Chapter 10 Reference & Other Good Stuff

10.1 Rasch Glossary

10.1.2 Diagnostic and Exploratory Rasch Figures

Abbreviation Description
ICC Item Characteristic Curve
IIC Item Information Function
IRF Item Response Function
TCC Test Characteristic Curve

10.1.3 Estimation methods and Estimates

Abbreviation Description
AML(E) Anchored Maximum Likelihood (Estimation)
CML(E) Conditional Maximum Likelihood (Estimation)
EAP Expected A Posterior (Estimate)
JML(E) Joint Maximum Likelihood (Estimation)
UCON(E) Unconditional Maximum Likelihood (Estimation)
MML(E) Marginal Maximum Likelihood (Estimation)
WLE Weighted Likelihood Estimate

Note*: JMLE “Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation” is also called UCON, “Unconditional maximum likelihood estimation”. It was devised by Wright & Panchapakesan.

10.2 Rasch friendly Jounrals

These Journals have published papers relating to Rasch analysis and Rasch measurement. They are believed to be willing to publish more.

10.3 Rasch Model Application Tempaltes

10.4 Reference for this book