Chapter 3 R Lab 2 - 29/03/2023
In this lecture we will learn how to implement the logistic regression model and the linear discriminant analysis (LDA).
The following packages are required: tidyverse
and discrim
#install.packages('discrim') # needed for LDA
## Attaching package: 'discrim'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dials':
## smoothness
3.1 Satisfaction data
The data we use for this lab are from the Kaggle platform link. You can download the dataset from Moodle (the file is satisf.csv
The objective of the analysis is to predict whether or not a customer is overall satisfied with the company service, based on other quality measurements.The datasets consists of several predictor variables:
: Customer’s overall satisfaction about the airline (0 = Neutral or dissatisfied, 1 = Satisfied)age
: Age of passenger (years)dist
: Flight distance of the evaluated journey (not indicated :-( )dep_delay
: Delay when departure (minutes)arr_delay
: Delay delayed at the arrival (minutes)
The response variable is named outcome
and is a binary variable: 0
means that the customer was not satisfied about the overall company service, while 1
means he/she was pleased by the experience.
We import the data
<- read.csv("./files/satisf.csv")
satisf glimpse(satisf)
## Rows: 129,487
## Columns: 5
## $ outcome <int> 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,…
## $ age <int> 52, 36, 20, 44, 49, 16, 77, 43, 47, 46, 4…
## $ dist <int> 160, 2863, 192, 3377, 1182, 311, 3987, 25…
## $ dep_delay <int> 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 1, 28, 29, 18, …
## $ arr_delay <int> 44, 0, 0, 6, 20, 0, 0, 65, 0, 14, 19, 7, …
We transform the outcome
0/1 integer variable into a factor with categories “Neutral or dissatisfied” and “Satisfied”:
$outcome= factor(satisf$outcome)
satisflevels(satisf$outcome) = c("Neutral-Dissatisfied","Satisfied")
## Neutral-Dissatisfied Satisfied
## 73225 56262
Some exploratory analysis can be done to study the distribution of the regressors conditionally on the satisfaction condition. We consider here, as an example, Age
or Distance
satisf ggplot() +
# It seems that the most satisfied customers are also the older ones
satisf ggplot() +
# Satisfaction seems to be related also to travel distance. Passenger travelling on longer flights are the one
# that face less dissatisfaction/neutrality.
3.2 Definition of a function for computing performance indexes
For assessing the performance of a classifier we compare predicted categories with observed categories. This can be done by using the confusion matrix which is a 2x2 matrix reporting the joint distribution (with absolute frequencies) of predicted (by row) and observed (by column) categories.
No (obs.) | Yes (obs.) | |||
No (pred.) | TN | FN | ||
Yes (pred.) | FP | TP | ||
Total | N | P |
We consider in particular the following performance indexes:
- sensitivity (true positive rate): TP/P
- specificity (true negative rate): TN/N
- accuracy (rate of correctly classified observations): (TN+TP)/(N+P)
We define a function named perf_indexes
which computes the above defined indexes. The function has only one argument which is a confusion 2x2 matrix named cm
. It returns a vector with the 3 indexes.
= function(cm){
perf_indexes = cm[2,2] / (cm[1,2] + cm[2,2])
sensitivity = cm[1,1] / (cm[1,1] + cm[2,1])
specificity = sum(diag(cm)) / sum(cm)
accuracy return(c(sens=sensitivity,spec=specificity,acc=accuracy))
3.3 A new method for creating the training and testing set
To create the training (80%) and test (20%) dataset we use a new approach different from the one introduced in Section 2.2.1 and Section 2.3.
We first create a vector with the indexes we will use for the training dataset by using the sample
function. In this case we must set replace
to FALSE, since each index will indicate an observation belonging to just train or test. Recall also to set a seed, in order to be able to replicate your results:
set.seed(11, sample.kind="Rejection")
= sample(1:nrow(satisf),
training_index 0.8*nrow(satisf),
replace=F) # notice that here resample is not allowed!
## [1] 65570 66457 128113 19004 73612 28886
We are now ready to sample from the satisf
dataset 80% of the observations (rows) by using the training_index
vector, and leave the non-sampled indexes for test. We use the %in%
operator to find out which elements of a vector are present in another vector:
= satisf %>%
s_train filter(row_number() %in% training_index)
= satisf %>%
s_test filter(!row_number() %in% training_index)
# check datasets
## outcome age dist dep_delay arr_delay
## 1 Satisfied 52 160 50 44
## 2 Satisfied 36 2863 0 0
## 3 Neutral-Dissatisfied 20 192 0 0
## 4 Satisfied 44 3377 0 6
## 5 Satisfied 16 311 0 0
## 6 Satisfied 77 3987 0 0
## outcome age dist dep_delay arr_delay
## 1 Satisfied 49 1182 0 20
## 2 Neutral-Dissatisfied 33 325 18 7
## 3 Neutral-Dissatisfied 43 1927 0 0
## 4 Satisfied 44 1543 0 0
## 5 Neutral-Dissatisfied 51 235 0 0
## 6 Neutral-Dissatisfied 22 1846 40 68
Note that this procedure could be the easiest choice when we don’t have a third dataset (validation).
We are now ready to train our models.
3.4 Logistic regression
For implementing the logistic regression the function logistic_reg()
is used. It requires the specification of the engine, and the mode as you can see in the picture taken from
# Create a logistic regression model specification
<- logistic_reg() %>%
logreg_spec set_engine("glm") %>%
# Fit the logistic regression model
<- logreg_spec %>%
logreg_fit fit(outcome ~ ., data = s_train)
# Print the model summary
## Call:
## stats::glm(formula = outcome ~ ., family = stats::binomial, data = data)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.2647 -0.9716 -0.7758 1.1563 2.5771
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -1.556e+00 2.037e-02 -76.361 < 2e-16 ***
## age 1.522e-02 4.403e-04 34.572 < 2e-16 ***
## dist 6.214e-04 7.038e-06 88.294 < 2e-16 ***
## dep_delay 3.118e-03 6.908e-04 4.514 6.37e-06 ***
## arr_delay -6.788e-03 6.842e-04 -9.921 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:
## 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 141820 on 103588 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 130815 on 103584 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 130825
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
Note that the notation outcome ~.
means that all the covariates but outcome
are included as regressors (this avoids to write the formula in the standard way: outcome ~ age+dist+...
The summary contains the parameter estimates and the corresponding p-values of the test checking H0:β=0 vs H1:β≠0. Consider for example the parameter of the Age
variable which is positive (i.e. higher possibility of being satisfied) and equal to 0.0152229: this means that for a one-unit increase in age, the log-odds increases by 0.0152229. For a simpler interpretation, in the odds scale, we can take the exponential transformation of the parameter:
# odds ratio
## age
## 1.015339
# odds interpretation
exp(coef(logreg_fit$fit)[2]) -1)*100 (
## age
## 1.533937
This means that for a one-unit increase in the customer’s age, we expect a 1.53 percent increase in the satisfaction odds. Remember that the odds is strictly connected to the satisfaction probability as it is defined as p/(1−p)).
We are now interested in computing predictions for the test observations given the estimated logistic model. They can be obtained by using the predict
function. It is important to specify that we are interested in the prediction on the outcome scale (otherwise we will get the predictions on the logit scale):
= logreg_fit %>% predict(new_data = s_test, type="prob")
logreg_pred head(logreg_pred)
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
## `.pred_Neutral-Dissatisfied` .pred_Satisfied
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.553 0.447
## 2 0.699 0.301
## 3 0.426 0.574
## 4 0.482 0.518
## 5 0.653 0.347
## 6 0.601 0.399
The tibble logreg_pred
contains the conditional probability of being ‘satisfied’ and ‘Neutral-Dissatisfied’ given the covariate vector. For example for the first test observation the satisfaction probability is equal to logreg_pred$.pred_Satisfied[1]
. In order to have a categorical prediction it is necessary to fix a threshold for the probability (default is 0.5) and transform correspondingly the probabilities:
$pred = ifelse(logreg_pred$.pred_Satisfied > 0.5, "Satisfied", "Neutral-Dissatisfied")
logreg_pred$pred = factor(logreg_pred$pred) logreg_pred
As expected, the predicted category for the first observation is “Neutral - Dissatisfied”.
We are now ready to compute the confusion matrix
#with table function
table(logreg_pred$pred, s_test$outcome)
## Neutral-Dissatisfied Satisfied
## Neutral-Dissatisfied 12117 6259
## Satisfied 2524 4998
#you can also calculate with conf_mat() function
= logreg_pred %>%
logreg_pred mutate(actual = s_test$outcome)
= logreg_pred %>%
confusion_mat conf_mat(truth = actual, estimate = pred)
## Truth
## Prediction Neutral-Dissatisfied Satisfied
## Neutral-Dissatisfied 12117 6259
## Satisfied 2524 4998
and the performance index by using the function we defined in Section 3.2
perf_indexes(table(logreg_pred$pred, s_test$outcome))
## sens spec acc
## 0.4439904 0.8276074 0.6608618
What happen to our performance indexes if we change prediction threshold?
$pred = ifelse(logreg_pred$.pred_Satisfied > 0.8, "Satisfied", "Neutral-Dissatisfied")
logreg_pred$pred = factor(logreg_pred$pred)
logreg_predperf_indexes(table(logreg_pred$pred, s_test$outcome))
## sens spec acc
## 0.04557164 0.99112083 0.58012202
As you can see, increasing the satisfaction threshold can improve a lot the algorithm specificity (= our algorithm is more able to detect an unsatisfied customer). At the same time, the decreased in the sensitivity and overall accuracy should be considered. In general, the decision of lowering / increasing the decision boundary depends on the context we are applying our knowledge. Think about COVID. Should be “better” to have a diagnostic test with more false positive (= lower specificity) or false negative (= lower sensitivity)?
3.5 Linear discriminant analysis
To run LDA we use the discrim_linear()
function of the parsnip
package. See in the following picture the function and the different engines we can use (taken from
Similarly to logistic regression we have to create the specifications, engine and the mode:
# Create an LDA model specification
<- discrim_linear() %>%
lda_spec set_engine("MASS") %>%
# Fit the LDA model
<- lda_spec %>%
lda_fit fit(outcome ~ ., data = s_train)
# Print the LDA model
## parsnip model object
## Call:
## lda(outcome ~ ., data = data)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
## Neutral-Dissatisfied Satisfied
## 0.5655427 0.4344573
## Group means:
## age dist dep_delay arr_delay
## Neutral-Dissatisfied 37.66313 928.5023 16.29445 17.02332
## Satisfied 41.73423 1526.8704 12.22791 12.36638
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
## LD1
## age 0.0226054119
## dist 0.0009458021
## dep_delay 0.0045190445
## arr_delay -0.0093103673
The output reports the prior probabilities for the two categories and the conditional means of all the covariates. Recall that the prior probability is the probability that a randomly chosen observation comes from the kth class.
We go straight to the calculation of the predictions. In this case it is possible to specify which is the output of the predict
function (the probabilities of the response categories):
= lda_fit %>% predict(new_data = s_test, type = 'prob')
lda_pred head(lda_pred)
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
## `.pred_Neutral-Dissatisfied` .pred_Satisfied
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.557 0.443
## 2 0.709 0.291
## 3 0.428 0.572
## 4 0.486 0.514
## 5 0.664 0.336
## 6 0.598 0.402
= lda_pred %>%
lda_pred bind_cols(lda_fit %>% predict(new_data = s_test, type = 'class'))
Note that the tibble lda_pred
is a tibble having 3 variables including posterior probabilities of each class and the vector of predicted categories:
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## `.pred_Neutral-Dissatisfied` .pred_Satisfied .pred_class
## <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
## 1 0.557 0.443 Neutral-Dissa…
## 2 0.709 0.291 Neutral-Dissa…
## 3 0.428 0.572 Satisfied
## 4 0.486 0.514 Satisfied
## 5 0.664 0.336 Neutral-Dissa…
## 6 0.598 0.402 Neutral-Dissa…
To compute the confusion matrix we will use the vector lda_pred$.pred_class
table(lda_pred$.pred_class, s_test$outcome)
## Neutral-Dissatisfied Satisfied
## Neutral-Dissatisfied 12179 6306
## Satisfied 2462 4951
perf_indexes(table(lda_pred$.pred_class, s_test$outcome))
## sens spec acc
## 0.4398152 0.8318421 0.6614410
As before, we can choose a different threshold for our decision. In this case, the used functions do not allow to change directly the threshold. So, we need to use the same methodology applied to logistic regression classification method to generate new class. Recall that LDA assigns the observation to the most likely class (= class with highest posterior probability). So, there is an implicit probability threshold with two classes (0.5). Check it by yourself here above:
$pred = ifelse(lda_pred$.pred_Satisfied > 0.5, "Satisfied", "Neutral-Dissatisfied")
lda_pred# same results than previous LDA
table(lda_pred$pred, s_test$outcome)
## Neutral-Dissatisfied Satisfied
## Neutral-Dissatisfied 12179 6306
## Satisfied 2462 4951
# same results than previous LDA
perf_indexes(table(lda_pred$pred, s_test$outcome))
## sens spec acc
## 0.4398152 0.8318421 0.6614410
We can now set an higher probability threshold, with the aim of being able to better select the “real” satisfied customers. The probability threshold will be set on the “Satisfied” class at 0.8 :
$pred = ifelse(lda_pred$.pred_Satisfied > 0.8, "Satisfied", "Neutral-Dissatisfied")
table(lda_pred$pred, s_test$outcome) #objects are changed w.r.t. before
## Neutral-Dissatisfied Satisfied
## Neutral-Dissatisfied 14499 10673
## Satisfied 142 584
perf_indexes(table(lda_pred$pred, s_test$outcome)) #objects are changed w.r.t. before
## sens spec acc
## 0.05187883 0.99030121 0.58240019
We reduced a lot the false positive observation (from 2462 to 142). We were able to correctly detect more real unsatisfied customers (from 12179 to 14499), increasing the specificity of our algorithm. However, we dramatically predict with a wrong class lots of truly satisfied customers (6306 to 10673), being able to predict very few true “positive” (Satisfied) travelers (584).
3.6 Classifiers comparison in terms of performance indexes
By comparing the 2 classifiers with respect to accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
perf_indexes(table(logreg_pred$pred, s_test$outcome))
## sens spec acc
## 0.04557164 0.99112083 0.58012202
perf_indexes(table(lda_pred$pred, s_test$outcome))
## sens spec acc
## 0.05187883 0.99030121 0.58240019
We see that the logistic regression and LDA perform very similarly. In particular, Logistic regression has the highest specificity but the lowest sensitivity. In terms of accuracy LDA has the best performance.
3.7 Exercises Lab 2
3.7.1 Exercise 1
The data contained in the files titanic_tr.csv (for training) and titanic_te.csv (and testing) are about the Titanic disaster (the files are available in the e-learning). In particular the following variables are available:
: ticket class (1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd)survived
: survival (0 = No, 1 = Yes)name
of the passengersex
in years
: number of siblings / spouses aboard the Titanic
number of parents / children aboard the Titanic
: ticket number
: passenger fare
: cabin number
: port of Embarkation (C = Cherbourg, Q = Queenstown, S = Southampton)
Import the data in R
and explore them. Note that the response variable is survived
which is classified as a int
0/1 variable in the dataframe. Transform it in a factor type object using the factor
function with categories “No” and “Yes”.
(ticket class) to factor (1 = “1st”, 2 = “2nd”, 3 = “3rd”) for both the training and test data set. Plotsurvived
as a function ofpclass
. In which class do you observe the highest proportion of survivors?Check how many missing values we have in the variables
separately for training and test data.
- Separately for the training and test data, substitute the missing values with the average of
. Note that for computing the mean when you have missing values you have to runmean(...,na.rm=T)
. After this, check that you don’t have any other missing values.
Consider the training data and
as response variable. Compute the percentage of survived people. Moreover, represent graphically the relationship betweenage
. Comment the plot.Consider the training data set, estimate a logistic model for
as the only predictor (mod1
). Provide the model summary.
Comment the
coefficient.Compute manually (without using
) by means of the formula of the logistic function the probability of surviving for a person of 50 years old. Remember that estimated coefficients can be retrieved bymod1$coefficients
. Repeat the same for a person of 20 years old. Finally compute the odds and the odds-ratio.Compute the probability of surviving for all the people in the test data set (use
).Plot the estimated probabilities as a function of age (impose that the probability axis is between 0 and 1). Use for each point a color corresponding to the
outcome. Moreover, include in the plot an horizontal line corresponding to the probability threshold (0.5) and the corresponding age threshold (age boundary between categories). Comment the plot.Compute the confusion matrix for
. Moreover, compute the test classification error rate.
- Consider the training data set, estimate a logistic model for
as predictor (mod2
). Note thatpclass
is a categorical variable with 3 categories and will be included in the model as a dummy variable with 3-1 categories (one category is the baseline). Provide the model summary and comment the coefficients. The following functioncontrasts
helps you in understanding which is the baseline category:
# on the rows you have the categories
# on the column the 2 dummy variables that will be included in the model (for the 2nd and 3rd category)
#the baseline is the category 1st
#in the model 2 coefficients will be estimated for category 2nd and 3rd
For more information about the management of dummy variables in R please read this short note available here. It refers to a linear regression model but it generalizes to any model.
Compute (manually or by using
) the probability of surviving for a person with a 1st class ticket. Repeat also for the other 2 classes. Compare the three predicted probabilities with the corresponding surviving proportion computed for each class.Estimate the probability of surviving (and the corresponding categories) for all the observations in the test data set (using
). Then compute the test overall classification error rate and compare it with the one obtained formod1
For the training observations represent graphically
(amount paid for the ticket) as a function ofpclass
. Moreover, compute the average and medianfare
amount separately for each class.Consider the training data set, estimate a logistic model for
as predictors (mod3
). Provide the model summary.
Comment the coefficient of
compute the predicted probability of surviving for all the test observations and the corresponding categories.Plot
(y-axis) as a function ofage
using the predicted categories to color the points. Moreover, include in the plot the linear boundary (it’s the solution of β0+β1X1+β2X2=0) which separates the two groups. HINT: derive it considering X2=Y and β1=X.Given the previous plot, what’s the prediction for a 40 years old individual who paid 200 dollars ?
Compute the test error rate for
and compare it with the other models.
- Consider the training data set, estimate a logistic model for
as predictors (mod4
). Provide the model summary. Comparemod4
with the others by using the test classification error. Which is the best model?
3.7.2 Exercise 2
We will use some simulated data available from the mlbench
library (don’t forget to install it) with p=2 regressors and a binary response variable. Use the following code to generate the data and create the data frame.
= #simulate 1000 data
data = data.frame(data$x,
datadf Y=factor(data$classes,labels=c("No","Yes")))
## X1 X2 Y
## 1 0.4705415 -0.52006500 No
## 2 -0.1253492 0.20921556 No
## 3 -0.4381452 0.52445868 No
## 4 0.5877131 -0.86523067 Yes
## 5 0.1631693 -0.01084204 No
## 6 -0.6190528 -0.98775598 Yes
Plot the data (use the response variable to color the points).
Split the dataset in two parts: 80% of the observations are used for training and 20% for testing. The split is random (use as seed for random number generation the number 456).
Estimate a logistic regression model using
as regressors. Provide the model summary.Comment the model coefficients.
Plot the training data and add to the plot the linear decision boundary (see the slides for the formula) defined by the logistic model. Do you think that the model is working well?
Compute the predictions using the test observations. Provide the confusion matrix (use 0.5 as probability threshold) and the overall classification error rate.
Define a function named
which computes the overall classification error rate, the sensitivity and the specificity for a 2x2 confusion matrix which has in the rows the predicted categories and in the columns the observed categories.Use the
function for the logistic regression model output. Comment about the performance of the logistic regression model.Consider now a very simple classifier (null classifier) which uses as prediction for all the test observations the majority class observed in the training dataset (regardless of the values of the predictors). Compute the overall error rate for the null classifier. Does it perform better than the logistic regression model?
Use linear discriminant analysis to classify your data. Compute the predictions using the test observations and provide the confusion matrix together with performance indexes. Comment the results.
- [Advanced and optional] Using a grid of values for
together with theouter
function, plot the decision boundary together with the training data. Add to the plot also the boundary estimated with the logistic model.
- [Advanced and optional] Using a grid of values for
Compare the three previous classifier (LR, null classifier, LDA) using the confusion matrix (with the
formula) and the error rate. Are you able to compute the performance indexes with the null classifier? Which of the proposed model seems to perform better?
3.7.3 Exercise 3
We will use some simulated data available from the mlbench
library with p=2 regressors and a response variable with 4 categories. Use the following code to generate the data.
= mlbench.smiley(1000) #simulate 1000 data
data = data.frame(data$x, factor(data$classes))
datadf head(datadf)
## x4 V2
## 1 -0.7371167 0.9282289 1
## 2 -0.8580089 1.0668791 1
## 3 -0.7794051 1.0191270 1
## 4 -0.9232296 0.9328375 1
## 5 -0.7723922 0.9318714 1
## 6 -0.9142181 0.8255049 1
colnames(datadf) = c("x1", "x2", "y")
## x1 x2 y
## 1 -0.7371167 0.9282289 1
## 2 -0.8580089 1.0668791 1
## 3 -0.7794051 1.0191270 1
## 4 -0.9232296 0.9328375 1
## 5 -0.7723922 0.9318714 1
## 6 -0.9142181 0.8255049 1
## 1 2 3 4
## 167 167 250 416
Plot the data (use the response variable to color the points).
Split the dataset in two parts: 70% of the observations are used for training and 20% for testing. The split is random (use as seed for random number generation the number 456).
Consider linear discriminant analysis for your data. Analyse your results computing the test error rate.
Use the KNN method to classify your data. Choose the best value of k among a sequence of values between 1 and 100 (with step equal to 5). To tune the hyperparameter k split the training dataset into two sets: one for training (70%) and one for validation (30%). Use a seed equal to 4.
Which model (between lda and knn) do you prefer? Explain why.