6 Tutorial 6: Intro to Scraping

After working through Tutorial 6, you’ll…

  • know how to define web scraping
  • know about chances, but also legal and ethical limitations of web scraping
  • know the basics of HTML & CSS

6.1 What is web scraping?

I understand web scraping as the automated collection and retrieval of relevant data from website code. Generally, this includes at least three steps5:

  1. Identify the URL of the website you want to scrape

  2. Download its content

  3. From downloaded data, separate „junk“ from relevant data

6.2 Why use web scraping?

In previous tutorials, we have mainly worked with existing data - for example, Excel files already (and conveniently) including the data we needed.

However, in most cases this is not the case. You may have to acquire data on your down. Since a lot of social media platforms have closed automated access to their data via so-called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), see more here, researchers increasingly have to collect data via other methods.

While “doing your own data collection” is relatively normal for surveys or experiments, it has led to new modes of data collection for content analyses. “Newer” methods include tracking, data donation - or scraping (for an overview of these methods, see here).

Web scraping has several advantages:

  • It allows us to collect data that may otherwise not be available for research
  • It allows us to collect new (meta) data (e.g., timestamps of content, multi-modal data)
  • It allows us to rely on the structuredness of websites to scale-up data collection

6.4 Source code

To understand web scraping, you have to understand what it relies on: source code.

Generally, websites are text documents that are interpreted and designed based on their source code. Let’s take the Wikipedia page on “Communication studies” as an example.

This is how the website looks like in my browser:

Image: Wikipedia page

Now, let us look at the underlying code (click on the right, then choose “View Page Source” or “View Source” depending on your computer). For different options to do so across browsers and operating systems, see here.

Image: Wikipedia page Source Code

You can see: Websites are simple text documents (ok, the code does not look simple - but we can easily understand parts of it!). When you visit websites, your browser reads the underlying source code (e.g., HTML, CSS, Javascript) to correctly display the website.

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): is a “markup language” that defines the structure of websites. “Markup” means that the code includes additional info besides just the content you want to display. For example, you can use HTML to define the title of your website: you may not only include information on the content of the title, but also where and how it should be displayed.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): is a “style sheet” language we use to change the design of websites. For example, you can use CSS to define the color of the title of your website.
  • JavaScript: is a language we also use to change the design/behavior of websites (mostly for dynamic and interactive elements). For example, you can use Javascript to automatically play a video when you hover over the title of your website.

In the following, we will focus on understanding the basics of HTML and CSS to learn web scraping.

6.5 HTML

You can use HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to structure websites. For our seminar, you mainly need to know three things about HTML:

  1. Websites consist of nested elements. For example, this is an element: <body>Some content</body>. This gives HTML files a “tree-like” structure where elements are nested in elements nested in elements etc. For example, the element <body>Some content</body> is usually nested in html: <html><body>Some content</body></html>

  2. Most elements (e.g., <body>Some content</body>) consist of a tag which marks the beginning <>. Similarly. a tag marks the end of the element </> (this differs for some elements, but we can ignore this for now). In between these tags is some content, e.g. text. For example: the element <h1>My heading</h1>consists of a start tag (<h1>), content (“My heading”), and an end tag (</h1>). What type of tag is used tells us a bit about what content we may expect (e.g., in h1 we may expect a title, in img an image - which is useful information for automatically scraping such code!).

  3. You can also include attributes in-between tags. Attributes provide additional information. For example, we may want to add a link to our heading “My heading” from above. We could do that via the a tag (an “anchor” tag used to embed links) and an additional href attribute that specifies where the link should guide readers.

A typical HTML text may look like this:


<h1>My heading</h1>
<p>Some text I wrote.</p>


What does this mean?

  • the <html> element is the root element of an HTML website
  • the <body> element defines the document’s body (where text, images etc. are included)
  • the <h1> element defines a large heading
  • the <p> element defines a paragraph

On a website, the HTML snippet above is rendered to only the following two sentences:

Output of HTML snippet

My heading

Some text I wrote.

If you want to try this yourself, copy-in the HTML code here and try to play around with it a bit.

As you can see, while the HTML file contains a lot of information, only some of it is displayed here. Most of it is, instead, used to structure text “in the background”.

Next, let’s try to include a link for the text “Some text I wrote”. We can use the a anchor and the href attribute (including the link, here to Google).


<h1>My heading</h1>
<p><a href="https://www.google.de/">Some text I wrote</a></p>


On a website, the result looks like this (try clicking the link!):

Output of HTML snippet

My heading

Some text I wrote

You may ask yourself: Great - so why exactly should you know about HTML?

Knowing about the structure of HTML files (and what type of content different elements contain) is important to systematically parse relevant data from websites.

For example, articles in news websites will often be included in body, article titles in h1, etc. So we could look for these tags/elements when scraping news websites to only extract the title and text of a news article.

6.6 CSS

While you could fine-tune the appearance of your website via HTML elements (e.g., <b>, <i>), developers came up with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to more neatly format the appearance of HTML pages.

For our seminar, you mainly need to know four things about CSS:

  1. Rules are the building blocks of CSS. They describe how different sections of websites should be formatted. Rules consist of selectors and declaration blocks. For example, a rule could define that all headings of a website should be red.

  2. Selectors define which HTML element you want to style. In the example above, the selector could be the element h1, which stands for the first heading.

  3. Declaration blocks describe how the element should be styled by including information on properties (e.g., please set my color) and values (e.g., please set it to red).

  4. There are different ways in which we can include CSS in HTML. Here, we will discuss inline CSS (defining rules for every single element) and internal CSS (defining rules for types of elements, so-called classes).

6.6.1 Inline CSS

Let’s try to change the color of my h1 heading “My heading”. My new rule should be that all headings h1 should displayed in red.

How do I do this?

  • I want to change the content included in the heading h1 element via inline CSS. To do so, I change the style attribute within the h1 element.
  • I want to change the color of this element, so I include the property color within the style attribute.
  • I want to change the color of this element to red, so I include the value red for the property color within the style attribute.


<h1 style="color:red;">My heading</h1>
<p>Some text I wrote</p>


On a website, this changes the color of the h1 element:

Output of HTML snippet

My heading

Some text I wrote

6.6.2 Internal CSS

The inline version above is a bit inefficient, since you would have to include information on the color for every single heading (making your code very long and more prone to errors).

Instead of inline code, we could also use internal CSS: Here, we define rules not for every single element (e.g., every h1) but for types of elements, so-called classes. We define a CSS style for all elements of a certain class and assign this class to elements we want to be displayed in a certain way via attributes.

Let’s say, for example, that we only want parts of “Some text I wrote” to be depicted in pink:

  • I create a new class .text-pink for text that should be pink within the <style> element. Notice how <style> is now defined at the beginning of the document, so not related to a specific element.
  • For .text-pink, I want to define a color, so I include the property color.
  • For .text-pink, I want to set the color to pink, so I include the value pink for the property color.
  • To mark which words of “Some text I wrote” should be depicted in pink, I can use the <span> element. <span> is used to mark specific parts of text. I only want the word “text” to be pink, so I include “text” between <span> and </span>.

.text-pink {


<h1 class="heading-new">My heading</h1>
<p>Some <span class="text-pink">text</span> I wrote</p>


On a website, this changes the color of the word “text”:

Output of HTML snippet

My heading

Some text I wrote

Again, you may ask yourself: Great - so why exactly should you know about CSS?

Again, knowing about the structure of CSS syntax is important to systematically parse relevant data from websites.

For example, articles in news websites may be formatted according to a specific style, e.g., the class style-article. We could look for style-article when scraping news websites to only extract the text of the article (and ignore all “junk code” around it).

đź’ˇ Take Aways

HTML: a “markup language” that defines the structure of websites

  • consists of nested elements (e.g., body, title) marked by tags (<>, </>) (for overview lists of elements, see here)
  • elements may include attributes including additional information (e.g., a link via href) (for overview lists of attributes, see here)

As an overview, see the most important types of elements and attributes in HTML (for a full list, see here):

Table 6.1: Overview of HTML elements
Element Meaning
<head> structure - defines meta data of a document
<title> structure - defines the title of a document
<body> structure - defines the document’s body
<h1> structure - defines headings (h1, h2, hc, etc.)
<p> structure - defines a paragraph
<a> structure - defines a link
<img> structure - defines an image
<div> structure - defines a container in which elements can be styled via CSS/JavaScript
<b> formatting - makes text bold
<i> formatting - makes text italic

CSS: a “style sheet” language that defines the design of websites

  • consists of rules (e.g., this element should be green) specified by selectors and related declaration blocks
  • rules can be specified for classes of elements
  • selectors describe which element should be formatted (e.g., the heading h1)
  • declaration blocks define what property of the selector should be formatted (e.g., its color color) and what value should be used (e.g., `red``)

  1. The first step may extend to crawling, i.e., automatically collecting all relevant links you then want to scrape separately. We will deal with this later.↩︎