Chapter 3 Mode of Approach Toward Externalization

This chapter considers the complex and gradual preparation for the Hierarchy’s reappearance in the physical world. It explores the selective nature of this process, involving only a few Ashrams and trained disciples initially, to test humanity’s readiness. The chapter emphasizes the pivotal roles of certain Ashrams—such as those led by Masters K.H., M., and a fifth ray Master—in education, synthesis, and scientific application, as they lay the groundwork for new values and systems in politics, religion, and economics.

The chapter also highlights the humanitarian spirit driving these changes, with disciples working across various fields not out of direct hierarchical instruction but through a natural inclination toward human welfare and collective progress. This spirit is foundational to new world orders and the evolution of human consciousness.

Central to the chapter’s themes is the dissemination of information about the Hierarchy, focusing on humanity’s evolution, the soul’s role, and the normalcy of the Hierarchy’s existence. It calls for a shift in how these concepts are presented, moving away from sensationalism to an emphasis on God Immanent and the unity of all faiths, redefining the perception of the Christ — Lord Maitreya — as a living, active presence.

Overall, the chapter underscores a transformative period marked by spiritual enlightenment, where the interwoven efforts of the Hierarchy, disciples, and humanity collectively forge a path toward a more enlightened and unified world.

3.1 Introduction

As we stand on the brink of unprecedented spiritual evolution, the imminent reappearance of the Hierarchy on the physical plane invites profound contemplation. This significant event, marked by the externalization of select Ashrams, signals a transformative era where the Mysteries of existence may be restored and humanity’s spiritual path illuminated. The potential return of the Christ, a pivotal figure in this unfolding narrative, adds urgency and depth to these developments.

Within the Hierarchy itself, intricate adjustments are underway. These internal preparations are as crucial as their external manifestations, reflecting the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of hierarchical discipline and training. Contrary to the perception of static attainment, even the most advanced initiates continue their journey toward greater understanding and alignment with divine truth.

Crucially, the interconnectedness of the three great centers — Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity — plays a definitive role in these preparations. The synergy between these centers ensures that the cosmic purpose is fulfilled, and humanity’s growing invocative appeal significantly influences hierarchical activities. This evocative human demand, a testament to our collective readiness for deeper spiritual engagement, calls forth a response from the Hierarchy, shaping their approach and accelerating their plans.

Simultaneously, broader cosmic alignments enrich this period of transformation. The harmonization of zodiacal influences and the unique alignment of the three planetary centers create fertile ground for accelerated evolution. These cosmic conditions not only facilitate the Hierarchy’s externalization but also bolster the spiritual growth of all life on Earth.

Let us address the profound implications of these themes, exploring the modes through which the Hierarchy approaches its externalization and the intricate dance of cosmic forces influencing our planetary destiny. As we journey through these explorations, we uncover the potential for a new age of enlightenment, driven by the unified efforts of Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity itself.

3.2 Steps in the Externalization Process

The remarkable journey toward the externalization of the Hierarchy has been in motion since 1425 A.D., marking a significant shift in spiritual dynamics. This long-anticipated process involves meticulous preparation and internal adjustments within the Hierarchy to ensure a seamless transition to physical manifestation. The initial impulse for this monumental shift originated from Shamballa, creating a ripple effect that has conditioned spiritual development for centuries.

One of the primary focuses has been the internal preparation of the Masters of Wisdom. Although they have transcended many aspects of the human experience, there remains a need to recover certain physical faculties. These Masters, having achieved a state of relative perfection, have moved beyond the ordinary uses of the five senses, relying instead on telepathic communication and the science of impression. The reawakening of these sensory faculties is crucial for their future work in the physical world.

The externalization process unfolds in three distinct phases. The first phase involves isolated disciples and initiates who are scattered globally. These individuals lay the groundwork by breaking down outdated systems and introducing new principles. Their pioneering efforts pave the way for the next phase, where a more organized group of disciples and initiates emerges. These individuals will take on leadership roles across various sectors, including politics, religion, and economics, steering humanity toward a new civilization through their spiritual wisdom and practical insights.

In this second phase, the externalization gains momentum as these spiritually-minded leaders are recognized for their competence and integrity. They will not impose hierarchical control but will be chosen for their ability to foster right human relations and guide society toward a harmonious future. Their influence will be instrumental in reforming religious institutions, introducing new economic systems, and reshaping political structures.

The culmination of this process is marked by the public work of the Christ and the Masters. This third phase depends on the success of the preceding efforts and the readiness of humanity to embrace a new era of spiritual enlightenment. The restoration of the Mysteries will play a pivotal role, unifying diverse faiths and fostering a deeper understanding of the human journey.

The “restoration of the Mysteries” refers to reviving ancient spiritual teachings and practices that reveal the evolutionary process and the path back to divine light. These Mysteries, originally given by the spiritual Hierarchy, contain the secrets of humanity’s origin and destiny, hidden in symbols, rituals, and teachings.

Throughout these phases, the role of spiritually-minded individuals is paramount. Their contributions in politics, religion, and economics will facilitate the transition to a world where love, wisdom, and enlightened governance prevail. This transformative period promises the restoration of the Mysteries, offering humanity a path to greater spiritual awareness and collective progress.

3.3 Approach, via Certain Ashrams

The externalization of the Hierarchy is a carefully measured and experimental process, not a wholesale movement of all its members onto the physical plane. Initially, only a select few Ashrams and a number of trained disciples and initiates are involved, reflecting the need to test humanity’s readiness for such a profound shift. This gradual approach underscores the importance of preparing human consciousness for the eventual full presence of the Hierarchy.

The anticipated return of the Christ is often misunderstood in literal and traditional terms, yet it symbolizes a broader spiritual awakening — a world attaining peace through self-initiated right human relations. The preparatory stages do not focus on the physical event of Christ’s return but on cultivating a receptive state of consciousness throughout humanity.

Three major Ashrams play pivotal roles in this preparatory phase. The Ashram of Master K.H., a second ray Ashram, focuses on education and instilling new values. Disciples from this Ashram are guiding educators and religious leaders worldwide, promoting cooperation and right human relations, while gradually dismantling outdated systems and ideologies. Their persistent efforts aim to reshape the educational and religious landscape, aligning it with spiritual truth.

Master M.’s first ray Ashram emphasizes synthesis, fostering unity and collaboration among nations. This Ashram’s work revolves around promoting right human relations and establishing a new political consciousness that prioritizes freedom, international harmony, and clean governance. Disciples from this Ashram are working closely with their second ray counterparts to educate the public on these higher values, ensuring that political systems evolve to meet the needs of a spiritually enlightened society.

The fifth ray Ashram, under its respective Master, focuses on scientific application and innovation. This Ashram is leading humanity into the atomic age, revolutionizing the way energy is understood and utilized. By proving that all existence is energy, these disciples will help create a civilization where scientific advancements enhance freedom and cultural development.

As these Ashrams lay the groundwork, other Ashrams will gradually participate, each contributing unique strengths to the transformative process. The Ashram of the third ray will eventually address economic systems, introducing the principle of sharing as a central tenet of the new civilization. This shift will redefine material relationships, balancing individual enterprise with collective welfare.

The involvement of additional Ashrams, including those of the seventh and sixth rays, will broaden the scope of externalization. Although the fourth ray Ashram will remain less active initially, its influence will persistently guide human intuition and creativity.

This phased approach ensures that when the time is right, humanity will be prepared for the Hierarchy’s full externalization. The focus remains on education and practical world affairs, fostering a global consciousness that aligns with the higher purposes of Shamballa and the Hierarchy. Through this methodical process, the Hierarchy aids humanity in transforming academic knowledge into enduring wisdom, paving the way for a new era of enlightenment.

3.4 Approach Towards Externalization in the Disciple’s Consciousness

As the process of externalization unfolds, disciples sent from various Ashrams arrive on earth not with an overt awareness of their grand mission but equipped with innate talents and firmly rooted ideals that naturally guide them to their destined fields. Their life paths are shaped by a deep-seated sense of purpose and humanitarianism, which drives their contributions to human welfare across diverse domains such as politics, education, and science.

These disciples are often characterized by their humanitarian outlook, a broad vision that transcends personal ambition and focuses on the common good. Rather than being directed explicitly by hierarchical instruction, they are motivated by an inner comviction to serve humanity. Their efforts are not dedicated solely to alleviating immediate human necessities but are directed toward integrating humanitarian values across all aspects of human existence. In doing so, they lay the groundwork for a new world order that emerges from the evolving human consciousness.

In their respective fields, these disciples bring about significant changes, influencing and inspiring others with a shared vision of progress. They operate with a strong sense of duty and are supported by the latent spiritual power of the Hierarchy, which facilitates their work through the opening of doors, the arrangement of contacts, and the provision of necessary resources, all without overt evidence of such inner guidance.

Even when they remain unaware of their connection to the Hierarchy, their actions are aligned with the overarching ashramic plan. This subtle guidance results in a profound impact on human consciousness, raising awareness and introducing positive changes that reflect higher principles. They are adept at turning ideas into action, transforming established practices, and infusing their specialties with new, enlightened perspectives.

The effectiveness of these disciples lies in their ability to focus unwaveringly on their tasks, undistracted by personal spiritual quests. Their success is rooted in their capacity to balance the demands of their roles with the guiding principles of love and wisdom. In doing so, they contribute to a holistic approach to global problems, where their humanitarian spirit and innovative thinking pave the way for a more enlightened and unified world.

Ultimately, these disciples embody the essence of the externalization process, serving as catalysts for change and exemplifying the qualities necessary to steer humanity toward a future where spiritual and practical values are seamlessly integrated. Through their dedication and insight, they ensure that the transition from the old age to the new is marked by an elevated consciousness and an unwavering commitment to the greatest good for the greatest number.

3.5 The Dissemination of Information of a Preparatory Nature

In the vital task of disseminating information about the Hierarchy, two primary groups stand at the forefront. The first group comprises pledged disciples and earnest aspirants actively engaged in the field of esotericism. The second group, poised to emerge from three specific Ashrams, includes disciples and initiates who will act as the vanguard, paving the way for the Hierarchy’s outer manifestation. This pivotal phase was programmed to commence in 1975, contingent upon the diligent efforts of the disciples engaged in their work by the 1950s.

The challenge lies not just in spreading awareness but in transforming the manner in which this information is conveyed. Historically, much of the public’s familiarity with the concept of the Hierarchy has been marred by sensationalism and superficial interpretations, detracting from its profound significance. A recalibration is needed—one that aligns with genuine belief and humanitarian desire.

The communication strategy should pivot towards highlighting humanity’s evolutionary journey, focusing on the soul’s overarching role in achieving perfection. This perfection is not the idealistic vision of mystics but the tangible control of the human form by the indwelling soul. Teaching the constitution of man and his inherent spiritual potential becomes essential.

Furthermore, it is crucial to emphasize the interconnectedness of all souls and the emergence of the kingdom of God, manifested through soul-controlled individuals in everyday life. This recognition will gradually illuminate the existence and normality of the spiritual Hierarchy. As more souls express this divine quality, the presence of Masters—those who have achieved the goal—will be seen as a natural progression.

The narrative surrounding the Christ must also evolve. Rather than depicting Him as a distant, sentimental figure, the focus should be on His presence as a dynamic, living force guiding humanity. The hierarchical Office of the Christ, held by Lord Maitreya since He overshadowed Master Jesus in Palestine 2,000 years ago, is not bound by the confines of traditional Christianity but is an inclusive figure whose influence pervades all faiths and religious expressions. The unity between the Christ and the Buddha should be highlighted, fostering a broader acceptance of a spiritual brotherhood that transcends religious boundaries.

The key to effectively communicating this transformative information lies in the truth of God Immanent — a central concept underscoring the divine presence within every individual. This truth serves as the foundation for understanding the Hierarchy’s role and the eventual materialization of the kingdom of God on earth. By presenting this idea in a manner that resonates with historical and contemporary insights, the coming generations of disciples can effectively convey the eternal hope and potential inherent in all forms of life.

Through this refined approach, the dissemination of information will not only educate but also inspire a global consciousness shift, paving the way for the Hierarchy’s reappearance in physical form and establishing a new era of spiritual enlightenment.