Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebook lets you create and share computational documents. It offers a simple, streamlined, document-centric experience with optional interactive widgets.


You can deploy your notebooks from with the Jupyter Notebook environment - see the Connecting - Jupyter Notebook chapter to get started. Or, you can deploy from the command line with rsconnect-python - see the Connecting - Command Line with Python chapter.

Accessing the Notebook

Once your notebook has been deployed, you can view it as a document in Connect. If you selected with “Publish with Source Code” option in rsconnect-jupyter, you also have the option to re-run the notebook right inside Connect if you are the owner of the notebook or a collaborator. Look for the Refresh Report button in the toolbar:

Refresh Report button.

You can also schedule a notebook to execute periodically. See the Scheduling chapter.


  • Only Python 3 notebooks can be deployed. Notebooks using Python 2, R, or other Jupyter kernels cannot be deployed.