1.3 Activity: Pet factories

Social scientists are increasingly using simulation methods to help them understand the social processes they study. One method they use, called Monte Carlo simulation, is to generate many samples from a specified population or model. Then they can study the patterns that emerge from these samples. In these activities you will learn how to set up a model for a defined population using TinkerPlots.

1.3.1 Explore a pre-built sampler

Before building your own data factory, you will explore a pre-built sampler that simulates data about cats.

To access the activty
Log in to your class in Desmos. Find the activty called,
1.3.1: Explore a pre-build sampler
✓  Instructor solutions

1.3.2 Creating data factories

Now you will build your own pet factory to simulate data about cats and dogs.

To access the activty
Log in to your class in Desmos. Find the activty called,
1.3.2: Creating data factories