Chapter 24 kNN

The first algorithm we will learn is k-Nearest Neighbor, which learns by identifying the neighbors who are close to different labeled data. The assumption of this model is that similar data points will be closer to one another (this is similar to the logic underlying community detection or k-means analysis).

One advantage of kNN is that it is relatively simple (it requires very few hyper-parameters) and it can be especially useful for complex categorical data (as in, cases where you have more than 2 labels in a variable). However, kNN also takes some time to classify new data points, and the results vary greatly by its one hyper-parameter (k).

To construct a kNN algorithm, we will use the train() function in the caret package. This is the workhorse function of the package–anytime you are training a new model, you will use the train() function. train() requires (generally) three types of information: (1) the data (x and y), (2) the algorithm (method), and (3) the hyperparameters that are unique to each supervised machine learning algorithm (tuneGrid). In kNN, there is only one hyperparameter (k), the number of neighbors that the algorithm will look at (for simplicity, we will use 10).

knn_model_con <- caret::train(x = tw_to_train, #training data
                 y = as.factor(conservative_code), #labeled data
                 method = "knn", #the algorithm
                 trControl = trctrl, #the resampling strategy we will use
                 tuneGrid = data.frame(k = 2) #the hyperparameter

print(knn_model_con) #print this model
## k-Nearest Neighbors 
##   92 samples
## 1035 predictors
##    2 classes: '0', '1' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Bootstrapped (25 reps) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 92, 92, 92, 92, 92, 92, ... 
## Resampling results:
##   Accuracy   Kappa      
##   0.4986282  -0.02114475
## Tuning parameter 'k' was held constant at a value of 2

Based on the information from knn_model_con, we know the model was able to learn from 92 tweets (the training set), which had 1035 parameters and 2 labels (0 and 1).

What we don’t know from this information, however, is the quality of the algorithm. To do that, we will have to turn to the test data.

24.1 Testing the Model

To apply this algorithm to the test data, let’s use predict() which we learned about in our Advanced Linear Regression tutorial (Week 10).

knn_predict <- predict(knn_model_con, newdata = tw_to_test)

Instead of checking the percent accuracy of this data, however, we will learn to use a function from the caret package: confusionMatrix(). confusionMatrix() is useful because it provides more than just the percent accuracy measure–it will report other measures that account for random chance, as well as the F-score, a common measurement of accuracy in supervised machine learning.

knn_confusion_matrix <- caret::confusionMatrix(knn_predict, conservative_data$conservative[-trainIndex], mode = "prec_recall")
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction  0  1
##          0  3  1
##          1 14 20
##                Accuracy : 0.6053          
##                  95% CI : (0.4339, 0.7596)
##     No Information Rate : 0.5526          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.314161        
##                   Kappa : 0.139           
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.001946        
##               Precision : 0.75000         
##                  Recall : 0.17647         
##                      F1 : 0.28571         
##              Prevalence : 0.44737         
##          Detection Rate : 0.07895         
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.10526         
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.56443         
##        'Positive' Class : 0               

As you can see here, the accuracy of this supervised machine learning model is pretty weak (55%). When you account for the imbalance, the accuracy decreases to 51%, worse than if you randomly guessed the code. This is confirmed by the F-1 score (0.19), which is not great.

Remember when I said that kNN varies by its hyper-parameter? Try this out for yourself by changing the value of k in the movel above and checking the accuracy score and F1 score.

Want to learn more about kNN? Check out these tutorials:
* Towards Data Science tutorial
* kNN for dummies explanation
* kNN with non-text data