Chapter 6 Challenges in Sensitivity and the Path of Purification

Disciples on the spiritual path often encounter the challenge of extreme sensitivity to the thought currents and emotions of those around them. This sensitivity, while a testament to their growing empathy and connection to the Law of Love, can also become a hindrance if not properly managed. As disciples advance, they are confronted with the task of balancing this sensitivity with the necessary spiritual detachment that allows them to perform their work effectively without being overwhelmed by external influences.

Within the ashrams, a comprehensive training system is in place to aid disciples in this delicate balancing act. The goal is to maintain a sympathetic and sensitive rapport with others while fostering a higher identification and preserving a detachment that enables unhindered work. This detachment is not rooted in self-preservation but in a focused dedication to their tasks, ensuring a clear channel of communication between the disciple, the ashram, and their sphere of influence.

Central to this training is the Science of Purification, a vital component in preparing the world for future spiritual developments. This science encompasses several stages:

  1. Recognition and Contact: Disciples identify and assess the areas needing purification, understanding the extent of the required measures. This stage poses a risk, as engaging with negativity can be destabilizing.
  2. Magnetic Discovery: They locate magnetic centers established by the Hierarchy, which hold energies essential for purification. These centers will play a crucial role in upcoming purification efforts.
  3. Mantric and Energetic Activation: Through specific mantras and formulas, disciples release energies that dismantle latent evil, strengthen the soul, and enhance the life force within forms.
  4. Withdrawal and Stabilization: After purification, the energies are withdrawn, allowing the purified forms to stabilize and enter a new phase of spiritual growth.

This process is not limited to humanity but extends to all life forms, reflecting the interconnectedness of all existence. The Science of Applied Purification, aligned with the Science of Applied Energy, seeks to eliminate obstacles to spiritual light and facilitate the entry of the benevolent and true.

The Hierarchy is also actively searching for aspirants with telepathic susceptibility, individuals who exhibit a genuine desire to aid humanity rather than seek personal glory. These aspirants are trained to be sensitive to hierarchical impressions and to utilize their intuition, which plays a critical role in group perception and the elevation of the personality to serve the soul within the group.

In this search, the Hierarchy places a premium on individuals who demonstrate a selfless commitment to humanity’s well-being, overshadowing personal ambitions. The process involves providing these aspirants with knowledge about the hierarchical Plan, the reappearance of the Christ, and essential occult truths, particularly the Law of Cause and Effect. This law, emphasizing the aspirant’s responsibility and the conditioning of the future through present actions, is regarded as more crucial than the Law of Rebirth.

Through these efforts, the Hierarchy aims to cultivate a new generation of disciples and aspirants who are equipped to handle the challenges of sensitivity and purification, ultimately contributing to the larger goal of spiritual upliftment and the realization of divine purpose on Earth.

6.1 The Training of the Will

Note: This section is adapted from Roberto Assagioli’s The Training of the Will

Harnessing the Power Within: The Vital Need to Train the Will

In today’s fast-paced world, the external achievements of modern man are vast and impressive, yet they often come at the cost of inner harmony and strength. The imbalance between our external and inner powers is a critical issue that not only affects individuals but also poses a threat to the future of our civilization. The solution lies in recognizing and nurturing our inner powers, with a special focus on the will—the driving force of our true self.

This imbalance manifests as a wide gulf between the powers we wield externally and those we nurture within. Many find themselves unable to cope with life’s demands, succumbing to frustration and allowing their lower impulses to take control. This lack of inner strength and harmony contributes to many personal and societal challenges.

The Central Role of the Will

At the heart of addressing this imbalance is the development of our inner powers, particularly the will. The will is the core of our identity, the essence that makes us truly ourselves. It is the will that enables us to navigate life’s challenges, to stand by our convictions, and to achieve our chosen goals.

A weak will leaves us vulnerable to external pressures and internal conflicts, akin to a cork tossed by the ocean’s waves. In contrast, a strong and steady will helps us overcome obstacles, whether they arise from external circumstances or our own weaknesses. It empowers us to achieve success and provides the inner satisfaction of knowing that we have attained our goals through our efforts.

Consequences of a Misdirected Will

However, strength alone is not enough. A will lacking skill can lead to errors and excesses, resulting in conflict and turmoil. Moreover, a will devoid of moral alignment can be dangerous, as it may lead individuals astray, causing harm to themselves and society. History is replete with examples of powerful wills misused for destructive ends.

Therefore, the will must be not only strong and skilled but also aligned with moral and spiritual laws. This alignment ensures that our actions contribute positively to both personal fulfillment and the greater good.

Cultivating a Strong and Aligned Will

Developing a strong, skillful, and morally aligned will is not only possible but necessary for a balanced and successful life. Here are some practical methods to cultivate such a will:

  1. Simplify External Life: Reducing life’s complexities can help restore balance. Simplification might involve resisting unnecessary distractions, reconnecting with nature, and allowing time for rest and reflection.

  2. Self-Awareness and Reflection: Regular introspection helps us understand our motivations and align our actions with our core values. Meditation and mindfulness practices can deepen our connection with our inner will.

  3. Setting Clear Goals: A well-defined goal provides direction and purpose. By setting goals that reflect our values and strengths, we can harness our willpower constructively.

  4. Overcoming Fear and Resistance: Developing the courage to face challenges head-on is crucial. This involves recognizing fear as a natural response and using the will to overcome it, building confidence and resilience.

  5. Aligning with Ethical Principles: Ensuring that our actions adhere to ethical and moral standards helps us maintain a will that is both strong and benevolent. This alignment fosters trust and cooperation in our interactions with others.

The will is a powerful tool that, when properly trained, can bridge the gap between our external achievements and inner fulfillment. By cultivating a strong, skilled, and morally aligned will, we not only enhance our personal lives but also contribute to a more harmonious and prosperous society. The journey to mastering the will is a path to discovering our true selves and realizing our full potential.

6.1.1 Willpower

In the landscape of personal development, willpower stands as a cornerstone, often determining the difference between fleeting desires and actual accomplishments. Despite its undeniable importance, many shy away from cultivating this inner strength, deterred by misconceptions and the perceived effort it entails. Yet, understanding and developing willpower is like learning any other skill—it requires commitment, patience, and strategic practice.

At its core, willpower is the ability to resist short-term temptations in order to achieve long-term goals. It is the mental reservoir of perseverance that helps us uphold commitments, push through obstacles, and make choices aligned with our aspirations. Whether it’s maintaining focus on a project, resisting unhealthy habits, or pursuing a personal dream, willpower is the driving force that turns intentions into reality.

A prevalent misconception is that willpower is an innate trait, something you either have or don’t. This belief can deter individuals from attempting to strengthen it, viewing it as a fixed attribute rather than a malleable skill. Another myth is that one needs a strong will to begin developing it, creating a paradox that leads to inaction. However, like a muscle, willpower can be built and enhanced over time through deliberate practice and effort.

Strategies for Strengthening Willpower

  1. Start Small and Build Gradually: Just as you wouldn’t run a marathon without training, begin with small challenges to gradually increase your willpower. Set achievable goals that require moderate exertion of self-control and progressively scale up as your willpower strengthens.

  2. Create a Supportive Environment: Minimize distractions and temptations in your environment to reduce the strain on your willpower. Structuring your surroundings to support your goals can significantly enhance your ability to stay on track.

  3. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Regular mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help increase awareness of your impulses and improve self-control. Being mindful allows you to pause and choose your responses rather than reacting automatically.

  4. Set Clear and Meaningful Goals: Clearly defined goals provide direction and motivation. Ensure your goals are personally meaningful, as this intrinsic motivation can bolster your willpower when challenges arise.

  5. Rest and Replenish: Willpower is a finite resource that can become depleted. Prioritize rest, adequate sleep, and breaks to recharge and maintain high levels of self-control throughout the day.

Imagine willpower as a language or musical skill you wish to master. Initially, the journey involves learning the basics, practicing regularly, and pushing through periods of frustration. Over time, your capabilities expand, and difficult tasks become more manageable. Similarly, developing willpower involves consistent practice and a willingness to endure the initial discomfort of change.

Cultivating willpower is more than a personal endeavor; it’s a responsibility we owe to ourselves. By strengthening our willpower, we not only improve our ability to achieve goals but also enhance our overall quality of life. It empowers us to live intentionally, make choices aligned with our values, and face life’s challenges with resilience.

Willpower is not just a measure of self-control but a fundamental component of personal growth. By dispelling misconceptions and embracing practical strategies, anyone can develop a robust willpower that supports their ambitions and contributes to a fulfilling life. The journey requires effort, but the rewards—self-mastery and the realization of one’s potential—are well worth it.

6.1.2 The Art of Skilful Will

In the pursuit of personal growth and success, the concept of will is often celebrated. Yet, strength of will alone isn’t the panacea we often imagine it to be. A truly effective will is not only strong but also intelligently adaptable and skillful. It is the guiding force that orchestrates the symphony of our psychological energies, directing them towards a coherent and purposeful end.

At its core, the will must operate from within the mind, influencing and regulating the myriad forces that constitute our psychological landscape. This includes imagination, emotions, and drives—each a powerful force in its own right. The will’s true function is not to overpower these elements but to direct and harmonize them, ensuring they collectively contribute to our chosen goals.

To wield willpower effectively, one must possess a fundamental understanding of the psychological forces at play. Unfortunately, many people, even the well-educated, often overlook these basic principles, leading to misguided efforts and ineffective outcomes. It’s akin to trying to drive a car without understanding the basic functions of steering and acceleration. Without this foundational knowledge, we risk expending energy in futile attempts, often leading to frustration or even psychological distress.

Attempting to exert willpower without integrating our mental faculties can lead to a chaotic and wasteful expenditure of energy. This often manifests as burnout, stress, or even more severe consequences such as psychological disturbances. Imagine trying to control a vehicle by sheer force without using the steering wheel—such is the folly of willpower applied in isolation.

A Practical Approach to Skilful Will

Thankfully, mastering one’s will does not require deep dives into complex psychological theories. Just as a driver needs only a basic understanding of a car’s operation to navigate effectively, we too can achieve self-mastery with some clear and straightforward psychological insights. Here’s a practical approach:

  1. Awareness and Alignment: Begin by cultivating awareness of your mental landscape. Recognize the interplay of your emotions, drives, and imagination, and align them with your goals.

  2. Education and Application: Educate yourself on basic psychological principles that pertain to motivation and behavior. Apply this knowledge to understand what drives you and how to harness these forces productively.

  3. Integration of Forces: Use your will as a conductor, harmonizing the various elements of your psyche. Rather than suppressing emotions or impulses, guide them so they serve your purpose.

  4. Consistent Practice: Achieving mastery over your will is a gradual process. Regularly practice directing your psychological forces in small ways, building up to more significant challenges over time.

The path to self-mastery through a skillful will is both an art and a science. By understanding and applying basic psychological principles, we can transform our will from a blunt instrument into a precise tool of personal development. This journey not only enhances our ability to achieve goals but also brings us closer to realizing our true potential.

6.1.3 The Power of Good Will

The will is a powerful thread that influences not only our personal lives but also our collective existence. Understanding the will’s relationship with others and the universal Will is crucial in fostering a harmonious society. This exploration of the good (ethical) Will sheds light on how aligning our personal intentions with broader, universal values can lead to true societal harmony.

Often, individuals perceive themselves as separate entities, focusing primarily on personal gain. This isolated view, however, leads to inevitable conflicts and a significant waste of energy. Society today often reflects these clashes, evident in the competitiveness across various fields. The key to transforming these dynamics lies in recognizing that our will is intricately connected with others and the greater universal Will that governs life.

At the heart of many societal issues are self-centeredness and selfishness. These traits block the path to harmonious relationships, as they focus inward rather than outward, on personal rather than collective benefit. Self-centeredness can coexist with good intentions but often manifests as a desire to impose one’s own methods and beliefs on others. Selfishness, driven by self-preservation and dominance, fuels aggressive behaviors when challenged.

To counteract the detrimental effects of self-centeredness, empathy and understanding must take center stage. By gaining knowledge of psychological principles and developing empathy, individuals can foster goodwill. This involves actively seeking to understand different perspectives and appreciating the diverse psychological landscapes that shape human interactions.

The Concept of ‘Will-to-Good’

The “will-to-good” transcends mere goodwill by focusing not just on benevolent intentions but on a determined effort to make good triumph. It embodies a proactive, dynamic force that aligns personal will with universal values, encouraging cooperation over competition. This alignment creates a foundation for harmonious societal relations, where differing aims can coexist within a broader, unified purpose.

Practical Insights for Aligning with Universal Values

  1. Reflect on Personal Values: Regularly assess your values and intentions. Are they self-serving, or do they contribute to a greater good?

  2. Cultivate Empathy: Practice empathy by putting yourself in others’ shoes. Understand their perspectives and needs to foster deeper connections.

  3. Engage in Collaborative Efforts: Prioritize cooperation over competition in all areas of life. Seek solutions that benefit the collective rather than just the individual.

  4. Educate Yourself: Learn about psychological principles that promote understanding and empathy. This knowledge can enhance your ability to align with universal values.

  5. Embrace the Will-to-Good: Make a conscious effort to promote good in all interactions. This involves actively working towards solutions that enhance societal well-being.

By embracing the concept of “The Good Will” and aligning our personal intentions with universal values, we can contribute meaningfully to societal harmony. This journey requires a shift from self-centeredness to empathy, from competition to cooperation, and from isolated will to collective goodwill. The rewards are a more connected, compassionate, and harmonious world for all.

6.1.4 Aligning Personal Will with the Universal

In the quest for personal growth and fulfillment, understanding our place within the vast universe can be transformative. The relation of our will to the universal Will provides profound insights into how meditation can guide us to this realization, fostering a profound inner transformation.

The journey begins with reflective meditation. By calming the mind and quieting our emotions, we open ourselves to the infinite grandeur of the universe. This exercise allows us to perceive our existence as a small yet vital component of a much larger cosmos. Although this recognition might initially seem to diminish our personal significance, it paradoxically imbues us with a sense of expansion and dignity. We come to understand that we are a part of the universe’s vast tapestry, much like a single drop in the ocean.

This meditative practice leads to an inner transformation, where we shed the false sense of ego and pride. We begin to feel a deep connection with the universe, realizing that we are made of the same substance. This realization brings about a serene poise and clarity that enriches our everyday life. Whether in moments of joy or adversity, this newfound perspective provides a steadfast support system.

Once we recognize our true place, the next step is aligning our personal will with the universal Will. The universe is governed by intelligent laws of evolution and progress. By aligning our will with these universal laws, we enhance our strength and wisdom. This alignment doesn’t diminish our individuality; rather, it empowers and transfigures our will, creating a synthesis of strength, goodness, and wisdom.

Practical Insights for Daily Life

  1. Daily Meditation: Set aside time each day to meditate, focusing on your connection to the universe. Visualize yourself as part of the cosmic expanse, embracing your role in its grandeur.

  2. Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine to maintain awareness of your place within the universal order. This awareness fosters a sense of peace and purpose.

  3. Reflective Journaling: Use a journal to reflect on how your actions align with universal laws. Regularly assess whether your personal will supports the greater good.

  4. Seek Knowledge: Educate yourself about the universe and its laws. Understanding the science and philosophy behind cosmic order can deepen your connection and commitment to aligning your will.

  5. Act with Intention: Make conscious choices that reflect universal values of harmony and cooperation. Let these principles guide your decisions and interactions with others.

Aligning personal will with the universal Will is a journey towards achieving a complete and harmonious existence. Through meditation and conscious living, we can transform our will into a powerful force that resonates with the universe’s guiding principles, leading us to a life of strength, wisdom, and fulfillment.

6.2 Agni Yoga: the Way to Shamballa

Agni Yoga may be described as the Fiery Yoga of Synthesis, emphasizing the principles of profound attentiveness, serene expectancy, and perfect adaptability. These principles correspond to melody, rhythm, and harmony in the life of the disciple. The practice involves a deep connection with the intuitive heart and aims to promote truth, beauty, and goodness.

Profound attentiveness refers to a deep, focused state of awareness and mindfulness. It involves being fully present in the moment, paying close attention to one’s surroundings, thoughts, and feelings without distraction. This level of attentiveness allows for a greater understanding and connection with the present experience, fostering clarity and insight.

In the context of Agni Yoga, profound attentiveness is about maintaining a heightened state of awareness — the Observer — that aligns with the principles of truth, beauty, and goodness. It encourages practitioners to be deeply engaged and responsive to the subtleties of life, promoting a harmonious and balanced existence.

Serene expectancy, a state of calm and peaceful anticipation, is the result of transmuting intensity of feeling into focused understanding. It involves maintaining a tranquil and composed mindset while awaiting future events or outcomes. This concept encourages individuals to trust in the natural flow of life and to remain patient and hopeful without anxiety or stress.

In the context of Agni Yoga, serene expectancy is about embracing the future with a sense of inner peace and confidence. It aligns with the principles of profound attentiveness and perfect adaptability, promoting a balanced and harmonious approach to life’s uncertainties.

Perfect adaptability refers to the ability to adjust seamlessly and effectively to changing circumstances, much like water flowing effortlessly from a mountaintop through rivers to the ocean. This concept emphasizes flexibility, resilience, and the capacity to navigate life’s challenges with ease and grace.

In the context of Agni Yoga, perfect adaptability involves embracing change and uncertainty with a calm and composed mindset, while remaining aligned with a purpose. It encourages individuals to remain open and responsive to new situations, finding harmony and balance in the face of adversity. Just as water finds its way around obstacles, perfect adaptability allows one to move forward without being deterred by difficulties.

Agni Yoga, with its principles of profound attentiveness, serene expectancy, and perfect adaptability, aims to cultivate a deep inner harmony and alignment with higher spiritual truths. These practices can pave the way to Shamballa, the center of peace where the will of God is known, thus:

  1. Profound Attentiveness: By fostering a heightened state of awareness and mindfulness, practitioners become more attuned to the subtle energies and guidance from higher spiritual realms. This attentiveness helps in recognizing and aligning with the divine will, which is characterized by strength, goodness, and skillfulness.

  2. Serene Expectancy: Maintaining a calm and serene anticipation allows individuals to trust in the natural flow of life and the unfolding of divine plans. This state of serene expectancy reduces anxiety and fosters a sense of inner peace, facilitating alignment with the higher purpose of Shamballa.

  3. Perfect Adaptability: Embracing change and challenges with flexibility and resilience mirrors the fluidity of water. This adaptability helps practitioners navigate life’s obstacles without being deterred, aligning their actions with the strong, good, and skillful will of the divine.

By integrating these principles into daily life, practitioners of Agni Yoga can create a harmonious inner environment that resonates with Shamballa. This alignment with the divine will fosters a deeper connection to this center of peace and spiritual wisdom.

Transmutation: The Alchemical Process

The journey from emotions pulling in all directions to “focused understanding” involves a process of transmutation. In alchemical traditions, transmutation refers to the conversion of base metals into noble ones, symbolizing the transformation of the soul’s base elements into higher states of being. Similarly, the intensity of feeling must be transmuted through an inner work of fusion, not unlike the nuclear fusion process operating at the heart of the Sun. This process requires a lifelong discipline and a willingness to face one’s innermost fears and desires, hinging on the ability to transform chaotic emotional energy into a coherent Force able to produce the alchemical Work necessary for personal and spiritual growth.

Focused Understanding

Once transmuted, this intensity of feeling becomes a “point of tension” from which emerges a laser-sharp beam of light focusing our understanding of the situation in a correct perspective. This state of mind is characterized by imperturbability — a sense of steadfastness and unwavering clarity regardless of external circumstances. This is where a critical distinction emerges between peace, suppression of feeling, and serenity.

Peace is often seen as a state of calm and tranquility, yet it remains susceptible to disruption by external influences. Someone at peace might be content until confronted with a challenge or conflict, at which point their calm may waver.

Suppression of feeling, as seen in the cold mind of a criminal, involves the deliberate avoidance or numbing of emotions. This suppression is not born from transmutation but from rejection of emotional experiences. It leads to a lack of empathy and an artificial calm that can be shattered under pressure, resulting in potentially destructive behavior.

Serenity, on the other hand, is not easily shaken by life’s vicissitudes; it is a stable anchor in the stormy seas of existence. A focused understanding, a wiser approach from a higher — mental — perspective, allows individuals to perceive experiences with a clear, undistorted vision, recognizing their transient nature and deeper significance.

With focused understanding comes the ability to discern the underlying meaning and purpose of experiences. On the Path of Return—a metaphorical journey towards spiritual homecoming—each experience holds a lesson or insight. Serenity enables one to penetrate the surface of events and uncover the hidden wisdom embedded within them. This revelation is not just intellectual but experiential, offering a holistic comprehension that integrates mind and heart.

A serenely expectant mind

A serenely expectant mind, associated with the practice of mindfulness, is an attitude — and altitude — of mind enabling profound attentiveness to the meaning and purpose of any present circumstances and experiences, as well as keeping the mind nonjudgmentally poised, in a state of perfect adaptability, to deftly execute a response —or nonresponse — without disrupting our inner balance.

This state of mind also involves maintaining a hopeful outlook towards the future, liberating the mind from fixations to past-bound reactions. Serene expectancy is characterized by a confident anticipation of any outcome without the anxiety or restlessness that often accompanies mere hope. It combines the imperturbable clarity of serenity with a forward-looking perspective, allowing individuals to navigate their spiritual journey with both patience and cautious optimism.

Serenity on the Path of Return

Along the Path of Return, individuals encounter various trials and tribulations designed to foster growth and understanding. Serenity acts as both a guide and a reward on this journey. It is a state of being that reflects the culmination of inner work and the continuous practice of transmuting intense feelings into wise understanding.

Through serene expectancy, mindfulness practitioners can navigate the complexities of the Path of Return with grace and poise. This state of mind enables them to remain centered amid chaos, maintaining their focus on the ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment, as well as the development of compassion and empathy in spiritual service. Serenity enables us to better understand and connect with others on similar journeys.