10 Seminar Nine

In the lecture this week you will have learnt all about assessment formatting. It is important that for all assessments you allow sufficient time for editing, proofing and formatting. In this seminar we will format your assignment in accordance with the Staffordshire University guidelines.

10.1 Task 1

Firstly, lets use the automated tools to proof your document. Open your document in MS word and navigate to the grammarly tool. Using the tool correct any issues in your writing. [Check the grammarly suggestions, they are not always necessarily correct]

Next, navigate to the writers diet tool. For each section of work review the writers diet analysis. If in any of your assignment sections the analysis bars are in the final two columns (unhappy face and crying face) then try editing your work to make the analysis more balanced.

Finally, swap your work with one of your peers. Read through their work critically and using the track changes (review>tracking>track changes) and comments function (review>new comment) provide feedback.

10.2 Task 2

Now, lets format your work so it adheres to the Staffordshire University guidelines. Lets start with the text; the best way to do this is by using the automated styles. You will need to begin by modifying the styles function, locate this in the MS word banner at the top of your document (home>styles).

  • Find heading 1 and right click it, you should have an option to ‘modify’. You will need to change the formatting of heading one to ‘Arial 14, Right Aligned, Black’
  • Find heading 2 and right click it, you should have an option to ‘modify’. You will need to change the formatting of heading two to ‘Arial 12, Left Aligned, Black’
  • Find heading 3 and right click it, you should have an option to ‘modify’. You will need to change the formatting of heading three to ‘Arial 12, Left Aligned, Black’
  • Find normal and right click it, you should have an option to ‘modify’. You will need to change the formatting of normal to Arial 12, Justified Aligned, 1.5 spaced, Black.

Once you have modified, you can highlight each section of your document and select the appropriate style.

For the purposes of this module and assessment we have modified the styles at the end of the project. It is often easier to do this at the beginning and select the style of text you want as you go.

10.2.1 Task 2: Extension

Open up a new ‘blank’ word document and modify the automated styles as outlined above (task 2). Now save this document to your one drive titled assignment_template.doc.

You can now use this template for other assessments knowing that the styles are formatted in accordance with the Staffordshire University Guidelines.

10.3 Task 3

A contents page is not necessary for this assessment but to demonstrate how this can be automated (if you have used the styles from task 2) we will temporarily add one. In order to do this go to ‘references’ section located in the MS Word banner at the top of your document. On the left hand side you will see the option ‘table of contents’. We advise using ‘automatic table 1’.

If you make any changes to your document always make sure you update the table of contents by right clicking the heading and selecting ‘update table’.

You will need to highlight the table and ensure it is the right font (arial) and colour (black)

10.4 Task 4

Open an microsoft excel document and enter the data below into a table. Save this file to your one drive titled table_formatting.xlsx

Variable Ergometer Mean Sd
VO2peak ACE 2.05 0.42
WCE 1.76 0.27
HR ACE 173.00 7.00
WCE 167.00 9.00
VEpeak ACE 93.86 22.78
WCE 82.79 10.22
RER ACE 1.14 0.17
WCE 1.14 0.06
Bla ACE 9.80 1.10
WCE 9.80 1.20

Highlight the top row of your table (cells: A1, B1, C1, D1) and using the boarder function (this can be found under the home tab, in the text formatting section, under the font and bold drop downs) give this row a bottom boarder and a top boarder. Now highlight the last row of your table (cells: A11, B11, C11, D11) and using the boarder function give this row a bottom boarder.

Highlight the data under column three (mean) and four (sd) (cells: C2:D11) and right align the data [it is also advised that each cell has the same number of decimals places].

Your table is now APA formatted and ready to be copied and pasted into a word document. Remember, you will need to give your table a ‘table number’ and a ‘table title’ (e.g. Table 1: Peak physiological responses to Arm Crank Ergometery (ACE) and Wheelchair Ergometry (WCE)).

It is possible to do this directly in microsoft word, but as tables become more complex it becomes harder and therefore we recommend producing your tables in microsoft excel first and then copying them across

10.5 Task 4

If you havent already done this, number the sections of your assignment.

  • Each main heading should be numbered 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, K.0 (e.g 1.0 Introduction, 2.0 Discussion etc).
  • Each subheading should be numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1.K (e.g 1.1 Prevalence and Incidence, 1.2 Mechanisms, 1.3 Proposed Benefits etc).

10.6 Task 5

Using what you learnt from week six (referencing) check that any references you have used ‘in text’ adhere to the Staffordshire University Guidelines (APA 7th Edition). Check that you have a reference list at the end of your work that includes ALL your ‘in text’ citations and that adheres to the APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines.