D R & Package Information

This book was compiled using R version 4.2.0 (“Vigorous Calisthenics”, 2022-04-22) running under macOS Catalina 10.15.4 (Apple Darwin 17.0 64-bit x86-64). The following package versions are used in the book:

brms 2.18.0                 clubSandwich 0.5.6
dmetar 0.0.9000             dplyr 1.0.10             
esc 0.5.1                   extraDistr 1.9.1            
forcats 0.5.1               gemtc 0.8-6                 
ggplot2 3.3.5               ggridges 0.5.2              
glue 1.4.1                  igraph 1.2.5                
meta 6.1.0                  metafor 3.8.1              
metaSEM 1.3.0               metasens 1.5.1              
netmeta 2.1.0               openxlsx 4.2.5              
osfr 0.2.8                  PerformanceAnalytics 2.0.4  
rjags 4-10                  robvis 0.3.0                
semPlot 1.1.5               stringr 1.4.0               
tidybayes 2.1.1             tidyverse 1.3.1
wildmeta 0.1.0

Attached base packages:

base 4.2.0        datasets 4.2.0    graphics 4.2.0     
grDevices 4.2.0   methods 4.2.0     stats 4.2.0
utils 4.2.0

Locale: en_US.UTF-8

Installing Specific Package Versions

Are you having trouble running some of the code presented in the guide? Sometimes, this is caused by having an older or newer version of a package installed on your computer. If this is the case, it can be helpful to install the exact version of a package that we also used to compile this book. Some helpful tips on how to install specific versions of an R package can be found here.


Figure 1.2: Sirswindon at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Desaturated from original.