5 Lecture 3 - 15/12/2020

In this lecture we will learn how to write new functions in R.

5.1 Create a new data frame

We start by creating a new data frame from scratch. Differently from Lecture 2, we don’t import data available in an external (csv) file, but we put together data simulated from 4 different random variables (RV). In particular, we will simulate 500 values from each of the following RVs:

  • standard Normal distribution (rnorm(n,mean,sd))
  • continuous Uniform distribution between 0 and 10 (runif(n,min,max))
  • t distribution with 4 degrees of freedom (rt(n,df))
  • Chi-square distribution with 5 degrees of freedom (rchisq(n,df))

As discussed in Section XXXX, before running the data simulation code we set the seed. Then, the function data.frame is used to combine the 4 vectors (named x, y, w and z) generated by the 4 functions for random sampling. The data frame will be called df:


df = data.frame(x = rnorm(500),
                y = runif(500, 0, 10),
                w = rt(500, 4),
                z = rchisq(500, 5)) 

From the preview

##            x         y          w        z
## 1 -0.2409516 6.4480150 -1.1082764 2.464180
## 2 -0.5004062 9.9065245 -2.3763105 6.582193
## 3 -0.3952414 3.4989756 -1.4033463 5.045619
## 4 -0.7952692 0.9429413  0.7804105 4.606289
## 5  0.5399611 5.1325526  0.8343994 4.209044
## 6  1.4889313 5.1903847  2.1541173 2.229942

we observe that the data frame contains 4 columns.

As shown in Lecture 2, it is possible to compute the mean for all the columns of the data frame, as follows:

##           x           y           w           z 
## -0.05370359  4.93485392  0.01570831  4.96757021

5.2 Skewness index

The formula for the skewness index of a generic variable x is the following sk=ni=1(xiˉx)3ns3 where s is the sample standard deviation and n the sample size.

Note that there is no buil-in function for computing the skewness in R. So, we implement the above given equation, separately for each column in df, as follows:

mean((df$x - mean(df$x))^3) / sd(df$x)^3
## [1] -0.1391724
mean((df$y - mean(df$y))^3) / sd(df$y)^3
## [1] 0.00426134
mean((df$w - mean(df$w))^3) / sd(df$w)^3
## [1] -0.2061976
mean((df$z - mean(df$z))^3) / sd(df$z)^3
## [1] 1.367381

The variable z is characterized by positive skewness, which is also visible from the following histogram:


5.3 Write a new function in R

The Do not repeat yourself (DRY) principle suggests avoiding repetitions in the code, as copy-and-paste the same code to compute the same quantity(ies) for different data, as we did previously for the skewness index. The more repetition you have in your code, the more places you need to remember to update when things change, and the more likely you will include errors in your code.

Automate common tasks through functions is a powerful alternative to copy-and-paste. When input changes, with functions you only need to update the code in one place instead of many (this eliminates the chance of incidental mistakes).

To define a new function we use the following structure:
How to define a new function with 2 inputs in R

Figure 5.1: How to define a new function with 2 inputs in R

For the computation of the skewness index we define a new function named myskew which take in input the vector named vec and then apply the skewness formula:

myskew = function(vec){
  mean((vec - mean(vec))^3) / sd(vec)^3

After running the code, you will see a new object of type function in the top right panel. It is now possible to apply the function to a single column of df:

myskew(vec = df$x)
## [1] -0.1391724

You can even use myskew inside apply:

apply(df, 2, myskew)
##           x           y           w           z 
## -0.13917239  0.00426134 -0.20619759  1.36738140

Note that by default the function returns the value of the last evaluated expression (the value of the skewness index in this case). Let’s assume that we want to define a new function which returns the values of the skewness and kurtosis indexes. In this case the output is a vector of two values (s and k representing the skewness and kurtosis index, respectively) and it can be returned by using the return function:

myskewkur = function(vec){
  s = mean((vec - mean(vec))^3) / sd(vec)^3
  k = mean((vec - mean(vec))^4) / sd(vec)^4

Let’s now apply the function myskewkur to a single column of df and to all its column by using apply:

## [1] -0.1391724  2.7668950
##               x          y          w        z
## [1,] -0.1391724 0.00426134 -0.2061976 1.367381
## [2,]  2.7668950 1.82261893  6.0524876 5.895259

We can observe that the output is not labeled. It is possible to obtain a labeled output by changing the returned vector and including labels:

myskewkur = function(vec){
  s = mean((vec - mean(vec))^3) / sd(vec)^3
  k = mean((vec - mean(vec))^4) / sd(vec)^4

The output now is completely specified:

##   skewness   kurtosis 
## -0.1391724  2.7668950
##                   x          y          w        z
## skewness -0.1391724 0.00426134 -0.2061976 1.367381
## kurtosis  2.7668950 1.82261893  6.0524876 5.895259

5.3.1 Conditional statement

Let’s say that we want now our function to print a message according to the value of skewness and kurtosis. In particular, if the skewness is positive the function prints “Data with positive asymmetry”; otherwise the function prints “Data with null or negative asymmetry”. For the kurtosis the function will print “Data with heavier tails” or “Data with lighter or Normal tails” according to the value being bigger or lower than 3 (the reference kurtosis value for the Normal distribution). For obtaining this conditional output (conditional on the value of the skewness/kurtosis), we will use the function ifelse as described in Lecture 2:

myskewkur2 = function(vec){
  s = mean((vec - mean(vec))^3) / sd(vec)^3
  k = mean((vec - mean(vec))^4) / sd(vec)^4
         print("Data with positive asymmetry"),  
         print("Data with null or negative asymmetry"))
         print("Data with heavier tails"),  
         print("Data with lighter or Normal tails"))

We can use now the function:

## [1] "Data with null or negative asymmetry"
## [1] "Data with lighter or Normal tails"
##   skewness   kurtosis 
## -0.1391724  2.7668950

Sometimes what you have to execute, conditionally on a given conditions, it is more complex than just a simple print command. In this case you will need another kind of conditional statement, as the following one:

if (condition){
  #code executed when condition is TRUE
} else { 
  #code executed when condition is FALSE

Using this structure the same function could be rewritten as follows:

myskewkur3 = function(vec){
  s = mean((vec - mean(vec))^3) / sd(vec)^3
  k = mean((vec - mean(vec))^4) / sd(vec)^4
    print("Data with positive asymmetry")
  } else {
    print("Data with null or negative asymmetry")
    print("Data with heavier tails")
  } else {
    print("Data with lighter tails")

The output will be the same:

## [1] "Data with null or negative asymmetry"
## [1] "Data with lighter tails"
##   skewness   kurtosis 
## -0.1391724  2.7668950

It is also possible to test more conditions:

if (condition1){
  #code executed when condition1 is TRUE
} else if (condition2){ 
  #code executed when condition2 is TRUE
} else if (condition3) {
  #code executed when condition3 is TRUE
} else { 
  expr 4
  #code executed otherwise

5.4 Again about factors

We now add a new column to the dataframe df given by a vector of 500 categories randomly sampled from “Low”, “Medium” and “High”. We will make use of the function sample (see ?sample); it takes a sample of the specified size (500) from the elements of the vector with the 3 categories with replacement (so each category can be sampled more than once). As described in Lecture 2 we immediately transform this character vector into a factor:

df$size = factor(sample(c("Low","Medium","High"), 500, replace=TRUE))

Let’s check the new column in df:

##            x         y          w        z   size
## 1 -0.2409516 6.4480150 -1.1082764 2.464180   High
## 2 -0.5004062 9.9065245 -2.3763105 6.582193 Medium
## 3 -0.3952414 3.4989756 -1.4033463 5.045619   High
## 4 -0.7952692 0.9429413  0.7804105 4.606289 Medium
## 5  0.5399611 5.1325526  0.8343994 4.209044 Medium
## 6  1.4889313 5.1903847  2.1541173 2.229942    Low
## 'data.frame':	500 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ x   : num  -0.241 -0.5 -0.395 -0.795 0.54 ...
##  $ y   : num  6.448 9.907 3.499 0.943 5.133 ...
##  $ w   : num  -1.108 -2.376 -1.403 0.78 0.834 ...
##  $ z   : num  2.46 6.58 5.05 4.61 4.21 ...
##  $ size: Factor w/ 3 levels "High","Low","Medium": 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 ...

We know that it is possible to apply the function summary to a factor in order to obtain the frequency distribution. It can also be obtained by using table:

##   High    Low Medium 
##    155    187    158
##   High    Low Medium 
##    155    187    158

If you are interested in proportions/percentages, rather than absolute frequencies, we can use the function prop.table:

##   High    Low Medium 
##   31.0   37.4   31.6

It is also possible to represent graphically the distribution of the categorical variable size by using barplot:

barplot(table(df$size)) #absolute frequencies

barplot(prop.table(table(df$size))) #proportions

5.5 Exercises Lecture 3

5.5.1 Exercise 1

  1. Define a function named mypower to print a number raise to another. The two numbers are the arguments of the function and the exponent number is set by default equal to one.

  2. Compute using mypower the following quantities: 23, (exp(4))5, log(45).

  3. Is it possibile to provide a vector of exponents as input to the mypower function (while the base doesn’t change)? If yes, provide and example.

5.5.2 Exercise 2

  1. Define a function named myf which takes a single argument x and returns the value of the function f(x) which is defined as follows:
  • f(x)=x2+2x+3 if x<0;
  • f(x)=x+3 if 0x<2;
  • f(x)=x2+4x7 if x2.
  1. Evaluate the function in the following values of x: -4.5, 5.90, 122.

5.5.3 Exercise 3

  1. Define a function which computes, given a sample of n data, the confidence interval with confidence level 1α for the unknown mean of the population where the sample is drawn from. For 1α use 0.95 as default value. Remember that the formula for the confidence interval is given by the following formula: (ˉxzα/2sn;ˉx+zα/2sn) where ˉx is the sample mean (mean), s the sample standard deviation (sd), n the sample size and zα/2 the quantile of the standard Normal distribution which has an area equal to 1α/2 on the left side (use the function qnorm to compute it; see ?qnorm).

  2. Apply the function to a vector of 600 numbers simulated from a Normal distribution with mean equal to 5 and variance equal to 1. For simulating the data use 444 as seed value.

5.5.4 Exercise 4

  1. Create a function wt_mean which compute the weighted mean given by this formula ˉx=ni=1xiwini=1wi where xi is the generic value of the variable and wi the corresponding weigth (i=1,,n). This function will have two vectors as input (one for the data and one for the weights) and you have to check they they have the same length, otherwise the function will have to stop and exit with an error message (for this you can use stop, see ?stop).

  2. Test the function with the following data (exam grades) and weights (exam credits):

  3. Test the function with the following data (exam grades) and weights (exam credits):

5.5.5 Exercise 5

  1. Implement a ratio function which takes a single number as input. If the number is divisible by three, it returns “Divisible by 3”. If it’s divisible by five it returns “Divisible by 5”. If it’s divisible by three and five, it returns “Divisible by 3 and 5”. Otherwise, it returns the number. Use the modulo operator %% to check divisibility. The expression x %% y returns 0 if y divides x. See the following example:

  2. Run the ratio function with the following numbers: 33, 50, 150, 46570, 9877.

  3. Try to understand what the code y=round(runif(1,0,1000),0) does. Then run (many times) the ratio function with the value y.

5.5.6 Exercise 6

  1. How could you use cut function to simplify this set of nested if-else statements? See ?cut. Suggestion: use -Inf and Inf for the lowest and highest value.
temp = 22.5

if (temp <= 0) {
  } else if (temp <= 10) {
  } else if (temp <= 20) {
  } else if (temp <= 30) {
  } else {
## [1] "warm"
  1. Run the code with cut with a vector of temperature, e.g. runif(15, -30,60). Provide the absolute frequencies for the qualitative variable with 5 categories.