11 Term Frequencies

The first thing you might want to do with a large dataset of text is to count the words within it. Doing this with newspaper data can be particularly significant, because it’s quite easy to discover trends, reporting practices, and particular events. By count words, and sorting by date, or by title, it’s possible to make some interesting comparisons and conclusions in the makeup of different titles, or to understand changes in reporting over time. Again, as this is a small sample, the conclusions will be light, but the aim is the show the method.

11.1 Load the news dataframe and relevant libraries

The first thing is to take the newss dataframe, as made in the previous chapter, and load it into memory, if it isn’t already.


The two libraries we’ll use are tidyverse, as usual, and tidytext. The dataframe we created has a row per article. This is a really easy format to do text mining with, using the techniques from here: https://www.tidytextmining.com/, and the library tidytext. If it’s not installed, use ```install.packages(‘tidytext’) to install it.


Take a quick look at the dataframe:

## Rows: 83,656
## Columns: 7
## $ article_code <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17…
## $ art          <chr> "0001", "0002", "0003", "0004", "0005", "0006", "0007", "…
## $ text         <chr> "esP  e STYLE=superscript  allall  J STYLE=superscript  o…
## $ title        <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "…
## $ year         <chr> "1855", "1855", "1855", "1855", "1855", "1855", "1855", "…
## $ date         <chr> "0619", "0619", "0619", "0619", "0619", "0619", "0619", "…
## $ full_date    <date> 1855-06-19, 1855-06-19, 1855-06-19, 1855-06-19, 1855-06-…

11.2 Tokenise the text using unnest_tokens()

Most analysis involves tokenising the text. This divides the text into ‘tokens’ - representing one unit. A unit is often a word, but could be a bigram - a sequence of two consecutive words, or a trigram, a sequence of three consecutive words. With the library tidytext, this is done using a function called unnest_tokens(). This will split the column containing the text of the article into a long dataframe, with one word per row.

The two most important arguments to ``unnest_tokensareoutputandinput```. This is fairly self explanatory. Just pass it the name you would like to give the new column of words (or n-grams) and the column you’d like to split up: in this case the original column is called ‘text’, and we’d like our column of words to be called words.

news_sample_dataframe %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = word, input = text) %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 × 7
##    article_code art   title year  date  full_date  word       
##           <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date>     <chr>      
##  1            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 esp        
##  2            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 e          
##  3            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 style      
##  4            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 superscript
##  5            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 allall     
##  6            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 j          
##  7            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 style      
##  8            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 superscript
##  9            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 o          
## 10            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 po

You can also specify an argument for token, allowing you to split the text into sentences, characters, lines, or n-grams.If you split into n-grams, you need to use the argument n= to specify how many consecutive words you’d like to use.

Like this:

news_sample_dataframe %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = word, 
                input = text, 
                token = 'ngrams', 
                n =3)
## # A tibble: 59,001,206 × 7
##    article_code art   title year  date  full_date  word                    
##           <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date>     <chr>                   
##  1            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 esp e style             
##  2            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 e style superscript     
##  3            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 style superscript allall
##  4            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 superscript allall j    
##  5            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 allall j style          
##  6            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 j style superscript     
##  7            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 style superscript o     
##  8            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 superscript o po        
##  9            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 o po 34                 
## 10            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 po 34 d                 
## # … with 59,001,196 more rows

11.3 Pre-process to clean and remove stop words

Before we do any counting, there’s a couple more processing steps. I’m going to remove ‘stop words’. Stop words are very frequently-used words which often crowd out more interesting results. This isn’t always the case, and you shoudln’t just automatically get rid of them, but rather think about what it is yo uare looking for. For this tutorial, though, the results will be more interesting if it’s not just a bunch of ‘the’ and ‘at’ and so forth.

This is really easy. We load a dataframe of stopwords, which is included in the tidytext package.


Next use the function anti_join(). This bascially removes any word in our word list which is also in the stop words list

news_sample_dataframe %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = word, input = text) %>% 
## Joining, by = "word"
## # A tibble: 30,577,829 × 7
##    article_code art   title year  date  full_date  word       
##           <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date>     <chr>      
##  1            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 esp        
##  2            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 style      
##  3            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 superscript
##  4            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 allall     
##  5            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 style      
##  6            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 superscript
##  7            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 po         
##  8            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 34         
##  9            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 style      
## 10            1 0001  ""    1855  0619  1855-06-19 superscript
## # … with 30,577,819 more rows

A couple of words from the .xml have managed to sneak through our text processing: ‘style’ and ‘superscript’. I’m also going to remove these, plus a few more common OCR errors for the word ‘the’.

I’m also going to remove any word with two or less characters, and any numbers. Again, these are optional steps.

I’ll store the dataframe as a variable called ‘tokenised_news_sample’. I’ll also save it using save(), which turns it into an .rdata file, which can be used later.

11.4 Create and save a dataset of tokenised text

tokenised_news_sample = news_sample_dataframe %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = word, input = text) %>% 
  anti_join(stop_words) %>% 
  filter(!word %in% c('superscript', 
                      'amp')) %>% 
  filter(!str_detect(word, '[0-9]{1,}')) %>% 
  filter(nchar(word) > 2)
## Joining, by = "word"
save(tokenised_news_sample, file = 'tokenised_news_sample')

11.5 Count the tokens

Now I can use all the tidyverse commands like filter, count, tally and so forth on the data, making it really easy to do basic analysis like word frequency counting. It’s a large list of words (about 23 million), so these processes might take a few seconds, even on a fast computer.

A couple of examples:

11.5.1 The top words overall:

tokenised_news_sample %>% 
  group_by(word) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% head(20)
## # A tibble: 20 × 2
##    word           n
##    <chr>      <int>
##  1 day        70802
##  2 lord       66234
##  3 london     59544
##  4 street     58403
##  5 time       57188
##  6 house      49212
##  7 war        48262
##  8 sad        47300
##  9 sir        45300
## 10 government 43278
## 11 cent       40611
## 12 royal      40040
## 13 john       38177
## 14 public     34011
## 15 captain    32784
## 16 country    32677
## 17 liverpool  32246
## 18 army       32049
## 19 received   29738
## 20 french     29267

11.5.2 The top five words for each day in the dataset:

tokenised_news_sample %>% 
  group_by(full_date, word) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
  arrange(full_date, desc(n)) %>% 
  group_by(full_date) %>% 
  top_n(5) %>% head(100)
## Selecting by n
## # A tibble: 100 × 3
## # Groups:   full_date [20]
##    full_date  word       n
##    <date>     <chr>  <int>
##  1 1855-01-01 day      197
##  2 1855-01-01 royal    135
##  3 1855-01-01 london   132
##  4 1855-01-01 lord     122
##  5 1855-01-01 steam    120
##  6 1855-01-02 cent     226
##  7 1855-01-02 day      219
##  8 1855-01-02 london   197
##  9 1855-01-02 time     145
## 10 1855-01-02 royal    131
## # … with 90 more rows

11.5.3 Check the top words per title (well, variant titles in this case):

tokenised_news_sample %>% 
  group_by(title, word) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
  group_by(title) %>% 
## Selecting by n
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
## # Groups:   title [1]
##   title word       n
##   <chr> <chr>  <int>
## 1 ""    day    70802
## 2 ""    lord   66234
## 3 ""    london 59544
## 4 ""    street 58403
## 5 ""    time   57188

You can also summarise by units of time, using the function cut(). This rounds the date down to the nearest day, year or month. Once it’s been rounded down, we can count by this new value.

11.5.4 Top words by month

tokenised_news_sample %>% 
  mutate(month = cut(full_date, 'month')) %>% 
  group_by(month, word) %>% 
  tally() %>% 
  arrange(month, desc(n)) %>% 
  group_by(month) %>% 
## Selecting by n
## # A tibble: 60 × 3
## # Groups:   month [12]
##    month      word           n
##    <fct>      <chr>      <int>
##  1 1855-01-01 jan         7162
##  2 1855-01-01 day         5462
##  3 1855-01-01 london      4615
##  4 1855-01-01 war         4584
##  5 1855-01-01 time        4272
##  6 1855-02-01 lord        7832
##  7 1855-02-01 feb         5710
##  8 1855-02-01 government  4904
##  9 1855-02-01 house       4879
## 10 1855-02-01 day         4650
## # … with 50 more rows

11.6 Visualise the Results

We can also pipe everything directly to a plot. ‘Ship’ is a common word: did its use change over the year? Here we use filter() to filter out everything except the word (or words) we’re interested in.

For this to be in any way meaningful, you should think of some way of normalising the results, so that the number is of a percentage of the total words in that title, for example. The raw numbers may just indicate a change in the total volume of text.

11.6.1 Words over time

tokenised_news_sample %>%
  filter(word == 'ship') %>% 
    mutate(week = ymd(cut(full_date, 'week'))) %>% 
  group_by(week, word) %>% 
  tally() %>% ggplot() + geom_col(aes(x = week, y = n))
Chart of the Word 'ship' over time

Figure 11.1: Chart of the Word ‘ship’ over time

11.6.2 Chart several words over time

Charting a couple of words might be more interesting: How about ‘steam’ versus ‘sail’?

tokenised_news_sample %>%
  filter(word %in% c('steam', 'sail')) %>% 
    mutate(week = ymd(cut(full_date, 'week')))%>% 
  group_by(week, word) %>% 
  tally() %>% ggplot() + 
  geom_line(aes(x = week, y = n, color = word))
Charting Several Words Over the Entire Dataset

Figure 11.2: Charting Several Words Over the Entire Dataset

11.7 Interactive Shiny Application

If you’d like to explore some of the text frequencies as extracted in this chapter, I’ve created an application to do so without going through any of the code on the page:

11.8 Further reading

The best place to learn more is by reading the ‘Tidy Text Mining’ book available at https://www.tidytextmining.com. This book covers a whole range of text mining topics, including those used in the next few chapters.