Chapter 3 Internal Operations

3.1 Meetings

Regarding time expectations of Eagle I.O members:

  • Meetings are mandatory - there is one excused absence per academic semester (Fall and Spring)
    • If you miss more than one meeting, and cannot call or make other arrangements for your virtual attendence, you will be put on probation (1 semester term)
    • If you miss another meeting while on probation you will be expelled from Eagle I.O and fed to Sir pSyCaDeLiCaT in an agonizingly painful yet exceedingly beautiful ceremony

3.2 Consultant development plan

Each consultant, in collaboration with one of the faculty advisors, will complete an individual development plan that is specific to their individualized developmental goals within Eagle I.O. A template plan is available here. Example skills to consider developing within Eagle I.O functions include professional, I/O content-domain specific, and/or technical (R-oriented) skills.

The intent is for each student member to meet with a Faculty Advisor in April of their 1st year of Eagle I.O participation to determine at least one personal consultant goal that will be accomplished prior to graduation from the MSU I/O program. Each student is also expected to meet with a Faculty Advisor toward the end of the Fall semester (of their second semester of Eagle I.O participation) to monitor goal progress.

3.3 Structure

As of Winter 2022, the formal roles of Eagle I.O are:

  • Faculty roles:
    • Advisor (primary)
    • Advisor (mentorship)
  • Student roles:
    • Governance officer
    • Engagement officer
    • Social media and website coordinator
    • Student mentorship coordinator
    • Alumni mentorship coordinator
    • Event coordinator
    • Parliamentarian
    • R mentor
    • Executive consultant

The following chart is somewhat showing off interactive graphs generated by R, but if you hover over a role, you will also get a sense of interdependencies (e.g., estimates of which other roles are most intertwined with the role of focus). Directionality is implied in the figure, although the actual execution of all interactions is intended to be bi-directional.


Additional roles can be assigned on an as needed (e.g., project-by-project) basis. The primary responsibilities of these position holders are presented below. Note that role holders are responsible for the accomplishment of their assigned duties, but they are expected to execute tasks within teams (e.g., they are not expected to “do all of the work” on their own).

Faculty Advisor:

  • Long-term visioning (5-year plan)
  • Annual goal-setting and monitoring (projects, clients, research)
  • Budgeting and staffing

Faculty Mentorship Coordinator:

  • Establish and maintain alumni contact list
  • Integrate alumni and current student populations
  • Assist Mentorship Coordinator with program management

Governance Officer:

  • Acts as project manager using Trello to track each member’s progress within their roles, members’ involvement in projects, and project updates
  • Uses Excel to organize members’ involvement in projects
  • Ensures group dynamic is working
  • Leads membership recruitment and selection process
  • Coordinates midyear check-ins with all members
  • GroupMe coordinator
  • E-mail the recommended course registration options to students (two weeks prior to registration period)

Event Coordinator:

  • Creates events
  • Reimbursement process manager for event costs (make sure to give 2-weeks advance notice to the Psychology Department)
    • Keeps track of event attendance
    • Facilitates event set-up and execution
  • Coordinate logistics of annual events (orientation, mid-year soiree, SIOP, etc)
  • Communicates events to students via e-mail
  • Obtains graduation stoles and/or cords for graduating members of Eagle I.O

Engagement Coordinator:

  • Support all aspects of the engagement survey development and validation up to and including submitting conference presentations and articles
  • Manage the administration of the survey including gathering new participants as needed
  • Norms development and maintenance
  • Ongoing validation studies and technical report generation
  • Manage research team, delegate tasks and monitor progress of team

Student Mentorship Coordinator:

  • Leads email communications for the mentorship program (interest, check-in surveys, feedback surveys, etc.)
  • Keeps track of respondents on surveys and follows-up with people who haven’t responded
  • Contacts the Parliamentarian as needed to access current and incoming student contact lists
  • Holds mentors/mentees accountable and keeps track of their progress
  • Leads mini team for mentor-mentee pairing process
  • Ensures all interested students are paired
  • Updates the mentorship manual

Alumni Mentorship Coordinator:

  • Updates and keeps track of current student and alumni contact lists
  • Leads continuous recruitment of alumni
  • Communicates mentorship guidelines to mentors and mentees on how to be successful in the mentorship program
  • Holds mentors/mentees accountable and keeps track of their progress
  • Leads mini team for mentor-mentee pairing process
  • Ensures all interested students have a mentor
  • Evaluates the success of the alumni mentorship program
  • Updates the mentorship manual


  • Emails members reminders of important tasks to work on before the next bi-weekly meeting
  • Frequently monitors Eagle I.O email account
  • Takes notes during meetings and uploads to share drive
  • Works with faculty advisor to create each bi-weekly meeting agenda2
  • Surveys members to set the bi-weekly meeting time at the beginning of each semester
  • Organizes and maintains organization of the Eagle I.O Google Drive
  • Updates contact lists for current students (once per semester)
    • this is done on the Eagle I.O gmail account

Social Media & Website Coordinator:

  • Maintains and updates the Eagle I.O website
  • Maintains and updates and
    • Eagle I.O members will provide posts (e.g., current project information) to be edited and officially posted by the coordinator
  • Creates new Eagle I.O social media pages as needed (such as Facebook or Instagram)
  • Connects with other consultant groups to grow our network


  • Update -authored resources (such as this manual)
  • Leads a mini team that creates and presents tutorials during bi-weekly Eagle I.O meetings as needed3
  • Creates tutorials for other resources (e.g., GitHub, rmarkdown, bookdown)
  • Acts as a mentor and guides others trying to build their skills in

Executive Consultant:4

  • Be accessible as a resource to other members of the group
  • Share in the management and governance of Eagle I.O
  • Be continuously involved in at least one project
  • Assist with responsibilities of other roles
  • Multiple members can hold this role

Roles must make use of mini-teams as much as possible to foster more learning opportunities for everyone and distribute responsibilities amongst others. Roles should inform the group of project and mini-team updates, and consistently update Trello and Excel on their project leads.

  1. Allots 1-2 minutes in the agenda for each member to provide quick project updates Reaches out to projects leads to ask if they would like additional time in the agenda to speak about their project↩︎

  2. Mini team allows others to build skills in R and prevents the R Mentor from becoming the sole student skilled and in charge of R products↩︎

  3. Role for students who already had a formal role for two semesters, are still in the I/O program, and continuing their Eagle I.O membership↩︎