Chapter 6 New Findings: Tables

6.1 Model Performance Falciparum

Model Falciparum MAE R2LRsp R2LRnull CV log score DIC PD DIC WAIC PD WAIC
Spatio-temporal model (Spatial structure + autocorrelated annual cycle + inter-annual) 13.463 0.000 0.566 2.32 46351.53 75.75 46379.74 99.17
Climate model (Spatio-temporal + nonlinear climate variables) 13.328 0.016 0.573 2.31 46244.05 102.62 46279.01 129.88
Malaria-control model (Climate model + lag of interventions) 13.311 0.020 0.575 2.31 46120.64 58.76 46212.88 142.37
Full model (Malaria-control model + nonlinear deforestation) 12.516 0.070 0.596 2.29 45683.61 101.89 45746.48 154.36
Linear Model Falciparum MAE R2LRsp R2LRnull CV log score DIC PD DIC WAIC PD WAIC
Spatio-temporal model (Spatial structure + autocorrelated annual cycle + inter-annual) 13.463 0.000 0.566 2.32 46351.53 75.75 46379.74 99.17
Climate model (Spatio-temporal + linear climate variables) 13.520 0.006 0.569 2.32 46290.17 79.84 46319.26 103.78
Malaria-control model (Climate model + lag of interventions) 13.475 0.016 0.573 2.31 46189.80 75.15 46225.53 105.47
Full model (Malaria-control model + linear deforestation) 13.428 0.022 0.576 2.31 46075.74 47.99 46153.36 119.50

6.2 Model Performance Vivax

Model Vivax MAE R2LRsp R2LRnull CV log score DIC PD DIC WAIC PD WAIC
Spatio-temporal model (Spatial structure + autocorrelated annual cycle + inter-annual) 34.941 0.000 0.679 3.558 71068.12 76.30 71125.72 123.40
Climate model (Spatio-temporal + nonlinear climate variables) 34.684 0.022 0.686 3.551 70919.89 111.15 70986.50 163.62
Malaria-control model (Climate model + lag of interventions) 33.973 0.041 0.692 3.540 70719.30 112.23 70772.00 153.69
Full model (Malaria-control model + nonlinear deforestation) 33.037 0.082 0.705 3.520 70310.82 123.69 70364.26 164.79
Linear Model Vivax MAE R2LRsp R2LRnull CV log score DIC PD DIC WAIC PD WAIC
Spatio-temporal model (Spatial structure + autocorrelated annual cycle + inter-annual) 34.941 0.000 0.679 3.558 71068.12 76.30 71125.72 123.40
Climate model (Spatio-temporal + linear climate variables) 34.95 0.006 0.681 3.555 71020.60 80.38 71080.49 129.08
Malaria-control model (Climate model + lag of interventions) 2.326946e+143 NA NA 16.740 334265.90 14.89 334672.00 418.55
Full model (Malaria-control model + linear deforestation) 34.374 0.031 0.689 3.542 70766.40 83.92 70813.54 122.55

6.3 MAE

Model Vivax Falciparum
Deforestation model 33.972 13.312
Malaria-control model 33.731 12.395
Climate model 33.244 12.601
Full model 33.037 12.516

6.3.1 Vivax: MAE per district

6.3.2 Falciparum: MAE per district