Practice 5 Histograms with R

5.1 Directions

In this practice exercise, you will load data into R, and create a histogram.

5.2 R code used in the VoiceThread

# Loads the tidyverse package

# Historgram in base R

data <- diamonds


# Change the number of bins with the "breaks" argument:
hist(diamonds$price, breaks = 100)

# Histogram in ggplot2

data %>% ggplot(aes(x = price)) +
geom_histogram(bins=100, color = "black", fill="gray90")

5.3 Now you try

Use R to complete the following activities (this is just for practice you do not need to turn anything in).

  1. Plot a histogram of mpg from the mtcars dataset.
  2. Plot a histogram of mpg from the mtcars dataset using 10 bins.
  3. BONUS: Use xlim = c(0,40) to make the 10 bin histogram fit the axis better.

R Code Window
