Chapter 2 Membership

All members are expected to participate approximately 8 hours per week, although there is quite a bit of variability around this number depending on current projects. Members are furthermore expected to be reasonably available over Winter and Summer breaks.

2.1 Current members…

…need to attend all Eagle I.O meetings (unless there is a legitimate reason for absence), maintain a GPA greater than 3.5, actively participate both within the group and with the products, and lead at least one project within their first 2 semesters of membership.

2.2 New members…

…need to attend all meetings in the latter half of the Spring semester, maintain a GPA greater than 3.5, engage in OCB’s, be responsive to professors, and actively contribute to the program culture at MSU.

2.2.1 Opportunity for late admission1

Under special circumstances (as discussed by all members of Eagle I.O) students may be allowed to join outside the period of recruitment. The decision for membership must be discussed by all current members of Eagle I.O and be unanimous.

Currently, Eagle I.O is limited to a maximum 10 student member cap.

If the current occupancy of Eagle I.O is less than 10, then there is a list of minimum requirements to be met prior to being accepted into Eagle I.O:

  • 1 semester of enrollment within the MSU I/O Psychology program
  • 3.8 GPA
  • At least 1 semester remaining in the program
  • Involvement in the mentorship program
  • Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCBs) - such as presence at events or hangouts

2.3 Eagle I.O expectations (all members)

Regardless of whether a new or continuing member, all student consultants are held to the following expectations:

  • Coordinate and attend Fall semester orientation session
  • Attend mandatory bi-weekly meetings during Fall and Spring semesters
    • Stay active and engaged during summer
  • Be a professional ambassador (aligned with: 1) Eagle, 2) MSU, and 3) the larger discipline of I-O Psychology)
    • Attend Eagle I.O events (METRO, social meetings, mentor meetings)
  • Contribute to at least one Eagle I.O project (mentorship program, survey developments)
  • Annually review (and update if warranted) the Mentorship and Consultant manuals
  • Participate as a mentor in the Mentorship program
  • Meet the specific role requirements
    • Successfully execute the responsibilities of the assigned role

2.4 Eagle I.O KSA’s (all members)

Regardless of whether a new or continuing member, the expectations are that student consultants will be reasonably characterized as:

  • Ability to work in a team-based environment
  • Be receptive to group members’ opinions and suggestions
  • Take initiative to develop current and future projects
  • Ability to communicate verbally and in writing
  • Critical thinking
  • Self-motivation
  • Being flexible
  • Determination and persistence
  • Ability to organize

2.5 Conflict

Eagle I.O members are expected to behave maturely and engage with other members in a respectful and understanding manner. Should arguments and/or disagreements occur regarding decision-making, the faculty advisor has the final say.

If continuous conflict originates from a singular member against the rest of the group, that member will be placed on probation for one semester at the discretion of the faculty advisor.

Once the member returns from their probation, if they continue to engage in aggressive and/or disrespectful behaviors towards the other members, they will be executed.

  1. If there is an interested student who is unable to join due to the group being “full” (or due to personal time constraints), they are permitted to join any mini-team within Eagle I.O.↩︎