3 Literatture review
Many algorithms have been developed to empirically link marine reflectance to CDOM and SPM concentration.
Good review of published algorithm can be found in Matthews (2011) and
Dorji and Fearns (2016)
Some of them, corresponding to the range of SPM and CDOM observed in our dataset have been tested.
3.1 Ag
3.1.1 End members approach from Houskeeper (2020)
Houskeeper use LwN ratio, how to convert Rrs to LwN to test his coefficient? Taken from https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/forum/oceancolor/topic_show.pl?pid=1634;hlm=adv;hl=reflectance#pid1634 Rrs=Lwn/F0 so Lwn = Rrs * F0 and from https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/rsr/rsr_tables/ 380 = 117.1379 710 = 140.1802
x = LwN(395)/LwN(710) ag = 0.237 . x ^-0.689
3.2 SPM
3.2.2 Nechad 2010