Chapter 14 Semantic Network Analysis

Hello! In this tutorial, we will be talking about semantic network analyses. These are a special type of analysis that looks at language through the perspective of a network. While there are many ways to construct a semantic network, we will focus on two: a network based on word co-occurances and a network based on bigrams.

To do this, we’ll use a couple of packages. These should mostly be familiar to you from the Week 8 and Week 9 tutorials. The exception to this is widyr, which is used to tidy data into a wide format. widyr has a useful function for analyzing word co-occurrences.

library(widyr) #you may need to install this


For this tutorial, we’ll use the rtweet_academictwitter_20210115.csv dataset, which we used for our NLP tutorials. Let’s also just focus on the unique tweets.

tw_data_all <- read_csv("data/rtweet_academictwitter_20210115.csv")

tw_data <- tw_data_all[!duplicated(tw_data_all$text),]

Let’s start with the bigram network.

14.1 Bigram Network

If you recall from our tidytext tutorial, we can construct bigrams using the tidytext::unnest_tokens() function. Let’s also apply a stop words dictionary to exclude function works and other words with little information. We may want to tailor our stop words list a little more by adding custom words to the pre-existing stop words list. For example, I include the hashtag “academictwitter” because this is the term I searched by in rtweet

final_stop <- data.frame(word = c("academictwitter", "u", "https", "", "n"), 
                         lexicon = "custom") %>% 
  rbind(stop_words) #adds custom words to stop list

(This is a review.) Bigrams are words that occur in succession (e.g., in “President of the United States,” “President of” is a bigram, “of the” is another bigram, “the United” is a third bigram, and so on). To make sure we remove all the stop words ysed we will construct bi-gram tokens, separate the words, and filter out rows in which the one of the words is in the final stop word list.

tweet_bigram <- tw_data %>% 
  unnest_tokens(bigram, text, token = "ngrams", n = 2) %>%
  separate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep = " ") %>%
  filter(!word1 %in% final_stop$word) %>% #uses the combined preset and custom list
  filter(!word2 %in% final_stop$word)  

tweet_bigram_ct <- tweet_bigram %>% dplyr::count(word1, word2, sort = TRUE)
head(tweet_bigram_ct, 20)
## # A tibble: 20 x 3
##    word1           word2               n
##    <chr>           <chr>           <int>
##  1 phdchat         phdlife           130
##  2 academicchatter phdchat           115
##  3 academicchatter openacademics      87
##  4 phdlife         phdchat            87
##  5 openacademics   academicchatter    64
##  6 academicchatter phdlife            55
##  7 phdchat         academicchatter    50
##  8 covid           19                 47
##  9 academicchatter academicchatter    45
## 10 0001f4f0        read               42
## 11 malta           university         42
## 12 maltauniversity news               42
## 13 student         newspoint          42
## 14 um              malta              42
## 15 university      maltauniversity    42
## 16 phd             phdchat            39
## 17 phd             students           38
## 18 phdlife         academicchatter    37
## 19 phd             student            36
## 20 social          media              35


14.1.1 Plotting

How that we have our bigram list, let’s plot this as a network. To do this, we can use the graph_from_data_frame() function we learned in the network analysis tutorial.

tw_bigram_graph <- tweet_bigram_ct %>%
  filter(n > 10) %>% #removes bigrams that appear fewer than 51 times

## IGRAPH bf75c80 DN-- 134 133 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c), n (e/n)
## + edges from bf75c80 (vertex names):
##  [1] phdchat        ->phdlife         academicchatter->phdchat        
##  [3] academicchatter->openacademics   phdlife        ->phdchat        
##  [5] openacademics  ->academicchatter academicchatter->phdlife        
##  [7] phdchat        ->academicchatter covid          ->19             
##  [9] academicchatter->academicchatter 0001f4f0       ->read           
## [11] malta          ->university      maltauniversity->news           
## [13] student        ->newspoint       um             ->malta          
## [15] university     ->maltauniversity phd            ->phdchat        
## + ... omitted several edges

Now we’re ready to plot this network data!

In addition to using geom_node_point() and geom_edge_link(), we’ll also use the geom_node_text geom to add each word (“name”) as a label for each vertex (“node”),

ggraph(tw_bigram_graph, layout = "fr") + #use the fr layout algorithm
  geom_edge_link() + 
  geom_node_point() + 
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name),
                 repel = TRUE) + #use repel so the words do not overlap
  theme_void() #void theme

There’s a lot going on here, but we can see that hashtags (academicchatter, mentalhealth, phdchat) and common word-pairs (“reviewer 2” or “writing retreat”) appear in our analysis.

Thus far, we have not used the directional information of the edges. Let’s do that now by adding some grid::arrow() information to geom_edge_link() (the geom that handles edges, or links).

a <- grid::arrow(type = "closed", length = unit(.2, "cm"))
#the above row determines the lay the arrows will look
#check out ?arrow for more information

ggraph(tw_bigram_graph, layout = "fr") + #use the fr layout
  geom_edge_link(aes(edge_alpha = n), #vary the edge color by n
                 #darker lines are bigrams that occur more often
                 arrow = a, #add the arrow information
                 ) +
  geom_node_point(size = 2) + #makes the geom slightly larger
  geom_node_text(aes(label = name), #adds text labels for the nodes
                 repel = TRUE) +
  theme_void() #void theme

Now, we also know the direction of the bigrams! For example, one of our strongest edges is the one between “phdchat” and “phdlife” (two common hashtags in this community).

Want to learn more about bigram word co-occurrence, check out the fantastic tutorial by Julia Silge.

Let us now turn to the co-occurrence network.

14.2 Co-occurrence Network

In linguistics, two words co-occur if they are likely to appear together in a message (in our case, a tweet). We can plot out a network of word co-occurrences to illustrate which words are used together.

To do this, we’ll tokenize our dataset by word using unnest_tokens(), which we had used previously to make bigram tokens. Now, we’ll use it to make word tokens (recall that “word” is the default token size). Like our other text analysis, we will also remove the stop words using our modified stop words list.

tw_word_tokens <- tw_data %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%
## Joining, by = "word"
tw_word_tokens %>%
  dplyr::count(word, sort = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 22,822 x 2
##    word                n
##    <chr>           <int>
##  1 academicchatter  2180
##  2 phdchat           890
##  3 amp               631
##  4 research          629
##  5 phd               627
##  6 phdlife           504
##  7 students          410
##  8 time              407
##  9 writing           388
## 10 fe0f              375
## # ... with 22,812 more rows
## # i Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Now that we have our tokens, let’s calculate their co-occurrence. We can do so using pairwise_count() in the widyr package, which calculates a phi-coefficient. This calculation is similar to the Pearson’s correlation coefficient and, in fact, the phi-coefficient was introduced by Karl Pearson too.

With pairwise_count(), we can calculate if two words co-occur together often using the word itself (word) and an ID for each message (for this, this will be X1).

title_word_pairs <- tw_word_tokens %>% 
  widyr::pairwise_count(word, #word data
                        `...1`, #message ID
                        sort = TRUE) #sort the data frame
## Warning: `distinct_()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.7.0.
## Please use `distinct()` instead.
## See vignette('programming') for more help
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
word_graph <-  graph_from_data_frame(title_word_pairs)

## IGRAPH c829259 DN-- 22808 1090120 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c), n (e/n)
## + edges from c829259 (vertex names):
##  [1] phdchat        ->academicchatter academicchatter->phdchat        
##  [3] phd            ->academicchatter academicchatter->phd            
##  [5] phdlife        ->phdchat         phdchat        ->phdlife        
##  [7] phdlife        ->academicchatter academicchatter->phdlife        
##  [9] openacademics  ->academicchatter academicchatter->openacademics  
## [11] phd            ->phdchat         phdchat        ->phd            
## [13] research       ->academicchatter academicchatter->research       
## [15] amp            ->academicchatter academicchatter->amp            
## + ... omitted several edges
#ggraph(word_graph, layout = "kk") +
#  geom_node_point() +
#  geom_edge_link()

14.2.1 Plotting

There are quite a few verticies, so plotting all the verticies would take a long time. Instead, we’ll filter it to the words used more than 50 times.

title_word_pairs %>% #this is our network data
  filter(n >= 40) %>% #which we filter to all co-occurances occurring over 100 times
  graph_from_data_frame() %>% #and then we convert it into a graph
  ggraph(layout = "kk") + #and then we plot a graph with it
    geom_edge_link() + #this graph has an edge geom
    geom_node_point() + #this graph also has a node geom
    geom_node_text(aes(label = name), #we can also add a node text geom to include the word ("name")
                   repel = TRUE) + #use repel to avoid overlapping

Some things to note from this analysis. First, obviously, hashtags (particularly academicchatter, phdlife, and phdvoice) play a central role in this discourse. We also see some words related to covid, including both covid19 and “covid 19”. However, we do have some noise from this network. For example, there are some encoding issues that ended up in the network (we could add these to the stopwords list so that they are excluded).

Want to play with even more network visuals? Check out this tutorial.