Author: JB
JB: Jasper, help me design a logo as author of books. A blue jay (bird) and a bee. How are they related and how can their meaning blend in my “JB logo”?
Jasper: Design Concept.
The Blue Jay: The blue jay is a bird known for its intelligence and complex social systems. It’s also vibrant and highly noticeable. In your logo, this can symbolize your creativity, intelligence, and the distinctive style of your writing.
The Bee: Bees are often associated with hard work, teamwork, and productivity. They’re also important pollinators, which can symbolize your role as an author spreading ideas and stories.
Symbolic Meaning: The combination of the blue jay and the bee in your logo not only represents your initials but also symbolizes your writing style. The blue jay represents your creativity and distinctiveness, while the bee signifies your hard work and productivity as a writer. Together, they indicate a writer who produces unique and impactful work.
Esoteric Publications
Printed books, written and/or edited by the author:
- A Little Book of Magic
- The Way to Shamballa: Agni Yoga
- Shamballa: The White Island
- The Centennial Conclave: SHAMBALLA 2025
- Introduction To Agni Yoga: The Way To Shamballa
- Un discípulo iberoamericano: Vicente Beltrán Anglada (Spanish Edition)
- An Ibero-American Disciple: Vicente Beltrán Anglada (English edition)
- El Misterio del Ángel Solar (Spanish Edition)
- The Mystery of the Solar Angel (English Edition)
- Un Tratado Esotérico Sobre Los Ángeles (Spanish Edition)
- El Mundo Dévico (Spanish Edition)
- The Psychocentric Revelation
- The Seven Rays and the Keirsey Typology
- Healing: Making Sound from Within
- Spiritual Telepathy: the Science of Impression
- Four Dimensional Consciousness
- The Science of the Emotions
- World Teachers
- The Cosmic Chessboard: An Archetypal Odyssey
- Jasper and I: Socratic Dialogues
- The Hermetic Mind: Socratic Dialogues
- Artificial Intelligence and the Ageless Wisdom
- A Little Book of Magic
- Sanat Kumara
- Montserrat: A Spiritual Journey
- Electricity
- Mathematical Matrices
- Metaphysics
- A Prophetic Vision
- Shamballa 2025
- Apuntes biográficos sobre Robert Tecumtha Browne - en curso
- Mediumnidad
- Contrasting Family Models - in progress
- The New Intuitive Sense - in progress
Blogs by the author:
Websites by the author:
Articles published in The Beacon
Author: Jose Becerra, MD. Title: THE SEARCH FOR CERTAINTY Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1981 v49 i3 May_June p92
Author: Jose Becerra Title: THE ETHERIC BODY AND THE SOUL Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1982 v49 i10 July_Aug p309
Author: Jose Becerra Title: SPIRITUAL ARISTOCRACY Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1984 v50 i10 July_Aug p316
Author: Jose Becerra, MD Title: THE MYSTERY OF INFINITY Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1985 v51 i1 Jan_Feb p23
Author: Jose Becerra Title: AN ESOTERIC PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1986 v51 i8 March_Apr p251
Author: Jose/Rosa B. Becerra/Licha-de-Becerra Title: EUGENIO MARIA DE HOSTOS: A Forerunner Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1986 v51 i10 July_Aug p299
Author: Jose Becerra Title: SILENCE, INNER AND OUTER Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1986 v51 i12 Nov_Dec p377
Author: Jose Becerra Title: THE UNDERLYING PURPOSE OF THE SOUL-INFUSED PERSONALITY Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1987 v52 i1 Jan_Feb p27
Author: Jose Becerra Title: ELECTRICITY AND THE GREAT iNVOCATION Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1994 v55 Num 8 Mar_Apr
Author: Jose Becerra Title: HERMES: THE SIRIAN LOGOS Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1994 v55 i11 Nov_Dec p20
Author: Jose Becerra Title: TRANSCENDENTAL GEOMETRY: A SECOND RAY APPROACH TO THE ANTAHKARANA Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1996 v56 i9 May_June p11
Author: Jose Becerra Title: TOWARDS A NEW SOCIAL CONTRACT: LAWS AND PRINCIPLES FOR A NEW AGE Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1997 v57 i1 Jan_Feb p19
Author: Jose Becerra Title: THE PROBLEMS OF HUMANITY REVISITED Periodical: The Beacon 1922 - continuing, New York, Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey Issue: y1998 v57 i7 Jan_Feb p22
Articles published in the Journal of Esoteric Psychology
- 1989: The Personal Identity Profile (PIP, version I) Questionnaire Validation.
- 1990: The Questing Scientist, Part II: Is Astrology True?
- 1999: Astrological Correlates of the Great Invocation
Articles published in the Esoteric Quarterly
- 2016: A Model of the Human Atom
- 2018: The Fundamental Laws of the Universe
- 2020: The Psychocentric Revelation, Part 1: Redefining the Scientific Method
- 2020: The Psychocentric Revelation, Part Two: Space as a Living Entity
Other articles:
- 1987, Astrology and Science ABSTRACT: Methodological Issues in Astrological Research (Kosmos 1987, 16.2, 42-47. Reprinted in APP 1988, 6.1, 36-39.)
- 1996: Tropical Sun Sign Astrology: The Need for Soul Age-Adjustment?
Biographical sketch
Dr. José E. Becerra is a retired Commissioned Officer of the U.S. Public Health Service who worked along with the New Group of World Servers in the fields of science, medicine and mathematical epidemiology at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1985-2014), after having served as a medical officer with the National Health Service Corps (1979-1983).
Dr. Becerra (Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, 1978) is a also renowned scholar and researcher in the field of esoteric sciences, which explores the hidden and mystical aspects of reality. His writings on his blogs, Agni Yoga and Hierarchical Democracy, reflect his deep understanding and exploration of these subjects.
On his Agni Yoga blog, Dr. Becerra discusses the Fiery Yoga of Synthesis, which aligns with his interest in bridging the gap between science and spirituality. His other blog, Hierarchical Democracy, reflects his vision for a balanced society where spiritual and material progress are harmoniously integrated. The concept of a hierarchical democracy is derived from esoteric teachings, suggesting a structure of governance guided by enlightened wisdom.
Overall, Dr. Becerra’s writings reflect a profound understanding of esoteric sciences, and his work is characterized by a unique blend of scientific inquiry and spiritual exploration.
[Professional Curriculum Vitae(