Chapter 1 Introduction

About us:

We are a student-led consulting group within the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program at Montclair State University, founded in 2019. We look at ourselves as hard-working, driven students who wish to strengthen MSU’s I/O Psychology program, as well as learn outside of the classroom to build upon our skills and knowledge. We pride ourselves with strong involvement in local and national I/O groups, namely METRO and SIOP.

Our mission:

Eagle I.O is established to provide students practical and applied learning experiences to develop skills aligned with their personal and professional goals. The group collaborates to execute a variety of I/O internal and external projects. Eagle I.O strives to prepare students to succeed after integrating into the workforce post-graduation.

What we do:

We are responsible for executing various projects. Our main project is developing an Engagement survey, which we wish to distribute to external organizations. We also run a mentorship program within the MSU I/O program, where we train most of the 2nd year graduate students to guide the new students into becoming successful students themselves. Additionally, we host a variety of events, such as new student orientation, networking opportunities, and casual hangouts.