Chapter 6 Multivariate Models
6.1 Constructing and sampling multivariate distributions
Illustrating the construction and sampling of several multivariate distributions (mostly elliptical).
Understanding the construction of multivariate normal distributions, normal variance mixtures, elliptical distributions etc.
6.1.1 Basic ‘ingredients’
Building a covariance/correlation matrix
Covariance matrix:
= matrix(c(4, 0,
A 1, 1), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) # Cholesky factor of the ...
Sigma = A %*% t(A)) # ... symmetric, positive definite (covariance) matrix Sigma (
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 16 4
## [2,] 4 2
Corresponding correlation matrix:
P = outer(1:2, 1:2, Vectorize(function(r, c)
(/(sqrt(Sigma[r,r])*sqrt(Sigma[c,c]))))) # construct the corresponding correlation matrix Sigma[r,c]
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1.0000000000 0.7071067812
## [2,] 0.7071067812 1.0000000000
P. = cov2cor(Sigma)) # for a more elegant solution, see the source of cov2cor() (
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 1.0000000000 0.7071067812
## [2,] 0.7071067812 1.0000000000
stopifnot(all.equal(P., P))
Another option would be as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(Sigma, corr = TRUE, maxit = 1000)$mat)
which works differently, though (by finding a correlation matrix close to the given matrix in the Frobenius norm) and thus gives a different answer.
Decomposing a covariance/correlation matrix
We frequently need to decompose a covariance matrix \Sigma (or correlation matrix P) as \Sigma = A A^\top. To this end there are several possibilities.
The Cholesky decomposition:
= t(chol(Sigma)) # the Cholesky factor (lower triangular with real entries > 0)
A. stopifnot(all.equal(A. %*% t(A.) , Sigma), # checking decomposition
all.equal(A., A)) # checking uniqueness of the Cholesky decomposition
Other decompositions of \Sigma than A %*% t(A)
are possible, too:
if(FALSE) {
## Eigendecomposition (or spectral decomposition)
= eigen(Sigma) # eigenvalues and eigenvectors
eig = eig$vectors # matrix of eigenvectors
V = diag(pmax(eig$values, 0))
Lambda stopifnot(all.equal(Sigma, V %*% Lambda %*% t(V))) # for real, symmetric matrices
= V %*% sqrt(Lambda) %*% t(V)
A.eig = A.eig %*% t(A.eig)
Sigma.eig stopifnot(all.equal(Sigma.eig, Sigma))
## ... but A.. (non-triangular) and A (triangular) are different
## Singular-value decomposition
= svd(Sigma) # singular values, U, V (left/right singular vectors) such that Sigma = U diag(<singular values>) V^T
sv = sv$u %*% sqrt(diag(pmax(sv$d, 0))) %*% t(sv$v) = %*% t( stopifnot(all.equal(, Sigma))
6.1.2 Sampling from the multivariate normal distribution
Sampling Z (\text{iid } \mathcal{N}(0,1))
= 1000 # sample size
n = 2 # dimension
d set.seed(271) # set a seed (for reproducibility)
= matrix(rnorm(n * d), ncol = d) # sample iid N(0,1) random variates
Z = max(abs(Z))
mabs = c(-mabs, mabs)
lim plot(Z, xlim = lim, ylim = lim,
xlab = expression(Z[1]), ylab = expression(Z[2]))
Change the covariance matrix from identity to \Sigma:
= t(A %*% t(Z)) # ~ N_d(0, Sigma)
X. = c(-16, 16)
xlim = c(-8, 8)
ylim plot(X., xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
Use a shift to get X \sim \mathcal{N}_d(\mu, \Sigma):
= c(1, 3)
mu = rep(mu, each = n) + X.
X.norm plot(X.norm, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
## Think about why the rep() and why the t()'s above!
Plot (even larger correlation):
= matrix(c( 1, 0.95,
P. 0.95, 1), ncol = d, byrow = TRUE)
= outer(1:d, 1:d, Vectorize(function(r, c)
Sigma. * (sqrt(Sigma[r,r])*sqrt(Sigma[c,c])))) # construct the corresponding Sigma
P.[r,c] ## Note: When manually changing the off-diagonal entry of Sigma make sure that
## |Sigma.[1,2]| <= sqrt(Sigma.[1,1]) * sqrt(Sigma.[2,2]) still holds
= t(chol(Sigma.)) # new Cholesky factor
A. = rep(mu, each = n) + t(A. %*% t(Z)) # generate the sample
X.norm. plot(rbind(X.norm, X.norm.), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]),
col = rep(c("black", "royalblue3"), each = n))
legend("bottomright", bty = "n", pch = c(1,1), col = c("black", "royalblue3"),
legend = c(expression(N(mu,Sigma)),
expression("With larger absolute correlation")))
Plot (switch sign of correlation):
= Sigma * matrix(c( 1, -1,
Sigma. -1, 1), ncol = d, byrow = TRUE)
= t(chol(Sigma.))
A. = rep(mu, each = n) + t(A. %*% t(Z))
X.norm. plot(rbind(X.norm, X.norm.), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]),
col = rep(c("black", "royalblue3"), each = n))
legend("bottomright", bty = "n", pch = c(1,1), col = c("black", "royalblue3"),
legend = c(expression(N(mu,Sigma)),
expression("Correlation sign switched")))
## Note: This has all been done based on the same Z (and we also recycle it below)!
6.1.3 Sampling from the multiv. t distribution (and other normal variance mixtures)
Definition 6.1 (multivariate normal variance mixture distribution) The random vector \boldsymbol{X} is said to have a (multivariate) normal variance mixture distribution if \boldsymbol{X} \stackrel{d}{=} \boldsymbol{\mu} + \sqrt{W}A \boldsymbol{Z}, where
\boldsymbol{Z} \sim \mathcal{N}_k(\boldsymbol{0}, I_k) ;
W \geq 0 is a non-negative, scalar-valued rv that is independent of \boldsymbol{Z}, and
A \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times k} and \boldsymbol{\mu} \in \mathbb{R}^d are a matrix and a vector of constants, respectively.
A sample from a multivariate t_\nu distribution
Example 6.1 (multivariate t distribution) If we take W to be an rv with an inverse gamma distribution W \sim \operatorname{Ig}\left(\frac{1}{2} \nu, \frac{1}{2} \nu \right) (which is equivalent to saying that \nu/W \sim \chi_{\nu}^{2}), then \boldsymbol{X} has a multivariate t distribution with \nu degrees of freedom. Our notation for the multivariate t is \boldsymbol{X} \sim t_{d}(\nu, \boldsymbol{\mu}, \Sigma), and we note that \Sigma is not the covariance matrix of \boldsymbol{X} in this definition of the multivariate t. Since E(W)=\nu /(\nu-2) we have \operatorname{cov}(\boldsymbol{X})=(\nu /(\nu-2)) \Sigma, and the covariance matrix (and correlation matrix ) of this distribution is only defined if \nu>2.
MFE (2015, Example 6.7)\blacksquare
= 3 # degrees of freedom
nu set.seed(314)
= 1/rgamma(n, shape = nu/2, rate = nu/2) # mixture variable for a multiv. t_nu distribution
W plot(W, log = "y")
= rep(mu, each = n) + sqrt(W) * t(A %*% t(Z))
X.t = c(-40, 80)
xlim = c(-20, 60)
ylim plot(rbind(X.t, X.norm), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]),
col = rep(c("maroon3", "black"), each = n))
legend("bottomright", bty = "n", pch = c(1,1), col = c("black", "maroon3"),
legend = c(expression(N(mu,Sigma)),
A 2-point distribution for W (= two ‘overlaid’ multiv. normals)
Let’s change the distribution of W to a 2-point distribution with W = 1 with prob. 0.5 and W = 2 with prob. 0.5. What we will see are two ‘overlaid’ normal distributions (as each of W = 1 and W = 2 corresponds to one).
= 1 + rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
W.binom = rep("royalblue3", n)
cols == 2] = "maroon3"
cols[W.binom = rep(mu, each = n) + sqrt(W.binom) * t(A %*% t(Z))
X.W.binom plot(rbind(X.t, X.W.binom), xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]),
col = c(rep("black", n), cols))
legend("topright", bty = "n", pch = rep(1, 3), col = c("royalblue3", "maroon3", "black"),
legend = c(expression(N(mu,W*Sigma)~"for W = 1"),
expression(N(mu,W*Sigma)~"for W = 2"),
With probability 0.5 we sample from a normal variance mixture with W = 1 and with probability 0.5 we sample from one with W = 2. By using a df for W with infinite upper endpoint, we can reach further out in the tails than with any multivariate normal distribution by overlaying normals with different (unbounded) covariance matrices (and this is what is creating heavier tails for the t distribution than the normal).
A normal mean-variance mixture
The models we now introduce attempt to add some asymmetry to the class of normal mixtures by mixing normal distributions with different means as well as different variances; this yields the class of multivariate normal mean–variance mixtures.
Definition 6.2 () The random vector \boldsymbol{X} is said to have a (multivariate) normal mean–variance mixture distribution if \boldsymbol{X} \stackrel{d}{=} \boldsymbol{m}(W) + \sqrt{W}A \boldsymbol{Z}, where
\boldsymbol{Z} \sim \mathcal{N}_k(\boldsymbol{0}, I_k) ;
W \geq 0 is a non-negative, scalar-valued rv that is independent of \boldsymbol{Z}, and
A \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times k} is a matrix, and
\boldsymbol{m} : [0, \infty) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d is a measurable function.
In this case we have that \boldsymbol{X} \mid W=w \sim \mathcal{N}_{d}(\boldsymbol{m}(w), w \Sigma) where \Sigma=A A^{\prime} and it is clear why such distributions are known as mean-variance mixtures of normals. In general, such distributions are not elliptical.
A possible concrete specification for the function \boldsymbol{m}(W) is \boldsymbol{m}(W)=\boldsymbol{\mu}+W \boldsymbol{\gamma} where \boldsymbol{\mu} and \gamma are parameter vectors in \mathbb{R}^{d}.
MFE (2015, Definition 6.11)\blacksquare
Now let’s also ‘mix’ the mean (replace \boldsymbol{\mu} by \boldsymbol{m}(W)), to get a normal mean-variance mixture; here: choosing between two different locations \boldsymbol{\mu} depending on W.
= t(sapply(W.binom, function(w) mu + if(w == 1) 0 else c(15, 0)))
mu. = mu. + sqrt(W.binom) * t(A %*% t(Z))
X.mean.var plot(rbind(X.W.binom, X.mean.var), xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]),
col = c(rep("black", n), cols))
legend("topleft", bty = "n", pch = rep(1, 3), col = c("black", "royalblue3", "maroon3"),
legend = c(expression(N(mu,W*Sigma)~"for W"%in%"{1,2}"),
"Mean-var. mix for W = 1",
"Mean-var. mix for W = 2"))
Not only do the red points show more variation, they also have a different ocation; clearly, this sample (blue + red points together) is not elliptically distributed anymore.
6.2 Fitting a multivariate normal and t
Fitting a multivariate normal and t distribution to negative log-returns of the five components of the Dow Jones index.
library(xts) # for time series manipulation
library(nvmix) # for rNorm(), fitStudent(), rStudent()
library(qrmdata) # for Dow Jones constituents data
library(qrmtools) # for returns()
Load and extract the data we work with and plot:
## An 'xts' object on 1962-01-02/2015-12-31 containing:
## Data: num [1:13595, 1:30] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
## - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
## ..$ : NULL
## ..$ : chr [1:30] "AAPL" "AXP" "BA" "CAT" ...
## Indexed by objects of class: [Date] TZ: UTC
## xts Attributes:
## List of 2
## $ src : chr "yahoo"
## $ updated: POSIXct[1:1], format: "2016-01-03 03:51:40"
= DJ_const['2000-01-01/', c("AAPL", "BA", "INTC", "IBM", "NKE")]
S ## => We work with Apple, Boeing, Intel, IBM, Nike since 2000-01-01 here
plot.zoo(S, xlab = "Time t")
Build and plot -log-returns:
= -returns(S) # compute -log-returns
X pairs(as.matrix(X), main = "Scatter plot matrix of risk-factor changes", gap = 0, pch = ".")
plot.zoo(X, xlab = "Time t", main = "")
## For illustration purposes, we treat this data as realizations of iid
## five-dimensional random vectors.
Fitting a multivariate normal distribution to \boldsymbol{X} and simulating from it:
= colMeans(X) # estimated location vector
mu = cov(X) # estimated scale matrix
Sigma stopifnot(all.equal(Sigma, var(X)))
= cor(X) # estimated correlation matrix
P stopifnot(all.equal(P, cov2cor(Sigma)))
= nrow(X) # sample size
n set.seed(271)
= rNorm(n, loc = mu, scale = Sigma) # N(mu, Sigma) samples X.norm
Fitting a multivariate t distribution to \boldsymbol{X}:
= fitStudent(X) # fit a multivariate t distribution
fit = rStudent(n, df = fit$df, loc = fit$loc, scale = fit$scale) # t_nu samples X.t
Plot (sample from fitted t (red), original sample (black), sample from fitted normal (blue)):
= rbind(t = X.t, original = as.matrix(X), norm = X.norm)
dat = rep(c("royalblue3", "black", "maroon3"), each = n)
cols pairs(dat, gap = 0, pch = ".", col = cols)
Pick out one pair (to better see that multivariate t fits better):
plot(dat[,1:2], col = cols) # => the multivariate normal generates too few extreme losses!
legend("bottomright", bty = "n", pch = rep(1, 3), col = c("black", "maroon3", "royalblue3"),
legend = c("-Log-returns", expression("Simulated fitted"~N(mu,Sigma)),
expression("Simulated fitted"~italic(t)[nu](mu,Sigma))))
6.3 Testing multivariate normality
library(nvmix) # for rNorm() and rStudent()
library(moments) # for jarque.test()
library(xts) # for time-series related functions
6.3.1 Generate data
= 1000 # sample size
n = 3 # dimension
d = 1:d # location vector
mu = sqrt(1:d) # standard deviations for scale matrix
sd = 0.5 # (homogeneous) Kendall's tau
tau = sin(tau * pi/2) # (homogeneous) correlation coefficient
rho = matrix(rho, nrow = d, ncol = d) # scale matrix
Sigma diag(Sigma) = rep(1, d) # => now Sigma is a correlation matrix
= Sigma * (sd %*% t(sd)) # covariance matrix
Sigma = 3 # degrees of freedom
nu set.seed(271) # set seed (for reproducibility)
= rNorm(n, loc = mu, scale = Sigma) # sample from N(mu, Sigma)
X.N = rStudent(n, df = nu, loc = mu, scale = ((nu-2)/nu) * Sigma) # sample from t_d(nu, mu, ((nu-2)/nu) * Sigma) (same covariance as N(mu, Sigma))
X.t = sapply(1:d, function(j) qnorm(rank(X.t[,j]) / (nrow(X.t) + 1),
X.t.N mean = mu[j], sd = sqrt(Sigma[j, j]))) # t dependence with normal margins; see Chapter 7
if(FALSE) {
## => quite apart, but closer for larger n
6.3.2 Testing for \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \Sigma)
We treat \boldsymbol{\mu} and \Sigma as unknown and estimate them:
= mean(X.N)
mu.N = mean(X.t)
mu.t = cov(X.N)
Sig.N = cov(X.t) Sig.t
6.3.3 For \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \Sigma) data
Formal tests
## Univariate normality
stopifnot(apply(X.N, 2, function(x) shapiro.test(x)$p.value) > 0.05) # Shapiro--Wilk
stopifnot(apply(X.N, 2, function(x) jarque.test(x) $p.value) > 0.05) # Jarque--Bera
## Note: Careful with 'multiple testing'
## Joint normality
= maha2_test(X.N) # Anderson--Darling test of squared Mahalanobis distances being chi_d^2
ADmaha2 = mardia_test(X.N) # Mardia's kurtosis test of joint normality based on squared Mahalanobis distances
mardiaK = mardia_test(X.N, type = "skewness") # Mardia's skewness test of joint normality based on Mahalanobis angles
mardiaS stopifnot(mardiaS$p.value > 0.05, mardiaK$p.value > 0.05, ADmaha2$p.value > 0.05)
Graphical tests
## Univariate normality
qq_plot(X.N[,1], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 1
qq_plot(X.N[,2], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 2
qq_plot(X.N[,3], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 3
## Joint normality
pairs(X.N, gap = 0, pch = ".") # visual assessment
= mahalanobis(X.N, center = colMeans(X.N), cov = cov(X.N)) # squared Mahalanobis distances
D2.d qq_plot(D2.d, FUN = function(p) qchisq(p, df = d)) # => no significant departure visible
6.3.4 For t_d(\nu, \boldsymbol{\mu}, \Sigma) data
Formal tests
## Univariate normality
stopifnot(apply(X.t, 2, function(x) shapiro.test(x)$p.value) <= 0.05) # Shapiro--Wilk
stopifnot(apply(X.t, 2, function(x) jarque.test(x) $p.value) <= 0.05) # Jarque--Bera
## Note: Careful with 'multiple testing'
## Joint normality
= maha2_test(X.t) # Anderson--Darling test of squared Mahalanobis distances being chi_d^2
ADmaha2 = mardia_test(X.t) # Mardia's kurtosis test of joint normality based on squared Mahalanobis distances
mardiaK = mardia_test(X.t, type = "skewness") # Mardia's skewness test of joint normality based on Mahalanobis angles
mardiaS stopifnot(mardiaS$p.value <= 0.05, mardiaK$p.value <= 0.05, ADmaha2$p.value <= 0.05)
Graphical tests
## Univariate normality
qq_plot(X.t[,1], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 1
qq_plot(X.t[,2], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 2
qq_plot(X.t[,3], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 3
## Joint normality
pairs(X.t, gap = 0, pch = ".") # visual assessment
= mahalanobis(X.t, center = colMeans(X.t), cov = cov(X.t)) # squared Mahalanobis distances
D2.d qq_plot(D2.d, FUN = function(p) qchisq(p, df = d)) # => departure clearly visible
6.3.5 For t_d(\nu, 0, P) dependence but \mathcal{N}(0, 1) margins
Formal tests
## Univariate normality
stopifnot(apply(X.t.N, 2, function(x) shapiro.test(x)$p.value) > 0.05) # Shapiro--Wilk
stopifnot(apply(X.t.N, 2, function(x) jarque.test(x) $p.value) > 0.05) # Jarque--Bera
## Joint normality
= maha2_test(X.t.N) # Anderson--Darling test of squared Mahalanobis distances being chi_d^2
ADmaha2 = mardia_test(X.t.N) # Mardia's kurtosis test of joint normality based on squared Mahalanobis distances
mardiaK = mardia_test(X.t.N, type = "skewness") # Mardia's skewness test of joint normality based on Mahalanobis angles
mardiaS stopifnot(mardiaS$p.value <= 0.05, mardiaK$p.value <= 0.05, ADmaha2$p.value <= 0.05)
Graphical tests
## Univariate normality
qq_plot(X.t.N[,1], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 1
qq_plot(X.t.N[,2], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 2
qq_plot(X.t.N[,3], FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # margin 3
## Joint normality
pairs(X.t.N, gap = 0, pch = ".") # visual assessment
= mahalanobis(X.t.N, center = colMeans(X.t.N), cov = cov(X.t.N)) # squared Mahalanobis distances
D2.d qq_plot(D2.d, FUN = function(p) qchisq(p, df = d)) # => departure clearly visible