4 Seminar Three

In the lecture this week we discussed how to formulate an effective search strategy. We introduced you to the Staffordshire University Library page and the following academic databases:

We then discussed the importance of consolidating the research question/assessment brief and identifying the concrete terms.

4.1 Task 1

Using the research question you selected last week to perform a literature review for, identify the concrete terms. Using excel, tablute your findings. For example;

Term Population Intervention Outcome
Concrete Healthy, recreational athletes Blood flow restriction training Muscle strength and Muscle power

We acknowledged that not all researchers will have used the same terminology, and that for many words there are spelling variations globally. In order to capture all of the relevant studies on a topic, we need to consider what these might be.

4.2 Task 2

Using the same research question, identify the alternate terms. This might require you to do some reading and novel searches around the topic area. Using excel, tabulate your findings. For example;

Term Population Intervention Outcome
Concrete Terms Healthy, recreational athletes Blood flow restriction training Muscle strength and Muscle power
Alternate Terms Athletes Blood flow occlusion exercise Strength
Athletic Blood flow occlusion training Power
Blood flow occlusion One repetition maximum
Blood flow restriction Force
BFR One repetition max

Once the concrete terms and alternate terms have been identified it is time to run your search.

4.3 Task 3

Within your seminar group assign people to one of the four academic databases listed above. In order to capture as many relevant articles as possible we need to perform a search in each one. Using the advance search feature develop your search strategy using the boolean logic parameters (AND, OR, NOT).

For each step in the search tabulate the number of retrievals in excel. For example;

Step Search term Retrievals
1 Blood flow restriction training 294
2 Blood flow restriction exercise 186
3 Blood flow occlusion training 10
4 Blood flow occlusion exercise 21
5 Blood flow occlusion 414
6 Blood flow restriction 544
7 BFR 392
8 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 1041
etc etc etc

4.4 Task 4

Look through the retrievals of your final search and based on the title and abstract save any articles that you think might help in answering your research question into a folder (named ‘reviewing_scientific_literature_search’) on your one drive.