Chapter 6 Appendix

6.1 Sequential Guassian Simulation (R Code)


library(gstat)                                 # geostatistical methods by Edzer Pebesma
library(sp)                                    # spatial points addition to regular 
                                               # data frames
library(plyr)                                  # manipulating data by Hadley Wickham 
library(fields)                                # required for the image plots

nx = 45                                       # number of cells in the x direction
ny = 45                                       # number of cells in the y direction
xsize = 10.0                                   # extent of cells in x direction
ysize = 10.0                                   # extent of cells in y direction

xmin = 0
ymin = 0
xmax = xmin + nx * xsize
ymax = ymin + ny * ysize
x<-seq(xmin,xmax,by=xsize)                     # used for axes on image plots

colmap = topo.colors(100)                      # define the color map and 
                                               # descritation

nscore <- function(x) {                        # by Ashton Shortridge, 2008
  # Takes a vector of values x and calculates their normal scores. Returns 
  # a list with the scores and an ordered table of original values and
  # scores, which is useful as a back-transform table. See backtr().
  nscore <- qqnorm(x, = FALSE)$x  # normal score 
  trn.table <- data.frame(x=sort(x),nscore=sort(nscore))
  return (list(nscore=nscore, trn.table=trn.table))
addcoord <- function(nx,xmin,xsize,ny,ymin,ysize) { # Michael Pyrcz, March, 2018                      
  # makes a 2D dataframe with coordinates based on GSLIB specification
  coords = matrix(nrow = nx*ny,ncol=2)
  ixy = 1
  for(iy in 1:nx) {
    for(ix in 1:ny) {
      coords[ixy,1] = xmin + (ix-1)*xsize  
      coords[ixy,2] = ymin + (iy-1)*ysize 
      ixy = ixy + 1
  coords.df = data.frame(coords)
  colnames(coords.df) <- c("X","Y")
  coordinates(coords.df) =~X+Y
  return (coords.df)
sim2darray <- function(spdataframe,nx,ny,ireal) { # Michael Pyrcz, March, 2018                      
  # makes a 2D array from realizations spatial point dataframe
  model = matrix(nrow = nx,ncol = ny)
  ixy = 1
  for(iy in 1:ny) {
    for(ix in 1:nx) {
      model[ix,iy] = spdataframe@data[ixy,ireal]  
      ixy = ixy + 1
  return (model)

sim2vector <- function(spdataframe,nx,ny,ireal) { # Michael Pyrcz, March, 2018                      
  # makes a 1D vector from spatial point dataframe
  model = rep(0,nx*ny)
  ixy = 1
  for(iy in 1:ny) {
    for(ix in 1:nx) {
      model[ixy] = spdataframe@data[ixy,ireal]  
      ixy = ixy + 1
  return (model)


cumdata <- matrix(0,nrow = 1500,ncol = 4)
cumdata <-
for (i in 1:1){
  sample <- matrix(data.matrix(mydata1[i,2:9]),nrow = 4,ncol = 2)
  locdata <- data.frame(rbind(matrix(c(23,23),nrow = 1,ncol = 2),sample))
  locgrid <- matrix(0,nrow=5,ncol = 2)
  for (k in 1:5) {
    locgrid[k,1] <- (locdata[k,1]-1)*xsize + 5
    locgrid[k,2] <- (locdata[k,2]-1)*ysize + 5 
  m <- 500
  s <- 100
  location <- log(m^2 / sqrt(s^2 + m^2))
  shape <- sqrt(log(1 + (s^2 / m^2)))
  Perm <- matrix(rlnorm(5,location,shape),nrow = 5,ncol = 1)
  logperm <- log10(Perm)
  logperm <- matrix(logperm,nrow = 5,ncol = 1)
  mydata2 <- data.frame(cbind(locgrid,Perm,logperm))
  z <- i*5
  cumdata[j:z,1:4] <- mydata2
  colnames(mydata2) <- c('X','Y','Perm','logperm')
coordinates(mydata2) = ~X+Y  

npor.trn = nscore(mydata2$logperm)              # normal scores transform
mydata2[["NPermeability"]]<-npor.trn$nscore     # append the normal scores transform 

cuts = c(2.4,2.45,2.5,2.65,2.7,2.8,2.9)
cuts.var = c(0.05,.1,.15,.20,.25,.3,.35,.4,.45,.5,.55,.6,.65,.7,.75,.8,.85,.9,.95)

spplot(mydata2, "logperm", do.log = TRUE,      # location map of porosity data,y=0.97,corner=c(0,1)),cuts = cuts,
       scales=list(draw=T),xlab = "X (m)", ylab = "Y (m)",main ="Permeability (Log(K)), 
       in md")

  coords <- addcoord(nx,xmin,xsize,ny,ymin,ysize) # make a dataframe with 
                                                #all the estimation locations
#summary(coords)                                 # check the coordinates

sill = var(mydata2$logperm)                    # calculate the variance of the property 
                                                #of interest as the sill
min = min(mydata2$logperm)                     # calculate the property min and max 
                                                #for plotting
max = max(mydata2$logperm)               
zlim = c(min,max)            # define the property min and max in a 2x1 vextor

vm.nug1 <- vgm(psill =0.5*sill, "Sph", 200, anis = c(000, 1.0),nugget=0.5*sill)
condsim.nug1 = krige(logperm~1, mydata2, coords, model = vm.nug1, nmax = 100, nsim = 10)

real1 <- sim2darray(condsim.nug1,nx,ny,1)     # extract realization #1 to a
                                              #  2D array and plot
zlim = c(min(10^real1),max(10^real1)),
           col=colmap,legend.shrink = 0.6);
mtext(line=1, side=3, "Realization #1", outer=F);box(which="plot")

real2 <- sim2darray(condsim.nug1,nx,ny,2)     # extract realization #2 to a
                                              #2D array and plot
zlim =c(min(10^real2),max(10^real2)) ,
           col=colmap,legend.shrink = 0.6);
mtext(line=1, side=3, "Realization #2", outer=F);box(which="plot")

real3 <- sim2darray(condsim.nug1,nx,ny,3)      # extract realization #3 to a
                                               # 2D array and plot
image.plot(10^real3,x=x,y=y,xlab="X(m)",ylab="Y(m)",zlim = c(min(10^real3),max(10^real3)),
           col=colmap,legend.shrink = 0.6);
mtext(line=1, side=3, "Realization #3", outer=F);box(which="plot")

real4 <- sim2darray(condsim.nug1,nx,ny,4)      # extract realization #4 to a
                                               #2D array and plot
zlim = c(min(10^real4),max(10^real4)),
           col=colmap,legend.shrink = 0.6);
mtext(line=1, side=3, "Realization #4", outer=F);box(which="plot")


6.2 Calculation of Connectivities (FMM) for 5-Spot Pattern (Python Code)

!pip install pandas
!pip install numpy
!pip install pandas
!pip install seaborn
!pip install scikit-fmm

import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import skfmm

loc_well = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[30,80,11,19,18,12,87,88]]),
                   columns=['X1', 'X2', 'X3','X4','Y1','Y2','Y3','Y4'])

input = pd.DataFrame(np.array([(np.arange(1,18))]),
columns=['ConI1I2', 'ConI1I3', 'ConI1I4',

import timeit
start = timeit.default_timer()
ss='C:\\Users\\243886\\OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger\\ML-5spot-SGS\\R&\\En$'
pathnew=ss.replace("&", ii)
pathnews=pathnew.replace("$", jj)
speed = speed.iloc[:,0:100]
phi[49, 49]=0
PV=(sum(sum(TimeFMM_hr<TimeFMM_hr[49, 49])))/10000
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print('Time: ', stop - start)  


6.3 XGBOOST Machine Learning Model (R Code)

setwd("C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger/ML-5spot-SGS/Rcode")
NPVpl <- data.frame(N)
NPVpl <- NPVpl[, c(1)]
input1 <- data.frame(input)
geoin <- read.csv('INPUTPCA489.csv',nrows = F)
Final_Input <- cbind(input1,NPVpl)
install.packages(c("e1071", "caret", "doSNOW", "ipred", "xgboost"))
train <- INPUT
# Data Wrangling
# Set up factors.
# Subset data to features we wish to keep/use.

features <- c('MC1','MC2','MC3','MC4','MPV','NPVpl')
train <- train[, features]

# Split Data

# Use caret to create a 70/30% split of the training data,
# keeping the proportions of the Survived class label the
# same across splits.
indexes <- createDataPartition(train$NPVpl,
                               times = 1,
                               p = 0.7,
                               list = FALSE)
profs.train <- train[indexes,]
profs.test <- train[-indexes,]

# Examine the proportions of the Survived class lable across
# the datasets.

# Train Model
# nrounds max_depth  eta gamma colsample_bytree min_child_weight subsample
#4    4000         6 0.01     0              0.4                2         1
#   nrounds max_depth   eta gamma colsample_bytree min_child_weight subsample
#10    4000         6 0.025     0              0.4             2.25         1
# Set up caret to perform 10-fold cross validation repeated 3 
# times and to use a grid search for optimal model hyperparamter
# values.
train.control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
                              number = 10,
                              repeats = 3,
                              search = "grid")

# Leverage a grid search of hyperparameters for xgboost. See 
# the following presentation for more information:
tune.grid <- expand.grid(eta = c(0.0025),
                         nrounds = c(4000),
                         max_depth = 6,
                         min_child_weight = c(2.25),
                         colsample_bytree = c(0.4),
                         gamma = 0,
                         subsample = 1)

# Use the doSNOW package to enable caret to train in parallel.
# While there are many package options in this space, doSNOW
# has the advantage of working on both Windows and Mac OS X.
# Create a socket cluster using 10 processes. 
# NOTE - Tune this number based on the number of cores/threads 
# available on your machine!!!
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")

# Register cluster so that caret will know to train in parallel.

cl <- makeCluster(30)

# Train the xgboost model using 10-fold CV repeated 3 times 
# and a hyperparameter grid search to train the optimal model.
library('xgboost') <- train(NPVpl ~ ., 
                  data = profs.train,
                  method = "xgbTree",
                  tuneGrid = tune.grid,
                  trControl = train.control)
# Examine caret's processing results
# Make predictions on the test set using a xgboost model 
# trained on all 625 rows of the training set using the 
# found optimal hyperparameter values.
preds <- predict(, profs.test)
plot(preds,profs.test$NPVpl,col='red',type = 'p',pch=1 ,xlab = 
       'NPV predicted by ML ($MM)',ylab = 'NPV of the real Test Data ($MM)',
     main = 'Test Data vs. ML Prediction')
mylabel = bquote(italic(R)^2 == .(format(r2, digits = 2)))
text(x = 40, y = 15, labels = mylabel)
# Use caret's confusionMatrix() function to estimate the 
# effectiveness of this model on unseen, new data$bestTune

6.4 Modyfing the Eclipse Data File + Running the Eclipse Simulator from R Shell (R Code)

setwd("C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger/ML-5spot-INJ-SGS/Rcode")
X2D_4Inj_1Prod_R1 <- read_delim("2D_4Inj_1Prod_R.DATA", 
                                "\t", escape_double = FALSE, na = "null", 
                                trim_ws = TRUE)
run <- 'C:/ecl/macros/eclrun.exe eclipse "C:/Users/243886/OneDrive
- Universitetet i Stavanger/ROOPT_Ide/En#/Ensemble.DATA"'

Eclipse <- function(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,A1,A2,A3,A4,gam1,gam2,gam3,gam4,En){
  wd <- 'C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger/ROOPT_Ide/En#'
  run1 <- gsub('#',En,run)
  newwd <- gsub('#',En,wd)
  X1 <- round(X1)
  X2 <- round(X2)
  X3 <- round(X3)
  X4 <- round(X4)
  Y1 <- round(Y1)
  Y2 <- round(Y2)
  Y3 <- round(Y3)
  Y4 <- round(Y4)
  slope <- c(-0.0005,-0.00025,0,0.00025,0.00050,0.00075,
  Avalue <- c(100,150,200,250,300)
  A_1 <- Avalue[findInterval(A1,Avalue)]
  A_2 <- Avalue[findInterval(A2,Avalue)]
  A_3 <- Avalue[findInterval(A3,Avalue)]
  A_4 <- Avalue[findInterval(A4,Avalue)]
  Gam1 <- slope[findInterval(gam1,slope)]
  Gam2 <- slope[findInterval(gam2,slope)]
  Gam3 <- slope[findInterval(gam3,slope)]
  Gam4 <- slope[findInterval(gam4,slope)]
  data <- X2D_4Inj_1Prod_R1
  g1 <- data[131,1]
  g2 <- data[132,1]
  g3 <- data[133,1]
  g4 <- data[134,1]
  g5 <- data[138,1]
  g6 <- data[139,1]
  g7 <- data[140,1]
  g8 <- data[141,1]
  G1 <- gsub('101',X1, g1)
  G2 <- gsub('102',Y1, G1)
  G3 <- gsub('103',X2, g2)
  G4 <- gsub('104',Y2, G3)
  G5 <- gsub('105',X3, g3)
  G6 <- gsub('106',Y3, G5)
  G7 <- gsub('107',X4, g4)
  G8 <- gsub('108',Y4, G7)
  G9 <- gsub('109',X1, g5)
  G10 <- gsub('110',Y1, G9)
  G11 <- gsub('111',X2, g6)
  G12 <- gsub('112',Y2, G11)
  G13 <- gsub('113',X3, g7)
  G14 <- gsub('114',Y3, G13)
  G15 <- gsub('115',X4, g8)
  G16 <- gsub('116',Y4, G15)
  data[131,1] <- G2
  data[132,1] <- G4
  data[133,1] <- G6
  data[134,1] <- G8
  data[138,1] <- G10
  data[139,1] <- G12
  data[140,1] <- G14
  data[141,1] <- G16
  #'C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger/ROOPT/Ecl'
  write.table(data, file ="Ensemble.DATA", sep = "\t",quote = F,
              row.names = F,col.names = F)
  int <- seq(from=0,to=1485,by=30)
  InjectionRatesex <- Injec_up1
  InjectionRatesex[seq(from=2,to=400,by=8),5] <- A_1*exp(-Gam1*int)
  InjectionRatesex[seq(from=3,to=400,by=8),5] <- A_2*exp(-Gam2*int)
  InjectionRatesex[seq(from=4,to=400,by=8),5] <- A_3*exp(-Gam3*int)
  InjectionRatesex[seq(from=5,to=400,by=8),5] <- A_4*exp(-Gam4*int)
  write.table(InjectionRatesex, '',quote = F,
              row.names = F,col.names = F, na = '')
  a1 <- A_1*exp(-Gam1*int)
  a2 <- A_2*exp(-Gam2*int)
  a3 <- A_3*exp(-Gam3*int)
  a4 <- A_4*exp(-Gam4*int)
  AA <- a1+a2+a3+a4

6.5 Net Present Value Calculation - Processing the Eclipse Output Data (R Code)

setwd("C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger/ML-5spot-INJ-SGS
NPV <- read.delim(ens,  header=FALSE, comment.char="#")
NPVcalc <- NPV[, c(2,5,6)]
colnames(NPVcalc) <- c('Days', 'Oilrate', 'waterrate')
NPVcalc <- na.omit(NPVcalc)
NPVcalc <- NPVcalc[-seq(9,400,by = 2), ]
rownames(NPVcalc) <- 1:nrow(NPVcalc)
days <- as.numeric(levels(NPVcalc$Days))[as.integer(NPVcalc$Days)]
days <- na.omit(days)
l1 <- min(which(days==c(1), arr.ind = TRUE))
l2 <- min(which(days==c(1500), arr.ind = TRUE))
days <- days[c(l1:l2)]
oil <- as.numeric(levels(NPVcalc$Oilrate))[as.integer(NPVcalc$Oilrate)]
oil <- na.omit(oil)
oil <- oil[c(l1:l2)]
water <- as.numeric(levels(NPVcalc$waterrate))[as.integer(NPVcalc$waterrate)]
water <- na.omit(water)
water <- water[c(l1:l2)]
FWCT <- numeric(length = length(water))
FWCT <- water/(water+oil)
t <- seq(0,days[length(which(FWCT<0.85, arr.ind = TRUE))],by = 30)
t[1] <- 1
cashflow <- numeric(length(t)-1)
discashflow <- numeric(length(t)-1)
b <- 0.08
for (j in 1:(length(t)-1)) {
  m1 <- t[j]
  z1 <- which(days==c(m1), arr.ind = TRUE)
  m2 <- t[j+1]
  z2 <- which(days==c(m2), arr.ind = TRUE)
  cashflow[j] <- (mean(oil[z1],oil[z2])*6.29*75-mean
  discashflow[j] <- cashflow[j]/((1+b)^(t[j+1]/360))

6.6 Alghorithem of VOI Calculation in HRDP Method (R Code)

fn_EVII <- function(x_mean,x_sd,z_mean,z_sd,rho,Cost) {
N <- 1000         # Number of grid nodes
rho <- rho          # Correlation Coefficient
x_mean <- x_mean-Cost    # mean of prior
x_sd <- x_sd      # standard Deviation Prior
z_mean <- z_mean-Cost     # standard Deviation signal
z_sd <- z_sd       # standard Deviation signal
range <- quantile(rnorm(10^6,x_mean,x_sd),c(0.000001,0.99999))
xx <- seq(range[[1]],range[[2]],length.out = N+1)
ss <- seq(range[[1]],range[[2]],length.out = N+1)
X <- c(rep(0,N))
S <- c(rep(0,N))
for (i in 1:N) {
  X[i] <- (xx[i]+xx[i+1])/2

for (i in 1:N) {
  S[i] <- (ss[i]+ss[i+1])/2
# Prior Plot
z <- S
x <- X

f_x<- dnorm(x, x_mean,x_sd)
f_x_N <- f_x/sum(f_x)

# Signal Plot
f_z <- dnorm(z,z_mean,z_sd)
f_z_N <- f_z/sum(f_z)

# Liklihood Table
Lik <- matrix(0,nrow = N,ncol = N)          # Liklihood table, x in columns and z in rows

for (j in 1:N) {
  mean <- z_mean + (rho*z_sd*(x[j]-x_mean)/x_sd)  
  sd <- ((1-rho^2)*x_sd^2)^0.5
  z_di <- dnorm(z, mean,sd)
  z_di_N <- z_di/sum(z_di)
  Lik[,j] <- z_di_N

Prepos <- c(rep(0,N))                     # Preposterior Rows
Pos <- matrix(0,nrow = N,ncol = N)    # Posterior Table
for (j in 1:N) {
  Prepos[j] <- sum(Lik[j,]*f_x_N)
  for (i in 1:N) {
    Pos[i,j] <- Lik[j,i]*f_x_N[i]/Prepos[j]
  Pos[,j] <- Pos[,j]/sum(Pos[,j])

sum <- 0
for (j in 1:N) {
  VOI <- Prepos[j]*max(sum(Pos[,j]*x),0)
  sum <- sum + VOI
EVII <- sum-max(sum(x*f_x_N),0)

6.7 Alghorithem of Sensitivity Analysis of VOI to Mean of Prior (R Code)

X <- data.frame(NPV =rnorm(100000,30,5))
Y <- data.frame(NPV = rnorm(100000,40,5))
Z <- data.frame(NPV = rnorm(100000,50,5))
E <- data.frame(NPV = rnorm(100000,60,5))
ee <- data.frame(NPV = rnorm(100000,70,5))

# Now, combine your two dataframes into one.  
# First make a new column in each that will be 
# a variable to identify where they came from later.
X$type <- 'Mean_PV_Production_Prior = 30'
Y$type <- 'Mean_PV_Production_Prior = 40'
Z$type <- 'Mean_PV_Production_Prior = 50'
E$type <- 'Mean_PV_Production_Prior = 60'
ee$type <- 'Mean_PV_Production_Prior = 70'

# and combine into your new data frame vegLengths
vegLengths <- rbind(X,Y,Z,E,ee)
ggplot(vegLengths, aes(NPV, fill = type)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) 

6.8 Alghorithem of Sensitivity Analysis of VOI to Standard Deviation of Prior (R Code)

X <- data.frame(NPV =rnorm(100000,50,2.5))
Y <- data.frame(NPV = rnorm(100000,50,5))
Z <- data.frame(NPV = rnorm(100000,50,10))
E <- data.frame(NPV = rnorm(100000,50,15))

# Now, combine your two dataframes into one.  
# First make a new column in each that will be 
# a variable to identify where they came from later.
X$type <- 'SD_PV_Production_Prior = 2.5'
Y$type <- 'SD_PV_Production_Prior = 5'
Z$type <- 'SD_PV_Production_Prior = 10'
E$type <- 'SD_PV_Production_Prior = 15'

# and combine into your new data frame vegLengths
vegLengths <- rbind(X,Y,Z,E)
ggplot(vegLengths, aes(NPV, fill = type)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.2)    

6.9 Optimization Alghorithem, Fittness Function: Machine Learning Model (R Code)

modelxgb <- readRDS('NEWMODELUP.rds')
speed_En1_Re <- read.csv('SPEED.csv',header=T)
speed <- speed_En1_Re[,2:46]

ML_fun_grid <- function(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,A1,A2,A3,A4,
  X1 <- round(X1)
  X2 <- round(X2)
  X3 <- round(X3)
  X4 <- round(X4)
  Y1 <- round(Y1)
  Y2 <- round(Y2)
  Y3 <- round(Y3)
  Y4 <- round(Y4)
  slope <- c(-0.0005,-0.00025,0,0.00025,0.00050,0.00075,0.00100,0.00125,
  Avalue <- c(100,150,200,250,300)
  A_1 <- Avalue[findInterval(A1,Avalue)]
  A_2 <- Avalue[findInterval(A2,Avalue)]
  A_3 <- Avalue[findInterval(A3,Avalue)]
  A_4 <- Avalue[findInterval(A4,Avalue)]
  Gam1 <- slope[findInterval(gam1,slope)]
  Gam2 <- slope[findInterval(gam2,slope)]
  Gam3 <- slope[findInterval(gam3,slope)]
  Gam4 <- slope[findInterval(gam4,slope)]
  con_fm <- c(rep(0,11))
  grid <- speed
  seed <- c(X1,Y1,0,1)
  fm <- gridFastMarch(grid, seed, spatial.res=10)
  con_fm[1] <- fm$arrival.time[X2,Y2]^2/4/3600
  seed <- c(X3,Y3,0,1)
  fm <- gridFastMarch(grid, seed, spatial.res=10)
  con_fm[2] <- fm$arrival.time[X1,Y1]^2/4/3600
  con_fm[3] <- fm$arrival.time[X2,Y2]^2/4/3600
  seed <- c(X4,Y4,0,1)
  fm <- gridFastMarch(grid, seed, spatial.res=10)
  con_fm[4] <- fm$arrival.time[X1,Y1]^2/4/3600
  con_fm[5] <- fm$arrival.time[X2,Y2]^2/4/3600
  con_fm[6] <- fm$arrival.time[X3,Y3]^2/4/3600
  seed <- c(23,23,0,1)
  fm <- gridFastMarch(grid, seed, spatial.res=10)
  con_fm[7] <- fm$arrival.time[X1,Y1]^2/4/3600
  con_fm[8] <- fm$arrival.time[X2,Y2]^2/4/3600
  con_fm[9] <- fm$arrival.time[X3,Y3]^2/4/3600
  con_fm[10] <- fm$arrival.time[X4,Y4]^2/4/3600
  seed <- cbind(c(X1,Y1,0,1),c(X2,Y2,0,1),c(X3,Y3,0,1),c(X4,Y4,0,1))
  fm <- gridFastMarch(grid, seed, spatial.res=10)
  fmm_N <- fm$arrival.time^2/4/3600
  PV=(sum(sum(fmm_N<fmm_N[23, 23])))*1000/20250
  con_fm[11] <- PV
  NPV_Ml <- predict(modelxgb,data.frame(ConI1I2=con_fm[1],ConI3I1=con_fm[2],
            ConPI2=con_fm[8], ConPI3=con_fm[9],ConPI4=con_fm[10],

ML_fun_En <- function(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,A1,A2,A3,A4,gam1,gam2,gam3,gam4) {
  result <- c(rep(0,10))
  for (i in 1:10) {
    grid <- my.list[[i]]
    result[i] <- ML_fun_grid(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,A1,A2,A3,A4,gam1,gam2,gam3
  mean_result <- mean(result)

A <- ga(type = "real-valued", 
fitness = function(x) + ML_fun_En(x[1],x[2],x[3],
x[4],x[5],x[6],x[7],x[8],x[9],                                                             x[10],x[11],x[12],x[13],x[14],x[15],
x[16]),lower = c(rep(1,8),rep(100,4),
rep(-0.0005,4)), upper = c(rep(45,8),rep(300,4),
rep(0.002,4)),popSize = 50, maxiter = 50,
run = 10,parallel = T)

6.10 Optimization Alghorithem, Fittness Function: Eclipse Reservoir Simulator (R Code)

setwd("C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger/ML-5spot-INJ-SGS/Rcode")
X2D_4Inj_1Prod_R1 <- read_delim("2D_4Inj_1Prod_R.DATA", 
                                "\t", escape_double = FALSE, na = "null", 
                                trim_ws = TRUE)
run <- 'C:/ecl/macros/eclrun.exe eclipse "C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - 
Universitetet i Stavanger/ROOPT_Ide/En#/Ensemble.DATA"'

Eclipse <- function(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,A1,A2,A3,A4,gam1,gam2,gam3,gam4,En){
  wd <- 'C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger/ROOPT_Ide/En#'
  run1 <- gsub('#',En,run)
  newwd <- gsub('#',En,wd)
  X1 <- round(X1)
  X2 <- round(X2)
  X3 <- round(X3)
  X4 <- round(X4)
  Y1 <- round(Y1)
  Y2 <- round(Y2)
  Y3 <- round(Y3)
  Y4 <- round(Y4)
  slope <- c(-0.0005,-0.00025,0,0.00025,0.00050,0.00075,0.00100,0.00125,
  Avalue <- c(100,150,200,250,300)
  A_1 <- Avalue[findInterval(A1,Avalue)]
  A_2 <- Avalue[findInterval(A2,Avalue)]
  A_3 <- Avalue[findInterval(A3,Avalue)]
  A_4 <- Avalue[findInterval(A4,Avalue)]
  Gam1 <- slope[findInterval(gam1,slope)]
  Gam2 <- slope[findInterval(gam2,slope)]
  Gam3 <- slope[findInterval(gam3,slope)]
  Gam4 <- slope[findInterval(gam4,slope)]
  data <- X2D_4Inj_1Prod_R1
  g1 <- data[131,1]
  g2 <- data[132,1]
  g3 <- data[133,1]
  g4 <- data[134,1]
  g5 <- data[138,1]
  g6 <- data[139,1]
  g7 <- data[140,1]
  g8 <- data[141,1]
  G1 <- gsub('101',X1, g1)
  G2 <- gsub('102',Y1, G1)
  G3 <- gsub('103',X2, g2)
  G4 <- gsub('104',Y2, G3)
  G5 <- gsub('105',X3, g3)
  G6 <- gsub('106',Y3, G5)
  G7 <- gsub('107',X4, g4)
  G8 <- gsub('108',Y4, G7)
  G9 <- gsub('109',X1, g5)
  G10 <- gsub('110',Y1, G9)
  G11 <- gsub('111',X2, g6)
  G12 <- gsub('112',Y2, G11)
  G13 <- gsub('113',X3, g7)
  G14 <- gsub('114',Y3, G13)
  G15 <- gsub('115',X4, g8)
  G16 <- gsub('116',Y4, G15)
  data[131,1] <- G2
  data[132,1] <- G4
  data[133,1] <- G6
  data[134,1] <- G8
  data[138,1] <- G10
  data[139,1] <- G12
  data[140,1] <- G14
  data[141,1] <- G16
  #'C:/Users/243886/OneDrive - Universitetet i Stavanger/ROOPT/Ecl'
  write.table(data, file ="Ensemble.DATA", sep = "\t",quote = F,
              row.names = F,col.names = F)
  int <- seq(from=0,to=1485,by=30)
  InjectionRatesex <- Injec_up1
  InjectionRatesex[seq(from=2,to=400,by=8),5] <- A_1*exp(-Gam1*int)
  InjectionRatesex[seq(from=3,to=400,by=8),5] <- A_2*exp(-Gam2*int)
  InjectionRatesex[seq(from=4,to=400,by=8),5] <- A_3*exp(-Gam3*int)
  InjectionRatesex[seq(from=5,to=400,by=8),5] <- A_4*exp(-Gam4*int)
  write.table(InjectionRatesex, '',quote = F,
              row.names = F,col.names = F, na = '')
  a1 <- A_1*exp(-Gam1*int)
  a2 <- A_2*exp(-Gam2*int)
  a3 <- A_3*exp(-Gam3*int)
  a4 <- A_4*exp(-Gam4*int)
  AA <- a1+a2+a3+a4

aa <- function(AA,newwd){
  ens <- "ENSEMBLE.RSM"
  NPV <- read.delim(ens,  header=FALSE, comment.char="#")
  NPVcalc <- NPV[, c(2,5,6)]
  colnames(NPVcalc) <- c('Days', 'Oilrate', 'waterrate')
  NPVcalc <- na.omit(NPVcalc)
  NPVcalc <- NPVcalc[-seq(9,400,by = 2), ]
  rownames(NPVcalc) <- 1:nrow(NPVcalc)
  days <- as.numeric(levels(NPVcalc$Days))[as.integer(NPVcalc$Days)]
  days <- na.omit(days)
  l1 <- min(which(days==c(1), arr.ind = TRUE))
  l2 <- min(which(days==c(1500), arr.ind = TRUE))
  days <- days[c(l1:l2)]
  oil <- as.numeric(levels(NPVcalc$Oilrate))[as.integer(NPVcalc$Oilrate)]
  oil <- na.omit(oil)
  oil <- oil[c(l1:l2)]
  water <- as.numeric(levels(NPVcalc$waterrate))[as.integer(NPVcalc$waterrate)]
  water <- na.omit(water)
  water <- water[c(l1:l2)]
  FWCT <- numeric(length = length(water))
  FWCT <- water/(water+oil)
  t <- seq(0,days[length(which(FWCT<0.85, arr.ind = TRUE))],by = 30)
  t[1] <- 1
  cashflow <- numeric(length(t)-1)
  discashflow <- numeric(length(t)-1)
  b <- 0.08
  for (j in 1:(length(t)-1)) {
    m1 <- t[j]
    z1 <- which(days==c(m1), arr.ind = TRUE)
    m2 <- t[j+1]
    z2 <- which(days==c(m2), arr.ind = TRUE)
    cashflow[j] <- (mean(oil[z1],oil[z2])*6.29*75-
    discashflow[j] <- cashflow[j]/((1+b)^(t[j+1]/360))

Eclipse1 <- function(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4,A1,A2,A3,A4,
                     gam1,gam2,gam3,gam4) {
  a <- foreach(En=1:50, .export=c("Eclipse")) %dopar% {

GA_Eclipse <- ga(type = "real-valued", 
        fitness = function(x) Eclipse1(x[1],x[2],x[3],
        ,lower = c(rep(1,8),rep(100,4),rep(-0.0005,4)), 
        upper = c(rep(45,8),rep(300,4),rep(0.002,4)),
            popSize = 25, maxiter = 20,run = 10,parallel = T, 
            suggestions = suggestedSol)

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