Poglavlje 20 Dijagrami u R-u
Primjer dijagrama u R-u pomoću paketa DiagrammeR.
grViz("digraph flowchart {
# node definitions with substituted label text
node [fontname = Helvetica, shape = rectangle]
tab1 [label = '@@1']
tab2 [label = '@@2']
tab3 [label = '@@3']
tab4 [label = '@@4']
tab5 [label = '@@5']
# edge definitions with the node IDs
tab1 -> tab2 -> tab3 -> tab4 -> tab5;
[1]: 'Questionnaire sent to n=1000 participants'
[2]: 'Participants responded to questionnaire n=850'
[3]: 'Participants came to clinic for evaluation n=700'
[4]: 'Participants eligible for the study n=600'
[5]: 'Study sample n=600'