Chapter 2 Hierarchical Preparation

This chapter explores the unfolding spiritual dynamics and the pivotal role of the Hierarchy in guiding humanity through transformative times. The chapter begins with an examination of the 1946 Wesak Festival, marking a significant spiritual shift with the establishment of a new Ashram that emphasizes Wisdom. The roles of the Buddha and the Christ are highlighted as central to this development, signifying a deeper alignment with divine purpose.

The second section considers the imminent changes heralded by the new Invocation, stressing the importance of formal discipleship training for modern times (as in the Arcane School), Triangles, and the Goodwill movement in promoting right human relations. These initiatives are crucial in addressing global challenges and enhancing human consciousness, as the Hierarchy faces the daunting task of fostering goodwill amidst world abuses.

In the third section, the chapter underscores the Hierarchy’s commitment to expanding human consciousness and dismantling barriers to the Christ’s return. It calls for active human participation in spiritual events like the Wesak Festival (Taurus Full Moon) and the Christ’s Gemini Full Moon, emphasizing the need for collective engagement to support the Hierarchy’s mission. Through unity and spiritual dedication, humanity can contribute to a new era of love, enlightenment, and harmonious existence.

2.1 The 1946 Wesak Festival

A New Ashram, and the Roles of the Buddha and the Christ

In the pivotal year of 1946, the Wesak Festival emerged as a beacon of transformation, marking a significant shift in the spiritual landscape. This year’s festival was particularly noteworthy due to the establishment of a new Ashram, emphasizing the Wisdom aspect rather than the traditional focus on Love. This Ashram, uniquely aligned with the Buddha, was formed to receive and safeguard specific “endowments” linked to the will-to-good of the Lord of the World, signaling a profound alignment with the divine Purpose.

The Buddha, who has long served as a bridge between Shamballa and the Hierarchy, continues to play a crucial role, cooperating with the Christ to strengthen the link between these spiritual centers and humanity. Despite having the option to withdraw from his annual visits to the Himalayas, the Buddha has choosen to remain, supporting the Christ in expanding this vital channel. This collaboration is essential as humanity stands on the brink of significant spiritual evolution.

One of the central challenges facing the Hierarchy is the reorganization of world religions. The distorted interpretations and outdated theologies that have long dominated religious teachings are in dire need of transformation. The Christ is committed to guiding this process, aiming to restore simplicity and love to spiritual practices. Orthodox Judaism, with its deeply ingrained separatism and hostility, is also called to evolve, moving towards a more inclusive and harmonious expression of faith.

In tandem with these efforts, the Hierarchy is preparing for a monumental revelation, one that promises to usher in a new era and establish the foundation for a unified world religion. This revelation is pivotal, as it will redefine humanity’s understanding of divine truth and set the tone for future spiritual development.

Amidst these transformative endeavors, the specter of a religious war looms large, a potential conflict that threatens to surpass the devastation of past wars. The Christ acknowledges this danger and emphasizes the critical role of goodwill in averting such a catastrophe. The cultivation of goodwill is not only essential for preventing conflict but is also a key component in humanity’s spiritual growth and the realization of the divine Plan.

As humanity navigates this period of profound change, the Hierarchy’s guidance remains steadfast, illuminating the path towards a future characterized by love, unity, and spiritual enlightenment. The events of 1946 serve as a catalyst for this journey, heralding the dawn of new revelations and the promise of a brighter, more harmonious world.

2.2 The Dawn of New Revelations

Imminent Events and the Power of Invocation: Fostering Goodwill and Addressing World Challenges

As humanity stands on the threshold of great and stirring events, the impact of the new Invocation grows increasingly significant.


From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into human minds. Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into human hearts. May the Coming One return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide all little human wills - The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the human race Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Light, Love, and Power (Life) can be expressed in electrical terms as current, voltage, and energy, with resistance representing humanity’s ability to conduct electricity. Love, as Life’s driving force, seeks to overcome resistance. Fully overcoming it would result in infinite Light and Power, redeeming matter with divine Life. Thus, the Great Invocation serves as both a prayer and a scientific formula to reduce heat (resistance, conflict) and enhance radiance (harmony, goodwill) in the world.

This Invocation, a powerful catalyst for change, is beginning to gain traction, calling for a unified approach to world preparation. Central to this endeavor are three key movements: modern discipleship training, Triangles, and the Goodwill movement. Each plays a distinct role in fostering right human relations, a cornerstone of the Hierarchy’s plan.

Formal discipleship training, such as is provided by the Arcane School, serves as a repository of esoteric knowledge, disseminating teachings designed to illuminate the path of spiritual evolution. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the deeper truths that underpin the human experience, thus preparing individuals for the Hierarchy’s eventual emergence on Earth. The Triangles, meanwhile, operate as a subtle yet profound mechanism for change, leveraging the power of group meditation to create a network of light and goodwill across the globe. This work, though esoteric in nature, is marked by its simplicity and accessibility, allowing individuals from all walks of life to participate in this global transformation.

The Goodwill movement stands out for its immediate appeal to the masses, promoting the essential human desire for right relations. It seeks to bridge divides and foster a spirit of cooperation, addressing the root causes of conflict through the nurturing of goodwill. This movement, already involving many thousands, is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for love and selflessness.

The Hierarchy’s world planning efforts hinge on two primary objectives: the esoteric preparation for its material emergence and the establishment of right human relations. The former, closely associated with the Buddha’s final service to mankind, involves intricate planning to ensure that the Hierarchy’s appearance on Earth is both timely and effective. The latter relies on the sustained effort of the Masters to nurture goodwill and harmony among nations, gradually guiding the Ashrams into external activity as the need arises.

Despite these noble endeavors, the Hierarchy faces formidable challenges. Enthusiasm for the spiritual path often wanes in the face of material concerns, and the task of addressing world abuses remains daunting. Yet, the Hierarchy remains undeterred, recognizing that the cultivation of goodwill is paramount to achieving peace and aligning with the divine will.

Enthusiasm, in its truest sense, is vital for driving the changes necessary to manifest the divine Plan. It is this fervor that the Hierarchy seeks to ignite within the hearts of humanity, fostering a collective commitment to right human relations, peace and understanding. Through the efforts of discipleship training, Triangles, and Goodwill movement, the path towards right human relations is being paved, offering a beacon of hope in these transformative times.

As the world navigates this period of profound change, the Hierarchy’s guidance remains a steadying force, illuminating the path towards a future characterized by love, unity, and the full expression of divine will. The ongoing efforts to instill goodwill are instrumental in this journey, promising a brighter and more harmonious world for all.

2.3 The Hierarchy’s Mission and the Call to Action

In the current era of profound transformation, the Hierarchy emerges as a formidable force, committed to expanding human consciousness and liberating humanity from the shackles of limitation. Their mission is clear: dismantle the obstacles that hinder the return of the Christ and facilitate the emergence of the Hierarchy as a tangible, guiding presence on Earth. This commitment is unwavering and marked by clarity, strength, and the firm resolve that humanity must learn to rely upon.

The Hierarchy’s objectives are manifold, each aimed at ushering in a new age of spiritual enlightenment. Foremost is the reorganization of world religions to pave the way for a universal faith that transcends dogma and fosters simplicity and unity. The dissolution of orthodox Judaism, with its outdated teachings and separatist stance, is also crucial, as a spiritual awakening among the Jewish people could significantly benefit humanity due to their widespread presence.

Preparation for a new revelation is underway, driven by a collective human yearning for greater vision and understanding. This impending revelation, supported by the potency of the new Invocation, promises to redefine humanity’s spiritual trajectory. Meanwhile, the direct engagement between the Hierarchy and Shamballa channels powerful energies into the world, fostering goodwill and creating new avenues for spiritual development.

A critical aspect of the Hierarchy’s efforts is fostering closer ties with humanity, a process that will eventually lead to the externalization of certain Ashrams and the reappearance of the Hierarchy on Earth. This development acknowledges humanity’s readiness for deeper spiritual engagement and heralds a new era of revelation and insight.

The urgency of averting war looms large on the Hierarchy’s agenda, as the next conflict could be catastrophic, fueled by religious animosity and involving Shamballa’s unprecedented engagement. Thus, the call for peace and goodwill is more critical than ever, with imminent spiritual festivals serving as pivotal opportunities for collective human participation.

The Wesak (Buddha’s) Festival and the Christ’s Unique Occasion at the Gemini Full Moon was particularly significant in 1946, marking a cycle where humanity’s involvement is more pronounced than ever. These festivals are not merely events to observe but occasions for active participation. Individuals are encouraged to engage spiritually, acting as channels for the energies being invoked and contributing to the global transformation.

Participation in these Full Moon meditations requires imaginative engagement and a sense of unity with the Hierarchy. As individuals offer themselves as vessels for spiritual energies, they must be mindful of potential overstimulation and use their newfound insights to benefit humanity. Supporting the Hierarchy’s work involves practical steps, such as distributing the Invocation widely and promoting awareness of pressing global issues.

Ultimately, the Hierarchy’s mission calls for a renewed commitment from each of us—a pledge to serve humanity, embrace our spiritual potential, and work towards the establishment of right human relations. As we unite in this endeavor, we not only support the Hierarchy’s efforts but also pave the way for a new world shaped by love, light, and the will-to-good.