001 04/05/16
- started the whole thing
002 04/12/16
- inserted display code
- finished GALO example in MCA chapter
- figured out multiple ordinal
- added empty addals function and chapter
- started caching computations
- added empty introductory chapter
003 04/12/16
- added preface and introduction (partial)
- added cover photo
004 04/13/16
- added text to preface
- gifiEngine() now returns QR decompositions of the bases
- added acknowledgements to preface
005 04/14/16
- small corrections
- refactoring main code
- putting in missing data (4 options)
- putting in monotone regression (3 options for ties)
006 04/16/16
- completely rewritten R engine (does not work yet)
- new code in last chapter (does not work yet)
- rational treatment of regression and missing data
- currently cone/subspace regression uses Dykstra algorithm
- a Gifi is a list of gifiSets, a gifiSet is a list of gifiVariables
- a gifiVariable stores the things that stay the same during computation
- an xGifi is a list of xGifiSets, an xGifiSet is a list of xGifiVariables
- an xGifiVariable stores the things that change during computation
007 04/17/16
- more code refactoring
- new code (in appendices) still does not work properly
- old code still used in body of paper for computations
008 04/18/16
- corrected some serious bugs, new gifiEngine() code now runs
- missing data handling still needs work
009 04/18/16
- fixed the homals() wrapper
- added corList() utility
- added starPlotter() utility
- eval = FALSE for wrapper examples that do not work yet
- added section on structures
- cached some computations
- readied the MCA section with new software
010 04/19/16
- fixed the corals wrapper
- added utilities preCorals() and preCoranals
- many small changes
- added CA text
- added empty section on CCA
011 04/21/16
- small edits
- added some preface/introduction
- corals example
- missing data section (as yet empty)
012 04/22/16
- something on missing data
- added to todo list
- more in preface/introduction
013 04/22/16
- added active slot to variables
- preparing to add aspect engine
- start merging old and new loss functions
014 04/24/16
- utilities for Burt table, profile frequencies, and interactive coding
- include decode and encode in C/R
- gifiEngine takes an object of class gifi as argument
- homals wrapper builds an object of class gifi
- added data weights parameter (does not do anything yet)
015 04/27/16
- changes to correctly handle missing data
- small edits
- simplified notation
016 04/30/16
- additions to intro and history
017 05/02/16
- active and passive variables handling
018 05/03/16
- split gifi.R from gifiEngine.R
- gifiEngine.R just takes a gifi argument, no longer data argument
- split off gifiTransform() from gifiEngine()
- split off dykstra() from coneRegression()
- more on copies and interactive coding
- included updated code in index.Rnw
019 05/04/16
- fixed morals(), but needs some testing
- modified isotone() so that only non-missing data are constrained to be monotone
- adapted coneRegression() to isotone() with missing data
- fixed active/passive variables
- included code for aspectEngine() – not used yet
020 05/05/16
- implemented missing data “average” using dykstra
- repaired princals wrapper
- repaired NLPCA chapter
021 05/05/16
- repaired criminals() wrapper
- repaired CDA chapter
022 05/06/16
- added makeColumnProduct() utility
- small example in missing data section
023 05/07/16
- expanded correspondence analysis chapter
- added Glass example
024 05/08/16
- added regressionPlotter() utility
- added regression plots to OCA chapter
025 05/09/16
- small improvement in makeIndicator()
- added burt table to corals output
- improved and explained plots in Glass example
- incorporated preCorals() in corals()
- added postCorals() utility
- filled in Galton example
- modified corals() to accept either tables or bivariables
- modified gifiEngine() to do at least two iterations
026 05/10/16
- put in latest code
- worked on preface and introduction
027 05/12/16
- added loss function history
028 05/18/16
- started change to linear systems loss
029 05/19/16
- introduced orthoblocks
- described MVAOS loss
030 05/20/16
- MVAOS system examples
- Gifi loss as special case
- more on orthoblocks
031 05/21/16
- More on Gifi loss
032 05/25/16
- makePattern() function
- majorization algorithm
033 05/30/16
- rewriting core code – will take a while
- going to aspects completely
- writing out blocks and Gifi
- engine transfors variables and calls pattern subroutine
- pattern subroutines make aspect gradients
- changed title
034 06/04/16
- edits, working the core code