11 Seminar Ten

In the lecture this week you will have learnt about how you will recieve feedback. By now you should have a draft manuscript for your literature review. In this seminar session you will be providing each other feedback on your literature reviews so far.

As a reminder, the feedback themes that are generally used are as followed;

  • AF: General Academic Feature
  • PFS: Presentation, Formatting and Structure
  • R: Range of Reading/Referencing
  • CA: (Critical) Appraisal/Synthesis
  • SM: Subject Matter
  • A: Advisories

11.1 Task 1

Email you draft manuscript to another student in the class; in return they will send theirs to you.

Firstly, read the literature review manuscript you have been sent and where appropriate provide some in text comments that adhere to the following structure. Use the review>new comment feature in word.

  1. Abbreviated quick mark [AF, PFS, R, CA, SM, A]
  2. State whether your comment is highlighting a strength or and area for improvement
  3. Provide a reason for why it is a strength or an area for improvement
  4. If the comment refers to an area for imrpovement, identify where support can be accessed

Here is an example of a well structure in text comment

“CA: You have clearly considered alternative reasons for a studies findings by reviewing and comparing the methodological features of one study against another. This is a strong academic feature and allows for genuine synthesis of study findings. It is encouraging to see you take this approach and we hope you continue to evaluate the literature in this manner in future work. To further refine your critical appraisal skills refer to…”

Save your feedback as ‘studentname_feedback’ to your one drive.

11.2 Task 2

Once you have read the litertaure review manuscript and offered some in text comments, consider what the six main feedback points are that you would like to emphasize.

Email these summary points back to the student and attach the feedback file with the in text comments.

11.3 Task 3

Sit with the students whose work you reviewed and go through your comments together.

11.4 Task 4

Based on the written and verbal feedback you have received edit your work. You do not have to make all the changes that are suggested to you but work through each comment and consider whether it would improve your work.

Level 6 (final year) students will be joining your next seminar and providing you with some additional assignment support. Your lecturers will also meet with you on a one to one basis to discuss your progress.

In order for them to do this effectively you are required to send them your most current version of your literature review. Your lecturer will give you the email address of the level 6 student that has been assigned to you. Please email them your work before the end of the day.