16 blinded C80
amu_{bound}_(TM)_below = 6.907(65)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.0044069
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(TM)_below = 6.937(56)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.0036355
amu_{bound_meff}_(TM)_above = 6.934(50)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.02134
<r >
amu_{bound}_(OS)_below = 6.557(51)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.0043672
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(OS)_below = 6.578(52)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.10012
amu_{bound_meff}_(OS)_above = 6.570(36)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.066126
<r >
16.0.1 effective mass VKVK
vertical line at t_e which correspond to the last mass used in the bounding of a_\mu, i.e. for t_{cut}> t_e we use m_{eff}(t_{e})
M_VKVK_TM = 0.2322(68) , \chi^2/dof= 0.88881
M_VKVK_OS = 0.2506(21) , \chi^2/dof= 3.433
<r >
16.1 430 eigenvectors
amu_{bound}_(TM)_1_below = 6.988(85)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.013806
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(TM)_1_below = 7.018(80)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.0034495
amu_{bound_meff}_(TM)_1_above = 6.924(49)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.0030678
<r >
amu_{bound}_(OS)_1_below = 6.790(95)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.036153
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(OS)_1_below = 6.805(89)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.0025433
amu_{bound_meff}_(OS)_1_above = 6.708(53)e-8 , \chi^2/dof= 0.0038998
<r >
16.1.1 effective mass VKVK
vertical line at t_e which correspond to the last mass used in the bounding of a_\mu, i.e. for t_{cut}> t_e we use m_{eff}(t_{e})
M_VKVK_TM = 0.2322(68) , \chi^2/dof= 0.88881
M_VKVK_OS = 0.2506(21) , \chi^2/dof= 3.433
<r >
16.2 Summing the results eigenvector
amu_{bound}_(TM)520 = 6.907(65)e-8
amu_{bound}_(TM)430 = 6.988(85)e-8
amu_{bound}_(TM)sum = 6.942(50)e-8
amu_{bound}_(OS)520 = 6.557(51)e-8
amu_{bound}_(OS)430 = 6.790(95)e-8
amu_{bound}_(OS)sum = 6.638(50)e-8
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(TM)520 = 6.937(56)e-8
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(TM)430 = 7.018(80)e-8
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(TM)sum = 6.970(40)e-8
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(OS)520 = 6.578(52)e-8
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(OS)430 = 6.805(89)e-8
amu_{bound_meff_t}_(OS)sum = 6.662(50)e-8
amu_{bound_meff}_(TM)520 = 6.934(50)e-8
amu_{bound_meff}_(TM)430 = 6.924(49)e-8
amu_{bound_meff}_(TM)sum = 6.929(40)e-8
amu_{bound_meff}_(OS)520 = 6.570(36)e-8
amu_{bound_meff}_(OS)430 = 6.708(53)e-8
amu_{bound_meff}_(OS)sum = 6.626(30)e-8
16.3 FVE
DV_DM = 1.827384e-10 +- 5e-11
DV_to_C80 = 0 +- 4e-12