Part 4 Week 1 Synchronous

Goal: talk about article Tidy Data by Hadley Wickham and learn tidy data.

4.1 Why tidy data?

Tidy datasets are easy to manipulate, model and visualize.
It is often said that 80% of data analysis is spent on the process of cleaning and preparing the data.

4.2 What is tidy data?

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Leo Tolstoy

Like families, tidy datasets are all alike but every messy dataset is messy in its own way. Tidy datasets provide a standardized way to link the structure of a dataset (its physical layout) with its semantics (its meaning).

4.2.1 Data structure

  • Most statistical datasets are rectangular tables made up of rows and columns.
    • The columns are almost always labeled.
    • The rows are sometimes labeled.

Look at Table 1. The table has two columns and three rows, and both rows and columns are labeled.

treatmenta treatmentb
John Smith NA 13
Jane Doe 12 5
Mary Johnson 6 15

Table 1: Typical presentation dataset.

There are other ways to structure the same underlying data. Table 2 shows the same data as Table 1, but the rows and columns have been transposed. The data is the same, but the layout is different.

John Smith Jane Doe Mary Johnson
treatmenta NA 12 6
treatmentb 13 5 15

Table 2: The same data as in Table 1 but structured differently.

Our vocabulary of rows and columns is simply not rich enough to describe why the two tables represent the same data.

4.2.2 Data semantics

  • A dataset is a collection of values.
    • numbers (if quantitative)
    • strings (if qualitative)
  • Every value belongs to a variable and an observation.
  • A variable contains all values that measure the same underlying attribute (like height, temperature, duration) across units.
  • An observation contains all values measured on the same unit (like a person, or a day, or a race) across attributes.

Table 3 reorganizes Table 1 to make the values, variables and observations more clear.

The dataset contains

  • 18 values
  • 3 variables
    • person, with three possible values (John Smith, Mary Johnson, and Jane Doe).
    • treatment, with two possible values (a and b).
    • result, with five or six values depending on how you think of the missing value (NA, 16, 3, 2, 11, 1).
  • 6 observations
  • Experimental design: every combination of person and treatment was measured (completely crossed design)
name trt result
John Smith a NA
Jane Doe a 12
Mary Johnson a 6
John Smith b 13
Jane Doe b 5
Mary Johnson b 15

Table 3: The same data as in Table 1 but with variables in columns and observations in rows.

It is diffcult to precisely define variables and observations in general.
Example 1,

  • height and weight columns (2 variables)
  • height and width columns (values of a dimension variable?)

Example 2,

  • home phone and work phone variables
  • phone number and number type variables?

Rule of thumb - Functional relationships between variables (e.g., z is a linear combination of x and y, density is the ratio of weight to volume) - Make comparisons between groups of observations (e.g., average of group a vs. average of group b)

4.2.3 Tidy data Tidy data

  1. Each variable forms a column.
  2. Each observation forms a row.
  3. Each type of observational unit forms a table. Messy data

Messy data is any other arrangement of the data.

Table 3 is the tidy version of Table 1. Each row represents an observation, the result of one treatment on one person, and each column is a variable.

The layout ensures that values of different variables from the same observation are always paired. Order of variables and observations

While the order of variables and observations does not affect analysis, a good ordering makes it easier to scan the raw values. Think the role of a variable in analysis: fixed by the design of the data collection, measured during the course of the experiment.

  • Fixed variables describe the experimental design and are known in advance.
  • Measured variables are what we actually measure in the study.
  • Fixed variables should come first, followed by measured variables, each ordered so that related variables are contiguous.

4.3 Tidying messy datasets

Real datasets can, and often do, violate the three precepts of tidy data in almost every way imaginable.

Tools: melting, string splitting, and casting.

4.3.1 Column headers are values, not variable names

Table 4 shows a subset of a typical dataset of this form.
This dataset explores the relationship between income and religion in the US. It comes from a report produced by the Pew Research Center, an American think-tank that collects data on attitudes to topics ranging from religion to the internet, and produces many reports that contain datasets in this format.

This dataset has three variables, religion, income and frequency. To tidy it, we need to melt, or stack it. In other words, we need to turn columns into rows.

Note: this arrangement can be called messy, while in come cases it can be extremely useful.

religion <$10k $10–20k $20–30k $30–40k $40–50k $50–75k
Agnostic 27 34 60 81 76 137
Atheist 12 27 37 52 35 70
Buddhist 27 21 30 34 33 58
Catholic 418 617 732 670 638 1116
Don’t know/refused 15 14 15 11 10 35
Evangelical Prot 575 869 1064 982 881 1486
Hindu 1 9 7 9 11 34
Historically Black Prot 228 244 236 238 197 223
Jehovah’s Witness 20 27 24 24 21 30
Jewish 19 19 25 25 30 95

Table 4: The first ten rows of data on income and religion from the Pew Forum. Three columns, $75-100k, $100-150k and >150k, have been omitted.

Melting is parameterized by a list of columns that are already variables, or colvars for short.
The other columns are converted into two variables: a new variable called column that contains repeated column headings and a new variable called value that contains the concatenated data values from the previously separate columns.
This is illustrated in Table 5 with a toy dataset. The result of melting is a molten dataset.

Table 5: A simple example of melting. Left is melted with one colvar, row, yielding the molten dataset on the right. The information in each table is exactly the same, just stored in a different way.
row a b c
A 1 4 7
B 2 5 8
C 3 6 9
row column value
A a 1
B a 2
C a 3
A b 4
B b 5
C b 6
A c 7
B c 8
C c 9

The Pew dataset has one colvar, religion, and melting yields Table 6. To better reflect their roles in this dataset, the variable column has been renamed to income, and the value column to freq.

This form is tidy because each column represents a variable and each row represents an observation, in this case a demographic unit corresponding to a combination of religion and income.

religion income freq
Agnostic <$10k 27
Agnostic $10–20k 34
Agnostic $20–30k 60
Agnostic $30–40k 81
Agnostic $40–50k 76
Agnostic $50–75k 137
Agnostic $75–100k 122
Agnostic $100–150k 109
Agnostic >150k 84
Agnostic Don’t know/refused 96

Table 6: The first ten rows of the tidied Pew survey dataset on income and religion. The column has been renamed to income, and value to freq.

Another common use of this data format is to record regularly spaced observations over time.

For example, the Billboard dataset shown in Table 7 records the date a song first entered the Billboard Top 100. It has variables for artist, track, date.entered, rank and week. The rank in each week after it enters the top 100 is recorded in 75 columns, wk1 to wk75. If a song is in the Top 100 for less than 75 weeks the remaining columns are filled with missing values.

This form of storage is not tidy, but it is useful for data entry. It reduces duplication since otherwise each song in each week would need its own row, and song metadata like title and artist would need to be repeated.

year artist track time date.entered wk1 wk2 wk3
1 2000 2 Pac Baby Don’t Cry 4:22 2000-02-26 87 82 72
2 2000 2Ge+her The Hardest Part Of … 3:15 2000-09-02 91 87 92
3 2000 3 Doors Down Kryptonite 3:53 2000-04-08 81 70 68
6 2000 98^0 Give Me Just One Nig… 3:24 2000-08-19 51 39 34
7 2000 A*Teens Dancing Queen 3:44 2000-07-08 97 97 96
8 2000 Aaliyah I Don’t Wanna 4:15 2000-01-29 84 62 51
9 2000 Aaliyah Try Again 4:03 2000-03-18 59 53 38
10 2000 Adams, Yolanda Open My Heart 5:30 2000-08-26 76 76 74

Table 7: The first eight Billboard top hits for 2000. Other columns not shown are wk4, wk5, …, wk75.

This dataset has colvars year, artist, track, time, and date.entered. Melting yields Table 8. column has been converted to week by extracting the number, and date has been computed from date.entered and week.

year artist time track date week rank
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-02-26 1 87
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-03-04 2 82
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-03-11 3 72
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-03-18 4 77
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-03-25 5 87
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-04-01 6 94
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-04-08 7 99
2000 2Ge+her 3:15 The Hardest Part Of … 2000-09-02 1 91
2000 2Ge+her 3:15 The Hardest Part Of … 2000-09-09 2 87
2000 2Ge+her 3:15 The Hardest Part Of … 2000-09-16 3 92
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-04-08 1 81
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-04-15 2 70
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-04-22 3 68
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-04-29 4 67
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-05-06 5 66

Table 8: First fifteen rows of the tidied Billboard dataset. The date column does not appear in the original table, but can be computed from date.entered and week.

4.3.2 Multiple variables stored in one column

After melting, the column variable names often becomes a combination of multiple underlying variable names.

This is illustrated by the tuberculosis (TB) dataset, a sample of which is shown in Table 9.

This dataset comes from the World Health Organization, and records the counts of confirmed tuberculosis cases by country, year, and demographic group. The demographic groups are broken down by sex (m, f) and age (0-14, 15-25, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, unknown).

country year m014 m1524 m2534 m3544 m4554 m5564 m65 mu f014
11 AD 2000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 NA NA
37 AE 2000 2 4 4 6 5 12 10 NA 3
61 AF 2000 52 228 183 149 129 94 80 NA 93
88 AG 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NA 1
137 AL 2000 2 19 21 14 24 19 16 NA 3
166 AM 2000 2 152 130 131 63 26 21 NA 1
179 AN 2000 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 NA 0
208 AO 2000 186 999 1003 912 482 312 194 NA 247
237 AR 2000 97 278 594 402 419 368 330 NA 121
266 AS 2000 NA NA NA NA 1 1 NA NA NA

Table 9: Original TB dataset. Corresponding to each ‘m’ column for males, there is also an ‘f’ column for females, f1524, f2534 and so on. These are not shown to conserve space. Note the mixture of 0s and missing values (NA). This is due to the data collection process and the distinction is important for this dataset.

Table 10(a) shows the results of melting the TB dataset, and Table 10(b) shows the results of splitting the single column column into two real variables: age and sex.

Table 10: Tidying the TB dataset requires first melting, and then splitting the column column into two variables: sex and age.
country year column cases sex age
AD 2000 m014 0 m 0–14
AD 2000 m1524 0 m 15–24
AD 2000 m2534 1 m 25–34
AD 2000 m3544 0 m 35–44
AD 2000 m4554 0 m 45–54
AD 2000 m5564 0 m 55–64
AD 2000 m65 0 m 65+
AE 2000 m014 2 m 0–14
AE 2000 m1524 4 m 15–24
AE 2000 m2534 4 m 25–34
AE 2000 m3544 6 m 35–44
AE 2000 m4554 5 m 45–54
AE 2000 m5564 12 m 55–64
AE 2000 m65 10 m 65+
AE 2000 f014 3 f 0–14
  1. Molten data
country year sex age cases
AD 2000 m 0–14 0
AD 2000 m 15–24 0
AD 2000 m 25–34 1
AD 2000 m 35–44 0
AD 2000 m 45–54 0
AD 2000 m 55–64 0
AD 2000 m 65+ 0
AE 2000 m 0–14 2
AE 2000 m 15–24 4
AE 2000 m 25–34 4
AE 2000 m 35–44 6
AE 2000 m 45–54 5
AE 2000 m 55–64 12
AE 2000 m 65+ 10
AE 2000 f 0–14 3
  1. Tidy data

4.3.3 Variables are stored in both rows and columns

The most complicated form of messy data occurs when variables are stored in both rows and columns.

Table 11 shows daily weather data from the Global Historical Climatology Network for one weather station (MX17004) in Mexico for 5 months in 2010.

It has variables in

  • individual columns (id, year, month)
  • spread across columns (day, d1-d31)
  • spread across rows (tmin, tmax) (minimum and maximum temperature).
  • The element column is not a variable; it stores the names of variables.
id year month element d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8
MX17004 2010 1 tmax NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 1 tmin NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 2 tmax NA 27.3 24.1 NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 2 tmin NA 14.4 14.4 NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 3 tmax NA NA NA NA 32.1 NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 3 tmin NA NA NA NA 14.2 NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 4 tmax NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 4 tmin NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 5 tmax NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 5 tmin NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Table 11: Original weather dataset. There is a column for each possible day in the month. Columns d9 to d31 have been omitted to conserve space.

To tidy this dataset we first melt it with colvars id, year, month and the column that contains variable names, element. This yields Table 12(a).

This dataset is mostly tidy, but we have two variables stored in rows: tmin and tmax, the type of observation. Fixing the issue with the type of observation requires the cast, or unstack, operation.

This performs the inverse of melting by rotating the element variable back out into the columns (Table 12(b)). This form is tidy. There is one variable in each column, and each row represents a day’s observations.

Table 12: (a) Molten weather dataset. This is almost tidy, but instead of values, the element column contains names of variables. Missing values are dropped to conserve space. (b) Tidy weather dataset. Each row represents the meteorological measurements for a single day. There are two measured variables, minimum (tmin) and maximum (tmax) temperature; all other variables are fixed.
id date element value
MX17004 2010-01-30 tmax 27.8
MX17004 2010-01-30 tmin 14.5
MX17004 2010-02-02 tmax 27.3
MX17004 2010-02-02 tmin 14.4
MX17004 2010-02-03 tmax 24.1
MX17004 2010-02-03 tmin 14.4
MX17004 2010-02-11 tmax 29.7
MX17004 2010-02-11 tmin 13.4
MX17004 2010-02-23 tmax 29.9
MX17004 2010-02-23 tmin 10.7
  1. Molten data
id date tmax tmin
MX17004 2010-01-30 27.8 14.5
MX17004 2010-02-02 27.3 14.4
MX17004 2010-02-03 24.1 14.4
MX17004 2010-02-11 29.7 13.4
MX17004 2010-02-23 29.9 10.7
MX17004 2010-03-05 32.1 14.2
MX17004 2010-03-10 34.5 16.8
MX17004 2010-03-16 31.1 17.6
MX17004 2010-04-27 36.3 16.7
MX17004 2010-05-27 33.2 18.2
  1. Tidy data

4.3.4 Multiple types in one table

During tidying, each type of observational unit should be stored in its own table.

The Billboard dataset described in Table 8 actually contains observations on two types of observational units: the song and its rank in each week.

This manifests itself through the duplication of facts about the song: artist and time are repeated for every song in each week.

The Billboard dataset needs to be broken down into two datasets: a song dataset which stores artist, song name and time, and a ranking dataset which gives the rank of the song in each week.

year artist time track date week rank
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-02-26 1 87
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-03-04 2 82
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-03-11 3 72
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-03-18 4 77
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-03-25 5 87
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-04-01 6 94
2000 2 Pac 4:22 Baby Don’t Cry 2000-04-08 7 99
2000 2Ge+her 3:15 The Hardest Part Of … 2000-09-02 1 91
2000 2Ge+her 3:15 The Hardest Part Of … 2000-09-09 2 87
2000 2Ge+her 3:15 The Hardest Part Of … 2000-09-16 3 92
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-04-08 1 81
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-04-15 2 70
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-04-22 3 68
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-04-29 4 67
2000 3 Doors Down 3:53 Kryptonite 2000-05-06 5 66

Table 8: First fifteen rows of the tidied Billboard dataset. The date column does not appear in the original table, but can be computed from date.entered and week.

Table 13 shows these two datasets. You could also imagine a week dataset which would record background information about the week, maybe the total number of songs sold or similar demographic information.

Table 13: Normalized Billboard dataset split up into song dataset (left) and rank dataset (right). First 15 rows of each dataset shown; genre omitted from song dataset, week omitted from rank dataset.
id artist track time
1 2 Pac Baby Don’t Cry 4:22
2 2Ge+her The Hardest Part Of … 3:15
3 3 Doors Down Kryptonite 3:53
4 3 Doors Down Loser 4:24
5 504 Boyz Wobble Wobble 3:35
6 98^0 Give Me Just One Nig… 3:24
7 A*Teens Dancing Queen 3:44
8 Aaliyah I Don’t Wanna 4:15
9 Aaliyah Try Again 4:03
10 Adams, Yolanda Open My Heart 5:30
11 Adkins, Trace More 3:05
12 Aguilera, Christina Come On Over Baby 3:38
13 Aguilera, Christina I Turn To You 4:00
14 Aguilera, Christina What A Girl Wants 3:18
15 Alice Deejay Better Off Alone 6:50
id date rank
1 2000-02-26 87
1 2000-03-04 82
1 2000-03-11 72
1 2000-03-18 77
1 2000-03-25 87
1 2000-04-01 94
1 2000-04-08 99
2 2000-09-02 91
2 2000-09-09 87
2 2000-09-16 92
3 2000-04-08 81
3 2000-04-15 70
3 2000-04-22 68
3 2000-04-29 67
3 2000-05-06 66

4.3.5 One type in multiple tables

A single type of observational unit spread out over multiple tables or files.

These tables and files are often split up by another variable, so that each represents a single year, person, or location.

  1. Read the files into a list of tables.
  2. For each table, add a new column that records the original file name (because the file name is often the value of an important variable).
  3. Combine all tables into a single table. List of tables

140 yearly baby name tables provided by the US Social Security Administration and combines them into a single file.

Popularity in 1880

Rank Male name Percent of
total males
Female name Percent of
total females
1 John 8.1546% Mary 7.2383%
2 William 8.0507% Anna 2.6679%
3 James 5.0060% Emma 2.0521%
4 Charles 4.5169% Elizabeth 1.9866%
5 George 4.3294% Minnie 1.7888%
6 Frank 2.7382% Margaret 1.6167%
7 Joseph 2.2230% Ida 1.5081%
8 Thomas 2.1402% Alice 1.4487%
9 Henry 2.0642% Bertha 1.3524%
10 Robert 2.0397% Sarah 1.3196%

Popularity in 2020

Rank Male name Percent of
total males
Female name Percent of
total females
1 Liam 1.0734% Olivia 1.0014%
2 Noah 0.9966% Emma 0.8898%
3 Oliver 0.7725% Ava 0.7472%
4 Elijah 0.7117% Charlotte 0.7426%
5 William 0.6848% Sophia 0.7410%
6 James 0.6689% Amelia 0.7255%
7 Benjamin 0.6627% Isabella 0.6891%
8 Lucas 0.6160% Mia 0.6372%
9 Henry 0.5845% Evelyn 0.5394%
10 Alexander 0.5543% Harper 0.5013% Single table

Baby names

year name percent sex
1880 John 0.081541 boy
1880 William 0.080511 boy
1880 James 0.050057 boy
1880 Charles 0.045167 boy
1880 George 0.043292 boy
1880 Frank 0.02738 boy
1880 Joseph 0.022229 boy
1880 Thomas 0.021401 boy
1880 Henry 0.020641 boy
1880 Robert 0.020404 boy
1880 Edward 0.019965 boy
1880 Harry 0.018175 boy
1880 Walter 0.014822 boy
1880 Arthur 0.013504 boy

4.4 Tidy tools

Tidy tools, tools that take tidy datasets as input and return tidy datasets as output.

4.4.1 Manipulation

  • Filter: subsetting or removing observations based on some condition.
  • Transform: adding or modifying variables. These modifications can involve either a single variable (e.g., log-transformation), or multiple variables (e.g., computing density from weight and volume).
  • Aggregate: collapsing multiple values into a single value (e.g., by summing or taking means).
  • Sort: changing the order of observations.

4.4.2 Visualization

  • base plot()
  • ggplot2

4.4.3 Modeling

  • y ~ a + b + c * d