Chapter 7 Probability and Distribution

  • Mathematics for Machine Learning (MML), chapter 6.

7.1 Probability space


The sample space Ω

The sample space is the set of all possible outcomes (ω’s) of the experiment, usually denoted by Ω. For example, two successive coin tosses have a sample space of hh,tt,ht,th, where “h” denotes “heads” and “t” denotes “tails”.


  • The experiment: tossing twice

  • Set of all possible outcomes, 稱Ω2為二次擲幣實驗下的sample space,則:


\omega’s 指得是?

Python: Sample space

The first element represents the outcome of first toss, and the second element represents the second toss. Using tuple, the immutability means that elements inside the tuple are not exchangable.

7.1.1 The event space \mathcal{A}

The event space is the space of potential results of the experiment. A subset A of the sample space Ω is in the event space \mathcal{A} if at the end of the experiment we can observe whether a particular outcome ω ∈ Ω is in A. The event space A is obtained by considering the collection of subsets of Ω.

The collection of subsets of \Omega_{2}:

  • 任何可以成為\Omega_{2} subset的set都屬於event space一員。

原則上set只能放immutable (unhashable)成員。

  • 直覺,若mutable,有可能改變內容使set出現重複元素。
  • frozenset是immutable的set。

Python: Event space

The event space \mathcal{A} is denoted as A_big here:

  • (1): itertools.combinations(Omega_2, outcomeNumber), all possible sets of distinct elements from Omega_2.

You probably notice that the combinations add to the set do not seem to follow any order. This is because in Python:

  • list and tuple are sequential.

  • set and dictionary are not sequential, which element will pop up for next iteration will depend on computer memory mangement.

How many events are in this event space?

Verify that every event in A_big is a subset of Omega_2.

7.1.2 The probability P

With each event A ∈ \mathcal{A}, we associate a number P (A) that measures the probability or degree of belief that the event will occur. P (A) is called the probability of A.

We need a mapping P: A\stackrel{P}{\longrightarrow}[0,1],\mbox{ for all }A \in \mathcal{A}, and P conforms with probability axioms.

Probability axioms ensure that P(A)=\sum_{\omega\in A} P(\omega). Therefore, once we define P(\omega) for all outcomes \omega in sample space \Omega, P(A) is obtained.

Python: Probability of basic outcomes

[1] Each \omega consists of two coin-toss outcomes, say (t_1,t_2) where t_j\in \{"h","t"\}. Therefore,

\begin{eqnarray} P(\omega)&=&P(t_1,t_2)\\ &=& P(t_1="t")^{I(t_1=="t")}P(t_1="h")^{I(t_1=="h")}\times\\ & & P(t_2="t")^{I(t_2=="t")}P(t_2="h")^{I(t_2=="h")}, \end{eqnarray} given that P(t="h")=1-P(t="t") and I(.) is an indicator function producing boolean result.

There are two ways to define mapping:

  • dictionary with keys of every event and values of its corresponding probability.

  • function with event space as its domain and probability as its target value.

7.2 Random variables

In machine learning, we often avoid explic- itly referring to the probability space, but instead refer to probabilities on quantities of interest, which we denote by \mathcal{T} . In this book, we refer to \mathcal{T} as the target space and refer to elements of \mathcal{T} as states. We introduce a function X : Ω → \mathcal{T} that takes an element of Ω (an event) and returns a particular quantity of interest x, a value in \mathcal{T} . This association/mapping from Ω to \mathcal{T} is called a random variable.

We need a mapping \mathcal{T}: \Omega\stackrel{X}{\longrightarrow}\mathcal{T}

For any subset S \subseteq \mathcal{T} , we associate P_X(S) \in [0, 1] (the probability) to a particular event occurring corresponding to the random variable X.

7.2.1 Random variable: X

  • quantity of interest: number of head

7.2.2 Random variable event space: \mathcal{S}

For any subset S \subseteq \mathcal{T}

Python: rv event space \mathcal{S}

Let \mathcal{S} denote all possible subsets of \mathcal{T}, named it S_big.

7.2.3 Random variable probability: P_X

From MML (6.8): For S \subseteq \mathcal{T}, we have the notation P_X(S)=P(X \in S)=P(X^{−1}(S))=P({\omega \in \Omega: X(\omega)\in S}).

Given the probability space, we should be able to

  • back track the event that a rv event represents;

  • attach it with probability.

Python: inverse rv event space

  • Find X\_inv\_S\_0=X^{-1}(S\_0) if S\_0=frozenset({1, 2}) using X_inverse. (make the result as a frozenset.)
  • Find X^{-1}(S) for all S\in \mathcal{S}.

7.3 Graphical relationship

A_big P
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘h’)}) 0.25
frozenset({(‘h’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘t’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.75
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘h’)}) 0.50
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘t’)}) 0.75
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘h’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.75
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘t’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 1.00
frozenset({(‘h’, ‘h’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.50
frozenset({(‘h’, ‘t’)}) 0.25
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.25
frozenset({(‘h’, ‘t’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.50
frozenset({(‘h’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘t’)}) 0.50
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘t’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.75
frozenset({(‘h’, ‘h’)}) 0.25
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘t’)}) 0.50
frozenset() 0.00
frozenset({(‘t’, ‘h’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.50
S_big X_inv Px
frozenset({2}) frozenset({(‘h’, ‘h’)}) 0.25
frozenset({0, 1, 2}) frozenset({(‘h’, ‘t’), (‘h’, ‘h’), (‘t’, ‘h’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 1.00
frozenset({1, 2}) frozenset({(‘h’, ‘t’), (‘t’, ‘h’), (‘h’, ‘h’)}) 0.75
frozenset({0, 1}) frozenset({(‘h’, ‘t’), (‘t’, ‘h’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.75
frozenset({0, 2}) frozenset({(‘h’, ‘h’), (‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.50
frozenset({1}) frozenset({(‘h’, ‘t’), (‘t’, ‘h’)}) 0.50
frozenset() frozenset() 0.00
frozenset({0}) frozenset({(‘t’, ‘t’)}) 0.25

7.4 Bayesian Theorem



  • Prior: \Pr(\theta)

  • Posterior: \Pr(\theta|\mbox{Sample})

  • Likelihood: \Pr(\mbox{Sample}|\theta), we normally write it as L(\theta|\mbox{Sample})

Note that \Pr(\mbox{Sample}) is an unconditional probability of Sample, which is irrelevant to \theta values. Therefore, there is a proportional relationship between \Pr(\theta|\mbox{Sample}) and L(\theta|\mbox{Sample})\Pr(\theta), commonly expressed as: \Pr(\theta|\mbox{Sample})\propto L(\theta|\mbox{Sample})\Pr(\theta). \propto means proportional to.

7.4.1 Likelihood

\Pr(\mbox{Sample}|\theta) is determined by:

  • how we think data are generated?

Tossing a coin 100 times.

  • Sample is the outcomes of 100 trials, say \{y_i\}_{i=1}^{100} and y_i=1 if it is head.

  • Given Y_i\stackrel{iid}{\sim} Bernoulli(p),

what is \Pr(\mbox{Sample}|\theta)?

Suppose there are only two possible p values: 0.1 and 0.3. What would be the likelihood value of a sample with 50 heads and 50 tails?

Write a function that can generate a sample of 100 trials:

def sample_bernoulli(p,size):
    """p: <class 'float'>
       size: <class 'int'>"""
    return <sample of class numpy.ndarray>

Write a likelihood function for Bernoulli sample:

def likelihood_bernoulli(Sample,p):
    """Sample: <class numpy.ndarray>
       p: <class 'float'>

    return <likelihood value of class 'float'>

7.4.2 Posterior distribution

Suppose prior \Pr(p=0.1)=0.3,\ \Pr(p=0.3)=0.7. What would be the posterior \Pr(p|\mbox{Sample})

善用unpacking訂義prior distribution

Write a function represent the scaled posterior

def posterior_scaled(Sample, prior):
  """Sample: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
     prior: <class 'numpy.ndarray'> 
  return <posterior_scaled, class 'numpy.ndarray'>

7.4.3 MLE vs. Bayesian estimation

Max.Likelihood: To max L(\theta|\mbox{Sample})

Bayesian: To max \mathbf{E}(Loss(\hat{\theta},\theta)|Sample) with a posterioir probability of \Pr(\theta|\mbox{Sample}).

Loss(\theta)=(\hat{\theta}-\theta)^2 求Bayesian estimate

7.4.4 Conjugacy

  • MML 6.6

A prior is conjugate for the likelihood function if the posterior is of the same form/type as the prior.