6 Dynamic visualization of data
Install/load libraries/used data
if (!require(highcharter)) install.packages('highcharter')
if (!require(fpp3)) install.packages('fpp3')
if (!require(RColorBrewer)) install.packages('RColorBrewer')
if (!require(openxlsx)) install.packages('openxlsx')
if (!require(leaflet)) install.packages('leaflet')
if (!require(geojsonio)) install.packages('geojsonio')
if (!require(plotly)) install.packages('plotly')
if (!require(ggplot2)) install.packages('ggplot2')
if (!require(tidyverse)) install.packages('tidyverse')
In the dynamic visualization the user can interact with the graphs by hovering the mouse over the graph. This is of great interest for presenting data, especially when the data is presented on web pages as html files. We will use various libraries such as plotly
that allows us to create an interactive graph of some objects created with ggplot
, this makes our task much easier because the code is identical to the one that generates the graph with ggplot
, the only thing that changes is the call when drawing the graph that is made with the ggplotly
function. For the interactive visualization of time series we will use the highcharter
library that allows us to directly manage objects of the tsibble
type. We will also use the leaflet
library that allows us to manage geographic information and maps. This library provides an interface to work from R
with the Leaflet JavaScript library (see [Leaflet]), widely used to display geographic information and maps in a interactive.
6.1 Interactive bar charts
Using ggplotly
we will create an interactive graph with the same bar plot from the 4.3 section. As we see, the graph is generated the same. The only thing that changes is that the plot is previously stored in the variable p
and then drawn with ggplotly
. We observe that when we move the mouse over the bars, additional information appears
p <- owid_country %>%
group_by(continent) %>%
female=mean(na.omit(female_smokers))) %>%
pivot_longer(male:female, names_to = "sex", values_to = "smokers") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=continent,y=smokers,fill=sex)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity")
Figure 6.1: Stacked bar chart using geom_bar
6.2 Interactive Box Plots
Using ggplotly
we will create an interactive graph with the same boxplot from the 4.7 section. We observe that when we move the mouse over the points, additional information appears and if we move to the right of a box, statistical information on the distribution of values appears.
p <- owid_country %>%
ggplot(aes(x=continent,y=gdp_per_capit,fill=continent,label=location)) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) +
geom_jitter(shape=16, position=position_jitter(0.2))+
theme(legend.position = "none")
Figure 6.2: Interactive boxplot using ggplotly
6.3 Interactive Scatterplots
Using ggplotly
we will create an interactive graph with the same scatterplot from the 4.8 section. We observe that when we move the mouse over the points, additional information appears.
p <- owid_country %>%
mutate(gdp_per_capit=round(gdp_per_capit)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=gdp_per_capit,y=life_expectancy,color=location)) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(trans = 'log2')+
theme(legend.position = "none")
Figure 6.3: Interactive point plot using ggplotly
6.4 Interactive line charts
Based on a 2022 report from Oak Ridge National Laboratory we are going to study fuel consumption depending on the type of car and how such consumption increases with speed. The data studied in the report correspond to the miles the car travels using one gallon (3,786 liters). We are going to make an interactive line graph by passing the speed data to km/h.
VehicleConsumption <- read.xlsx("../data/ConsumoVehiculos.xlsx",startRow = 6) %>%
# Table structure
## tibble [4 × 8] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
## $ speed : num [1:4] 45 55 65 75
## $ Gasoline.Midsize.Car: num [1:4] 43 45 38 32
## $ Gasoline.Small.SUV : num [1:4] 37 36 30 26
## $ Gasoline.Large.SUV : num [1:4] 35 31 29 25
## $ Diesel.Midsize.Car : num [1:4] 57 55 45 37
## $ Diesel.Small.SUV : num [1:4] 48 45 36 30
## $ Diesel.Large.SUV : num [1:4] 48 40 35 29
## $ Hybrid.Midsize.Car : num [1:4] 55 46 38 33
p <- VehicleConsumption %>%
pivot_longer(Gasoline.Midsize.Car:Hybrid.Midsize.Car, names_to = "Car.Type", values_to = "Miles.Per.Gallon") %>%
mutate(`speed (km/h)`=speed*1.60934) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`speed (km/h)`,y=Miles.Per.Gallon,colour=Car.Type))+
Figure 6.4: Interactive line plot using ggplotly
We observe that the vehicle that travels the most miles per gallon is the mid-size diesel, and the one that travels the least is the large gasoline SUV. SUVs travel significantly fewer miles per gallon than conventional cars and as expected, the larger they are, the fewer miles they travel. The mid-size hybrid behaves much better than the mid-size gasoline one at low speeds, but at high speeds they tend to equalize, and even at 120.7 km/h the conventional one is somewhat better, probably because at those speeds the battery does not contribute to provide energy and represents additional weight for the vehicle.
Furthermore, to get an idea of how, in each type of vehicle, speed affects fuel consumption, we are going to represent the percentage in which fuel consumption varies as we increase speed from 72.4 km/h. To do this, we will take into account that consumption is inversely proportional to the distance traveled for each gallon.
for(i in 2:ncol(VehicleConsumption)){
for(j in seq(nrow(VehicleConsumption),1, by = -1)){
VehicleConsumption[j,i] <- 100*(VehicleConsumption[1,i]/VehicleConsumption[j,i]-1)
p <- VehicleConsumption %>%
pivot_longer(Gasoline.Midsize.Car:Hybrid.Midsize.Car, names_to = "Car.Type", values_to = "Percentage.Variation.Fuel.Consumed") %>%
mutate(`speed (km/h)`=speed*1.60934) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=`speed (km/h)`,y=Percentage.Variation.Fuel.Consumed,colour=Car.Type))+
Figure 6.5: Interactive line plot using ggplotly
This graph illustrates the strong increase in fuel consumption with increasing speed. In the first section, from 72.4 km/h to 88.5 km/h, the Large Diesel SUV and the mid-size Hybrid are the ones that increase consumption the most (20%). The smallest cars are the ones that behave best in this section and the gasoline one even reduces consumption. When we continue to increase speed, all types of vehicles sharply increase consumption in a range that goes from 34.4% in the case of medium-sized gasoline cars to 66.6% in the case of hybrids.
The main conclusions drawn from these data are:
Conventional cars are significantly more fuel efficient than SUVs.
Large SUVs are less efficient than small SUVs but the difference between them is not very big.
In terms of consumption, diesel engines are more efficient than gasoline engines, although when speed is increased their consumption tends to increase more than gasoline engines.
Hybrids are significantly more efficient than conventional ones at low speeds, but at high speeds the battery does not contribute to provide energy which deteriorates the performance.
Reducing speed is a determining factor in reducing fuel consumption.
6.5 Interactive time series
Using hchart
we will create an interactive chart with the same time series illustrated in the 5.2 section. We observe that when we move the mouse over the time series, additional information appears
owid_population <- read_csv("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/owid_population.csv") %>%
as_tibble() %>%
Entity == "World" |
Entity == "Europe" |
Entity == "Asia" |
Entity == "Africa")
date = owid_population$Year,
population = owid_population$`Population (historical estimates)`,
location = owid_population$Entity,
index = date,
key = location) %>%
hchart("line",hcaes(x = date, y = population, group = location))
Figure 6.6: Interactive time series chart using hchart
6.6 Interactive heat maps
Using ggplotly
we will create an interactive graph with the same heatmap illustrated in the 4.13 section. We notice that when we move the mouse over the heat map grids, additional information appears.
p <- sel_owid_country %>%
pivot_longer(population:human_development_index, names_to = "indicator", values_to = "value") %>%
ggplot(aes(indicator,location,fill=value)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_gradientn(colors = brewer.pal(9, 'YlOrRd'))+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust=1))
ggplotly(p, tooltip=c("indicator","location","value"))
Figure 6.7: Heatmap of some normalized European indicators dividing by their maximum
6.7 Geographic information
Frequently, the data we handle is linked to geographic locations (countries, municipalities, etc.) and when exploring this data, it is of great interest to position the data in a graph, according to its geographic location. To do this, the graph must include the geographical location of the regions of interest. There are different types of object formats that allow this geographic information to be stored on disk. We will use the geojson
format which can be interpreted as a data table where one of the fields is special and contains the coordinates of a polygon that delimits the edge (or contour) of the region. When reading a file in geojson
format, it is loaded into an object of type SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Countries of the world
Let’s see a first example with geographic information of the countries of the world. The geometric information of the borders of the countries has been obtained, in the geojson
format, from the website datahub, subsequently, we simplify the geometry of the borders of the countries and we reduce the file size using the application mapshaper.org. Next we read
the file using the geojson_read
function of the geojsonio
library. As we have mentioned, there is a special field for each country
which contains a polygon with the outline of the country. To explore the rest of the fields in the table, we convert it to tibble
; by doing this, the special field with the geographic data disappears. As we can
observe, these fields are the name of the country and its identification code.
geoj <- geojson_read("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/geo_countries.geojson", what = "sp")
geoj %>% as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 255 × 2
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 Aruba ABW
## 2 Afghanistan AFG
## 3 Angola AGO
## 4 Anguilla AIA
## 5 Albania ALB
## 6 Aland ALA
## 7 Andorra AND
## 8 United Arab Emirates ARE
## 9 Argentina ARG
## 10 Armenia ARM
## # ℹ 245 more rows
Our next objective is to show an interactive graph where the countries appear and when passing the
mouse over a country, its name and identification code appear. We will use the leaflet
library which is an interface for R from a reference software
to make interactive graphics on the web. The first thing to do is to create
a vector with the labels, in HTML
format, that we want to appear associated
to each country. It must be taken into account that in HTML
to delimit bold text,
we use the code <strong>
and to make a line break we use the code <br>
. To encode the whole text as HTML we use the htmltools::HTML
Next, we create the graph with the leaflet
function and add the polygons
of country outlines including the labels.
tags <-paste("<strong> Country: ",geoj$ADMIN ,"</strong><br>ISO: ",geoj$ISO_A3) %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>%
setView(lng = 5, lat = 22, zoom = 2) %>%
addPolygons(label = tags,weight = 0.5)
Figure 6.8: Interactive visualization of the countries of the world using leaflet
6.7.1 States of the United States
Now we will do the same for the states of the United States. To do this we will read the graphic data from the site https://eric.clst.org/ that has processed and simplified the data obtained from the United States Census Cartographic Boundary Files
geoj <- geojson_read("https://eric.clst.org/assets/wiki/uploads/Stuff/gz_2010_us_040_00_20m.json", what = "sp")
geoj %>% as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 52 × 5
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 0400000US04 04 Arizona "" 113594.
## 2 0400000US05 05 Arkansas "" 52035.
## 3 0400000US06 06 California "" 155779.
## 4 0400000US08 08 Colorado "" 103642.
## 5 0400000US09 09 Connecticut "" 4842.
## 6 0400000US11 11 District of Columbia "" 61.0
## 7 0400000US13 13 Georgia "" 57513.
## 8 0400000US15 15 Hawaii "" 6423.
## 9 0400000US17 17 Illinois "" 55519.
## 10 0400000US18 18 Indiana "" 35826.
## # ℹ 42 more rows
In the interactive graph we use the names of the states as tags:
tags <-paste("<strong> State:<br>",geoj$NAME ,"</strong>") %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>%
setView(lng = -97, lat = 40, zoom = 4) %>%
addPolygons(label = tags,weight = 0.5)
Figure 6.9: Interactive visualization of USA states using leaflet
Municipalities of the Canary Islands
In this case, the file with the geographical data published by ISTAC has been used.
geoj <- geojson_read("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/geo_canarias_municipios.geojson", what = "sp")
geoj %>% as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 88 × 19
## geocode geopadre etiqueta notas granularidad gcd_provincia gcd_isla
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 35001 ES705A22 Agaete Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES705
## 2 35002 ES705A32 Agüimes Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES705
## 3 35003 ES704A01 Antigua Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES704
## 4 35004 ES708A01 Arrecife Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES708
## 5 35005 ES705A23 Artenara Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES705
## 6 35006 ES705A10 Arucas Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES705
## 7 35007 ES704A01 Betancuria Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES704
## 8 35008 ES705A21 Firgas Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES705
## 9 35009 ES705A22 Gáldar Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES705
## 10 35010 ES708A02 Haría Ayuntamiento… MUNICIPIOS ES701 ES708
## # ℹ 78 more rows
## # ℹ 12 more variables: gcd_grancomarca <chr>, gcd_comarca <chr>, ign_sup <dbl>,
## # ign_perim <dbl>, utm_x <dbl>, utm_y <dbl>, longitud <dbl>, latitud <dbl>,
## # utm_x_capi <dbl>, utm_y_capi <dbl>, long_capi <dbl>, lati_capi <dbl>
For each municipality we are going to show its name, its geocode, its latitude and its longitude:
tags <-paste("<strong> Municipality: ",geoj$tag ,"</strong><br>GEOCODE: ",geoj$geocode,
"<br> longitude ",geoj$longitud,
"<br>latitude: ",geoj$latitud) %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>%
addPolygons(label = tags,weight = 0.5)
Figure 6.10: Interactive visualization of the municipalities of the Canary Islands using leaflet
Data from Spain
The geographical data of Spain have been obtained through GADM
geoj <- geojson_read("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/geo_spain_autonomias.geojson", what = "sp")
geoj %>% as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 18 × 11
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 ESP.1… ESP Spain Andal… Andalous… NA Comun… Autonomo… 01 ES.AN
## 2 ESP.2… ESP Spain Aragón Aragão|A… NA Comun… Autonomo… 15 ES.AR
## 3 ESP.3… ESP Spain Canta… Cantàbri… NA Comun… Autonomo… 06 ES.CB
## 4 ESP.4… ESP Spain Casti… Castela-… NA Comun… Autonomo… 08 ES.CM
## 5 ESP.5… ESP Spain Casti… Castilea… NA Comun… Autonomo… 07 ES.CL
## 6 ESP.6… ESP Spain Catal… Catalogn… NA Comun… Autonomo… 09 ES.CT
## 7 ESP.7… ESP Spain Ceuta… NA NA Ciuda… Autonomo… 19 ES.ML
## 8 ESP.8… ESP Spain Comun… Madrid|C… NA Comun… Autonomo… NA ES.MD
## 9 ESP.9… ESP Spain Comun… Communau… NA Comun… Autonomo… 15 ES.NA
## 10 ESP.1… ESP Spain Comun… Valencia… NA Comun… Autonomo… 10 ES.VC
## 11 ESP.1… ESP Spain Extre… Estremad… NA Comun… Autonomo… 11 ES.EX
## 12 ESP.1… ESP Spain Galic… Galice|G… NA Comun… Autonomo… 12 ES.GA
## 13 ESP.1… ESP Spain Islas… Balearic… NA Comun… Autonomo… 04 ES.PM
## 14 ESP.1… ESP Spain Islas… Canarias… NA Comun… Autonomo… 05 ES.CN
## 15 ESP.1… ESP Spain LaRio… Rioja NA Comun… Autonomo… 17 ES.LO
## 16 ESP.1… ESP Spain PaísV… BasqueCo… NA Comun… Autonomo… 16 ES.PV
## 17 ESP.1… ESP Spain Princ… Astúrias… NA Comun… Autonomo… 03 ES.AS
## 18 ESP.1… ESP Spain Regió… Murcia|R… NA Comun… Autonomo… 14 ES.MU
## # ℹ 1 more variable: ISO_1 <chr>
tags <-geoj$NAME_1 %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>%
addPolygons(label = tags,weight = 0.5)
Figure 6.11: Interactive visualization of the autonomies of Spain using leaflet
We are going to show the provinces of Andalucía:
geoj <- geojson_read("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/geo_spain_provincias.geojson", what = "sp") %>%
geoj %>% as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 8 × 13
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… NA Almer… NA NA Provi…
## 2 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… NA Cádiz NA NA Provi…
## 3 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… NA Córdo… NA NA Provi…
## 4 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… NA Grana… NA NA Provi…
## 5 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… NA Huelva NA NA Provi…
## 6 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… NA Jaén NA NA Provi…
## 7 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… NA Málaga NA NA Provi…
## 8 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… NA Sevil… NA NA Provi…
## # ℹ 3 more variables: ENGTYPE_2 <chr>, CC_2 <chr>, HASC_2 <chr>
tags <-geoj$NAME_2 %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>%
addPolygons(label = tags,weight = 0.5)
Figure 6.12: Interactive visualization of the provinces of Andalucía using leaflet
In this case, the table has been filtered, using the subset
function so that only
the provinces of Andalucía are drawn
Now let’s show the municipalities of Andalucía:
geoj <- geojson_read("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/geo_spain_municipios.geojson", what = "sp") %>%
geoj %>% as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 783 × 14
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Albán… NA
## 2 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Albox NA
## 3 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Alcón… NA
## 4 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Arbol… NA
## 5 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Armuñ… NA
## 6 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Bacar… NA
## 7 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Bayar… NA
## 8 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Canto… NA
## 9 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Cherc… NA
## 10 ESP.1.… ESP Spain ESP.… Andal… ESP.… Almer… ESP.… n.a.(… Fines NA
## # ℹ 773 more rows
## # ℹ 3 more variables: TYPE_4 <chr>, ENGTYPE_4 <chr>, CC_4 <chr>
tags <- geoj$NAME_4 %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>%
addPolygons(label = tags,weight = 0.5)
Figure 6.13: Interactive visualization of the municipalities of Andalucía using leaflet
6.8 Maps with OpenStreetMap
uses, by default, maps designed by OpenStreetMap to create maps.
First of all, we are going to create a map with the Canary Islands where a label appears in the position where the municipalities are located. To do this, we are going to read the geographical data of the Canarian municipalities:
geoj <- geojson_read("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/geo_canarias_municipios.geojson", what = "sp")
geoj_ti <- geoj %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rename(name=etiqueta) %>%
geoj_ti %>%
## # A tibble: 88 × 3
## name latitud longitud
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Agaete 28.1 -15.7
## 2 Agüimes 27.9 -15.5
## 3 Antigua 28.4 -13.9
## # ℹ 85 more rows
In the geoj_ti
tibble we have selected the name, longitude and latitude of the municipalities that we will now use to create the map:
tags <- paste("<strong>",geoj_ti$name,"</strong>") %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>% # creating chart from geoj
addTiles() %>% # add map
addMarkers( # add markers
geoj_ti$longitud, # marker longitude
geoj_ti$latitud,# latitude marker
label = tags, # labels markers
clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions() # option to group markers
Figure 6.14: Interactive map with markers in the location of the Canarian municipalities
Next we are going to create a map with circles whose area is proportional to the surface of the Canary Islands municipalities. As the surface of the Canary Islands municipalities is not in the geometric object geoj
we have to look for them in another table where it is found and link it. Since geoj
does not contain the INE identifier of the municipality, we have to compare the names of the municipalities to link the data
# We read a file that contains the surface area and the INE code of the municipalities
istac_municipios <- read.xlsx("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/istac_municipios_ine_codes.xlsx") %>%
istac_municipios %>%
## # A tibble: 88 × 6
## ine_code nombre nombre2 nombre3 isla superficie
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 38001 Adeje Adeje Adeje Tenerife 106.
## 2 35001 Agaete Agaete Agaete Gran Canaria 45.5
## 3 35002 Agüimes Agüimes Agüimes Gran Canaria 79.3
## # ℹ 85 more rows
# We compare the name of the municipality in `geoj_ti` with the names in `istac_municipios`
index <- LeftJoinNearestString(geoj_ti%>%select(name),istac_municipios%>%select(nombre:nombre3))
index %>%
filter(dis>0) %>%
arrange(desc(dis)) %>%
## # A tibble: 5 × 4
## pos value1 value2 dis
## <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 50 El Pinar de El Hierro Pinar del Hierro (El) 10
## 2 39 La Matanza de Acentejo Matanza de Acentejo (La) 8
## 3 42 La Victoria de Acentejo Victoria de Acentejo (La) 8
## 4 61 San Sebastián de La Gomera San Sebastián de la Gomera 1
## 5 63 Santa Cruz de La Palma Santa Cruz de la Palma 1
# After checking that the correspondences are correct we create the ine_code for `geoj_ti`
ine_code <- integer(length(geoj_ti$name))
for(i in 1:length(ine_code) ){
ine_code[i] <- istac_municipios$ine_code[index$pos[i]]
geoj_ti$ine_code <- ine_code
# We make a left_join of `geoj_ti` and `istac_municipios` using `ine_code`
join <- left_join(geoj_ti,istac_municipios,by = "ine_code")
join %>%
## # A tibble: 88 × 9
## name latitud longitud ine_code nombre nombre2 nombre3 isla superficie
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Agaete 28.1 -15.7 35001 Agaete Agaete Agaete Gran Can… 45.5
## 2 Agüimes 27.9 -15.5 35002 Agüimes Agüimes Agüimes Gran Can… 79.3
## 3 Antigua 28.4 -13.9 35003 Antigua Antigua Antigua Fuerteve… 251.
## # ℹ 85 more rows
Finally we create the map with the circles, in the labels we put join$nombre3
as the name of the municipality, which is the field that contains the short name of the municipality.
tags <- paste("<strong>",join$nombre3,"</strong><br/>",join$superficie," Km2") %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>% # creating chart from geoj
addTiles() %>% # add map
addCircles( # add circles
lng = join$longitud, # longitude circles
lat = join$latitud, # latitude circles
weight = 1, # thickness outer edge circles
radius = sqrt(join$superficie) * 300, # radius of the circle
label= tags #labels
Figure 6.15: Interactive map with circles proportional to the surface of the Canarian municipalities
Now we create a map, centered on Gran Canaria, where the limits of each municipality appear combined with the map.
tags <- paste("<strong>",join$nombre3,"</strong><br/>",join$superficie," Km2") %>%
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>% # creating chart from geoj
setView(lng = -15.6, lat = 27.95, zoom = 10) %>% # center position and zoom
addTiles() %>% # add map
addPolygons( # add municipal limits
color = "blue", # municipality border color
weight = 2, # municipality border thickness
dashArray = "3", # dashed municipality border line
fillOpacity = 0., # the interior of the municipality polygon is transparent
highlightOptions = highlightOptions( #hover options
color = "black", # highlight color
weight = 4, # raised border thickness
dashArray = "", # continuous municipality border line
fillOpacity = 0., # the interior of the municipality polygon is transparent
bringToFront = TRUE # the highlight effect is overlaid
label = tags # labels that are displayed in the highlight of the municipalities.
Figure 6.16: Interactive visualization of the map with the drawn limits of the municipalities of the Canary Islands using leaflet
6.9 Choropleth maps
A choropleth map is a graph divided into different parts (for example geographic areas) in which each part is colored differently depending on the value of a numerical variable. To illustrate this concept we will draw a graph with the countries of the world, using their GDP per inhabitant as numerical variable. First of all, we read the geographical information:
geoj <- geojson_read("https://ctim.es/AEDV/data/geo_countries.geojson", what = "sp")
geoj_ti <- geoj %>% as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 255 × 2
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 Aruba ABW
## 2 Afghanistan AFG
## 3 Angola AGO
## 4 Anguilla AIA
## 5 Albania ALB
## 6 Aland ALA
## 7 Andorra AND
## 8 United Arab Emirates ARE
## 9 Argentina ARG
## 10 Armenia ARM
## # ℹ 245 more rows
Next, since the GDP per capita data is not in this table, we will take it from the table owid_country
, and we will do a left_join
with this table using as
common field the ISO country code (which has a different field name in the two tables):
## # A tibble: 255 × 18
## ADMIN ISO_A3 location continent population median_age life_expectancy
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Aruba ABW Aruba North Am… 106459 41.2 76.3
## 2 Afghanistan AFG Afghanistan Asia 41128772 18.6 64.8
## 3 Angola AGO Angola Africa 35588996 16.8 61.2
## 4 Anguilla AIA Anguilla North Am… 15877 NA 81.9
## 5 Albania ALB Albania Europe 2842318 38 78.6
## # ℹ 250 more rows
## # ℹ 11 more variables: aged_65_older <dbl>, aged_70_older <dbl>,
## # gdp_per_capit <dbl>, extreme_poverty <dbl>, cardiovasc_death_rat <dbl>,
## # diabetes_prevalence <dbl>, female_smokers <dbl>, male_smokers <dbl>,
## # handwashing_facilities <dbl>, hospital_beds_per_thousand <dbl>,
## # human_development_index <dbl>
Next we generate the choropleth map and then we will explain the new elements that appear:
tags <-paste("<strong> ",join$ADMIN ,"</strong><br>GDP/CAPITA: ",round(join$gdp_per_capit)) %>%
pal <- colorQuantile("YlOrRd", join$gdp_per_capit, n = 9)
geoj %>%
leaflet() %>%
setView(lng = 5, lat = 22, zoom = 2) %>%
fillColor = ~pal(join$gdp_per_capit),
weight = 2,
opacity = 1,
color = "white",
dashArray = "3",
fillOpacity = 0.7,
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
weight = 2,
color = rgb(0.2,0.2,0.2),
dashArray = "",
fillOpacity = 0.7,
bringToFront = TRUE
label = tags
) %>%
addLegend("bottomleft", pal = pal, values = join$gdp_per_capit,
title = "GDP/habit.",
labFormat = function(type, cuts, p) {
n = length(cuts)
as.character(round((as.integer(cuts)[-n] + as.integer(cuts)[-1])/2))
opacity = 1
Figure 6.17: Interactive visualization of GDP per capita in the countries of the world
The statement pal <- colorQuantile("YlOrRd", join$gdp_per_capit, n = 9)
a color palette associating the percentiles of the GDP per capita values
with the “YlOrRd” color chart.
The statement fillColor = ~pal(join$gdp_per_capit)
uses the color palette
generated to assign colors to countries.
The highlightOptions = ...
instruction causes that when the mouse is hovered over
a country, the boundary of the country is highlighted. The rest of the different elements that appear are parameters of the different functions.
The addLegend(...)
statement positions a legend at the bottom left of the chart with the palette colors and the reference numeric value for that color.
[Ca] Cartography Vectors.
[Hi21] Asha Hill. 9 Useful R Data Visualization Packages for Data Visualization, 2021.
[Ka20] Rob Kabacoff. Data Visualization with R, 2020.
[Leaflet] Leaflet for R.
[Open] OpenDataSoft
[Sthda] STHDA Statistical tools for high-throughput data analysis.
[Ho] Yan Holtz. The R Graph Gallery.
[DataNovia] Highchart Lessons. Datanovia.