6 Conditional Probability
So far, we have dealt only with independent probabilities. Probabilities are independent when the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of another.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to reason about conditional probability, where probabilities are not independent but rather depend on the outcome of particular events. I’ll also introduce you to one of the most important applications of conditional probability: Bayes’ theorem.
6.1 Introducing Conditional Probability
In our first example of conditional probabilities, we’ll look at flu vaccines and possible complications of receiving them. When you get a flu vaccine, you’re typically handed a sheet of paper that informs you of the various risks associated with it. One example is an increased incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a very rare condition that causes the body’s immune system to attack the nervous system, leading to potentially life-threatening complications. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the probability of contracting GBS in a given year is 2 in 100,000.
Normally the flu vaccine increases your probability of getting GBS only by a trivial amount. In 2010, however, there was an outbreak of swine flu, and the probability of getting GBS if you received the flu vaccine that year rose to 3/100,000. In this case, the probability of contracting GBS directly depended on whether or not you got the flu vaccine, and thus it is an example of a conditional probability.
We express conditional probabilities as
6.1.1 Why Conditional Probabilities Are Important
Conditional probabilities are an essential part of statistics because they allow us to demonstrate how information changes our beliefs.
There are also other factors that can increase the probability of getting GBS. For example, males and older adults are more likely to have GBS. Using conditional probabilities, we can add all of this information to better estimate the likelihood that an individual gets GBS.
6.1.2 Dependence and the Revised Rules of Probability
As a second example of conditional probabilities, we’ll use color blindness, a vision deficiency that makes it difficult for people to discern certain colors. In the general population, about 4.25 percent of people are color blind. The vast majority of cases of color blindness are genetic. Color blindness is caused by a defective gene in the X chromosome. Because males have only a single X chromosome and females have two, men are about 16 times more likely to suffer adverse effects of a defective X chromosome and therefore to be color blind. So while the rate of color blindness for the entire population is 4.25 percent, it is only 0.5 percent in females but 8 percent in males. For all of our calculations, we’ll be making the simplifying assumption that the male/female split of the population is exactly 50/50. Let’s represent these facts as conditional probabilities:
You can’t use the product rule of Equation 3.1 because it works only with independent probabilities. But being male (or female) and color blind are dependent probabilities. So the true probability of finding a male who is color blind is the probability of picking a male multiplied by the probability that he is color blind.
This definition works for independent probabilities as well, because for independent probabilities
We can also update our definition of the sum rule (Equation 3.2) to account for this fact:
Now we can still easily use our rules of probabilistic logic from Chapter 3 and handle conditional probabilities.
To understand better the differences I will contrast the independent rules with their conditional version:
In practice, knowing how two events are related is often difficult. Assuming that two events are independent (even when they likely aren’t) is therefore a very common practice in statistics.
While assuming independence is often a practical necessity, never forget how much of an impact dependence can have.
6.2 Conditional Probabilities in Reverse and Bayes’ Theorem
One of the most amazing things we can do with conditional probabilities is reversing the condition to calculate the probability of the event we’re conditioning on; that is, we can use
As an example, say you’re emailing a customer service rep at a company that sells color blindness–correcting glasses. The glasses are a little pricey, and you mention to the rep that you’re worried they might not work. The rep replies, “I’m also color blind, and I have a pair myself—they work really well!”
We want to figure out the probability that this rep is male. However, the rep provides no information except an ID number. So how can we figure out the probability that the rep is male?
We know that
The heart of Bayesian statistics is data, and right now we have only one piece of data (other than our existing probabilities): we know that the customer support rep is color blind. Our next step is to look at the portion of the total population that is color blind; then, we can figure out what portion of that subset is male.
To help reason about this, let’s add a new variable
So the probability that the customer service rep is male, given that they’re color blind, is:
Our population variable
We can now solve our problem since we know each piece of information:
6.3 Introducing Bayes’ Theorem
There is nothing actually specific to our case of color blindness in the preceding formula, so we should be able to generalize it to any given A and B probabilities. If we do this, we get the most foundational formula in this book, Bayes’ theorem:
Theorem 6.1 (Bayes’ Theorem (Variation 1))
Our beliefs describe the world we know, so when we observe something, its conditional probability represents the likelihood of what we’ve seen given what we believe, or:
In this example, Bayes’ theorem allows you to transform your observation of five droughts in a decade into a statement about how strongly you believe in climate change after you have observed these droughts. The only other pieces of information you need are the general probability of 5 droughts in 10 years (which could be estimated with historical data) and your initial certainty of your belief in climate change. And while most people would have a different initial probability for climate change, Bayes’ theorem allows you to quantify exactly how much the data changes any belief.
For example, if the expert says that 5 droughts in 10 years is very likely if we assume that climate change is happening, most people will change their previous beliefs to favor climate change a little, whether they’re skeptical of climate change or they’re Al Gore.
However, suppose that the expert told you that in fact, 5 droughts in 10 years was very unlikely given your assumption that climate change is happening. In that case, your prior belief in climate change would weaken slightly given the evidence. The key takeaway here is that Bayes’ theorem ultimately allows evidence to change the strength of our beliefs.
Bayes’ theorem allows us to take our beliefs about the world, combine them with data, and then transform this combination into an estimate of the strength of our beliefs given the evidence we’ve observed.
6.4 Wrapping Up
In this chapter, you learned about conditional probabilities and about Bayes’ theorem which is fundamental to understanding how we can use data to update what we believe about the world.
6.5 Exercises
Try answering the following questions to see how well you understand conditional probability and Bayes’ theorem. The solutions can be found at https://nostarch.com/learnbayes/.
6.5.1 Exercise 6-1
What piece of information would we need in order to use Bayes’ theorem to determine the probability that someone in 2010 who had GBS also had the flu vaccine that year?
This is the question for
The only factor in the formula we do not know is
6.5.2 Exercise 6-2
What is the probability that a random person picked from the population is female and is not color blind?
My calculation was wrong as I used Bayes’ rule instead just the product rule:
Thinking about the result I should have known that it couldn’t be correct: There are 50% women in the population. From these 50% is a tiny percentage color blind. Therefore the result of women that are not color blind should be a proportion slightly under 50%.
6.5.3 Exercise 6-3
What is the probability that a male who received the flu vaccine in 2010 is either color blind or has GBS?
Here I should use the revised sum rule from Equation 6.2. But I am still working on this problem. Up to now (2023-09-13) I haven’t found a solution.