Chapter 1 Hierarchical Adjustment and Alignment

This chapter considers the intricate processes of hierarchical adjustment and alignment, emphasizing the spiritual evolutionary forces that guide the interplay between cosmic forces and human development. The chapter begins by exploring the concept of adjustment within the Hierarchy, highlighting its commitment to planetary service and the ongoing efforts to harmonize with Shamballa’s energies. This alignment is crucial for maintaining a coherent flow of divine Will across the three planetary centers (Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity), facilitating the emergence of a more integrated planetary consciousness.

The chapter further examines the role of the Council Chamber of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, as a pivotal force in guiding Masters along the Path of Earth Service. This path symbolizes a profound sacrifice, requiring Masters to engage deeply with human and subhuman kingdoms, while maintaining their connection to the divine Purpose. The challenges of aligning with Shamballa are addressed, illustrating the need for a robust bridge of understanding between the Hierarchy, Humanity, and Shamballa.

The evolving relationship between the Hierarchy and humanity takes center stage, with a focus on the Hierarchy’s efforts to establish a more direct contact with mankind. Since 1925, the Hierarchy has witnessed humanity demonstrate its innate capacities for love and goodwill, unprompted by external influence. This successful demonstration has paved the way for a deeper alignment with the Ashrams. These magnetic centers serve as conduits for goodwill, inspiring widespread reorientation among human groups and preparing humanity for its role as a world-savior.

As the Hierarchy prepares for externalization, it faces numerous challenges, including the management of new cosmic energies, the realignment of hierarchical groups, and the enlightenment of humanity amidst prevailing darkness. The chapter underscores the broader implications of these adjustments for the three planetary centers, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing evolution of consciousness. Through these efforts, the Hierarchy aims to guide humanity towards a future illuminated by love, service, and the realization of the divine Plan.

1.1 Introduction

In the intricate dance of cosmic evolution, the term “adjustment” carries a profound meaning when applied to the Hierarchy. Unlike personal adjustments, which often involve adapting to karma, personality, or external circumstances, the adjustments faced by those beyond the third degree of initiation are fundamentally different. These initiates have transcended the typical reactions to astral forces and worldly thought currents, entering a realm where adjustment signifies a deeper reorientation.

For countless aeons, the Hierarchy has operated from the serene silence of the higher mental and intuitive planes. So far, only those disciples who have honed themselves through rigorous discipline and service could establish contact. This lofty detachment is now poised to shift as the Hierarchy prepares for a bold emergence into physical plane activity, demanding a significant reorientation from its members. As challenging as it has been for those of us in discipleship training provided by the Hierarchy, this transition promises even greater complexity for the Masters as they seek to engage with those not yet on the path of discipleship.

This monumental reorientation is further energized by new cosmic forces and the enhanced alignment with Shamballa. Historically, the Hierarchy maintained its connection to the “Place of Purpose” through its Chohans and senior Directors, such as the Christ and the Manu. Yet, even these great Beings have required the Shamballa force to be moderated for effective engagement. Now, a shift has occurred. Fresh inflowing energies, coupled with the progressive containment of malevolent forces, have facilitated a closer interaction between the Hierarchy and the earthly realms.

The increasing absorption of Shamballa energies by humanity and the subhuman kingdoms, notably the mineral kingdom, marks a transformative phase. This direct inflow is anticipated to catalyze significant planetary changes, including seismic shifts that will reshape the earth. Such developments underscore the alignment of the three planetary centers, an alignment with profound implications for the Hierarchy’s mission.

In this context, the adjustments undertaken by the Hierarchy are characterized by selfless service to the whole. Unlike personal adjustments, these are not about individual expression but about facilitating the greater evolutionary plan for humanity and beyond. The Hierarchy functions without the limitations of personality, which adds complexity to its exoteric work and demands a unique form of alignment.

As the Hierarchy aligns within and with the other two planetary centers, it does so with the intent of fostering growth across all kingdoms. This process, while challenging, holds the promise of a more integrated and evolved planetary consciousness. Through this lens of service, the Hierarchy continues to guide the unfolding destiny of our world, offering a beacon of hope and transformation.

1.2 Within the Hierarchy

What truly defines the Hierarchy? At its core, it acts as a profound salvaging force, an assembly of liberated beings in harmonious unity, guiding and uplifting consciousness in all forms of life across the kingdoms of nature. This collective effort emphasizes consciousness above all, employing the mind as its primary tool to influence humanitarians, aspirants, disciples, and initiates. Through the dissemination of thought currents, ideas, and educational advances, the Hierarchy seeks to elevate the general public from undeveloped masses to an intelligent and conscious planetary brain.

The Hierarchy operates through three principal departments, each led by a Great Lord, and through an extensive network of seven major Ashrams and their subsidiary counterparts. An Ashram is a research and development laboratory where ideas are conceived and developed into ideals to implement the Purpose of the Lord of the World reflected in the time adjusted Plan of the Hierarchy. These “seven which are the forty-nine” embody seven directions or rays and their subrays, serving as conduits for distributing energies through the planet, thereby influencing all lower kingdoms, as well as humanity and individual human consciousness. Each major Ashram is guided by Masters of Chohan rank, while the subsidiary Ashrams are overseen by Masters, Adepts, and senior disciples, creating a dynamic and evolving spiritual structure.

Before the Hierarchy can fully emerge into the physical realm, a robust alignment between major and subsidiary Ashrams is essential. This involves not only establishing firm connections within the Hierarchy itself but also strengthening ties with Shamballa, the great first ray center. Love-Wisdom, the energy of the second ray, will align the subsidiary Ashrams, while the first Ray of Will or Power will unify the major Ashrams, underscoring the significant relationship between the planetary centers.

The alignment fosters a closer rapport between Humanity, the Hierarchy, and Shamballa, each working through their respective channels, from disciples and world servers to initiates and senior Ashrams. This newfound harmony allows for a fluid interplay among the centers, paving the way for a transformative period up to the year 2025, known as “The Stage of the Forerunner.” During this time, Chohans, Masters, and disciples have been preparing for the Hierarchy’s physical manifestation, which requires overcoming the “resistance to the pull of the lower vibration.” This preparation is about creating a responsive apparatus that minimizes discomfort and maximizes efficacy in physical expression.

As the Hierarchy readies itself for this significant shift, it strives to enhance telepathic communication and strengthen its relationships with disciples across all psychological dispositions. This effort ensures a cohesive and resilient hierarchical integrity, impervious to the disruptions of the three worlds. Although the Hierarchy transcends the astral plane, it must learn to navigate and dissipate the glamour that persists for humanity and the animal kingdom.

The Hierarchy’s journey towards externalization is a testament to its unwavering dedication to serve, aiming to foster an enlightened planetary consciousness. As disciples engage more deeply with their Ashrams, they share in this process of adjustment and alignment, preparing them for the unfolding new era. Is the world ready for such an evolution? Only time will tell.

1.3 In Connection with Shamballa

The Council Chamber of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World

The Path of Earth Service stands as one of the seven profound goals available to Masters who have reached the fifth initiation, marking their dedication to a prolonged period of service within the three worlds. This path demands a significant sacrifice, akin to the dual life of a disciple who balances their consciousness between the Hierarchy and the mundane world. Masters embarking on this path integrate into the Council Chamber of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, while simultaneously engaging with both the human and subhuman kingdoms through the Hierarchy.

As evolution advances, the focus of their work increasingly shifts towards humanity, which is gradually accepting its role within the Plan. This dual focus requires specialized training and preparation, and as the initiatory process becomes more public, the training of Hierarchical Members will eventually become less veiled in secrecy.

Within the Council Chamber, those who have unified their will with the universal will gain a unique understanding of the divine Purpose. This knowledge transcends conventional understanding, blending wisdom and intuitive perception with an esoteric alignment. While these concepts may seem abstract today, they will become more comprehensible in the coming centuries.

The Great Lives at Shamballa perceive evolution not as a sequence of events but as a unified spiritual action. Here, the Will of God is perceived as the sound of silence, a harmonious blend of ineffable vibrations, each contributing to the unfolding of the divine Plan. Shamballa serves as the synthesis of understanding, where the highest Will of the Solar Logos influences the Will of our planetary Logos, extending beyond the immediate concerns of the Hierarchy.

The challenge of aligning with Shamballa involves adjusting to an inscrutable intention, demanding the Hierarchy to construct a bridge of understanding. This alignment has been progressing for centuries, linking the three major planetary centers: Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity. The aim is to create a seamless flow of divine Will and Purpose across these centers.

In 1825, the direct influence of Shamballa on humanity, bypassing the Hierarchy, initiated a planetary crisis, leading to significant ideological shifts and the eventual World War (the Great War of 1914-1945). This direct impact exposed the barriers to spiritual progress, necessitating a period of destruction to clear the path for new energies. With the conclusion of the “cycle of Shamballa impact,” the Hierarchy has since refocused its efforts on a renewed connection with humanity, aiming to usher in an era of transformation and renewal.

The Hierarchy, therefore, faces three main adjustments: integrating extra-planetary energies (through Shamballa), adapting to internal changes for externalization, and responding to a more alert and disciplined humanity. This process relies on a deliberate act of Will and a potent outpouring of Love. These adjustments are vital in preparing the Hierarchy for its eventual emergence and alignment with new cosmic forces.

As the Hierarchy readies itself for a new phase of evolution, its focus remains on absorbing and harnessing these energies to foster planetary evolution. This ongoing alignment is essential for the realization of the divine Plan, setting the stage for a future where the Hierarchy’s work becomes a visible and integral part of world governance.

1.4 In Relation with Humanity

The relationship between the Hierarchy and humanity is entering a new phase, marked by an intensified focus on establishing direct contact with mankind. Since 1925, the Hierarchy has been channeling its thoughts towards humanity, though it has refrained from overtly energizing religious institutions, educational systems, or welfare organizations. This restraint was intentional, allowing humanity the space to demonstrate its intrinsic impulses toward love and selflessness, unprompted by hierarchical influence. The results have surpassed expectations, with humanity showcasing a deep capacity for creative love and goodwill—indicators of readiness for a more profound alignment with the Hierarchy.

This evolving relationship is facilitated by magnetic centers within the Ashrams, composed of disciples whose orientation toward mankind enables them to influence and guide aspirants and humanitarians. Through this magnetic field of goodwill, these centers will inspire wide-scale reorientation processes among human groups. This adjustment is not merely theoretical; it is a realignment between hierarchical groups and earthly groups, preparing humanity to assume its role as the world-savior, working in concert with the invisible yet potent support of the Hierarchy. Once this interim mission of salvage is complete, the Hierarchy will begin to externalize itself.

The immediate postwar period of global rehabilitation presented immense challenges. As adjustments unfolded within the Ashrams, disciples and aspirants were the first to feel the impact. The tension was palpable, exacerbated by the pressing demands of world service. Consequently, the Hierarchy worked to forge stronger connections between inner Ashrams and outer groups, aligning themselves with senior disciples who bear the brunt of earthly service. This alignment extended to senior disciples and initiates, creating a cohesive network of workers dedicated to the shared mission.

Through these adjustments, the purity of the Hierarchy’s motives becomes increasingly evident. They face challenges beyond our comprehension, including the management of new cosmic energies, the establishment of fresh alignments, and the enlightenment of humanity amidst pervasive darkness. Additionally, the influx of new personnel, while necessary, disrupts established rhythms, requiring careful management. These challenges coincide with the broader planetary crisis and the Initiation of the Lord of the World, reflecting the successful evolution of planetary centers—Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity—into a harmonious interplay.

As humanity stands on the brink of transformation, the collaboration between these planetary centers marks a significant milestone in evolutionary progress. The Hierarchy, in its wisdom, continues to guide this unfolding process, ensuring that the path forward is illuminated by love, service, and the promise of a brighter future for all.