Chapter 11 Web Scraping

Now we can download data and text from web using url load library


11.1 video

you can find my video!

11.2 issue of COVID19 in Korea

Now I want to download Table from Please visit the website, url.

wiki covid

url <-""

read_html() allows us to read url and its’ contents.

h <-read_html(url)
#html_text(h) # just overview of HTML structure

Go to website via chrom and click F12 button. You can see the right window as below. Now I want find table of Covid-19 table. I open the search tab by using ctrl + F. And writing or typing india to find that table.

Find source and nodes

Now I try to find table nodes from url

tab <- h %>% html_nodes("table")
tab2 <- tab [[2]] %>% html_table
## # A tibble: 234 x 6
##    `Location[a]...1` `Location[a]...2` `Cases[b]` `Deaths[c]` `Recov.[d]` Ref.  
##    <chr>             <chr>             <chr>      <chr>       <chr>       <chr> 
##  1 <NA>              World[e]          43,895,968 1,165,455   29,727,057  [4]   
##  2 <NA>              United States[f]  8,879,060  230,176     5,469,963   [13]  
##  3 <NA>              India             7,946,429  119,502     7,201,070   [14]  
##  4 <NA>              Brazil            5,440,903  157,981     4,904,046   [15][~
##  5 <NA>              Russia[g]         1,547,774  26,589      1,158,940   [17]  
##  6 <NA>              France[h]         1,198,695  35,541      112,716     [18][~
##  7 <NA>              Spain[i]          1,116,738  35,298      No data     [20]  
##  8 <NA>              Argentina[j]      1,116,596  29,730      921,331     [22]  
##  9 <NA>              Colombia          1,033,218  30,565      932,882     [23]  
## 10 <NA>              United Kingdom[k] 917,575    45,365      No data     [25]  
## # ... with 224 more rows

I remove ‘,’ and macke numeric variables in Cases, Death and Recover.

tab3 <- tab2[ -c(1, 232, 233, 234), -c(1, 6)] %>%
  setNames(c("Location", "Cases", 
             "Death", "Recover")) 
tab3 <- tab3 %>%
  mutate_at(c('Cases', 'Death', 'Recover'), function(x)(str_replace_all(x, ",", "") %>% as.numeric())) %>%
  mutate(Location = str_replace_all(Location, '\\[[:alpha:]]', ""))

I used \\[[:alpha:]], \\[ means “[" and [:aplpah:] means any alphabet, and last ] means "]”. So, I try to remove the all character within “[ ]”. Now, Table is.

tab3 %>% datatable()
figs<-tab3 %>%
  mutate(mortality = Death /Cases *1000) %>% # mortality per 1 thousnd cases
  ggplot(aes(x = Cases, y = mortality, size = Death))+
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(trans = 'log') 

11.3 homework

11.3.1 download Cumulative covid19 death

Download data table from url. You can use tab[[ i ]] code to find cumulative covid19 death. The taret Table in web looks like that.


tab4<-tab[[?]] %>% html_table(fill = TRUE) 

Cumulative Covid19 deaths on Jan 11…. and the table file is

11.3.2 UK, Italy, France, Spain, USA, Canada

select countris of “UK, Italy, France, Spain, USA, Canada” and plot the trends. and upload the final plot in google class

step1: create Month_mortatlity data filter countries names of above
step2: chage character data to numeric data
step3: pivot data to long form
step4: plot the graph!

Step 1 and 2

Month_mortality %>% datatable()

step 3

long_death %>% datatable()

step 4


11.4 Review of title from google scholar

my video url is

11.4.1 googl scholar

Search the My name of “Jin-Ha Yoon” in google scholar. The url is

url <- ""

step1 read the html using url address

gs <- read_html(url)

step2 filter title using nodes and text, and make data.frame

dat<-gs %>% html_nodes("tbody") %>%
  html_nodes("td") %>%
  html_nodes("a") %>%
  html_text() %>%
library(dplyr) # for data wrangling
library(tidytext) # for NLP
library(stringr) # to deal with strings
library(knitr) # for tables
library(DT) # for dynamic tables

step3 split the words (tokenizing) using packages or user own methods.

dat <- dat %>%
tokens <-dat %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, titles) %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE)%>%

tokens2 <- str_split(dat$titles, " ", simplify = TRUE) %>% %>%
  mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
  pivot_longer(!c(id), names_to = 'Vs', values_to = 'word') %>%
  select(-Vs) %>%
  filter(!word=="") %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE)%>%

step4 import lookup data for removing words

data("stop_words") # we should add user own words.
stop_words %>% datatable()

step5 remove stop words and numbers

tokens_clean <- tokens %>%
  anti_join(stop_words, by = c("word")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(word, "^[[:digit:]]")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(word, "study|korea"))

step6 create word cloud

pal <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired")
tokens_clean %>% 
  with(wordcloud(word, n, random.order = FALSE, colors=pal))

11.5 home work 2

Search you own word in googl scholar. Ror example, You can search “Suicid” or “Hypertension” in googl scholar. And, upload your word cloud to google classroom.