2.3 Age as Confounder

Consider whether or not age should be considered a confounding factor on the association between education and HIV.

What possible causal diagram represents the scenario where age is a confounder?

Compare the crude and adjusted ORs. Recalling that there is no formal statistical test for confounding, is there any suggestion of confounding from the analyses below?

#--- Logistic Regression
glm(serostat ~ educat + age.group, family = binomial, data = tz) %>% logistic.display() 
## Logistic regression predicting serostat : hiv  positive vs hiv negative 
##                                      crude OR(95%CI)    adj. OR(95%CI)    
## educat: ref.=no education, preschool                                      
##    primary                           0.57 (0.32,1.01)   0.77 (0.43,1.37)  
##    secondary                         0.1 (0.02,0.44)    0.13 (0.03,0.56)  
## age.group: 20-24 vs 14-19            6.78 (3.42,13.44)  6.56 (3.29,13.08) 
##                                      P(Wald's test) P(LR-test)
## educat: ref.=no education, preschool                0.001     
##    primary                           0.38                     
##    secondary                         0.006                    
## age.group: 20-24 vs 14-19            < 0.001        < 0.001   
## Log-likelihood = -258.0038
## No. of observations = 2762
## AIC value = 524.0077