Machine Learning for Economics 2020/21: R labs
Chapter 1 Welcome! :)
You are reading the lecture notes of the R labs for the Machine learning for Economics (MLFE) course at University of Bergamo (academic year 2020/21). The MLFE course is the second module of the Coding and Machine Learning course.
The MLFE R labs are designed for students who already have some experience with R programming thanks to the first module of the Coding and Machine Learning course. Click here to access the R lab notes of the first module regarding introduction to R language and the tidyverse
Enjoy the journey!
- R for Data Science:
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning: pdf link
In the following lecture notes, this font
(with grey background) represents R code. The following is an example of R code with the corresponding output.
print("Hello MLFE World!")
## [1] "Hello MLFE World!"
These notes are written in RStudio by using bookdown
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