
Note: A Prophetic Vision is an introductory commentary summarizing a section of The Externalization of the Hierarchy. Written by a Master of the Hierarchy between 1946 and 1949, this section envisions the externalization of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ.

For definitions of terms like initation, Masters of Wisdom, Hierarchy, Shamballa, Manu and the Lord of the World (Sanat Kumara), readers may consult my book The Centennial Conclave: SHAMBALLA 2025. An introduction to esotericism from a philosophical perspective is available in my ebook Metaphysics.

Readers are also encouraged to consult the original book,The Externalization of the Hierarchy, for historical context and more detailed, nuanced insights.

Readers familiar with Vicente Beltrán Anglada’s work will find in A Prophetic Vision an elucidation of the first pillar of the Threefold Hierarchical Project:

  • recognizing the Ashram of Shamballa, the Hierarchy;
  • revealing the mystery of electricity veiled by the Mother of the (Deva) World; and
  • applying the scientific magic of invocation and evocation on a planetary scale.

“The keynotes upon which the occult philosophy is built are: 1) there is naught in manifestation except organized energy, 2) energy follows or conforms itself to thought, and 3) the occultist works in energy and with energies.” -The Tibetan Master (The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 674)


In the quiet corridors of human history, an ancient and formidable force has silently labored, striving to shield humanity from the onslaught of cosmic malevolence. This unseen protector, known as the Hierarchy, has long stood as a bulwark against overwhelming evil, ensuring the protection and gradual awakening of human consciousness. For millennia, since the days of ancient Atlantis, the Hierarchy withdrew to the mental plane, nurturing the evolution of social, political, religious, and economic structures that support human growth and enlightenment.

Now, a pivotal chapter unfolds as the Hierarchy prepares to manifest physically on Earth for the first time in ages. This bold step towards externalization signals a profound transformation, as the Hierarchy’s esoteric activities transition to the exoteric realm. Such a move holds tremendous potential, not only for the Hierarchy itself but for all of humanity, offering opportunities for deeper engagement and understanding.

As the Hierarchy’s Ashrams begin to take form within the tangible world, disciples and aspirants face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This transition demands collaboration and alignment not only with the Hierarchy but also with the cosmic energies channeled through Shamballa. The task is formidable, requiring not just intellectual acceptance but the heartfelt cooperation of the world’s intelligent and spiritually attuned individuals.

A Prophetic Vision delves into the intricacies of this monumental shift, exploring the historical context, the protective and guiding roles of the Hierarchy, and the broader implications for humanity’s spiritual evolution. Readers are invited to journey through the profound changes and to discover how they can contribute to and benefit from this transformative era.