sav")
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   subject  Impairment        ses lifeevents
##     <dbl>   <dbl+lbl>  <dbl+lbl>      <dbl>
## 1       1 1 [1= Well] 1 [1=high]          1
## 2       2 1 [1= Well] 1 [1=high]          9
## 3       3 1 [1= Well] 1 [1=high]          4
## 4       4 1 [1= Well] 1 [1=high]          3
## 5       5 1 [1= Well] 0 [0=low]           2
## 6       6 1 [1= Well] 1 [1=high]          0
# Prepare a copy for exercise
OLR_data <- impairment
# Ordering the dependent variable
OLR_data$Impairment <- factor(OLR_data$Impairment,levels=c(1,2,3,4),labels=c("well","mild","moderate","impaired"))
# Ordering the independent variable
OLR_data$ses <- factor(OLR_data$ses,levels=c(0,1),labels=c("low","high"))

12.5 Descriptive Analysis

# Exploratory data analysis 
# Summarizing the data
##     subject         Impairment   ses       lifeevents   
##  Min.   : 1.00   well    :12   low :18   Min.   :0.000  
##  1st Qu.:10.75   mild    :12   high:22   1st Qu.:2.000  
##  Median :20.50   moderate: 7             Median :4.000  
##  Mean   :20.50   impaired: 9             Mean   :4.275  
##  3rd Qu.:30.25                           3rd Qu.:6.250  
##  Max.   :40.00                           Max.   :9.000
# Making frequency table
table(OLR_data$Impairment, OLR_data$ses)
##            low high
##   well       4    8
##   mild       4    8
##   moderate   5    2
##   impaired   5    4
table(OLR_data$Impairment, OLR_data$lifeevents)
##            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
##   well     1 3 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 1
##   mild     0 2 1 3 0 3 1 0 1 1
##   moderate 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 1
##   impaired 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 3 1

12.6 Run the ordinal logistic Regression model using MASS package

# In order to run the ordinal logistic regression model, we need the polr function from the MASS package
# Build ordinal logistic regression model
OLRmodel <- polr(Impairment ~ ses + lifeevents , data = OLR_data, Hess = TRUE)
## Call:
## polr(formula = Impairment ~ ses + lifeevents, data = OLR_data, 
##     Hess = TRUE)
## Coefficients:
##              Value Std. Error t value
## seshigh    -1.1112     0.6109  -1.819
## lifeevents  0.3189     0.1210   2.635
## Intercepts:
##                   Value   Std. Error t value
## well|mild         -0.2819  0.6423    -0.4389
## mild|moderate      1.2128  0.6607     1.8357
## moderate|impaired  2.2094  0.7210     3.0644
## Residual Deviance: 99.0979 
## AIC: 109.0979
# Run a "only intercept" model
OIM <- polr(Impairment ~ 1, data = OLR_data)
## Re-fitting to get Hessian
## Call:
## polr(formula = Impairment ~ 1, data = OLR_data)
## No coefficients
## Intercepts:
##                   Value   Std. Error t value
## well|mild         -0.8473  0.3450    -2.4557
## mild|moderate      0.4055  0.3227     1.2562
## moderate|impaired  1.2368  0.3786     3.2663
## Residual Deviance: 109.0421 
## AIC: 115.0421

12.7 Check the Overall Model Fit

# Compare the our test model with the "Only intercept" model
## Likelihood ratio tests of ordinal regression models
## Response: Impairment
##              Model Resid. df Resid. Dev   Test    Df LR stat.     Pr(Chi)
## 1                1        37   109.0421                                  
## 2 ses + lifeevents        35    99.0979 1 vs 2     2 9.944156 0.006928734
  • Before proceeding to examine the individual coefficients, you want to look at an overall test of the null hypothesis that the location coefficients for all of the variables in the model are 0.

  • You can base this on the change in log-likelihood when the variables are added to a model that contains only the intercept. The change in likelihood function has a chi-square distribution even when there are cells with small observed and predicted counts.

  • From the table, you see that the chi-square is 9.944 and p = .007. This means that you can reject the null hypothesis that the model without predictors is as good as the model with the predictors.

12.8 Check the model fit information

# Check the predicted probability for each program
##          well      mild   moderate   impaired
## 1  0.62491585 0.2564222 0.07131474 0.04734725
## 2  0.11502358 0.2518325 0.24398557 0.38915837
## 3  0.39028430 0.3502175 0.14495563 0.11454256
## 4  0.46822886 0.3287373 0.11707594 0.08595788
## 5  0.28503416 0.3548980 0.18808642 0.17198137
## 6  0.69621280 0.2146344 0.05428168 0.03487110
## 7  0.35416883 0.3555319 0.15911298 0.13118624
## 8  0.46822886 0.3287373 0.11707594 0.08595788
## 9  0.46822886 0.3287373 0.11707594 0.08595788
## 10 0.19738781 0.3255946 0.22513070 0.25188691
## 11 0.35416883 0.3555319 0.15911298 0.13118624
## 12 0.28503416 0.3548980 0.18808642 0.17198137
## 13 0.31756633 0.3571768 0.17419493 0.15106190
## 14 0.10019399 0.2315350 0.24178533 0.42648565
## 15 0.46822886 0.3287373 0.11707594 0.08595788
## 16 0.35416883 0.3555319 0.15911298 0.13118624
## 17 0.15167000 0.2918553 0.23993344 0.31654127
## 18 0.54775531 0.2959818 0.09227179 0.06399113
## 19 0.13282485 0.2729369 0.24333367 0.35090454
## 20 0.31756633 0.3571768 0.17419493 0.15106190
## 21 0.11502358 0.2518325 0.24398557 0.38915837
## 22 0.22469945 0.3390046 0.21407808 0.22221786
## 23 0.46822886 0.3287373 0.11707594 0.08595788
## 24 0.62491585 0.2564222 0.07131474 0.04734725
## 25 0.42998727 0.3408054 0.13029529 0.09891202
## 26 0.39028430 0.3502175 0.14495563 0.11454256
## 27 0.22469945 0.3390046 0.21407808 0.22221786
## 28 0.04102612 0.1191445 0.18048372 0.65934567
## 29 0.25278003 0.3485130 0.20206806 0.19663890
## 30 0.17402747 0.3103145 0.23352933 0.28212871
## 31 0.22469945 0.3390046 0.21407808 0.22221786
## 32 0.15167000 0.2918553 0.23993344 0.31654127
## 33 0.54775531 0.2959818 0.09227179 0.06399113
## 34 0.19738781 0.3255946 0.22513070 0.25188691
## 35 0.13282485 0.2729369 0.24333367 0.35090454
## 36 0.17402747 0.3103145 0.23352933 0.28212871
## 37 0.17402747 0.3103145 0.23352933 0.28212871
## 38 0.15167000 0.2918553 0.23993344 0.31654127
## 39 0.05557758 0.1522454 0.20761767 0.58455931
## 40 0.04102612 0.1191445 0.18048372 0.65934567
# We can get the predicted result by using predict function
##  [1] well     impaired well     well     mild     well     mild     well    
##  [9] well     mild     mild     mild     mild     impaired well     mild    
## [17] impaired well     impaired mild     impaired mild     well     well    
## [25] well     well     mild     impaired mild     mild     mild     impaired
## [33] well     mild     impaired mild     mild     impaired impaired impaired
## Levels: well mild moderate impaired
# Test the goodness of fit
## 	Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  OLR_data$Impairment and predict(OLRmodel)
## X-squared = 7.9614, df = 6, p-value = 0.2409

12.9 Compute a confusion table and misclassification error (R exclusive)

#Compute confusion table and misclassification error
predictOLR <-  predict(OLRmodel,OLR_data)
cTab <- table(OLR_data$Impairment, predictOLR)
mean(as.character(OLR_data$Impairment) != as.character(predictOLR))
## [1] 0.625
(CCR <- sum(diag(cTab)) / sum(cTab)) # Calculate the classification rate
## [1] 0.375
  • The confusion matrix shows the performance of the ordinal logistic regression model. For example, it shows that, in the test dataset, 6 times category “well” is identified correctly. Similarly, 4 times category “mild” and 5 times category "" is identified correctly.

  • Using the confusion matrix, we can find that the misclassification error for our model is 62.5%.

12.10 Measuring Strength of Association (Calculating the Pseudo R-Square)

# Load the DescTools package for calculate the R square
# library("DescTools")
# Calculate the R Square
# PseudoR2(OLRmodel, which = c("CoxSnell","Nagelkerke","McFadden"))
  • There are several R^2-like statistics that can be used to measure the strength of the association between the dependent variable and the predictor variables.

  • They are not as useful as the statistic in multiple regression, since their interpretation is not straightforward.

  • For this example, there is the relationship of 23.6% between independent variables and dependent variable based on Nagelkerke’s R^2.

12.11 Parameter Estimates

# We can use the coef() function to check the parameter estimates
(OLRestimates <- coef(summary(OLRmodel)))
##                        Value Std. Error   t value
## seshigh           -1.1112310  0.6108786 -1.819070
## lifeevents         0.3188613  0.1209922  2.635387
## well|mild         -0.2819031  0.6422667 -0.438919
## mild|moderate      1.2127926  0.6606543  1.835745
## moderate|impaired  2.2093721  0.7209703  3.064443
# Add the p-value to our parameter estimates table
p <- pnorm(abs(OLRestimates[, "t value"]), lower.tail = FALSE) * 2
# (OLRestimates_P <- cbind(OLRestimates, "p value" = p))
  • Please check the Slides 22 to Slides 26 to learn how to interpret the estimates

12.12 Calculating Expected Values

# Bulding the newpatient entry to test our model
newpatient <- data.frame("subject" = 1, "Impairment" = NA, "ses" = "high", "lifeevents"=3)
# Use predict function to predict the patient's situation
## [1] well
## Levels: well mild moderate impaired

12.13 References

  • Agresti, A. (1996). An introduction to categorical data analysis. New York, NY: Wiley & Sons. Chapter 6.

  • Norusis, M. (2012). IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Advanced statistical procedures companion. Pearson.

  • Data files from and Agresti (1996).