• It is often necessary to “guess” about the outcome of an event in order to make a decision

  • Probability is a measure that is associated with how certain we are of outcomes of a particular experiment

  • The sample space, denoted with S is the collection of all possible outcomes of the random experiment

  • Combination (subset) of the outcomes is an event. Events are usually denoted with upper case letters like A, B, etc.

How we calculate the probability of an event A when the outcomes are equally likely?

P(A)=mnm=number of outcomes that satisfy event An=number of all possible outcomes

  • Probability of any event is always non-negative number between 0 amd 1, i.e. 0P(A)1

  • P(A)=0 meansthat event A will not occur (impossible event), while P(A)=1 means that event A will occur with 100% certainty

How we calculate the probability of an event A when the outcomes are not equally likely?

P(A)=mnnmn=number of outcomes that satisfy event A in n repetitionsn=number of repetitions (trials) of an experiment

The law of large numbers states: as the number of repetitions of an experiment is increased, the

relative frequency tends to become closer and closer to the theoretical (true) probability