第 3 章 通讯地址统计

“What we know is a droplet, what we don’t know is an ocean”

— Newton

3.1 各学院英文地址


cname <- read_csv("data/map_list/college_name.csv")
表 3.1: 我校官网给出的各学院英文地址.
学院名 英文名
数学与软件科学学院 school of mathematical sciences
化学与材料科学学院 school of chemistry and materials science
物理与电子工程学院 school of physics and electronic engineering
生命科学学院 college of life science
计算机科学学院 college of computer science

3.2 统计


addr <- sicnu_set %>% 
        select(C1) %>% 
        str_extract_all("Sichuan Normal Univ,\\s+([^,]*),") %>% unlist()
##  chr [1:1790] "Sichuan Normal Univ, Coll Phys & Elect Engn," ...
dt <- tibble( Coll_name = addr) %>%
      separate(Coll_name, into = c("univ", "coll", "no_use"), sep = ",") %>% 
      select(univ, coll)

Sichuan Normal UnivColl Phys & Elect Engn
Sichuan Normal UnivColl Chem & Mat Sci
Sichuan Normal UnivTeacher Educ Coll
Sichuan Normal UnivColl Math & Software Sci
Sichuan Normal UnivColl Chem & Mat Sci
Sichuan Normal UnivDept Phys
tb <- dt %>% 
      count(univ, coll) %>% 

Sichuan Normal UnivColl Math & Software Sci306
Sichuan Normal UnivColl Chem & Mat Sci297
Sichuan Normal UnivColl Phys & Elect Engn200
Sichuan Normal UnivDept Phys158
Sichuan Normal UnivDept Math84
Sichuan Normal UnivInst Solid State Phys79
dt %>% count(univ, coll) %>% 
       arrange(desc(n)) %>%  
       filter(n > 10) %>%
       ggplot(aes(n, reorder(coll, n) )) +
       geom_point() +
       labs(y = NULL) +
       ggtitle("我校SCI论文通讯地址中二级学院英文名使用频次", subtitle = '(数据来源 Web of Science)') 

dt %>% count(univ, coll) %>% 
       arrange(desc(n)) %>%  
       filter(n > 10) %>%
       ggplot(aes(n, reorder(coll, n) )) +
       geom_point(size=3) +  
                   yend=coll)) + 
       labs(y = NULL) +
       ggtitle("我校SCI论文通讯地址中二级学院英文名使用频次", subtitle = '(数据来源 Web of Science)') 

3.3 部分学院结果

tb %>% filter(str_detect(coll, "Math")) %>%
    knitr::kable( caption = "数学学院发表的 SCI 论文中使用各种英文地址的频次.")
表 3.2: 数学学院发表的 SCI 论文中使用各种英文地址的频次.
univ coll n
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Math & Software Sci 306
Sichuan Normal Univ Dept Math 84
Sichuan Normal Univ Sch Math & Software Sci 37
Sichuan Normal Univ Inst Math & Software Sci 19
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Math 8
Sichuan Normal Univ Sch Math 3
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Math & Software 2
Sichuan Normal Univ Math & Software Sci Coll 2
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Math & Soft Ware Sci 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Dept Math & Software 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Dept Math & Software Sci 1

数学与软件科学学院中英文地址使用频次最多的是Coll Math & Software Sci,达到306篇,其次是Dept Math,共计到84篇。而在官网上提供的英文名为school of mathematical science,由此可见,存在的差异较大。可以看到官网提供的英文名称较为片面,不能完全概括学院内的研究方向。因此,建议相关研究者在发表论文时使用college of math and software science,缩写为Coll Math & Software Sci。

tb %>% filter(str_detect(coll, "Phys")) %>%
    knitr::kable( caption = "物理学院学院发表的 SCI 论文中使用各种英文地址的频次.")
表 3.3: 物理学院学院发表的 SCI 论文中使用各种英文地址的频次.
univ coll n
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Phys & Elect Engn 200
Sichuan Normal Univ Dept Phys 158
Sichuan Normal Univ Inst Solid State Phys 79
Sichuan Normal Univ Sch Phys & Elect Engn 65
Sichuan Normal Univ Inst Phys & Elect Engn 8
Sichuan Normal Univ Lab Low Dimens Struct Phys 7
Sichuan Normal Univ Inst Solid Phys 6
Sichuan Normal Univ Sch Phys 4
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Phys 3
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Phys & Eectron Egineering 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Phys & Electton Engn 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Inst Atom & Mol Phys 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Inst Phys 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Phys & Elect Engn Coll 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Sch Phys & Electron Engn 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Tech Coll Phys Sci 1

物理与电子工程学院的论文统计中使用较多的两种形式分别是Coll Phys & Elect Engn和Dept Phys,而四川师范大学官网中提供的英文名为school of physics and electronic engineering。建议相关研究者使用college of physics and electronic engineering作为英文通信地址。

tb %>% filter(str_detect(coll, "Chem")) %>%
    knitr::kable( caption = "化学与材料科学学院发表的 SCI 论文中使用各种英文地址的频次.")
表 3.4: 化学与材料科学学院发表的 SCI 论文中使用各种英文地址的频次.
univ coll n
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Chem & Mat Sci 297
Sichuan Normal Univ Dept Chem 28
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Chem & Mat 16
Sichuan Normal Univ Dept Chem & Mat Sci 16
Sichuan Normal Univ Dept Chem & Mat 10
Sichuan Normal Univ Chem & Mat Inst 9
Sichuan Normal Univ Sch Chem & Mat Sci 9
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Chem 6
Sichuan Normal Univ Inst Chem & Mat 6
Sichuan Normal Univ Chem & Mat Sci Coll 4
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Chem & Mat Chem 4
Sichuan Normal Univ Chem & Mat Sci 2
Sichuan Normal Univ Fac Chem 2
Sichuan Normal Univ Inst Chem 2
Sichuan Normal Univ Chem & Mat Coll 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Chem & Mat Sci & Visual Comp 1
Sichuan Normal Univ Departement Chem & Mat Sci 1

化学与材料科学学院发表的论文中英文地址出现最多的是Coll Chem &Mat Sci,频次达到297次,而官网上的英文名为school of chemistry and materials science,差异性不大,建议相关研究者使用college of chemistry and materials science。

tb %>% filter(str_detect(coll, "Life")) %>%
    knitr::kable( caption = "生命科学学院发表的 SCI 论文中使用各种英文地址的频次.")
表 3.5: 生命科学学院发表的 SCI 论文中使用各种英文地址的频次.
univ coll n
Sichuan Normal Univ Coll Life Sci 71
Sichuan Normal Univ Sch Life Sci 4
Sichuan Normal Univ Life Sci Coll 3

生命科学学院发表的SCI论文中使用Coll Life Sci作为通信地址的论文数量远远高于其他形式地址,同时与四川师范大学所提供的英文名相一致,因此建议相关领域研究者使用college of life science 作为英文通信地址。

3.4 随年份的变化

wrt <- sicnu_set %>%
  select(C1, PY) %>% 
  mutate(colleges = str_extract_all(C1, "Sichuan Normal Univ,\\s+([^,]*),") ) %>% 
  select(PY, colleges) %>% 
wrt %>%
      separate(colleges, into = c("univ", "coll", "no_use"), sep = ",") %>% 
      count(PY, coll) %>% 
      arrange(PY, desc(n)) %>%  
      filter(n > 5) %>%
      ggplot(aes(n, reorder(coll, n) )) +
      geom_point() +
      facet_wrap(~PY) +
      labs(y = NULL) +
     ggtitle("我校SCI论文通讯地址中二级学院英文名使用频次", subtitle = '(数据来源 Web of Science)') 


timesData <- wrt %>%
      separate(colleges, into = c("univ", "coll", "no_use"), sep = ",") %>% 
      count(PY, coll) %>% 
      arrange(PY, desc(n)) %>%  
      filter(n > 5)
timesfinalYear <- timesData %>% 
                  filter(PY == 2016)
timesfirstAppearance <- timesData %>% 
                  filter(PY == 2007)

      ggplot(timesData, aes(x=PY, y= n)) + 
      geom_line(aes(colour=coll), size=1.5) + 
      geom_point(shape = 21, stroke = 2, size=5, fill = "white", aes(colour=coll)) + 
geom_label(data = timesfirstAppearance, aes(label=coll), size=3, fontface = "bold", color='#2f2f2f',hjust=1) +
  geom_label(data = timesfinalYear, aes(label=coll), size=3, fontface = "bold", color='#2f2f2f', hjust=0) +
        scale_y_reverse(lim=c(20,1), breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 20)) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(.12, .12), breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 5)) +
      ggtitle('Times World Universities Ranking') +
      xlab(NULL) +
      ylab("World Rank") +
      theme_bw() +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#ffffff'),
    plot.title = element_text(size=14), legend.title=element_blank(),
    axis.text = element_text(size=11), axis.title=element_text(size=11), 
    panel.border = element_blank(), legend.position='none', 
    panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank())

  #ggsave("images/college0.png", width = 20, height = 10)

pplot <- function(df) {
  p <- df %>% 
    ggplot( aes(x = fct_reorder(coll, n), y = n, fill = PY, width=0.75)) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
      scale_fill_discrete(drop = F) + 
      theme(legend.position="none") +
      labs(y="number count", x="", title = unique(df$PY))+
      #scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0),labels=percent) +

  timesData <- wrt %>%
      separate(colleges, into = c("univ", "coll", "no_use"), sep = ",") %>% 
      filter(!str_detect(coll, "Visual")) %>% 
      count(PY, coll) %>% 
      arrange(PY, desc(n)) %>%  
      filter(n > 5 )

glist <- timesData %>% 
         mutate_at(vars(PY), funs(factor)) %>%             
         split(.$PY) %>% 

ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = glist, nrow =3, ncol = 4) 

#ggsave("./images/college1.png", width = 20, height = 10)